KRITA 5.2.2 - UNLOCK THE MAGIC OF THE PENCIL BRUSH 😮 - How to craft stunning pencil art + demo.

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in today's video I am going to show you how to get the most out of your pencil brush to create a beautiful sketchies that will look just like the ones that you created on paper let's get started first things first we need to grab a pencil brush you can choose any of the default pencil brushes that came with CR or you can choose to use a brush that you have created yourself or uploaded from a bundle you found online for those of you who don't know how to find a particular brush let me show you quickly how it is done go to choose brush preset if you are already in a tag section like this one for instance I am in my photo manipulation tag you will need to get out of there to do so just click on the tag that says all you now now have all the brushes listed if you look at the very bottom of the panel you will see the search bar type pencils and here they are all the default pencils and the ones you may have added just like we rotate and tilt a pencil on paper to achieve thin or thick lines the same applies in the digital art however not all digital pencil brushes are created equal to replicate the realistic feel of a traditional pencil you will need to use a brush with a tilted stroke capability in this demonstration I'll be using this one of course make sure to test all the other brushes available to see which one of these will work best for your project let me show you how I test my pencils I always start first with a pen pressure activated ATT test the tilting of the brush by drawing a few lines then I attest the pressure the best way to do so in my opinion is to create a gradient to measure how the pencil brush responds to my different pen pressures transitioning from light to heavy Strokes as you can see this pencil is working very well then I turn off the pen pressure now please know that if you leave the opacity and flow of your brush at 100% you will not get the gradient effects created earlier you can see that all Strokes look the same here when deactivating the pen pressure you will need to decrease the opacity and flow of a brush as you paint over existing Strokes the effect is cumulative so the more you do it the darker and the less you do it the lighter I hope this makes sense for beautiful pencil art I will advise you to work with and without the pen pressure activated let me demonstrate I have created a new layer above my background the pen pressure is now deactivated because I need to create a rough sketch now that the rough sketch is done I decrease the opacity of the layer and create a new layer above the rough sketch is going to be my reference from now on time to activate the pen pressure Remember by using the pen pressure it eliminates the need to manually adjust the brush's opacity and flow the only thing you need to do here is press harder or lighter on the pen to achieve darker or lighter brush Strokes if you think about it it's just like using a real pencil now please don't press too hard you don't want to damage your stylus or your tablet for the shading I create a new layer and I deactivate this time the pen pressure and I play with a different opacity and flow settings as I go I also use the tilting capabilities of the brush to its full potential and voila we are done for today I hope this was helpful please make sure to give it a try I will see you next time until then Happy creating
Channel: Blade & Quill
Views: 1,325
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Keywords: krita tutorial beginners, krita tutorial, krita, digital art for beginners, digital art, digital painting tutorial, Learn Krita, Become an expert in KRITA, Step by step Krita Tutorials, All about Krita, Best Krita Tutorial, Krita 5.2, Krita 2024, All about Krita 5.2, Krita art tutorial 2024, Become an expert in Krita 2024, krita pencil brush, krita pencil drawing, Krita penci, krita realistic drawing pencil, creating stunning pencil art in Krita
Id: ez2QzRYs7oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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