KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! Ep. 1 | DUB

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i never go out if i don't have to but today's one of those days when i have to the limited edition of a popular mmo is going on sale and i'm gonna snag one [Music] five hours later target acquired man these in-store exclusives sure can cramp a guy's lifestyle after three all-nighters in a row the sun's my worst enemy gotta get inside and play this [Music] she's from my high school why'd i pick today of all days to play hero [Music] welcome to the afterlife [Music] a few moments ago you passed on my condolences [Music] your life was quite short and now you are quite dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] bye [Music] so uh what about the girl she okay yes she's fine thank god at least my death counted for something good actually even if you hadn't pushed her out of the way like you did she'd still be fine huh a tractor can't go that fast so it would have stopped before it hit her whoa hold it back up a sec what is it that was a tractor yes a little red one but then how'd i die i mean did i like get run over by it or something oh no you died of shock apparently you thought it was a truck you're kidding [Laughter] sorry i've been doing this for a long time and you're the first human i ever met who died so ridiculously the hell she's making fun of me dying you were so scared to be run over you wet your pants then you passed out and at the hospital the doctors and nurses laughed while you had a heart attack no your family's at the hospital right now and we're just told about how you die and even they're laughing oh god no stop it stop it there's nothing like laughter to ease the stress of one's day damn huh i'm the goddess aqua when a young person dies in japan it's my job to guide them to the afterlife now that you are here you have a couple of options you can either reincarnate and return to earth or you can go to heaven and putter around like an old man for eternity but just between you and me heaven is nothing like the dreamy place you humans imagine it being like huh there's no tv or manga or games and since you don't have a physical body you can't have sex [Music] you'll just bask in the sun till the end of time whenever that happens what sounds totally boring i know you don't want to go somewhere like that do you uh i guess not starting over from scratch isn't all it's cracked up to be either but i have another option i know you'll love you're young i bet you like games huh in a faraway land peace and prosperity are being threatened by the devil king and his army the innocents are being trampled by monsters destroyed in the blink of an eye fear rules the land as the devil king's army rapes and pillages and slaughters and flutters [Music] life is so hard there the population is in decline because no one wants to reincarnate back into it fun to help we decided to send young people who died in other worlds to that one and let them keep their bodies and memories pretty clever huh but what's the point of sending me there if i'm gonna be killed anyway i'm glad you asked if you decide to go i will let you choose one thing and take it with you it can be anything like a powerful weapon or a special ability you can have a new life and keep all your memories from your old one plus you can have an awesome power or weapon that world needs a hero and you can be its hero that's some deal don't you think um just wondering won't i have to learn this world's language oh right well we already thought of that thanks to the kind support of us gods we'll load the language into your brain you'll be able to speak and read it right when you arrive there's a chance you'll get overloaded and go poof but that's rare anywho just pick a skill or weapon and i'll go ahead and send you on your way you just mentioned something that sounded serious something about going poof no i did it yeah you did i have tons of options and they're all amazing so pick one and i'll send you on your way maybe it's my gamer's intuition talking but these skills and gear are kind of whack hell if i'm going someplace where there's magic i gotta pick something magic-ish come on hurry it up it doesn't matter what you pick anyway in the end you'll still just be a shut-in gamer geek today don't you call me a geek and i gotta shut it i died outside my house detail shmeetails just hurry it up already i've got loads more dead humans to guide besides you you know damn her just cause she's sort of hot she thinks she can get away with talking down to me you want me to hurry up huh okay you got it i can pick any one thing to take with me is that right uh-huh i pick you okay stand in the magic circle and don't step up hold on what was it you picked again your request has been heard and fear not lady aqua for in your absence i shall tend to your duties cousin masato's wish complies with the regulations and has been accepted wait you can't be serious this is obviously a mistake no no no we do cancel the request you can't do this to me have a safe journey lady aqua should you defeat the devil king i shall send an escort to bring you back here i can't fight i'm a goddess the only skill i have is healing i'm a healer not a fighter i can't defeat the devil king i can't defeat anyone it must suck to be you right now getting dragged away by the guy you were making fun of [Laughter] you're coming with me and there's nothing you can do about it i'll tap your power to live the good life and i'll tap it all day every day [Music] i wish you luck and i pray that of the many candidates who have been sent you shall be the hero who defeats the devil king if you can save that world from his evil but god shall grant you any wish your heart desires whoa seriously hold on a sec i'm supposed to say that now then begin your journey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh no way i'm really in another world i can't believe it so like does that mean i get to learn magic and like go on real quests and stuff i get to be a hero goodbye to my miserable hermit's life hello my new one this fantasy world's gonna break me out of my shell what are you doing would you stop already people are starting to stare and you're ruining my moment so anyway now that we're here aren't you supposed to give me something i mean look at me i'm still in a tracksuit i can't do what i got to do in a fantasy world wearing clothes like these don't i get some basic gear [Music] i'm sorry god you hate it so much just go back to where you came from i can manage on my own haven't you been paying attention i can't go back that's the problem i'm stuck here with a crepe little i do i'm stuck here and i don't know what to do calm down goddess calm down all we have to do is find the guild and most rpgs that's usually the place you gotta go if a player's looking to get some information wow i didn't realize a housebound gamer nerd like you was capable of having good ideas whatever goddess you coming right behind you by the way i don't mind you calling me goddess but i'm worried it'll cause a commotion here call me aqua instead hey wait since you are a goddess and all you should know where something like an adventurer's guild is at no sorry i don't i deal with tons of worlds i can't know every little detail about them man she's useless enjoy [Music] well looks like this is it are you sure about this [Music] and if you're looking for work head on over to the counter cool thanks a lot [Music] i've never seen you before y'all got some weird-ass clothes going on over there yeah well we just rolled into town buddy been on the road a minute you know what i mean truth is i heard y'all could use my help fighting the devil king if dying's what you want diane's what you'll get welcome to the gates of hell gilda mission desks over there tough guy hey what i noticed how you were talking to that man back there how did you know how to do that because that's how it's done look in rpgs you register with a guild and find a place to stay first i don't know anything about rpgs but if that's what you say we should do then i'm all for it now that's the spirit come on let's go hey um you seem like such an intelligent guy it's hard to believe you were a nerd with no friends or girlfriends in life so why'd you spend every day indoors acting like a shut-in meat look shut-in and neat are totally different so stop calling me that you bimbo hi how can i help you two today what do we have to do if we want to be adventurers i can help with that just pay the registration fee and i can get your paperwork started oh awesome wait there's a registration fee you got any money on you you dragged me here without any warning so i didn't have a chance to grab my purse yep totally useless ready to order sorry give us another minute please sure take your time oh we're stuck so now what if this was a game we'd at least get some basic gear and enough cash to cover us for a bit how can they treat us like this so much for your reliability go figure you're a shot in need after all don't call me that all right it looks like it's my turn now watch how a goddess handles this crisis [Music] priest what is your denomination i am aqua worshipped by the noble religious order of axis the goddess aqua is valor one of my loyal followers i'd appreciate it if you could lend me some money actually i'm in the heiress sect oh you are i'm sorry to bother you wait miss you say you're with the axis sect according to the old stories the goddess aqua is senior to the goddess heiress i noticed earlier you couldn't cover the registration fee so this must be fate here consider it a blessing from the lady heiress although you shouldn't impersonate a goddess no matter how devoted a follower you are sorry thank you very much kind sir for some reason he didn't believe i was really a goddess nice man though he even pointed out that eris is my junior to think one of my subordinates followers took pity on me and loaned me some money when i asked yeah wow [Music] so uh we have the registration fee oh okay she felt so bad she took the money without even looking at us allow me to explain how all this works adventurer is a generic class and your skills are important which brings us to your registration card it keeps track of your level based on all the monsters you've killed when your level increases you'll earn points you can trade in to learn new skills work hard and you'll raise your level in no time on to the next step would you please hold your hand over the crystal sir okay here it goes [Music] once it's finished the evaluation process you'll get your current stats based on those we'll know which class suits you best sweet i get to find out what all my latent abilities are every one of the guild's gonna freak out over how rad i am [Applause] all right let's see your stats kazuma sato interesting name ah here we are hmm average across the board your intelligence is high that's good oh wow your luck is way above average but unfortunately that's not an essential stat for the adventurer class with this much luck i'd recommend you be a merchant instead or something like that she's trying to squash my dreams of being an adventurer well screw that no offense but i'd still like to be an adventurer please don't look so sad once you start leveling up you can pick something better yeah i sure hope so so much for being rad [Music] whoa your intelligence is below average and your luck is the lowest i've ever seen but even so the rest of your stats are unbelievably high does that mean i'm unbelievably amazing no amazing would be an understatement the mage class requires intelligence so that's out of the question but other than that you can be anything you want crusader swordmaster arch priest they're all advanced classes and you can pick any one of them well it's a shame there's no goddess class but what can you do i shall settle for being an arch priest who heals her allies i think that's a wonderful choice it's a very versatile class with all types of healing and support spells one that's strong enough to stand fearlessly on the front lines i welcome you to our adventurers guild lady aqua best of luck to you we look forward to your exploits have i never heard of anyone starting as an arch a hard-ass chick like you might actually have a shot at beating the devil king this is such bs she stole my thunder today we start a life of adventuring i thought you hated the whole idea of it i like this part of it though [Music] oh well everything up to now has been about creating our characters anyway finally our adventure is about to start [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] god damn it i have a bad dream oh man oh crap what's wrong do you need to go to the bathroom again i'll go with you if you're scared of the dark i am not i just realize we've been go up in there sorry we'll keep it down man we didn't come here to be day laborers you're right no we didn't hurry up and defeat the devil king already so i can go back home [Applause] her intelligence stats lower than the average humans anyway all the monsters near town were killed off a while ago and with no monsters no one was paying for any fetch quests i get why but it's all too real worldly for me thank you [Music] what oh nothing that bath was great say huh i've been thinking about stuff what do you say we leave town and do a kill quest on our own how we're level one we don't even have any basic gear it'll be fine as long as i'm around you have nothing to worry about you can count on me that doesn't make me feel better uh have you forgotten who i am oh yeah that's right you're a goddess okay you're on great this'll be fun and with that our adventure in this new world of ours began but for real this time [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] dear mom i live in a parallel world now it feels great here like i'm starting over i found a home and a job and i'm full of you
Channel: Crunchyroll Dubs
Views: 565,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crunchyroll, anime, anime dub, english dub, anime pv, anime trailer, new anime, crunchyroll dubs, full, anime episode, full episode, funimation, konosuba, konosuba ep 1, konosuba episode 1, dubbed anime, free anime
Id: N0bbR6gvGEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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