kpop idols taking advantage of being multilingual
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Channel: alignedwiththesun
Views: 1,445,454
Rating: 4.9851599 out of 5
Keywords: kpop, nct, nct dream, wayv, got7, lucas, nct lucas, got7 jackson, chenle, renjun, nct chenle, nct renjun, jun, seventeen jun, seventeen, wayv lucas, wayv ten, nct ten, multilingual, kpop languages, kpop multilingual, kpop chinese, kpop cantonese, jackson cantonese, lucas cantonese, jun mandarin, renjun chinese, chenle chinese, chinese, mandarin, cantonese, 천러, 런쥔, 王嘉爾, 왕잭슨, 黃旭熙, 문준휘, 文俊辉, 钟辰乐, 黄仁俊, loona, 黃珈熙, loona vivi, kpop funny moments, kpop moments i think about a lot, foreign kpop idols
Id: rolxUpaxa1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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