Konmari for Hoarders and Artists - Tour of My Studio Part 1

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[Music] hi everybody i hope you're all having an amazing 2021 so far i know it's been forever since i've done a video i think it was like thanksgiving or something like that that i posted the last one um yeah i kind of go through phases with these you know sorry i've been awol um i'm a super introvert so i don't know like i usually just like to stay home and make art and do my own thing you know and like i don't know talking to the camera i enjoy it sometimes but i don't know sometimes it's weird for me so i took a break for a while um i got some new toys over the holidays i got a new plasma cutter and my computer crapped out so i got an ipad pro and so now i can draw all kinds of digital art because i got the apple pencil so i've got the stylus and all kinds of cool stuff so i'm like set up for the new year i'm excited and i just thought i would take a little bit of time to do a studio tour for you guys because i've been wanting to do that for a while and i'm kind of in between projects so this is a good time to look at it kind of in its uh like clean state i guess is what we would call that yeah so because usually i have like a jillion things laid out on all the tables for projects and stuff but i'm kind of in between things right now so it's a good time to just kind of look at what what it looks like normally yeah um so uh i got really into marie kondo and you know her book of the life-changing magic of tidying up so you know i'm like a total hoarder i mean being an artist like everybody who knows me knows i'm an artist and they they know that i use weird stuff in my art so i get all these people saying hey we have like this weird container that we're going to throw away but do you want to use it for your art we're like hey we have a bunch of like toilet paper rolls like not that but like something random that most people would think is trash a lot of people will save for me to use for my art and i save most of this stuff because i'm a hoarder and because i actually do use a lot of this stuff for art and some of it just kind of sits there forever but anyways um so i read all of marie kondo's books because i was kind of just trying to get things organized i just had so much stuff in my studio that like i couldn't even work in there and so this has been like a multi-year process kind of working on it here and there a little bit and i feel like now like i really have it organized you know so if you haven't read marie kondo's books like her thing is basically that you should keep of all your things like you should keep only what sparks joy um and you know i don't know if like i've gone that minimalist with it and she says you know that like you should do it your own way and like not everybody is gonna be as minimalist as her and stuff so like basically what i've been able to do reading marie kondo's books and kind of following her method my way is i've been able to become an organized hoarder and yes it is possible so i'm just going to take you guys on a little tour and just kind of show you uh some of the organized hoarding that has happened in my studio and this is like a pretty basic ish setup i mean you know i know some people have really small houses and apartments and stuff but like if you do have just kind of a standard you know two to three bedroom house with a garage you can have a setup like this you know and i make life-size sculptures i do paintings and drawings and fiber art and like really like almost every kind of art i kind of dabble into at least a little bit so i have like an inside studio which is one of our extra bedrooms and then i have an outside studio it's not really outside but it's a it's in the garage you know so i use half the garage and i use one bedroom and that is enough for like pretty much everything that i do even if i made like a really really giant sculpture i could probably make it in pieces and then put it together later you know so yeah if you have an extra bedroom and a garage you can have a studio just like this let's check it out all right we're coming into my studio now here it is in all its glory it is the best lit room in the house it's got that nice south facing window there let's see what's inside so over here i have lots of plants because like i said best light in the house uh so i have lots of plants and i have a little um like photo booth area so this thing here i've got like my canvas drop cloth which is just white i've got the plants there so they can be a nice backdrop or sometimes i move them to just have like a plain white backdrop and then this thing with the mirror on it is a thing that rotates so here we'll get a sculpture actually all right so here is one of the buddhas that i've made and so i can use this little rotating thing to just get like a little video of it from all angles sometimes i take that little mirror thing off and just just use it as like a white backdrop and yeah so that's that and then in here this whole thing is like used to be my dresser uh yeah so in here this is all like my fabric stuff which i don't do like lots of fabric art but i mend things and sometimes i get the urge to make something so i have all of my little lace and ribbons and different things all organized in this drawer and there's like some velcro and such over here different random things but all very organized here i have fabric scraps and i have them sorted by like warm and cool colors and then like neutrals back there and then over here is like ribbon scraps we've got the warm colors up here and then if you pick up this box you have cool colors i think there's a couple warm colors in there too because they didn't really fit but yeah marie kondo talks a lot about um using like little shoe boxes and little like you know random electronics boxes and stuff like you know as drawer organizers so i've done a lot of that um so that's that and then this drawer here we have like larger bits of fabric i think these are like neutrals or warm colors slash neutrals yeah loosely organized and then this bottom drawer we have our cool colors down here and you can see i've saved pants and things that have gotten ripped up i really like i won't say i don't throw anything away but like i try to always think before i throw something away because sometimes you can use it for art but you can also get really crazy about it and have like way too much stuff like way too much stuff so yeah trying to find that balance anyways there's that and then we have this big cabinet here which has books which i more often use for weighing down paper so that it will stay flat when i glue something to it and i don't use as much for reading but they're there in case i want to read them and i've got my sewing machine and irons and then here are some stacks of pillowcases which i use at pop-up galleries as like little table covers and i use them to like wrap up sculptures and random stuff so that is my fabric cabinet and then moving over here we have the closet which i have labeled the doors left and right because i get that messed up all the time and up here we've got all kinds of painting boards and surfaces to paint on we've got a touch-up paint for the house and epoxy like 88 different kinds of epoxy and glue and random things and then over here we have even more epoxy we've got some wig forms that i can sculpt over some casting resin up there and glue and lots of random things we have like extra jars and baskets and canvases uh that thing rolled up back there is a big banner that i use for my pop-up galleries and yeah that's all probably a little bit less organized than it could be but it's a lot better than it was so yeah moving on here we have a nail on an empty part of the wall where i can hang new art and photograph it and right now there's nothing hanging there there's that and then we have my two old-school mailboxes filled with paint and other things i got these at the thrift store i got like almost all my furniture at the thrift store but yeah these are like those old school like mailbox things for like an office or whatever i got two of them and they are all full of paint and all of this paint here actually came from the dump i don't always use this paint it kind of depends on what project this paint is good for like a base coat or just like getting a lot of coverage because i did get it at the dump so it was free so if you just need to like get a lot of paint on a surface you can kind of start with this as a base coat and then you can move on to some nicer paints over the top and then you're not using so much of your expensive material so i have all that in hershey's syrup bottles from my first job at manti heights which was a nursing home i worked in the kitchen i started there when i was 15 and yeah you'll actually see a lot of stuff there in my studio from manti heights because i don't get rid of anything as we've already established so there's all those dump paint dump paint dump paint and then you move down and we have nice golden paints here i don't want people thinking i only use dump paint you know and then we have like our mid-grade uh craft paint here and we've got nail polish uh nail polish is great sometimes for um it's it's an enamel so you can put it on like metal and plastic and things that normally that normal paint would just kind of flake off of um yeah so we've got that we've got even more paints over here oh again i have these sorted by cool colors warm colors and then neutrals which i did use nail polish actually to label those so there's that little label and little labels here and there and what else let's see we've got some fimo clay we've got just the plain white there and then we've got colors over here so that's the clay that you can bake in the oven we've got matte medium that is dried up and probably needs to go in the trash um yeah other stuff turpentine painting mediums other things like that more random paint like i've got even more than more than i know what to do with here we've got gloss paint watercolors crayons colored pencils like pretty much all the things utensils because that's useful now sometimes they are useful actually to scoop up epoxy and whatnot i've got my old printmaking tools from college that i haven't used since then so you can see i'm really following the marie condo technique really well and only keeping things that i use in that spark joy yeah oh i have sequins arranged in a pill box again labeled with a nail polish so you know we have our reds in the red part etc um actually sequins should probably be with all my fabric stuff those are like improperly sorted but anyways so we have that we've got like empty containers in case i get even more stuff that i need to sort and we have these little linoleum blocks that i can carve for printmaking and stuff fun things so yeah that's that little section there back up to give you a little context here we've looked at that and then now we're going to look at this little shelf over here yeah so this whole area is kind of nice it's like a little shrine i guess you could call it up here that big basket in the middle it has all of my sewing stuff in it and um there's some things here that i got in japan like this is a little sutra that i got um on this little buddha and the paper crane the paper crane was in one of our hotels um and then i also have um these are my uncle joe's ashes in this little box here and then my mentor dave i have some of his ashes and this little urn and so yeah there's kind of a little shrine that's me and my boyfriend little bell that i got in japan and a little posable hand there that i can use for referencing for drawings and stuff and maneki neko kiti different stuff i can burn some incense here this is nice um yeah and then see another thing marie condo says is that you should never have like the surfaces of things have like junk on them so i've really tried to like make the top of this be like only decorative stuff and then all the stuff that i use is down here because it used to be like i just had like junk piled up over this whole thing so anyways that's that and then moving down here this is really great i built this little shelf riser so that i can fit everything but yeah i've just got like a billion jars of things i've got mod podge which is not real mod podge it's water mixed with elmer's glue you take two parts elmer's glue and one part water and you will have mod podge for a lot cheaper than you will get it at the store um i have little powdery bits of pastel which i thought about maybe mixing with epoxy sometime um i've got rust powder i love mixing that with epoxy that is like makes it super colorful and metal shavings these are all things that you know you sweep it up off the floor your studio and you know it could just go in the trash or if you save it you know you can use it to mix with epoxy and do other things with it so more examples of things that i try not to put in the trash we've got hot glue sticks and um back there is some either mineral spirits or lacquer thinner i can't remember which but it's in a dark jar so that it doesn't degrade um and that's just to clean brushes you know when you're using oil paints i've got even more acrylic paints here i've got oil pastels and then i have the chalk pastels or soft pastels whatever you call those and those are kind of loosely grouped by color two in the four different jars back there so those are all my shorty jars up top and then down here we have uh scraps of paper anytime i'm making cards or anything like that i will actually save any big pieces to use on future cards but little pieces i'll just rip them up and save them to make paper with later so again they're sorted by color so we've got reds we've got whites this is some sand and then we have a more like you know different colors of little ripped up paper bits back there and then eventually i'll use all that to make paper uh same with the flowers here i've got a christmas cactus and every time it sheds blooms i'll just save them and i'm eventually gonna put them in some paper too um more things way too many things and then we have different kinds of sand from different places which i also like to mix into epoxy that's some cement right there and there's like some little red rocks and different stuff there's some citric acid back here which you can use to clean rust off of things and then we have three different kinds of leaf so it's not real gold but we got fake gold leaf and then real copper leaf and then i guess that's aluminum or something you know but you got the three colors of that we've got some glow in the dark glue which i had to buy after i bought some for my niece because i just thought that was awesome and i have ideas about that i want to mix it into some varnish and see what happens but i haven't quite gotten there yet so that's all that there's just regular glue and then over here we have back here i've got my rubbing alcohol which is good for cleaning tools and that kind of stuff i've got some shish kebab skewers which are great for multiple things you can sculpt with them or um yeah they're just again they're really good for like a bunch of different things but yeah i've got those got my palette knives and x-acto knives and pencils and just stuff that i use a lot glue sticks out post-its got some nail clippers because i hate having epoxy under my nails so i keep them short and then these three are bondo scrapers and i love these these are great for cleaning off my pallet palette and they're great for like mixing up a large quantity of say paint or gypsum or whatever you know they're just really good for a lot of different things and yeah that's that shelf moving down my oh my cement is supposed to go up here there we go moving down we have even more 2d stuff we've got all the markers there on the left i've got some gel pens back here and then i have colored pencils which is a jar that i've put like a little foam core into to kind of section it off into the different colors and then i have pencils all kinds of that stuff and then this used to be my coffee mug that i would drink out of um until it broke it got a little chip in it underneath these two lizards so i added the lizards because it already had the frog because you can't see because there's too much stuff in there but it had a little frog in the bottom but i can't drink out of it anymore because they got a big chip in it so it still sparks joy see that's the thing is marie kondo says that if you have something that sparks joy but you can't use it anymore you can find a different way to use it so these colored pencils i've used i've used up so much that they're like too short for this tall jar so i've just got all my short ones in this little mug and then i still get to see it every day even though i don't get to drink out of it anymore so there's that over here i have sharpies and regular markers like not permanent ones um over here we have some pigment powders and and down here we have like 80 gillion different scissor shapes for cards and that kind of stuff um i have some mold making supplies which is kind of a new thing that i'm doing i'll probably come up with like a better storage solution for that at some point but i've got like just different stuff that i can make molds with um i've got like more rust bittles down there and like open epoxy because i showed you guys earlier the all the epoxies that i don't use as often in the closet but the ones that i use more often i keep down here real handy um and then i think those over there are airbrush paints which i have an airbrush i haven't done much with it but you know i have the supplies it's it sparks joy for me to know that i have like all these different options you know and i i just i have everything that i need and that makes me happy so that's that shelf and then this is all like i'm sitting in my main seat here so from my main seat i can see everything in this shelf and then i also have um my trash which is handy and i've got my paper towel thing which pivots i can pull that pull that off put it back on pivot it back over here and that's all connected up to my big desk here i keep my two pallets on that and sometimes i bring one of my pallets out to the other shop or i'll bring it to a pop-up gallery or something but most of the time they just live right there and yeah that's pretty much the surfaces that i do all my art on because glass is just so easy to clean especially with those bondo scrapers and then behind this desk i have another desk so that's nice i've got my new ipad pro over here and i have set up a box in front of it so that it doesn't bake in the sun um actually we've totally skipped over this over here so here's another little deal over here um we have some art up here this is a gemini i'm a gemini so they're kind of like my muses in the studio and we have another nice picture of my boyfriend and i and we have um clipboards and papers and all kinds of random things like that up there and this is kind of like my office supplies area i guess i've got my pencil sharpener i've got the volume control for my speakers and then hanging on these little magnet hooks here i have some frequently used tools i've got my hot glue gun paint key measuring spoons for epoxy um we have the tape measure hot wire foam cutter all that kind of stuff down here i have my business licenses hanging up i don't really need to have them in a super conspicuous space because i just have a home-based business i usually end up taking them with me to pop-up galleries and that kind of stuff so i just kind of keep them there and then on the floor i have a cup which holds all my scissors and rulers and things easy to get to my subwoofer for my speakers got a mallet to close paint cans with and then i have a box filled with stamps so i've got all my little alphabet stamps and happy birthday and all those good things because i like to make cards for people yeah not all that i have even more paint in this basket which i tend to end up using these paints more they're like the metallics and stuff um and i guess i have frequently used paints over here so yeah i got way more paint than i'll probably ever use but that's okay and then over on the left here i've got a bunch of like inks india inks and that kind of stuff i've got like a rolly stamp and then all these are they cut shapes out of paper which they have the shape on the top but i redrew it in sharpie on the side so that i could keep them like that um yeah there's all that and then i've got a little another little palette over here and then this drawer has some molds that i've made and yeah that's all that and then we have this super bright window here in this window i have a little tray of things i've got the adapter for my magsafe charger which i guess is irrelevant now that i have an ipad so i probably don't need that anymore but um yeah i have my kneaded eraser a pen a pencil and a little notebook and basically i have that there because i go to a lot of like zoom meetings and i find it kind of hard to listen if my hands are not busy so a lot of times i'll end up drawing or doing something else during that and then i have a little box basket here that holds gloves it needs to be refilled right now and then i've got this little thing a lot of times sometimes i'll sculpt inside and sometimes i'll sculpt out in the garage so this is just a really easy little sculpting kit that i can take with me between places so it's got rubbing alcohol it's got a spray bottle of water it's got different stamps and things in this area and i've got my glue i don't know like a bunch of random tools i got spoons and carving tool like another paint key a bunch of stuff i've got like some rags here i can use to wipe things up so that's all that and then here i have a big container of red dirt one of my favorite things to sculpt with really fun for just adding texture and color to a piece and i've got it in this big container because then um i can either i can take a piece and i can like literally roll it around in the container or i can take and take this scoop and kind of like sprinkle it over the top you know that kind of thing um yeah so that's what that is and then i have like a jillion billion brushes over here that are like loosely sorted by size and i've got a bunch of sponges and fun stuff i've got an empty shelf maybe i'll put my mold making supplies over there i've got like a cutting mat behind that and then down here i have oil paint and more oil paint and i think underneath that is some watercolors yes and then under there i have my mold and decal for making paper which i made myself out of a crappy plastic frame from walmart or two crappy plastic frames from walmart actually so yeah and then we have the giant filing cabinet here over on the left you can see my little teeny tiny ironing board hiding over there i'll use that for uh you know fabric projects sometimes and i also use it as a little booster seat for my ipad for zoom meetings and up here i have a whole file box which i will pull down and show you it's filled with paper all right so this is that little file box it's just one of those like banker box things that i uh covered up with some burlap and lace to make it look a little bit nicer but what i do is i save all kinds of things to make cards with these are like toothpaste boxes that i kind of like the texture of there's like wrapping paper i save like um cards and things and i'll end up like gluing new paper over the top of it to make something new but then this starts with like a good um like a good solid underneath thing on the card um yeah so and all that is again sorted by color all that kind of stuff fun stuff okay okay so that's where that lives up there next to that i have some file folders with um completed art and things and then this is a big tackle box full of even more sculpting supplies i have the charger for my dremel which actually should probably go somewhere else and then i have a postal scale for shipping art and such things got a couple more little magnet hooks over here i've got my tripod bag hanging there and my apron um now let's take a look inside this file cabinet so here's the top one it just kind of slides back like that i have more tupperware lids than anyone would ever need but the reason i save these is because they're great little plates for like at pop-up galleries and stuff a lot of times i'll let people do do epoxy art but it takes a long time to cure so they have no way to like take it home unless they have like something to put it on so i give them this as like essentially a little plate that they can put their project on and since it's plastic it'll just pop right off later so that's why i have saved 8 billion lids what's in here i don't i don't even know what's in here let's see what's in here looks like a bunch of knives and random stuff awesome i've got like little measuring cups and different stuff like even now all this stuff could probably be organized a little bit better than it is but it's it's worlds better than where it was so i don't know got like random pocket knives and things this seems to be like the drawer of random things i've got like a billion erasers i've got a hair dryer sometimes that's good for uh drying your artwork a little bit faster over here i've got like different found objects mostly marbles and things these are like what i make eyes out of like these flat glass marbles um you can paint on the back to make eyes which i've shown you before and then in this box there's all kinds of little small found objects let's see what's inside got this box open it up and i've got little like remnants you know single earrings and uh i don't know just things you would probably find in the junk drawer and other things i love just having different objects available to embed into my sculptures and so i don't always know you know how i'm going to do it or what i'm going to do with all this stuff but i just like having it so even more uh boxes and stuff like the box full of boxes of things even more things golf tees and random batteries and just way more stuff than than anybody really should be saving but a lot of it does get used in my art and you know some of it doesn't but maybe it will someday okay okay so that's that top shelf there let's see what else is in here okay so the second drawer has camera gear which i recently moved all my like sewing stuff out of this because it had kind of outgrown this spot so i moved it out of here and into that dresser that i showed you guys earlier so this isn't like totally finished being organized but i'm going to take all this camera stuff which there's like way too much stuff over here and i'm going to kind of sort it a little bit more so you can see i've got like microphones and i've got my new art projector and stuff down in there i've got some other random things reusable bags and stuff i don't know feathers and more random things so yeah another drawer of random things then we have the paper drawer open that up and we have like different kinds of drawing paper we've got like tissue paper foam core got another palette got a plein air easel for painting outside more different kinds of paper cardstock these are christmas cards that i've made just kind of a stash of extras there um this is an empty container we got a hole punch we've got a bunch of different scrapbook papers and stuff down there and then in here we've got glue even more glue um actually this glue is supposed to be over here too put that away and then over here we've got like little labels and a bunch of art journals extra business cards i have um like photo postcards that when i do a piece of art i get these postcards printed up with the artist statement and my contact info so when it when i have a new piece of art debuting in a show i'll hand these out to people um yeah so basically anything that's paper is in this drawer and then down here we have beads and rocks and shells we got shells other random things over here i think in there are corks those are like a jillion poker chips um most of the stuff is just stuff that like people gave me because they're like hey i don't i don't really want this can you do something with it and sometimes the answer is yes sometimes the answer is no but i usually keep it regardless because it will be useful sometime yeah so i've got beads beads like this whole stack in the middle is just nothing but beads um i've got like little polished rocks here and like spray bottles i've got my big rocks which i use these to sculpt buddhas over these big rocks i've got some bigger polished rocks here and then some littler rocks in these containers yeah that's that drawer and then we have even more random found objects over here we have glass so different colors of glass bits which i use to do mosaic elements in my sculptures got all that and then we have plastic things here so i've got like a random chess set and other things got some doll legs and yeah just a bunch of little like plastic items i keep all these found objects and i try to sort them kind of loosely based on like material and stuff that's another thing marie kondo says is to like sort your stuff by material because she's all about like feng shui and like the the different uh i don't know like the spiritual properties of objects and she says that similar items like to be together so there's a bunch of clothes pins like the really old school awesome kind um yeah i've got like some sculpture bases back there those little uh things those little white blocks with things sticking up out of them those are all like small sculpture bases that are just ready to start sculpting something onto um yeah so there's all that and then over here i have a jillion water tubs and containers these are great for you know using as paint cups or using to sort small items and when i do classes or pop-up galleries or any kind of project with multiple people you know it's good to have a lot of these tubs so i just keep a lot around i've got all these golf balls and i'll sculpt over those sometimes yeah so there's that moving on this way here is my easel and then i have some kind of half finished projects over here uh these are paintings that i either want to revisit and you know kind of redo or they're just not finished yet so upcoming projects here and then oh we can't forget the most important part there's the dog bed for the little dog that's hermes he is a very spoiled dog and a very dirty dog and there's his little bed and then here's another bed no one is occupying the bed right now but sometimes luther hangs out so we have to have two beds for the two dogs and then oh yeah over here is paint rags in there i'm using some of my grandmother's old tupperware which i like it a lot it sparks joy but i don't want to get it dirty so i'm just using it to keep paint rags in there and then i've got this one which is like essentially a pretty container for my water tub so i don't want to mess up my grandma's old tupperware but i've got my dirty water tub inside so i can if i'm doing something really dirty i can take it out and just use that or if i'm not going to make a very big mess then i can keep it in here and it sparks joy so yeah that is my studio i hope you guys had fun touring my studio um there was a lot to cover in this one so i think we will tour the shop out in the garage next time but i hope that gives you kind of an idea of how you could make you know a studio work in a smaller space there's a lot that i can do in here and yeah it's just really um i really appreciate having everything available so that i have options of what kind of art i can do but i also appreciate having it all like put away in places so that i can have a nice clear desktop and i can actually work instead of having to move 30 jillion things out of my way in order to actually get something done so that's worked for me that's what i've done um yeah if you want to leave a comment with a picture of your studio or you know a video of your studio i'd love to see what you guys are working with and i hope you guys are all having an awesome week see you next time
Channel: Pavia Justinian
Views: 3,793
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Konmari, Marie kondo, Spark joy, Konmari for artists, Konmari for hoarders, Hoarder, Hoarders, Art studio, Studio tour
Id: Zd7geXuEE3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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