C/w Nana: Lao Sweet Beef Jerky (ຊີ້ນສະຫວັນ == Seen Savanh)

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somebody's Welcome Back was cooking with Nana today I will show you how to make my theme salon it's like a heaven beef turkey that would call it but in LA we would call scenes one and you can use the economy so I have this um these top rump steak and I'm their own self so you can have the meat person slice it for you real thin like this if you know as thin as you can you don't want over too thin because once you use too thin when you fry it is too you know it's low it'd be too crispy so if you want to slice your own put this in the freezer let's please little bit because right now I didn't put it in the freezer so once if it's freeze limit it's easy to slice you just slice it very thin as thin as you can and this depends some people like then some people doesn't like then this is how thin I can get when you slice it but if you put in the freezer for 30 minutes or you know lesser than our then coming slice it is easy we have machines like once you sprint and I rinse it already with cold water I have this like 8 pounds of beef that I slice um the ingredients that I have I have 1/3 cup of water 1 cup of sugar you can do 1 cup or 1/2 cup is depend how sweet you want it seen someone is always going to turn out sweet and then I have MSC 2 tbsp of MSU is an option and then one another 2 tbsp of salt and then I have white sesame seeds I'm going to use 1/3 cup of sesame seeds on my on my unseen someone if you don't like the sesame you don't have to put on so this is what I have I have sugar in here salt msg and water and I'm going to mix it because why I use them mix with water and this so if you get all the ingredients in with the meat okay so this is gone and then I'm going to put my beef in mix it make sure you mix it in real good to combine all the flavor into the meat so I mix everything all good I'm going to use 1/2 cup of white sesame seed in here you can use 1/2 cup 1/4 or 1/32 pen how much sesame seed you like make sure you mix it well once it's all in here all mix okay and then we wash my hand I'm gonna refrigerator overnight to the flavor gets all in together once I overnight this and I have the one of the rack I use this rack or whatever rack you have at home or you know the old window screen or whatever once you overnight and the next day you put it right here so and you're going to let it drive with the Sun if you have the Sun outside it's good it takes only a day to make it dry so since I'm gonna manage this overnight if you see water coming up that's fine don't get scared because that's the water up the meet so this is what I'm gonna do now team an 8 is today hit up and then tomorrow I will bring it out and then dry it in the hot Sun so and I will put this in refrigerator okay this one I'm gonna do my scene someone my husband did this for me it's um kind of to dry my beef jerky or seen someone so this is how we're gonna I took get out from refrigerator that I'm an 8 overnight and then just like this I'm gonna take piece of put it right here and let the Sun and bake let the Sun let it dry so I'm going to continue see how I did it I'm going to lie it up and continue my next step I'm going to finish doing it more there it is there you have it this is the one it's the heavenly beef turkey allowed we call seen someone so I put in it like this and now I'm going to have the Sun if in California we have a weather from 90 degree to 110 so the beef would dry fast so I'm gonna you can leave even if you're some if the Sun comes in your kitchen that's fine you can do like this or you can put it in your backyard have a chair and put this on the top of the chair and let the Sun back you know like 10 let it dry and then that's how it is and then my next you know I just have to wait until it dry and then when it's dry it's done then I won't deep-fry it and I will show you the next step this is my sense of one that I'll remember it takes me only not even a whole day because the weather over here in California we hit like a hundred degree today and then it takes like four three like four hours in six hours to dry to dry in the Sun so this is how it looks like seeing someone you don't want over to dry so this is how it looks you see how thin it is when it's dries hot um I used you can use any or you like you use olive oil corn veggies um any kind of oil you have at home I'm going to test it out a little bit to see if it's hot small piece not yet I don't have the temperature thing if you have like a deep fryer at home use that that's easy you're just putting the basket and deep it and bring it out like a minute you know less than a minute because you don't want over fry it when you over fry your beef turkey since 1 it gets overcooked and it became crispy you don't want crispy on the scene someone C no not yet now my always ready I'm going to pit the meat in see how it curve is cooking seen someone does not take long because it's really kind of thin slice and check it out the more you if you put it in longer like I said it will become crispy and you don't want the meat of seeing someone to be too crispy and make sure you get enough oil on your PUD pan to deep fry them just flip it one time and you can tell it with coke because it will float up to and then this is good for a road trip for the kids you know they have with the sticky rice when it's hot it was white mmm the sweetness of this and then seen someone's always going to be sweet and then um you can take you can taste the Jessamine and sesame seed also in it so this one is perfect but it's not salty sweet enough so you can have this with rice or you can eat it plain so this is how my scenes one is like if you want to give it to a friend as a present you can sync it up like this and and freeze it up that my dear mother making since the Wanda man tonight whole jokin mind like I said like pop tell a lie my joke I'm a bum video boy and tada how joke and my lack on
Channel: Cooking with Nana
Views: 216,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lao, beef jerky, Savannakhet, Jerky (Dish), Beef (Food)
Id: g9Y87SUt0AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 06 2014
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