COMPLETE Tensura Season 2 Recap in 8 MINUTES | Watch this BEFORE Season 3

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tens suda season 2 complete recap let's get into it the season begins with rimuru entrusting the children to a new teacher tis he then returns to Tempest and plans to establish diplomatic relations with the kingdom of urania karan's nation by exchanging delegates urania sends the bekers after testing each other's strength the negotiations are successful and both countries share Technologies and establish trade routes later Ru visits gazelle in dorgon unaware that Clayman is preparing another scheme against him by blackmailing muan rudu updates gazelle on his achievements and they make their Alliance official later rudu and the squad take a secret trip to Heaven just to get scolded elsewhere muan shows off her strength for Yom rimu gives his last lesson to the children and Y returns to Tempest with muan unaware that she is spying for claiming meanwhile the leaders of the kingdom of thalouth see Tempest as a threat to their power and make preparations to invade it by using their summoned other worlders as weapons with rodu away from Tempest news spreads about mum's plan to attack urania as the other worlders infiltrate Clayman forces Mulan to summon an anti-magic barrier within Tempest and the phuan create another barrier that traps everyone inside the Falmouth forces then invade the country and begin their genocide on his way back home rimuru is ambushed by Hinata sakaguchi one of shisu's students who has orders to kill him rimuru survives his fight with Hinata by tricking her with a clone and returns to Tempest just to find it in ruin with many casualties he learns that the fouth forces will return in a week and that Shion and Gobo have been killed Aaron tells rimu that he may be able to resurrect his Fallen companions by becoming a Demon Lord as their souls are still Trapped In the City by the barriers he then frees muan from clayman's control by replacing her heart and asks Yom to become the new king of Falmouth after he wipes them out later at a meeting deu Reveals His past as a human and vows to bring peace between all kingdoms he plans to take on the Falmouth forces himself as he needs 10,000 human souls to become a Demon Lord the rest of temp will focus on taking down the barrier the day of the battle arrives and the four devices creating the barrier are destroyed two of the other Wilders are killed but the last one was saved by a powerful Mage the Mage razen then kills him and possesses his body shortly after Ru pulls up and wipes out the entire Falmouth Army using megido absorbing their souls and completing his Evolution into a Demon Lord he gains a ton of Buffs and revives Shion and the rest of the Dead his Awakening also summoned a primordial demon who vows to serve him after recovering from his transformation rimuru learns that urenia was destroyed and Kion was defeated by milim and the Demon Lord Frey though all the citizens had evacuated to Tempest it seems that clayon was behind the attack reu then names the primordial demon Diablo and revives VRA into a new body rimuru now has four ultimate skills Raphael valder bbub and Uriel they return to Tempest and have a huge celebration afterwards Ru meets elud Aaron's father and the arch Duke of thalion the El Nation elsewhere it is discovered that the Demon Lord Valentine is the leader of the western holy church and that Yuki is The Mastermind behind all the recent trouble Clayman and the moderate Harley Quinn Alliance are all working for him and his true intentions are not known the representatives of Tempest and their Allied Nations hold a meeting where they decide to keep Tempest neutral by lying that VRA awoke in response to falmouth's Invasion wiping them out and then was tamed by rodu they also decide to start a civil war within Falmouth to allow Yom to seize power and become their King then the nation of thalion officially enters diplomatic relations with Tempest and the meeting ends meanwhile cleman speaks of his plan to invade urenia to gather souls for his Awakening and llas advises him to wait for w perus rarus explains that W perus is a demon Lord's banquet which starts in 3 days it is an event where they gather and discuss urgent matters with rimuru and his new powers being the main topic of discussion later so reports that clayman's Army is gathering in mim's territory with yamza clayman's strongest subordinate leading the Army deu realizes they are going to Massacre urania the Army plans to do it while the other demon Lords are at w perus so that they won't interfere to counter this Ru decides to send his army to urenia using a special skill he acquired which allows him to teleport large populations he then decides to crash wal perus with Shion and ranga before the battle he tries to teleport skill out by transporting all the Uranian citizens to Tempest ru's Army then gathers and are teleported to the battlefield after Yol and Company set off are defeated by the clowns but their lives are spared rimuru heads to algus and shuna hakuro and so journey to clayman's domain they encounter an army of Undead led by Adelman one of clayman's subordinates shuna uses her magic to isolate him for a 1 V one her Superior magic purifies the land breaking The Binding curse former Demon Lord Karim had put on Adelman being freed Adelman pledges his and the undead Army's loyalty to rodu at wal prus reu meets guy dagl Roy Dino Frey Leon and clayon Clayman presents his false story of how Kon violated the demon Lord's pact by instigating falus attack and encouraging rimuru to become a Demon Lord all with the end goal of killing him he Bluffs that mil and Fry only helped punish Kon for his actions and caus for the destruction of rodu rodu calls him out on all the lies revealing that Mulan is still alive as a witness and showing evidence of Clayman being behind the manipulation as the head of council guy tells them to fight it out Clayman has Milan fight with his subordinates leaving rimuru's side unbalanced but beta joins the fight on ramar is's behalf right before milum can punch rimuru valder suddenly appears and takes the hit turns out valdra came to pester rodu for more manga rodu has him keep milum at Bay while he checks on the others Beretta takes out the puppet Clayman summoned while Ru frees the fox demon that was under clayman's control Clayman Powers up and is folded by Shion admitting to his crimes Ken then reveals he is still alive and milum reveals that she was never mind controlled and was faking it all along long in utter despair Clayman begs for power undergoing a pseudo Awakening which was ru's doing he used Raphael to awaken Clayman planning to defeat him and prove his strength to the other demon Lords Ruru body bags clayon and consumes him easily after thanks to velder Roy is revealed to be a standin for the true Demon Lord luminous Valentine possibly the god of the holy church Lord luminus Ruru then learns that the moderate Harley Quinn Alliance works for the former Demon Lord kazarin who body Leon killed to take his spot they suspect that Karim is still alive and trying to reincarnate finally Karen and Frey give up their seats as demon Lords upon seeing they are too weak they still rule their lands though they now work for millim to end while perus rimuru renames the group The Eight star demon Lords octogram in the Holy Empire llas tries to sneak in while the demon Lords are at w pgus but is chased off by Hinata the stand in Roy confronts llas who learns that clim was killed and promptly tears out Roy's heart showing his ridiculous strength the season ends with Ruru then returning to Tempest and reuniting with his friends now with this knowledge you should be able to fully enjoy season 3 enjoy guys [Music] peace
Channel: Bruhviews
Views: 15,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nWhzTp_HhHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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