KrazyKAT's Homemade Beef Jerky

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having one cat here tonight we have been making some beef jerky what I have here in this bowl is about seven pounds of boneless beef I of round I didn't lease lysed them about quarter-inch thick okay and you can strum all the fat off if you like or leave someone um I like to leave a little bit of fat on there just because it's more flavorful okay so slice up about quarter-inch thick all right okay so for the beef jerkey sauce you're going to need 4 tbsp of vegetable oil make sure that it's on low your stove is on low can you don't want the heat to be too high so 4 tablespoon of vegetable oil then add sugar fish sauce like soy sauce a low-sodium soy sauce and dark soy sauce okay some concentrated cooking tamarind sauce and the dry seasonings we have msg optional chicken bouillon black pepper garlic powder peppercorn and coriander powder okay thoroughly mix everything together and make sure that the egg is still on low cause you don't want to burn your sauce okay and then we just want all the sugar to thoroughly melt so we're gonna leave this on low to medium heat turned up just a little bit to let it simmer so the sugar um it's all melted okay okay guys once it starts to bubble up like this it's pretty much done and also the sauce is thickened up a little bit too okay and you can go ahead and taste it taste it if it needs more seasoning just add whatever you think you need some more of that more sugar bad even worse about the fish sauce any of the ingredients that we add it if you feel like it needs more go ahead and add it okay hmm perfect mine doesn't need to be anything added to it go ahead and turn off our heat we're gonna set this aside until it completely cools down okay okay guys so once the sauce completely cools down we wanna make sure that it's completely cooled down it's gonna look like this it's gonna be thick and very sticky okay and now this is ready for seasoning our beef jerky alright guys this next step is totally optional you don't have to add this if you don't want to but I like to add a little bit of sodium nitrate salt which is a curing salt um about teaspoon okay this teaspoon and a half it's gonna give it that nice red color they say the Fed Dole start on an appetizing look okay so this is totally optional once we really mixing it to your meat so mixes for about a minute okay okay so after a minute of mixing the curing salt this is what's gonna happen it's gonna turn your turn your meat dark okay don't be afraid that's the way it's supposed to be it's kind of a chemical reaction that it does that so it will turn your dark meat but once you cook cook it it's gonna make you meet red again see I'll show you the difference from before we add the salt it's all red and then dark and ugly like this but it's supposed to look like that okay okay now that's accurate salt is nicely evenly added to all the meats we're gonna add in our sauce and this is I might follow you can add as little as much as the sauce you like that want to add enough at least add enough to add if you like if you like that um your booster could it be spicy I'm glad some chili - chili powder okay my - the covers are very spicy so maybe to a table so then sauce thing 30 mix into the meat and now this is ready to be dehydrated because as you can see here this is ready to be hydrated I'm going to hydrate this for three to four hours at 165 degrees but it might be different for yours because depending on the type of dehydrator you have whether it's a big one a small one the time and temperature might be different so you would have to play around with that but typically mine takes about three or four hours at 165 degrees so check back in two hours for the leftover sauce guys don't throw it away that's just a good excellent barbecue sauce especially for hot wings drizzle some of this on your hot wings mmm delicious great for barbecue chicken ribs pork even shrimp rice so what I did was I reheated the sauce added some water so it's not so thick like it was before this once it cools down I'm gonna refrigerate it and this is gonna be good for up to two months in the refrigerator and whenever you need it just bring it out and we heat it again and just add it to your fat ones and things like that [Music] ok so it's been about three hours I'm gonna check almost getting there but I can tolerate still moist yeah can need about two more hours this is a thicker cut than I know maybe you let them yet [Applause] okay so I'm just analytic continue to drive one of their two more hours okay guys so it took a total of five hours and this is the result delicious homemade beef jerky look at that I made 9 trays of this can't wait to eat home so these are the non spicy ones with no pepper for my husband and boys they don't they can't handle spicy and then for myself wha-oh that pepper and it's um it's not hard it's still soft so if you like yours even more drier you can certainly dry it longer but this is how I like mine just like this and voila beautiful beef jerky guys home a beef jerky beautiful delicious piece of beef jerky here beautiful red color due to that curing salt otherwise you won't get this red color that's the reason why I use it mmm you're gonna love this seasoning you gotta try it guys this I'll try yeah me it's got all that tasty flavors on the coriander seed the pepper soy sauce sugar so he's got this sweet salty savory just delicious guy he's got a bit try easy snack to to grab when you're on the go for a hiking I'm camping they trips anywhere just put in a ziplock bag and these will last up to what we know it is up to a month I've had a bad foot it's lasted up to a month I don't be pretty ready or nothing I just put them in these little snack Ziploc bags describe them whenever I can get a snap so anyway guys thanks for watching I hope you would give this recipe a try please don't forget to share subscribe see you next time bye you
Channel: KrazyKAT Recipes
Views: 13,648
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Keywords: KrazyKat recipes, KrazyKAT recipes homemade beef jerky, beef jerky recipes, Asian beef jerky recipes, Lao beef jerky recipes, hmong beef jerky recipes, tasty beef jerky recipes, popular jerky recipes, jerky recipes, spicy beef jerky recipes, boneless beef eye of round recipes, how to make beef jerky recipes
Id: hQi1i5wXVrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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