KRITA 5.2.2. - Quick Tip - Transparency Mask explained + Demo.

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in today's quick tip let's look again at the transparency mask as it was highly requested by many of you a transparency mask links with a specific layer in your artwork when you apply a transparency mask to a layer it affects the opacity of that layer's contents the trick is to use only two colors black or white when you use a black colored brush you will hide pixels when you use a white colored brush you will reveal pixels now as a quick reminder to switch between the black and white colors just hit the X letter on your keyboard do not compare a transparency mask to an eraser an eraser will alter an image for good unless of course you can undo your racing on time using the control Z option A transparency mask is a non-destructive way to edit your artwork the pixels are never erased they are just a hidden when using different Shades of Gray the pixels will become more or less transparent depending on how dark or light your Gray colored brush will be the same thing will happen when you use different colors to add a transparency mask right click anywhere on the layer when this menu appears go to add and select add transparency mask click on the little arrow right next to the plus sign button when the layer menu appears select add transparency mask you know that you are on a mask because the color wheel switches to a grayscale mode if you click back on your original layer the color wheel goes back to normal I have the tail of this baby dragon on a separate layer I am going to use the move tool and place the tail closer I want to add a transparency mask to the tail so I'm going to right click on the layer and do so very quickly let me grab my brush since the foreground is already set to the black color I can go ahead and hide the lines that I don't need let's say that I changed my mind and I want to move the tail somewhere else before moving the tail I will need first to click on the original layer to activate it all right so let's get back to the move tool and move the tail a little higher this time by the way and just for your information you always move parts of an image from the original layer please don't move anything when you are in the transparency mask okay so now that we are done back to the transparency layer I am going to grab my brush one more time and hit the X key on my keyboard to switch from black to white this way I can reveal all the lines I had hidden earlier and voila done thank you for watching I will see you next time I
Channel: Blade & Quill
Views: 955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krita tutorial beginners, krita tutorial, krita, digital art for beginners, digital art, digital painting tutorial, Learn Krita, Become an expert in KRITA, Step by step Krita Tutorials, All about Krita, Best Krita Tutorial, Krita 5.2, Krita 2024, All about Krita 5.2, Krita art tutorial 2024, Become an expert in Krita 2024, transparency mask krita, How to use the transparency mask
Id: qVcRQj400U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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