KRITA 5.1.5 - Protect Your Artwork: Adding Watermarks Tutorial in Krita using G'MIC!

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In today's quick tip, let me show you how to add WATERMARKS to your art. Let's get started. A WATERMARK is a semitransparent design or a text, usually embedded on a digital illustration, a painting, a graphic design or a photograph. The text or design can be repeated multiple times all across the digital work or it can be isolated on one specific side. If you see a repeated text all across an image, it is usually done to protect it from being downloaded and used without the permission of the artist. Think about it as a COPYRIGHT PROTECTION, as it helps the artist claim ownership. A WATERMARK can also be used for branding, and in this case, it will appear more opaque to stand out. The text or design, this time, will only appear once. It's like a signature. It can be the name of the artist, the name of a company, or a logo. Make sure that the layer of your image is activated. Go to FILTER. Choose Start G'MIC In the search bar, type WATER. Every filters that contain the word WATER will appear. Choose VISIBLE WATERMARK Type your BRAND NAME in the top input box. I am going go through all the different sliders, one at a time. As you will see, all sliders are very easy to use. Using the OPACITY slider, you are going to make the text appear semi-transparent. Use the next slider, to modify the SIZE. Here, you can change the ANGLE of the text. To make the edges of the text look blurry, almost out of focus, use the SMOOTHNESS slider. Finally, if you open this drop-down menu, you can choose how you want your text to look like: DARK or LIGHT. When you are done, click OK. Let's say that you are not happy with the size of your text and want to change it. First, undo the filter by clicking Ctrl + Z. Go back to the G'MIC filter. It will reopen where you left off. The only thing you need to do, is modify the SIZE again. Click OK when finished. I want you to develop the habit of saving TWICE. Always, always, always… Save all your projects as a KRITA FILE first! Then, save your work using other formats like JPEG or PNG. Please, do not make the mistake of saving your work only as a JPEG or PNG. These file formats were not designed for editing purposes. They were designed for sharing purposes. What they do is create a small size file by FLATTENING the image into a single layer. Meaning, you cannot edit your image anymore. You will have to start from scratch. The Krita file format stores everything you've done, including layers, masks, filters, blending modes etc. etc.. When you save your work in this file format, not only it allows you to revisit your project at any time, but most importantly it allows you to modify your work without starting from scratch. So, please, always remember this. Save all your projects first as a Krita file, and then, save them to a JPEG or PNG file. We are done. Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time. Au revoir et à bientôt!
Channel: Blade & Quill
Views: 367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krita tutorial beginners, krita tutorial, krita, digital art for beginners, digital art, digital painting tutorial, Learn Krita, KRITA 5.1.5, Become an expert in KRITA, Step by step Krita Tutorials, All about Krita, Best Krita Tutorial, digital art tips, digital painting, krita 2024, digital painting tutorial Krita, Adding watermark in Krita, Adding watermark using G'mic, gmic krita, krita for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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