nct lying for absolutely no reason
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Views: 576,331
Rating: 4.9923716 out of 5
Keywords: nct, nct u, nct 127, nct dream, nct 2020, wayv, sm, neo, neo culture technology, gen z, kpop, cpop, funny, crackhead, kpop crack, humor, comedy, entertainment, nct funny, funny moments, nct funny moments, taeil, johnny, taeyong, yuta, kun, doyoung, ten, jaehyun, winwin, jungwoo, hendery, xiaojun, mark, lucas, renjun, haechan, jeno, jaemin, yangyang, shotaro, sungchan, chenle, jisung, exo, red velvet, shinee, taemin, aespa
Id: 7h3yAxBZfSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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