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[Music] hi everyone my name is Sarah and in this video I want to talk about five mistakes that I made when I first started drawing digitally and I know that it can be a very common mistake that everybody's going to repeat if you are actually starting out so here's the first mistake that is something I struggle with even to this day it's not using enough contrast and and being afraid of sharp edges not using sharp edged brushes because you know it's a little bit scary to put something really strong out on the canvas but the way I overcome that is by having these practices in which I am only using colors and I'm not relying on any line art because that way I am forcing myself to use these sharp edges use these strong forms in order to con VY what my character looks like so having these practices like twice per day or before you want to start drying as just a warmup to awaken your muscle memory that you're going to be using contrast in your painting is really helpful something that I never had before is that I do warm up before my drawing all the time even if it's just some lines before I draw even if it's like random lines and random circles on the canvas it doesn't really matter it just has to be something that awakens my muscle memory and makes me ready to draw and it is really important especially when it comes to digital drawing in the beginning because you're not really used the screen and the apple pencil or any kind of pencil on this screen it really gives you that uncomfortable feeling but when you do a warmup before you delve into bigger abuses you're going to get used to it much more and it's not going to feel as unfamiliar and this second mistake when I first started drawing digitally was actually not using the right brush so I would be complaining about the fact that I am not feeling that beautiful scratchy sort of sketchy sensation of pencil just because it's on the screen but I was wrong I could choose a better brush and have that scratchy feeling of the pencil by having the right brush and I would say if you're not enjoying drawing so much on the screen you might be using the wrong brush there's a very high chance that you're using the wrong brush and it's not fitting to your style if you want to actually figure out what sort of brush is better for you to use you don't need to listen to other artists and you know take their advices on using the right kind of brush for you because your style is different and you can only figure out what kind of brush fits your style by experimenting with a lot of brush BR es and figuring out which one of them is fitting to your style and one other thing that you can do is to create your own set of brushes because in that way you can curate the perfect set of brush for yourself and you can specify it for coloring and also sketching and have separate set of brushes for each and every part of your drawing and when it comes to using the digital brush it's actually really important for you to choose the right side and especially if you're a beginner you're going to have some problems and some like discomfort when it comes to the size of the brush because you're not used to the canvas and the ratio that it has to the size of the brush you have to recalibrate your brain to those ratios but don't worry it's going to come with time and you're not going to get it in the first try so don't sweat it too much but also be experimenting with it and just explore for every possibility that the digital application has it's not about producing a lot of Art in the beginning because that's just going to make everything worse so don't focus on making a beautiful painting or something you have to try to mess up a lot in order to get to know every feature of the app and every options and items that it has another big mistake that I made in the beginning was not using layers at all I would just start are drawing on one layer and I would actually add the painting in that specific layer I was complaining that it's so freaking hard to draw I mean I was like trying to erase the color and then the sketch was completely ruined and I was like why is this happening I didn't even know like that you could add layers to it I was feeling like a genius figuring things out you know I was like wo you can add layers and you can do anything on top of anything and not erase the layers beneath it oh my God I was like yo this is cheating I did not know anything about digital drawing but the fact that I just figured that you can add layers didn't really change my hectic situation I didn't know how to use layers I was like okay so I'm going to use layers I guess I I didn't even know what that meant but I knew that I can separate the sketching and the coloring and that's so convenient for me but I did not know that you can plan out your entire drawing in layers you could just label each and every layer for a specific purpose in your drawing and you can have it all separated so that it's not going to affect other part of your drawings and every part is going to be separated and cataloged and it's going to be so freaking organized figure out how to use layers I'm not going to be able to explain the entirety of using layers in one video in this video specifically because I'm talking about something else and you can actually search it in the YouTube and just you know watch some videos on it and also experiment it on your own drawings as well something else that was not clear to me in the beginning was the fact that I should use certain type of colors and and I should kind of like restrict myself when it comes to colors and what I mean by that is that I did not know that I need to have my own style of coloring as well as the style of sketching and I should curate my own color palette and use that consistently throughout my entire design and once I got that idea I worked on it and I tried to come up with the right set colors that are complimentary and are not really near to each other so I would use colors that are on opposite side of the color wheel and it was becoming so fun to just experiment with it and find the right set of colors and that's something that I'm still working on and I want to develop a very consistent color palette so that my art is recognized by the color of it so having a consistent color Style I guess another mistake that I make even to this day I mean everybody makes this mistake to some extent is using too much detail adding too much detail to my painting it takes time for you to get used to telling stories instead of just like drawing for the sake of drawing your painting should sell an idea a story a concept you can do this by using composition lighting and contrast kind of like story elements not by overusing details to try to make your painting look complete and beautiful and for that you need to have some focus in your painting and having a specific area or a specific gesture of your drawing to be on this PO not every single area of your painting if the focus is on everything in your painting your viewer is going to be distracted and the story is not going to be told perfectly and it's not going to be as compelling and something that actually will lead to this mistake is zooming in too much if you're always just zoomed in and trying to focus on the detail of it you're going to lose the overall perspective and the touch of what you are actually drawing because you're not seeing every part of your drawing all at once and that maybe at some point you're going to Dort the entire drawing by losing the touch on other part of drawing so one of the advantages that we get when we're drawing on a tablet is to be able to zoom in and to focus on details too much but that is not a natural way of drawing if you're actually looking at how we draw on a piece of paper we are not zooming in we're always zoomed out and we're always seeing the entire drawing and something else that I didn't really have when I first started drawing digitally was that I did not use a reference board I was just using one reference and that made it so hard for me to kind of like find my own style inside of that picture that I am trying to use as reference because when you're using one reference you're just like limiting the entire structure and the color and the mood of the drawing to that one picture but if you're using multiple references from multiple sources you're adding much more ideas into your painting and you have multiple sources for multiple part of your drawing so for example you can have a board for the color that you're going to use you know the color palette is going to be inspired by those references and then you have the structure that is inspired by certain set of references that you put in front of yourself and you can also use the work of other artists and try to kind of like Inspire Yourself by the line art or maybe the color of their painting it can be anything that is giving you ideas so in this this way you're having so many references and so many ideas from everywhere and that is going to make your painting much more unique and something else that I think every digital art beginner will do is to use the ey dropping tool to pick the right color for the drawing and that is wrong because when you're doing that you're depriving yourself of learning and creating the right color for your painting it is just the same as tracing when you're tracing you're drawing lines that you're not going to be able to recreate you know you're cheating in a way and when you're picking the color by just like matching it with the reference you're kind of like tracing the color in a way make the process similar to what you do when you're drawing with traditional medium because if you don't do that you're reducing your creativity in a way and I think more limitation can lead to more creativity because that way your brain is forced to create things not take their ready and easy answer for it but to go all in and create it from scratch and in the end it is really all about how much practice you put in and how much you get used to that discomfort of drawing on the screen and making it work like you've done with traditional medium and I know that it's really hard to get by in the beginning but as you go along you're going to pick up a lot of things and it's going to become much more easier and much more interesting and after a lot of practice you're going to become so freaking good at it and that is going to make you really addicted to it so it's going to become so freaking enjoyable in the end and the reason that I talked about these mistakes is that when you're a beginner you're not going to see them as mistakes that's why you're actually not choosing the correct way of doing it I mean that's the whole point of mistakes but if you're aware of it you're going to become much more intentional about what you do in those situations and that's why I think it's helpful to know that they are mistakes and also let me know in the comment section below if you have any other issues with drawing digitally I would love to answer that and also you can watch this video right here see you in the next video have a nice day
Channel: Sara Artminer
Views: 1,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 digital drawing mistakes you should avoid, avoid these digital drawing mistakes, digital drawing mistakes, digital drawing, how to draw digitally, drawing digitally, procreate art, procreate drawing, how to draw a character, character design, character drawing, how to draw in procreate, procreate drawing tutorial, digital drawing tips, digital drawing for beginners, digital art mistakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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