seventeen taking care of quieter members & making sure they're heard
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Channel: alignedwiththesun
Views: 689,595
Rating: 4.9936504 out of 5
Keywords: seventeen, svt, kpop, seventeen family, seungcheol, s.coups, jeonghan, woozi, wonu, wonwoo, jun, wen junhui, hoshi, soonyoung, the8, minghao, xu minghao, myungho, mingyu, dokyeom, dk, dino, lee chan, seungkwan, vernon, hansol, 이찬, 디노, 버논, 승관, 디에잇, 徐明浩, 서명호, 민규, 도겸, 우지, 원우, 호시, 준, 文俊辉, 문준휘, 조슈아, 정한, 최승철, 에스쿱스, 세븐틴
Id: M3SdtUn_QLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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