Korean Adoptee Reunites With Her Birth Mother by Jeanne Modderman

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you know it's gonna be really difficult and trying to maintain and develop a relationship when you're both on the other side you know you're on two different sides of the world you don't speak the same language you don't I'm not gonna get to see them frequently and so it's kind of like how do you build a relationship with someone when you don't have the kind of most basic things necessary to build relationships such as language and proximity you know but I'm gonna have to learn Korean in order to do that and that's very overwhelming and it feels unfair I search for her to know her and have a relationship with her who - instead of telling this tiny - whatever he needs money I just didn't expect that that that would make me so emotional and that would make me so sad like I just really oh you have translator and it works out great but it doesn't work out because there's so much that cannot be communicated [Music] I myself have so many mixed and ambivalent feelings toward international adoption you know because here I am dealing with all the loss in the grief of it but at the same time back then I wouldn't have wanted to grow up in Korean society because I would have been second class you know there was just still a lot of stigma and a lot of shame attached to it that's really cool that but we both really like hydrangea it's really hard to describe how it went I guess meeting her was super emotional really what started to overtake me was just joy I think it all still feels very surreal like even in the 12 days that we've been here it still feels very surreal and even part of my motivation of wanting to search for her was to be able to tell her you know I'm okay and I don't want you to beat yourself up you know I want you to be able to heal and to forgive yourself and so I think and that since - I wanted her to feel that from me [Music] you
Channel: Character Media
Views: 1,282,147
Rating: 4.7831469 out of 5
Keywords: adoptee, Korean american, korean, adoption, birth mother, Korea, South Korea, South Korea (Country), Korean Adoptee, Jeanne Modderman, kore asian media, kore magazine, koream journal, koream, character media
Id: 2hfT8PJYG4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2013
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