(GRAND FINALE) Ownership Conference 2021 Live with Apostle Joshua Selman at House of Treasures

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brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen house of treasures ministries south africa africa and the rest of the world please give a good god bless you as we receive the ministry gift of apostle joshua salman celebrated [Music] hallelujah becomes very difficult sometimes when you have your last your final session i came in here only about two days ago and it's been a wonderful moment on this mountain apostle felix thank you thank you your amazing wife thank you for the love thank you house of treasures thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] i love jesus with all my heart and this is what i do this is all i do this is all i will do till the day i see his face [Music] and so any opportunity he gives me to bring the word i pay very close attention to it can you lift your hands to heaven and just ask him one more time colin i know you are on your way going but can you sing me that song one more time we want to see your face just for one minute and then we'll get to the world lift your hands wavy to jesus [Music] we wanna see you here we wanna see you now we wanna see you face to face oh god surrounded by your glory feasting at your table we wanna see you face to face oh god come on whatever we want we wanna see you here we wanna see you surrounded by your glory [Music] [Music] we wanna see you here we wanna see you now we wanna see your faces surrounded by your glory feasting at your table we want to see your face today [Music] father once again we pray that you will help us this morning [Music] we have come to learn we have come to grow we declare that our hearts are open to hear your word speak to us this morning and our lives will never be the same amen in jesus name god bless you please be seated thank you so very much i have a very short exhortation this morning and they are my final words in this season to the church in south africa this is not a message for house of treasures alone this is not even a message for south africa alone this is a message for africa and this is a message world over for as many continents and as many individuals who want to remain relevant as far as the program of god is concerned we have been examining the next move of god and tonight i just want to by way of conclusion teach you how to preserve the move of god our world is full of moves of god revivals awakenings and you find moments in history nationally internationally where people experience the fire of god and then at a point in time you find out that everything just goes down churches are filled with people during the moves of god cities experience transformation nations experience development and then a time seems to come when there they will now plunge back to decadence and so on and so forth and i'm a student of revival myself i have studied the moves of god from scripture i have studied the moves of god as as much as i can find in any and every continent in a bit to understand why revivals die why they fail why they cease to last and i've had the honor and the privilege of meeting a few of these revivalists in their lifetime it's an honor that god gave me to listen to them what did god tell you what did you do right where did you miss it the bible says the things that are written are full time they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope are we learning this morning the first thing i want to tell you is that kingdom advancement is territorial the advancement of the kingdom is territorial that means that god desires that his kingdom be advanced but there is a territorial component to it that means that if south africa does well advancing the kingdom of god malawi nigeria africa say continent europe america then the whole earth indeed would experience the reality on the life of the life and the power of god but if a territory fails to advance the kingdom it does not matter what else another territory is doing with time the inability of that territory to press towards god will affect those who are on fire are we together now yes one song from one territory can become the instrument of revival in another territory one message from one territory can become the instrument of revival in another territory territories are spiritually interconnected that means if one territory is excelling spiritually and another territory is going down the devil will ship somewhere he will ship something from that cold territory that would destroy the fire every revival died because someone came with an idea and a philosophy from a territory that was antichrist and he doused the fire in the territory where the fire was burning so it matters this was the mistake that esther wanted to make she seemed safe because she was in the palace while her man was plotting against the jews and mordecai gave her a counsel he said don't you think that you are safe forever you are only safe for a season if you don't use your influence to advocate our freedom when he's done with you he will come back when he's done with us he will come to the palace and fish you and esther said no i will use this opportunity now and go to the king even though uninvited and if i perish i perish her insistence was what brought to not the plot of her man kingdom advancement is territorial and all territories are spiritually interconnected this is true there are a few keys that i have learned bible says in philippians chapter 2 from verse 13 let's hurry up just an exaltation philippians chapter 2 from verse 13 to 16. here's what it says philippians chapter 2 from verse 13 it says for it is god which walketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure it says do all things without murmuring or disputing that ye may be blameless and harmless the sons of god without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom ye shine as lights in the world last verse holding forth the word of life that he may rejoice in the day of christ that i have not run in vain neither labored in vain he says there is a mandate upon us that in the midst of a wicked and a perverse generation that we are mandated to hold that light and to shine it forth so that everyone would see in acts chapter 1 and verse 8 we've discussed this a bit in previous sessions jesus now jesus began a discourse with the disciples when he resurrected from the dead the bible says he was with them 40 days teaching them on the matters of the kingdom and they thought he was going to restore the nation of israel and they asked him a question they said will you at this time restore the nation of israel he said it is not for you to know the times and the seasons that the father has put within his care verse 8 now says but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and that power will make you weaknesses validators of my claim and now he creates a territorial component to that assignment you will be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and judea and samaria and to the uttermost part of the earth our mandate listen to me our mandate as far as preserving the move of god is to ensure that god and his purposes remain alive within a territory transgenerationally let me repeat that we have a corporate mandate as the church in any territory to ensure and insist that god and his purposes remain alive not just within our lifetime but transgenerationally south africa hear me that means if christ carries a time should never come in this nation where the subject of god becomes obsolete you have an assignment to preserve god and his purposes transgenerationally now i know people are falling from all over the world but respectfully speaking across europe across many parts of the west today spirituality has plunged into an unfortunate dimension and let me tell you what happened in the 60s and the 70s please pay attention when great generals those who call god's generals these mighty men of god where were trailing that entire environment with the fire of revival there was a mistake that they made that we should not make africa please listen to me they made a mistake they ignored the generation after them they were focused on blessing people they were on crusade grounds healing the sick raising the dead but they left their little toddlers who are now the leaders remember that was the strategy that the spirit of the antichrist was trying to bet in egypt he said we will allow you go but leave your wives and children most moses said no way all of us will go our future will go with us our support systems will also go with us let me tell you this when the devil tries to stop the move of god in the lifetime of a man when he finds out you have an unbending covenant with god and you will not change the next strategy is to distract you so that you are so focused in the work that you forget that one day you will not be here many of them ignore their children and so the antichrist said you know what give up on this prayer warrior woman she will never backslide give up on this evangelist you will never go down but let us go back and pay the price for the next 30 years growing with your children now the antichrist grew with the children now you call the name of jesus they tell you nonsense i didn't grow with that name why are you now introducing it in my adulthood the bible says train up a child not train up an adult he knows why he says train a child it is difficult to train an adult preserving the move of god pay attention is a mistake now we all know the west don't get me wrong we remain in to them for the dimension of god and the christian faith that they so lavishly brought to us however we are learning from that mistake are you aware that the average teenager right now i don't know how it is in south africa but the average teenager completely ignores and hates anything that has to do with god they love i.t they love apps but you mentioned god and it's as though you are mentioning a typewriter they say get out of my way i'm not interested in all this nonsense it's a subliminal programming the bible says there are rules another pharaoh that did not know joseph so south africa my final word to the body of christ in this territory in this season is that i want to teach you and give you six keys that the lord gave me very quickly if you hold on to this keys i give you an assurance by the god of heaven that hundred years from now jesus will still be lifted in this territory you see quality control systemic quality control is the key to preserving the consistency of products in business we teach that is that true yes there's an apple drink that i love organic wonderful apple drink i think it's from the us and most times when i take it they started in i think 1886. that was where they started the company 1886 and they are still working today they have they have done well to maintain the quality do you know why because they created a systemic nature of quality control that does not depend on the individual man in it we must create such a system in south africa question is there a system to make sure sinners are saved like i taught you is there a system to make sure the saved are transformed is there a system to make sure the transformed are empowered is there a system to make sure the empowered are preserved through character and humility if you lose that formation you have lost it let's do a one minute recap over what i thought yesterday the greatest need of a non-believer come on talk to me intelligent people the greatest need of a non-believer the greatest need of a new believer transformation the greatest need of a transformed believer empowerment the greatest need of an empowered believer character and humility and when you are there you recycle it back again back to jesus again it starts and ends with him if you don't find jesus at the end of your pursuit you are missing it somewhere you should find him at the beginning and at the end he brings you back the beginning and the end are we together six keys i have studied this in the life of territories where godliness has been preserved transgenerationally let me give you the keys very quickly are you ready number one for the move of god to be preserved in south africa you must ensure that the priesthood ministry of prayer never goes down write it down please the priesthood ministry of prayer notice prayer does many things and prayer was allocated to achieve many things the primary purpose of prayer is not just to receive things the primary purpose of prayer is for your transformation there is a dimension of prayer that is for receiving petitions there is a dimension of prayer that is for warfare and intercession please hear me if you lose the priesthood ministry of prayer at a territorial scale i assure you the power of darkness will ravage the land and destroy anything god in the land of babylon there was only one request one request that because of the prayer of daniel the spirits of the medicine the persians could not penetrate to towards the purposes of god and so satan walked through the members of parliament to pass just one law you would think they were just discussing it was about attacking the priesthood of prayer and they came up with a proposal let there be no prayer in the whole land of babylon for just 30 days that's only that's how short satan needs a land without prayer to wreak havoc 30 days without priests who can pray the priesthood ministry of prayer the fire upon your altar south africa must not go down please hear me prayer is not for prayer warriors prayer is for men he spake a parable to the end that man ought always to pray if you do not pray you cannot authorize the hand of god to rest upon a land and birth his purposes you have to understand the rules of engagement god is almighty but he the earth has he given to the sons of man the bible tells us clearly that the whole world lies in wickedness it is no news that the devil will want to wreck any family any industry any business any church if allowed are we blessed listen you must never stop initiating prayer chains you must never stop initiating prayer groups there are some of you who god has anointed to be intercessors men and women now is the time to put on your priestly regalia a destiny is at stake a generation is at stake all awake wailing women awake men and women who know how to hold onto the forehands of the altar preserve the next hundred years of south africa now are we together it says give him no rest until he establishes jerusalem as a praise everything that happens physically is something that has been concluded in the realm of the spirit the book of job teaches us that nothing just happens the ministry of prayer churches pray pass us pray don't just preach pray pray pray and fast pray not pray lord pray and fast south africa pray and fast these are the irrefutable keys that control the move of god the keys that control revival prayer and fasting it will never change it has never changed pray in the morning pray in the afternoon pray in the evening pray all across south africa let every home become a house of prayer pray with your children pray with your husband pray with your wife pray with your workers business is pray companies pray industries pray members of parliament pray [Music] listen to me i charge every father here you are not just a father because you provide bread you are a father if you lead prayers not just participate in the prayers lead it show your children how to be a spiritual man listen i look forward to times in south africa where a family may be it's nighttime and they've gone to bed and they hear the voice of their father as the priest of the house from the living room to the kitchen and you open the door and lay hands on your children when they wake up you say no sleep i'm performing my priestly duty you sleep i'm awake for you let me see the devil that comes to destroy your children when you're a man of prayer let me see the devil that comes to destroy your business when you're a man of prayer instead of complaining pray instead of complaining pray the same energy it takes to complain is the same energy it takes to pray [Applause] [Music] can i tell you this an attack on your prayer life is a real attack let me repeat south africa an attack on your prayer life is a real attack don't give excuses and say i am busy when you are sick and down everything you are trying to do you will not be able to do again don't let the devil destroy your territory let him know there are priests in south africa [Applause] [Music] fortify the spiritual borders of your territory be the watchman on the wall stand he says i have set watchmen every pastor here you must get to a time where you lock the church and you are the only one there and here what i'm telling you i'm teaching you secrets in the kingdom lock your church and be the only one there no usher no protocol just you and god pakatosh embrace lord for your glory lord for your purposes can i tell you this if you give your children a good degree and you don't give them god and transfer priesthood you did not complete your investment in them don't just give them education give them spirituality don't just give them education give them spirituality [Music] the priesthood ministry of prayer [Music] we got into this walk by prayer we have been preserved by prayer please hear me if you do not fast you will remain weak the good old school out of fasting has been the key to strength and stamina in the spirit this kind goes out not but by prayer and fasting there are issues that you need to confront with prayers and fasting fasting does not kill turn that plague upside down and come before god please sit down this is supposed to be a charge preserving the move of god pastors let me give you an advice be careful with the deception of being busy in ministry be careful when sometimes when the devil wants to destroy you he will allow so many invitations to come into your life there is a skill to honoring so many invitations and still remaining on fire i am busy and busy has destroyed many people you must learn to wake up in the night use your night when people are asleep and there's no distraction you wake up you are hearing a report in your job that is not pleasing carry your savior and drop it on the ground ken brackettos someone tells you in the office over my dead body for you to rise don't fight him go back to your control room catastrophe [Music] hear me james 5 15 please let's hurry up we came to church this morning james chapter 5 and verse 15. james 5 13 i meant to say 13 please read one to read is any among you afflicted what is the cure let him pray the moment you find out that there is any form of affliction your first pot of call is not to discuss and call people who cannot help you there is a control room that we have the advantage of priesthood you can manipulate realities to be consistent with the word of god when you know to pray how do you think we rise in this kingdom in the midst of wickedness how do you think we rise how are you going to call partners to your ministry dear man of god it won't be by giving invitations right from where you are sakata your kingdom come your will be done and right now i pray those who have been called into the ministry of prophetic intercession i stretch my hands over you may that grace come upon you right now may that grace come upon you the borders arise elijah arise men and women of power some of you from this conference you will start prayer groups prayer chains prayer chains across territories in the name of jesus christ [Music] listen to me you are in ministry here please sit down you are in ministry let me give you an advice there are two departments you should supervise yourself number one is your worship team your worship team you must put an eye on them by yourself because when the ministry of psalmistry dies in your ministry you are in trouble number two the prayer department every man of god must be a member of his prayer department whether you have the time to physically be there or not you must connect in the spirit pray for me pray for me will make you a weak man [Music] you want to preserve listen let me tell you this apostle felix jesus is teaching and here's what he said he said when a spirit leaves a man listen carefully that that spirit goes through dry regions is it in your bible and he said seeking for a place of refuge you will find none and he will say i will go back he's still calling that man my house i will go back to my house and he finds the house swept clean but empty now look up let me share with you a mystery the demon did not just leave the man by default it was casted out by an agency of god's power is that true but it goes to the wilderness where there is no prayer warrior no one to cast it and yet it is uncomfortable there what makes it uncomfortable i found out that the desert is very hot the heat there in the desert can make that demon uncomfortable and without any man casting it it will leave the desert and choose to come back to you that means if your body can become like that desert if that fire that points within you shanaka pacatos if that fire that is in that temple can burn like the desert every spirit every cross every charm every yoke every spell will let you go listen [Music] jesus said my house shall be called the house of prayer that house is not just a building you are that temple that house if you are not the house of prayer you will become a den of robbers so satan will come to that house which is you since you are not a house of prayer he will steal your joy he will steal your faith he will steal everything he can steal number two what is the second key that will preserve the move of god in south africa in africa and across the globe are you ready the second key the regular convergence of believers within that territory to be trained equipped and empowered the regular convergence you want to preserve the move of god there must be a regular convergence of believers within a territory for the purpose of training the purpose of equipping the purpose of being empowered this is why coming to church is very important there must be a regular convergence listen to me when satan wants the purposes of god to be twatted something happens with the convergence of believers the regular convergence of believers there must never be an end to conferences services weekly meetings apostolic and prophetic platforms that bring believers together because it is god's authorized platform to train to equip and to empower please hear what i'm telling you that means when believers begin to have the laxity to go to the house of god it's not an attack on those believers it's an attack on the territory you are only receiving what you are receiving because you are converged right now in a sunday service can i tell you this i beckon on you by the mercies of god train your children to love the house of god train your children to love the house of god train your children to serve in the house of god train your children to be genuinely connected to the house of god i'd rather be a dog keeper in the house of god david said there must be a regular convergence of believers when the gathering of the saints is affected indefinitely across any territory do you know respectfully speaking i know that world over there was a lockdown last year especially do you know how many believers spiritual lives went down come on now just within a span of three months now of course i know that the government and the nations did their best to manage but i'm saying that such a situation where at a global scale almost every nation was on lockdown for three months people returned back to their vomit people who passed us were laboring to manage to stand strong had a license to go back people's prayer lives went down people left god the devil used the opportunity to attack those he had been trying to attack who were under prophetic coverings for a long time by the time the lockdown was over there were too many casualties already the house of god is a place of inspiration the house of god is a place where you will learn the word the house of god is where you encounter the god of heaven the house of god is god's authorized institution to mentor and build believers to become like god psalm 133 says behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity it says it's like the oil that comes upon the head of aaron down to his bird down to his cat he says for there the lord had commanded the blessing there must be a regular convergence that means you must pray that anywhere in south africa where there are no churches and meeting places that call upon the name of the lord you must pray that god will send laborers there the unreached must be reached there is always an apostle among the unreached there is always a prophet among the unreached there is always a kingdom financier among the unreached you must give them a chance to know god number three what is the third key are you ready you want to preserve the move of god in south africa there must be an open display of the power of god within your land an open display of the miracle walking power of god miracle signs and wonders do not tell people to come to a god whose power they cannot see that's right that's right by the time the newspapers in south africa are full of the wonder working power of god that the headline on the newspaper is that a popular madman who is known everywhere in south africa has now become a pastor that is too notable to ignore by the time five dead people medically confirmed come back to life by the time someone who is obviously oppressed or whose family is down maybe in parliament one of the kings within the territory receives the power of god their endorsements will preserve the purposes of god can i tell you this if people do not see the power of god they will soon forget about god the power of god reminds people that he's alive please hear what i'm telling you this is very important i'm just listing them i apologize we may not talk so much about scriptures miracles create convictions in the hearts of those who witness it and those who benefit from it it lets people know that he's still seated on the throne we live in a world right now where there are many alternatives there are about four thousand registered religions are you aware of that and counting so when you say god people say what are you talking about god means anyone and anything i respect ah but it says this is eternal life john chapter 17 and verse 3 that they may know you the one true god and jesus your son john 4 and verse 48 except they see signs and wonders he says they will not believe john 4 48 except they see they want to see the power of god to save they want to see the power of god to heal to deliver they want to see the power of god to bless the power of god to transform remember what happened to the jailer remember that story yes sir is that true paul and silas that's right the bible says at midnight they began to pray and to sing and everybody in the prison had them suddenly reliable his majesty just came not an angel he came himself there was such an earthquake the chains broke and the bible says all doors open how many doors when he comes there is not one door that remains all are pacatos que de baccata they prayed and they sang in prison bound with chains and when his majesty stepped in with an earthquake all doors opened and the jailer thought that they had run and he took his sword wanting to kill himself and peter said find your peace appall find peace we are here we are safe there's no need to rush god who did it can do it again we're going to go out honorably and the man said no i've not seen it this way what do i need to do and he says now you are talking can i tell you this south africa your territory needs to see a consistent display not once a year a consistent display not just a display of power in church alone they need to see the power of god by the time a man of god declares that there will be a bumper harvest and strangely the agricultural sector in south africa receives a boost that is inexplainable by the agriculturalists the economies this we've not seen it in this fashion then they know there is a god in heaven an open display of the supernatural power of god don't tell people to stop going to herbalist and native doctors if you cannot give them a superior alternative can i be honest with you people will continue to run to the devil until the day we present an alternative that is consistent superior and result producing the desperation of human needs will not allow them to forbid with nonsense once they go through pain beyond the threshold they will source for alternatives and unashamedly bow to those alternatives to see you high and lifted up you are shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love sweet sing holy over south africa shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and luck as we sing obligo one more time south africa we'll see him high and lifted up he is shining in the light of his glory pour out your power and love as we sing hopefully holy only this is why men and women of god must trust god for superior levels of end-time anointings the mantles that men like smith wigglesworth prophesied upon before they died they said even what we have done there is coming a generation that will do more the general said it before they died but i know that after this conference because this conference is a trigger [Applause] suddenly you will begin to hear of men and women across south africa men of character and men of fire you will begin to hear about the manifestations of the power of god in church services that will confound principalities and powers [Applause] you will hear that fire wanted to consume a house but nothing was burnt [Music] when they said we don't believe this refer them to the burning bush that it is possible for a bush to be burned yet not consumed [Music] that a day will come when wild worship is going on in church someone who has been missing for 10 years 15 years the power of god will leave that altar and the fire like a tornado will go and fish that person back days will come when a church is empty no conference and you will see sinners running to the gate and they will hold on to the gate and say create a fresh service for us we are coming to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] times will come where business people will finish their meeting and while they're in their meeting about to round up the power of the holy ghost will fall upon that meeting and you're watching senior executives under the anointing praying in the spirit i don't know the name of what is happening to me but i know that it's a new season you will see people in market places receiving and outpouring students sitting in an exam hall and when they are done writing their exams fire falls upon them someone shall send the fire someone shall send the fire shall send the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] please sit down we're almost there preserving the move of god can i tell you this have you noticed that from scripture every time there was a display of the power of god it was captured and preserved in a name and they will be told when your children ask you what does this mean tell them once upon a time how do you think they got shama and rafa and sikhenu they were all dimensions of his power that were captured in his name can i tell you this the assignment of every generation is that you should not leave to your grave until you give the coming generation a new name that your experience has captured about god south africa the generations coming all of you who are from 50 and above what name have you captured in your lifetime that will be given the children capture the names in songs that don't die capture the names in books that don't die capture the name in sermons that don't die [Music] the god of abraham is also god but he does not work the same as the god of isaac there is a dimension of the god of abraham that is not seen in the god of isaac and when jacob came he said i need to give god a name to he wrestled with him and said i will not let you go leave me for the day break it he said i will not let you go unless you bless me he said what is your name jacob thou shall no longer be called jacob for as a prince you have had power with god and you have prevailed he touched the whole of his tie and he blessed him the bible says the son arose and he called the name of the place peniel i have seen god face to face and my life is preserved by the time we get to psalm 24 he says this is the generation of them that seek thee oh god of jacob that the day will come you will see the faithfulness of god and one day you will teach your children and say every time you are in trouble and it looks like the battles are raging there was a song i sung in 1981 before you came that is a song of victory that is like a code in this family you are good and your mercy is forever hallelujah do you know that was a song that was a code of victory every time the nation of israel were surrounded by their enemies and defeat was imminent they raised that song you are good and you're messy and yours and god is saying who is calling my dimension as a warrior cleared away from me please let's hurry up number four are you ready the fourth way you preserve the move of god across a territory across south africa are you ready intentional mentorship of younger believers and ministers intentional and methodical mentorship of younger believers now you see what your pastor did with pastor calling here intentional mentorship of younger believers younger believers they don't just mean younger pastors younger businessmen younger politicians fathers across different fields fathers across different industries fathers in ministry don't just collect seed from your sons mentor them don't just do impartation for them teach them the road to the anointing teach them the road to power second timothy chapter 2 and verse 2 very quickly second timothy chapter two and verse two we're wrapping up second timothy two and verse two and the things which thou has heard of me among many witnesses read with me the same commit doubt to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also can i tell you this when smith wigglesworth listen carefully when smith wigglesworth was preparing to join the cloud of witnesses he told lester sumrall he said when you are old do not die with this mantle find young men train them impact upon them today we are privileged recipients of that baton because the fathers are allowed to train us many of you have heard of my encounter with dr miles monroe a greatly revealed mentor in life and in death i honor him even in the grave do you know when god began to show me that i was called into ministry i wrote many men of god then there were no phones and dr miles monroe was the only man of god who replied me back and written [Applause] he said i believe in you i believe in this and that and i read his books and god guided me i remember i was at the southern part of nigeria preaching in a conference that morning literally i began to feel a sharp pain across my chest i said what is going on and by 5 am nigerian time i was told that my greatly revered mentor had gone but i said no even though he is dead he still speaks [Applause] we are the continuation of his impact fathers immortalize your impact by raising sons don't just raise people who call you father raise people who replicate your values can i tell you this please fathers in business in ministry don't allow these young people to stand up and just do what they want to do you are a father discipline them in love teach them love their future more than your reputation they may not understand chastise them in righteousness not out of a wicked heart let them learn the law of process minimize premature manifestation let them stay until something called due season the casualties we have in the body of christ today is because of some of these premature manifestations you're a young man here in ministry listen to me just because you can heal the sick you can prophesy does not mean you are ready for ministry can i tell you what you call pulpit ministries only 30 percent of what ministry really is there is a skill to standing here it's a very slippery path if you do if you are not trained to stand you can fall south africa respect your fathers not because they are perfect but because they are sincere when the devil wants to destroy a territory he kills the fathers and will be tied a nation that does not have political fathers you do not have political fathers the younger ones will become a worse expression of the fathers you don't have fathers in ministry south africa you know that the church in this nation is going through shark transitions can i tell you pray that god will raise fathers indeed businessman don't just die with billions and have children argue and have people argue over your money transfer your values to younger people professors don't be the only professor you know raise people raise people raise people can i challenge you if you're a professional in any area here you have failed if within 10 years of your moment of exploit you cannot show at least two people who are becoming like you ten years from the time of your exploits if you cannot produce at least two people even if they have not arrived let's see how far they have come [Music] can i be honest with you if you are the only one who is the champion doing what you are doing the day the devil strikes you there will be nobody to support you this is why nations lose their treasures with the death of just one person you can cheat death when you transfer yourself to many people i pray you are learning something here number five how do we preserve the purposes of god and the move of god in south africa are you ready for the fifth point embrace influence embrace influence don't run away from influence there are two ways principally that the kingdom of god advances number one is called evangelism number two is called influence evangelism establishes the purposes of god in the hearts of men influence establishes the purposes of god across a territory if you have evangelism without influence you will have people who are saved but they will remain beggarly as far as the territory is concerned you need influence let me define influence here is my definition of influence influence is the ability to compel men to buy into your ideologies without using force or cruelty the ability the fortitude to compel men to buy into your ideologies your value systems without using force or cruelty if i can make you love god the way i love him if i can make you pray the way i pray if i can make you love a descend life the way i love without using force or cruelty i have influenced you can i be honest with you be careful who influences you you will always become like the influence this is the reason why we must pray that god himself will raise born again tongue talking people in politics in business in government it is my prayer i'm not the kind of man of god i made a covenant with god that i will never raise a people who are only spiritually on fire in order of priority their spiritual lives are my primary focus however they must be people of influence i believe in influence if you do not have the people of god represented in your parliament your businesses one day there will rise a pharaoh who did not know joseph and your work of 30 years will end under the ungodliness of one man i believe in influence there must be someone in the security sector who can be a representation of the purposes of god there there must be someone in your justice system who loves jesus sincerely i'm not talking of religiosity and i'm not just talking of favoring christians i'm talking of bringing forth the value system of the kingdom such that everyone benefits both christians and non-christians the value system of the kingdom does not benefit christians alone it benefits all of god's creation this is what i'm teaching your universities and your higher institutions of learning must have professionals who also bow to the lordship of christ so that in addition to secular enlightenment they bring people to a life of decorum and power and spirituality are we learning south africa and south african churches standing on this platform i beseech you man of god by the message of god teach your people the principles of influence greatness is important listen to me the body of jesus is hanging on the cross there and jesus christ died on the cross but he was not supposed to remain on the cross yet nobody had the influence to bring that body down no prayer warrior could bring that body down it took a man of influence called joseph of arimathea he used his influence with government to say bring that body down i have a virgin poem if he did not donate his tongue through influence you will not be able to say oh death where is your sting and no grave where is your victory influence played a role in our salvation believe in prosperity believing increase believe in greatness for as long as the church is surrounded by men and women of influence who have kingdom at heart there is only so much the devil can do influence don't just teach people to fast alone as much as i've said it don't just teach people to pray alone teach people to translate the values of the god life into a context of honor and dignity that the world can see that you have utilized kingdom tools the weapons of victory to produce a destiny that is enviable when god granted me the anointing and the grace to raise and to mentor and to build kings and nobles i said thank you for this grace why because for every king to function in a land there must be a briefly and a prophetic cover the formation of king priest and prophet is an old ordinance that will not change will be tied a professional or a king who stands alone in politics and government and does not have the prophetic and the priesthood to protect them number six are you ready how do you preserve the move of god in south africa the sixth and the final key there must be an open display of love an open display of love without prejudices without religious biases without cultural biases there has to be an open display of love can i be honest with you until there is love there is a dimension of evangelism called evangelism through love where it is the love that is the preacher and my goodness love preaches well it is love does not need an interpreter you preach love everybody will hear and understand church of the lord jesus christ if you cannot show your people love if a preacher cannot show people love if a government can show people love if your systems and your structures cannot show people love then i assure you sooner or later the reality of the faith life will fade away the advantage we have in the faith life is that christianity is the greatest faith practice i know that is the most vocal advocate of love by this shall all men know that here my disciples not when you heal the sick not when you raise the dead not when you pray in tongues not when you prophesy he says though i speak with tongues of men and of angels and i have not love i am nothing even if i offer my body to be bond and i have not love i am nothing though i know all mysteries i have all prophecies and i have not love i am nothing it says love is patient love is kind love is humble it endures all things it hopes all things love there remain at this three faith hope and love but the greatest is love [Music] in first corinthians chapter 12 as i round up after teaching us on the gifts of the spirit prophecy miracles he said behold i show you a more excellent way there is a more excellent way of preaching preaching by love there is a more excellent way of prophesying prophesying in love there is a more excellent way of governance governance in love there is a more excellent way of learning learning in love love never fails please repeat this after me love never fails one more time lord that means if you find anything failing add love to it and it stops failing immediately if a nation is failing i'd love to wait the bible says love never fails you find a preacher that is failing hard love love never fails business people that's a strategy you want to know what is fail proof and the bible already tells you that love never fails so when you invest in love ah next time you are listing your investments don't just list telecom real estate add love and it will only take a wise person to laugh at you what are your investments i have investment in real estate i have an investment in oil and gas i have investment in this i have investment in love me really yes sir because no i have seen no ear has heard neither has it come into the heart of any man that which god has in store not for prayer warriors not for fasting giants not for effective preachers them that love him he says how can you say you love god that you have not seen when you dislike your neighbor who you have seen south africa this is my final word for you in this season africa divided we fall but united we stand all hands together please stand up [Applause] if you can hold hands with someone please do lord make us instruments of your peace where there is hatred let your love increase lord make us instruments of your peace walls of pride and prejudice shall cease when we are your instrument of peace and with our hands lifted up we will worship our king and with our hands lifted up we come before you rejoicing with our hands lifted up to the sky and the world wonders why will just tell them we loving our king oh we just tell them we love i did this at the beginning of the conference please lend me one minute even if it's just the first part of your anthem calling can you do that for me in one minute i like to end my session honoring your nation south africa by singing once again the anthem of your nation please [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ever [Music] on [Music] [Music] and united we shall stand let us live and strive for freedom [Music] in south africa [Music] hallelujah [Music] i bless you in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare that every blessing that was allotted for this conference i stand in faith with the angel over this house apostle felix oko on behalf of the church in south africa i declare be blessed be blessed amen i bless the members of parliament yes sir those in governance i bless the business people in south africa i bless the young people the students amen i bless the professionals in south africa amen i bless every man and every woman of god in south africa amen i bless every citizen of this land amen i decree and declare over your life go from glory to glory to glory to glory to glory amen in the name of jesus amen south africa and africa i pray that next year by this time come on you would be a thousand times greater amen in the name of jesus christ apostle felix thank you so much thank you wonderful wife house of treasures south africa africa i love you and god bless you thank you hallelujah [Music] is that how you celebrate the man of god that god sent lorraine [Applause] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] apostle i want to stand on behalf of house of treasures ministries congregation everyone that is here passed us they are members of our presidency that are here the government officials we want to say thank you thank you nation truly loves you we truly love you we love you we love you sir and i want to make a plea i know you are busy you know me i i take advantage of opportunities yes sir i want to make a plea that by this time next year we will be back here yes yes yes yes i am praying that by this time next year i would have enlarged this auditorium from 3 000. at least five or six thousand yes sir [Applause] and possibly a day will come when we will move this meeting to stadium amen amen yes sir apostle as a friend as a brother as someone that believes in the mighty grace of god upon your life i want to say thank you thank you i truly truly love this man i love him with my being i tell you amen thank you for the sacrifice thank you for leaving everything behind i mean listen to me you may not know let me say this before pastors that are watching him and i are close to the estimate we're certain informations are privy to me now when apostle arrived he opened his phone and he says you know pastors are angry that i don't return calls i don't return messages just when he took off to when he landed there were 300 206 messages that he needs to respond to i mean he's a human being he still needs to prepare for preaching he still needs to spend time with god he's extremely busy and in the midst of that he made us a priority amen amen also there is no there is no amount of offering or whatever that will give you that will equate to what has been done here we are just saying as a people of this nation that we are truly grateful and we love you sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] celebrate apostle joshua salman celebrate him glory to god what on him
Channel: Victor Omebije
Views: 3,546
Rating: 4.9731545 out of 5
Id: aLzQMtK1g1Q
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Length: 78min 45sec (4725 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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