The BEST Japchae!

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[Music] Lupin's hi guys I'm some girl among guests welcome to Asian at home and today finally finally I'm making redo video of Chuck so Chuck J is a Korean sweet potato noodles or glass noodles with bunch of this festivals beef savory sweet noodles are so good delicious I made this recipe like I don't even know like like a long time ago let's just say that long time ago but if you did like to watch the original videos right here go check it out I made every speed while I was living in Mississippi was super fun and I also actually did a collaboration with my chapter recipe with just one cookbook so if you like check that video out to go ahead and click right here to watch it so let's get started I have about half a pound of beef that I didn't need like a julienne like a long strips you can use beef chug actually that's my favorite beef to use so or tri-tip actually works cheap so I have 1/2 pounds of it and in here I'm going to add tablespoon of soy sauce we're gonna marinate the beef separately to have really nice flavor same amount of sugar 1/2 tablespoon of mirin and 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil sesame will always bring me back to home this am my favorite sesame oil to use as a cat oh yeah katal yeah sesame oil go ahead and check it out down below on the link you can buy from Amazon or your local Asian grocery store and some black pepper and a clove of garlic I'm just going to grade in into just mix everything together already I haven't made my chapter for a while I think it's been about like a few months now some my mouth is already watering I'm so excited to eat my chops hej okay so the beef is good to go I'm going to just tell sighs okay next I'm going to start to cut up all the vegetables first 1/2 of large onion we just want to Sydney slice oh by the way don't forget to bring a big part of a water to boil to cook our glass neuters sweet potato noodles vermicelli or tangyuan whatever you call it like there's so many names for this the glass noodles glass noodles so for misseldon users or super tender little really rough so let's just go hang me on Pyongyang is a Korean name I'm just gonna cut onion why do I need to call in English name and we actually have a Korean name already about corner of bell peppers red bell pepper just for the color if you do not have a bell pepper or you don't like bell pepper you can definitely skip it basic vegetable for hfj is a spinach terawatt mushroom and onions so other than that is really totally up to you I don't know if you noticed or not but everything I'm cutting into almost the same sides just a long Julia just long thin strips because we are trying to match you with the knitters that's why it may be one or two terrorists depending on the sides and let's put the star to one first I'm almost by my knife skill - I know I know I know mushrooms so I'm gonna just remove this little stem part of the shiitake mushrooms cuz you will need a five to four shiitake mushrooms depending on the size you can get different mushrooms to like just button buy mushrooms Oh any mushroom is a very and do not throw away this is stem from the mushrooms because you can use this like putting into the soup or making the stalks and everything so don't throw away I love putting this into my pendant again slice mushroom really teeny not really teeny but they me now my water is boiling really hard so I'm going to add some salt into the water so it will season my spinach and also when i season my tongue young a little basic seasoning your amine now I'm going to put all this is spinach this is about 12 13 ounce of a spinach and it's about like you know one big bundle I washed it thoroughly in the cold water cause spinach tempted to have a lot over you know like like what do you call that not send but like you know a lot of this stuff dirty stuff I'm going to put this into boiling water we do not need to cook spinach too long we just need to blanch them like 5-10 seconds literally you just put it into the boiling water and we're gonna take it out right away if you're just doing it at home you can just run to the sink and rinse under the cold water but I'm filming of cooking videos I have ice water take all this is spinach out every little single spinach do not lose it and drop it into the ice water right away make sure they are all the way put it down and stop cooking squeeze all the water out from a spinach not too hard to break down spinach but just enough should get rid of all the excess water this is a good like this about this much next we're gonna make egg omelette and I got this egg from the farmers market there are small eggs and they are really really cute and tiny if you're using regular large egg you will need only two but because of they are so tiny I might need like three or four other no let's see super fresh - I think I think a three will do you know what but since I love my omelettes in my chopped chair I'm just gonna do four why not I'm just going to put tiny bit of salt whisk everything together and I'm gonna turn on the heat to medium low and add our participant of oil using a paper towel rub oil all over the pan pour the egg mixture see I think is about ready make sure they are nasty on the bottom just flip it over like this see how gorgeous color they are mmm so pretty and so yeah meanwhile work hard while cooking the egg and let's talk about the noodles this is point 99 pounds so it's pretty much 1 pound is a 1 ounce missing for a pound so I'm just going to use your food entire this bag and you can find it this from Amazon on the online or your local Korean grocery stores I'll show you it looks like this like a greyish that's like soaking in the water then cook it but it's not really necessary definitely to cook a few more minutes and I just rather do that I'm just gonna cook it in the boiling water there where we blanch the spinach and after 10 minutes just keep checking if there's a cooked or not okay alright my egg is good and I'm gonna turn the heat you know high to medium high air I start going to cook all the vegetables first the onion so we are cooking the vegetables from the lowest or the lightest color to the darker color each time does it add a tiny tiny bit of oil onion goes in make sure you start fry separately and give a little pinch of salt like really tiny to bring more color out more brighten up cook the onion on the couple-minute we're just trying to get rid of odor you know the sharp onion flavor we don't need to like cook them on too soft do we want all the vegetables still have the nice their own texture I think this onion is a good when I set aside onion and since we set aside the onion I'm going to put my spinach there to add a little more tiny bit of oil I'm going to start by the carrot I mean you could use already shredded carrots and hello make your life easier if you can okay I just have some terrorists I need to use and they are not sure they'd already so it is what it is carrots are good too let's just set aside I'm putting all the star fried vegetable into a plate where I'm gonna mix all my japchae next the bell peppers [Music] mushrooms mushrooms I'm just gonna start fry without the oil or the salt just dry dry start fry the reason I didn't add any oil to the mushrooms because if you add just add a tiny bit of it mushroom is like a sponge it will like soaking up oil like really crazy so it's kind of pointless to add the oil anyway and I didn't let the salt because when you add salt into the mushroom before you start fry it will release all the moisture and we do not want that happen that's why you know chopped egg is actually Korean holiday food so we don't get to eat chopped chair every day but nowadays like who cares I'm gonna dirt I can eat rapture whenever I want okay my mushroom roots to get to that side finally the time for the beef it's gonna add a really tiny bit of oil again if you don't like this you could use a chicken pork turkey or whatever protein that you'd like well you could just like skip this part and make a vegetarian or vegan version of it but I cannot miss my baby in my ChaCha okay satisfied right here let me check the tongue man real quick how they're doing they're doing great still few more minutes to go so I'm going to slice my the egg omelette I'm just going to cut it in half maybe cut the little edge off this can be my snack later and then just slice it really didn't II can put the eggs on top like my original recipe I actually put over egg omelette on top of the chapter to do you know like a kind of pop pop it up everything but today I'm just going to mix it with everything together Gorge all righty let's make the sauce it's a soft I'm sauce is a super simple and easy first you and it's soy sauce 1/3 cup of soy sauce so what sweetener you're using is up to you you can you start a cup of sugar 30 cup of honey or third cup of a little less than third cup of agave nectar not today I'm just gonna use agave nectar since you know I'm like little extra today honestly though the Aqaba nectar is a little sweeter than honey or the sugar so I might need to add a tablespoon of more soy sauce in here let's see two tablespoons of sesame oil and about a tablespoon but sesame seeds oil and extra blue let me check my noodles real quick oh they're about to be done they're about to be done mmm oh yeah mmm they're done okay I will take out very very soon but before that let's finish up the sauce little bit of black pepper and that's it let me taste it real quick because oh no oh it's perfect no mmm oh man gonna wanna make me wanna see I told you I'm gonna like stretch day let's take the noodles out every time I make chopped Chi I always make huge huge batch of it but every time I regret that I didn't make enough oh my gosh my strainer is about to break they're so heavy okay putting into a bowl we're gonna add a little bit extra about a table to 2 tbsp of a sesame oil to the oil to the oil to the new ders so this is really not necessary but I just like to do and I'm going to add two thirds of the sauce into the noodles so a lot of our recipes they call star fry the noodles with the vegetables at the end on a large skillet or walk I learned this from a mom this trick that that step is absolutely unnecessary because that step makes only the new ders likes mushi and soggy like doesn't have anymore that like a bite at the tree texture anymore like about an hour or chew so it's actually better to mix like a bibimbap like a peeping let's just mix everything together at the end with the heat of the natural the heat from the leftover heat from the noodles with the vegetables that's the best way and the noodles will stay as delicious as right now for a long time oh yeah my mom is the best yeah I'll know right now my mom showed you how to make stuff like she is amazing cook and I I have so much respect for her let's bring the definer the funny night cannot count down but the fine night play towards I'm extra tray they're super hot just be careful getting my working gloves because they are like really really hard I put the sauce the literal had only for the noodles so the noodles will have that the color and the flavor already observable in them so it's gonna be just trust me this was made really delicious follow my direction follow my direction that you won't fail the rest of the sauce goes in oh my goodness what I'm gonna do with myself right now this is really hot can you already tell where it's going I mean can you even I haven't even mixed all the way to yet I mean can you even thumbs up already if you're drooling and got hungry right now thumbs up this video and share with your friends and family and leave a comment down below how hungry you are yes cuz I am like my my topic running so by the heat of the noodles or the vegetables and the meat will heat back up again nice and warm and chapchae is usually it's like it can be hot food but usually serve the like warm not like a piping hot I want to marry this chopped J I want to marry you I love you so much [Music] [Music] I'm gonna add up a tablespoon of sesame so it's soy sauce so if you are using sugar and honey sugar or the honey you can just equal amounts third cup of each soy sauce and sugar or honey but agave nectar you need maybe added one tablespoon let's taste [Music] hmm [Music] Oh chapter why are you so good and I'm like I don't think [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm I'm not trying to say this is a healthy food but this is not bad for you either like paste this good and it's not bad for you I'm down for it [Music] Hotel Kappa I don't even know my name in here hmm can you take that off so I will stop hearing okay laughter Kaname some sesame seeds right on top it's a sunny day alright guys this is it for today if you guys I love my job Travis be there I have a bit done here please give this video and subscribe my channel if you haven't and if you don't want to miss out any other awesome recipes with my personality yes if you smiled a little one time make sure you subscribe okay so you won't miss out all the you know amazingness of my recipes and you know me alright guys thank you so much for watching and remember you can always cook Asian food at your house making it easy and fun i'm something longest and this is Asian at home and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Seonkyoung Longest
Views: 1,043,264
Rating: 4.8814421 out of 5
Keywords: apchae, japchae recipe authentic, japchae pronunciation, japchae recipe, japchae calories, japchae salad, Korean glass noodles, Korean noodles, the best japchae, authentic, authentic recipe, seonkyoung, seonkyoung longest, Asian at home, Asian home cooking, Asian at home recipes, Asian recipe, Asian home cook meal, Korean food, recipe, cooking, recipes, Easy Asian recipes
Id: -HxJQS1gwXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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