A Tour Of My Tiny Backyard Art Studio | 2021

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hello and welcome back to one of my videos today i wanted to make one of those classic videos that everybody makes and it's a studio tour vlog my studio isn't huge it's actually an old cubby house that i renovated back in 2018 to turn into a little tiny home-esque studio so it has everything i need it has all my paints it has somewhere comfortable to sit it has good lighting the only thing that's missing is running water but it's literally a few feet from my house so not a big deal so i wanted to show you around where i work and it may give you some ideas of what you may need or what you don't need in your own sort of area that you do art so i hope you enjoy my little studio tour and let's get started welcome to my desk so i try and keep my desk pretty simple because when i have the watercolor palette and the sketchbook and everything it does tend to get a bit crowded so there's not much on it to start off with apart from my empty teacup which i will put elsewhere so on my desk i've basically got my collection of paint brushes these are ones that i don't usually use that often but they're just good scrappy paint brushes if i need them and i've also got a storage container for my watercolors so if we open up the box inside is my collection of montmartre watercolors and i've also got my monma paint brushes as well so this was basically a collection of paint brushes um they're all actually meant to be sitting in their little houses but i haven't packed them away very well but it's a cute little bag and it zips up around the side so that's quite nice all these paints here are two collections of mon ma paints there's like a general one that has like just heaps of random colors and then there were a two seasons ones as well so that was like more autumnal colors and like lavender and more pastely colors so also on my desk i've got my trusty jar that just holds water for watercolor and a cute little fake planty thing i've also got a down light here that illuminates where i'm working so i can actually see what i'm painting because it does tend to get a bit dark in here so hence the light and above the light i've got a shelf full of pens and pencils that i use on a regular basis then to the right of that i've also got a little collection of color pencils these were actually like little plant pot things that you meant to put herbs in but i thought they were cute for pencils so that's why i use them for and my small collection of watercolor pencils i don't really use watercolor pencils at all so hence the little collection then above that i've just got a very small collection of acrylic paints i don't use acrylics at all but this is more for just painting like random things that need painting like statues and stuff around the place um so just a place to store them really and then i've also got a varnish there and a another varnish i'm pretty sure that is for decoupaging which i did once i really enjoyed it and i need to try and do that again i've also got like a couple of gel pens here not sure why but that's where they live and these are actually coffee jar lids that i've just sort of dissected so that they've become a pot really um to just put paints in and then above all that i've got a crappy little painting that i did and another two paintings over here this one here is my favorite that's a sketch of another artwork so that is not an original idea at all um but i just thought it turned out so well i thought i may as well frame it and then these two are originals as you can tell because they're a bit shitty so that is basically like the main workspace of the studio it has everything i need at hand and anything else i store in another area because i don't use it that often also importantly under the desk is a heater because it gets cold so going from this side of the room we quickly just jump over to this side of the room um as you can see the floor space is minimal in here it's an old cubby house like i said but um it does what i need it to do so that's the main thing so on this side i have an old painting that i framed um i just sort of quite like the lack of colors the aesthetic of it it's just fields and heels um and then i've just got a few decorative items my collection of ribbons because you never know when you need ribbons and just jars that i collect because little jars are very cute i don't want to ever throw them away and they're useful for like painting on the go so that's where i store them i've also got a little candle there and then a marble dinosaur and another fake plant can't have enough fake plants just above my little window is a cute sort of shelf that i've made so i've got a lovely chicken i think it's meant to be a paper weight but it sits on my shelf happily um a couple candles which i never liked and a little hedgehog that's reading a book under a toadstool um i don't know where i've got that from but it was too cute i just couldn't couldn't not buy it so i got it and on the windowsill i've got another fake plant which is meant to be lavender and then just shells beside that is a painting that i picked up in paris from montmartre and that's a acrylic little paris scene um so i wanted to put it there as a bit of inspiration not that i'll probably ever paint on canvas but if i ever do i'll try and replicate that horribly um and that will be like my first sort of thing that i try and learn but one day one day we'll get there i've also got a little staircase in here under the staircase um is just a storage of well there's a broken alien there that i need to fix um some wood that i need to work with and um just storage basically and this here is basically a box that you can store more paints in and also you can angle like that you're drawing on it so it's an easel basically um so i've used that a couple of times and i need to use that more because i'm i usually just paint flat but apparently you should be painting on an angle so gotta practice that then above the staircase i've just got a cheap little clock that i thought was quite cute um i think it was only five dollars from spotlight but i like the design so i got that and then this frame here is a shell that i got from portsmouth um i thought it was nice again i've still got like a shell and flower theme going on here and then over this way is just more storage where i keep my pallets when i'm not using it there's some lights that i need to hang up there and then just empty storage really there's not too much that i store in here at the moment then behind there i've got another box uh full of oil paints that i was given i haven't yet tried oil paints i think there's a couple canvases in there too um one day one day there will be some experimenting but for now i'm happy just with watercolor because i haven't learnt enough of that yet so it's my view of my little art studio where i create the majority of my work um i hope you enjoyed it i am quite happy with how this turned out because if you saw what it was before i should have taken some before and after pictures but it was honestly it was full of junk um and because this is sort of two levels like this here was the ceiling this piece of wood here is about the height of my neck so it was just constantly stooped and it was dark and horrible so actually opening this up has been just yeah it's made such a big difference it's so light and airy in here now which is fantastic so thank you very much for watching my little studio tour um this has been a long time in the making because i kept on putting it off because i didn't think it looked as good as other people's studios and it didn't have enough knick-knacks in but i thought hey why not just just record it now and then if it gets better i can always do an update video so thank you very much for watching and i'll see you again in another video bye you
Channel: TalesFromAnna
Views: 11,918
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: organisation, organization, art studio, tour, tiny, artist, watercolor, watercolour, tiny home, minimalism, arts and craft, small space, decor, design, layout, studio tour 2021, art studio tour small, idea, vlog, setup, shed, makeover, iny space, art, studio, 2021, renovation, desk, art supplies, mont marte, paint, brushes, organised, acrylic, oil paint, colour, pencil, productivity, painting, studio space, small art studio, aesthetic
Id: DPp9tXQoZxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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