NCT multilingual problems
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Channel: You're my Star
Views: 1,898,341
Rating: 4.9899449 out of 5
Keywords: jcc, sm, nct, nct songs, wayv, nct members, nct units, jaehyun, jeamin, jisung, teyong, yuta, jeno, haechan, doyoung, taeil, ten, johnny, jungwoo, unboxing, renjun, hendery, kun, chenle, lucas, make a wish, 90's love, ridin', comeback, language, nct vs languages, nct foreing members, korean, english, vs, chinese, spanish, speaking, yangyang, german, nct 127, nct dream, kick it, nct daily, kick back, NCT multilingual
Id: uYTO7GnQe3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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