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[Music] there is with your hands to jesus let's declare it is true that we have the lord who is our maker father we thank you with your hands to him as a sign of worship we have come to you the god who is alive [Music] thank him for the gift of today thank him for the abundance of his grace thank him for another moment of encounter in his presence the bible declares they go from strength to strength as many of them that appear before the lord in zion [Music] the bible says for without faith it is impossible to please him that everyone who comes to god must come believing that he is he exists and then that is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him father we thank you now cry to him open up my understanding let your word come with fire let your power come let there be an engracing upon my spirit man today are you praying be intentional about your prayer be passionate about your prayer for everyone that asked receive it [Music] to him that secret he shall find unto him that knock at the door shall be opened [Music] so for in jesus name we pray amen while standing i want to start by really truly appreciating everyone it takes a level of discipline to grow spiritually spiritual growth is for people who take god seriously number one and those who are disciplined enough to walk in keeping with divine principles it says in the latter time some will refuse to endure sound doctrine it takes the endurance of the spirit coming week after week let me tell you something while you are still standing it was very strong in my heart as i was praying and preparing to come it's important to know who you are as far as this ministry is concerned you are not followers never call yourself or think yourself to be a follower a follower is a fan a follower is one who subscribes to an individual or a platform based on emotions and based on interests no we are not followers followers are emotional people followers work conditionally they are football fans who can be the fan of one football club one moment and then become utterly disappointed and switch what they call them clubs immediately and unapologetically so so you must realize that don't don't carry a fun mentality i'm coming here just because i love the idea of koinonia oh i love apostle joshua salman it's more than that you see in this kingdom when it has to do with growth we are students in the school of the spirit hallelujah and when you submit yourself to growth you have to take away the fund mentality and be connected every time you are coming is as though you are coming first to the school of the spirit the threshing floor you are coming to be made you are coming to be built you are coming to be established i just thought to put that in place because we live in a celebrity generation and sometimes we ship some of these ideas to church and we just have this idea like there is a celebrity man of god or a celebrity ministry or all that is absolute nonsense as far as the purposes of god is concerned there is jesus the son of the living god and privileged vessels that have to communicate his intent to a people and a passionate people who are hungry to learn christ this is what makes a church any other thing out of it is a waste of time and the fabrication of men it does not sustain any power whatsoever to transform are we together thank you for submitting yourself to the fasting please believe in fasting please in the name of jesus and in the name of honesty believe in the power of fasting and prayer a believer who does not fast is not only a lazy christian is a christian that will be defeated utterly hallelujah praise the lord having said that let's greet one another good evening everybody god bless you please be seated welcome to koinonia sometimes these things just burn in your heart and you want to get them out as a communication of your love for the people of god hallelujah praise the name of the lord do not forget what i just said no believer who comes to the house of god is a fan or a follower now those who are outside the kingdom may call the membership of a church or a spiritual platform followers they are only communicating based on their level of understanding believers as far as the building or the structure of church and growth is concerned are called disciples they are students there are believers who have submitted themselves to the covenant of growth growth through mentorship growth through enlightenment and this is very very important two things about a student or two things about a disciple within within the limit of your covenant of submission to learn you do not choose the menu for your growth within the limit of your covenant of submission as far as your growth is concerned you do not choose your menu it is the assignment of the holy spirit in partnership with god's shepherd to walk and design a menu that is profitable for your growth matthew i think it was matthew is it matthew chapter 4 also matthew chapter 4 and verse 4 i think the temptation of jesus and he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god here jesus gives us two keys for the living of man one bread number two words so men live by bread and they live by words if you have bread alone you may not live effectively you need bread and you need words the greatest of the words being the word of god jesus himself was teaching us that man does not live by bread alone but by every word including the word that proceeds from the mouth of god jeremiah 3 and verse 16 says and i will give you shepherds or pastors 3 15 i will give you pastors after or according to my heart and the bible says the menu that this spiritual chef serves is called knowledge and understanding i will give you pastors according to my heart they will feed you with knowledge and with understanding any territory is in trouble when there are three things there absent please listen according to scripture this is just just a background for tonight any territory at all is in trouble when three things are absent second chronicles 15 and verse 3 the bible tells us three things that if absent a society is in trouble for a long season israel had been without the true god number one when a territory lacks the knowledge and allegiance to the true god that territory is in trouble number two without a teaching priest if a territory lacks a teaching priest that territories in trouble and number three without law these are the things that sponsor civilization and order the knowledge of the true god the knowledge of a teaching priest or the presence of a teaching priest and then laws for a long season israel was without the true god and without a teaching priest and without law so we must be passionate about learning because when god comes to you he makes you by introducing his word and his word contains his thoughts you have to understand that the word logos means the thoughts of a man that seeks expression his thoughts are we together every time you appear before the lord you must fight every spirit of destruction jesus himself told us that everywhere the saints are gathered satan is also around that corner and he has the singular assignment of stealing the word in the parable of the seed and the sower he said the seed fell on all kinds of grounds and as soon as the seed fell satan himself came to that ground and picked the seed and he says those that fell on good ground were those who heard and had understanding and among those who had are not understanding there were three levels of results 30-fold 60-fold 100-fold may your life command 100-fold in the name of jesus christ philippians chapter 1 and verse 7. let's go to the business of tonight our online family azaria family is also connecting blessings to you all pay attention and our global family the lord bless you it's an honor to bring you the word philippians chapter 1 and verse 7. i told us last week we began and it will continue for a few more weeks i will be teaching spiritual truths that relate to the graces and the spiritual investments that god has so graciously placed upon my life and upon this ministry and the reason why the lord instructed me to teach this please keep that scripture is the be part of this scripture it says let me read the whole verse even as it is meant for me to think these of you all paul is speaking now because i have you in my heart what a good shepherd in as much as both in my bonds and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel and here's what he says ye all how many all he says ye all are partakers of my grace ye all when god calls a man please listen when god calls a man among the many equippings that god gives to that man is he grants him access to several levels several you should receive by submitting under a man and a ministry it's not just spiritual information but you must be partakers of that grace hallelujah to partake of a grace means to be benefactors of that spiritual investment and so last week we considered wisdom the spirit of wisdom i'm praying that many of us would take out time and listen again to last week's teaching so that god would grant us grace the bible calls wisdom the principal thing so please pay attention tonight and then the weeks that follow god will help us to touch and teach a long disgraces that he is so lavishly invested in this ministry why is that so so that your life will become an evidence it would be clear to you and to creation that you have truly truly embraced this grace and that with it you will excel in your own life your christian pursuit and then you will help many to come to the saving knowledge of jesus christ if you are with me please say amen there are many graces second corinthians chapter eight and verse seven i believe very instructive statement there there are many graces that are available for the believers but paul even though this context was alongside the grace of giving but then it also applies to us he says therefore as ye abound in everything in faith in utterance in knowledge in all diligence and in your love to us see that ye are bound in disgrace also in as much as you have been benefactors of these other dimensions faith utterance knowledge diligence and even having love for us it is my desire paul is saying to see this expression of grace also at work in your life that means it is possible to embrace certain dimensions and certain levels of disgrace and yet the fullness of all of it may not find expression in your life as that yet and like paul god sees my heart that i am desirous that these other dimensions of grace that many of us may not have come into the experience of that by the teaching tonight god will grant us access to this grace if you're with me please say amen this grace called favor write it down please this grace called favor just write it down and pray in the spirit in one minute this grace called favor change please pray following online pray [Music] we're going to tap tonight into deep riches of eternal life he was the son [Music] has eternal life he was the son [Music] has eternal life i have the sun so i have eternal life he who was the son go ahead and pray holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy is the lord god almighty he's the lord god almighty my life is full of your glory [Music] my life is full of your glory you pray and the people say holy holy [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy holy [Music] you're praying to open up your understanding you're praying for the sake of your destiny you are praying for the sake of the assignment that is set before you one of the mysteries of the kingdom is about to be unveiled [Music] my life is about to change thank you jesus for your word comps [Music] hallelujah please sit down this grace called favor i do not mean to be arrogant and forgive me if you ever perceive that there is any communication that represents or connotes arrogance we are all products of god's mercy and grace but i will tell you one truth and i do not mean to insult your pedigree this for some reason is about the hardest of the graces that i have seen as far as receiving this grace that god has placed upon my life and upon this ministry is concerned i have seen people receive the grace for the prophetic so easily i have seen people receive the grace for the miraculous so easily i have seen people receive the grace dimensions of the anointing the presence of god revelation but when it has to do with disgrace called favor i do not know why it has been so difficult and this is not just my experience alone i've had the honor and the privilege to interact with great great men and women veterans of the gospel within this nation and around the world and for some reason there seems to be the same complaint that it seems as though those who sit under this anointing for some reason are not able to receive and to replicate this grace and i'm praying that this case and this narrative will change tonight god is the all-wise god and in his dealings with men please pay attention i'm teaching now man man by default listen to me man by default by reason of the fallen nature and by reason of the limitation that our humanity brings to us man is limited grossly limited more limited than we will ever imagine and so as you sojourn on earth as you walk on this earth attempting to live out your destiny and your assignment sooner or later you will realize how limited we can be no matter how well meaning we are no matter how sincere we are man by default is limited he is not limited because he is evil necessarily he's not limited because um because he is he's he's bad or whatever it is no no no no the same limitation happens to good people and bad people the same limitation happens to selfless and selfish people there there are different shades of limitations that are upon us by reason of wearing this mortal body you have to be aware of this and so god in his wisdom and in his love designed several systems of advantage this is what i call them systems of advantage that if and when the saints access these systems of advantage they can begin to turn an ordinary limited believer into a sign and a wonder please pay attention that means that outside of the influence of these systems of advantage nobody has the hope of finishing strong and living the fullness of your destiny in christ [Music] the advantage that the believer has listen to me the advantage that coming into the faith life provides among many other things is the the access to these systems of advantage so if you get born again say at age 40 it's going to take you already time is against you is that true congratulations for coming into the kingdom but time is already against you because the unit of destiny is time and if you get born again at age 40 think how long is going to take you to argue about the ministry of the holy spirit until you finally open up your heart to him embrace the word of god and now begin to learn the foundational redundance of the gospel by the time you gain any level of maturity at all pending on the pace of your passion it may be five ten years down the line then now understanding your assignment and beginning to live it out so by that that the fact that you got to know god late already puts you in a disadvantage so god brought into our christian space systems of advantage like speed so that there is a possibility that under normal circumstances it will take you 10 years to know god and leave out your destiny but that there is a condition that can be introduced in your life that within one two years you will catch up with those who have gone 10 years ahead of you it's called speed are we together now yes systems of advantage a woman for instance respectfully speaking who may have been trusting god for a child and she's 10 15 years down the line no child now even if she gives back to a child how many years would she take in training that child or those children to now become adults and become mature if she's supposed to have a child one one one one space within two or three years it's going to take that woman a long time so god can introduce something into that condition that one woman can have three plates or quadruplets you see that one is not delivery that is restoration because god took 10 12 years and put it in nine months it's more than just celebrating the arrival of multiple children god is making a statement by that miracle that you can have dominion over time are we together now everybody says systems of advantage yes sir you have to know the implication of being a child of god being a child of god has implications [Music] and one of those systems of advantage that was put in the life of believers for our profiting to help us maximize our destinies in christ is a grace called favor [Music] um that life by default is cruel life by default is imbalanced life by default can be can be viciously unfair favor becomes the equalizer favor becomes that which brings your life to balance are we together now this grace called favor i already shared with you my experience and let me give honor to many many people but two great people that were used by god very mightily to influence my life and to be conduit for the reception of these grace number one i honor him and i thank god he is alive and i pray he gets to hear and know this dr mike murdock he is one vessel that god used to communicate and help me understand this grace called favor the second that i must give honor to and i've stated it here is pat robertson christian broadcasting network 700 club it was a prayer i listened to a broadcast where he was narrating the story that as a young minister about to start ministry he went to god and prayed and he said lord give me wisdom number one number two give me favor number three give me the anointing of the holy spirit i went back and i prayed the same prayer lord give me favor or wisdom give me favor and give me the anointing of the holy spirit and like jabez god had my prayer and the rest today is history history that glorifies god history that brings glory to the name of the lord exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 we're going to read two scriptures and then i'll begin to share this deep kingdom mystery let's read together in concert ready one to read and i will give these people favor please read in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when ye go ye shall not go empty please read it one more time and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when ye go ye shall not go so you can know that favor is upon you and you can know when favor is not upon you scripture number two exodus 11 and verse 3 exodus 11 and verse 3 ready to read again thank you for your patience one to read and the lord gave the people favor in the sight of the egyptians moreover the man moses was very great in the land of egypt in the sight of pharaoh's servant and in the sight of the people stop we're going to read it one more time i know you're ready from your mind now look at what you're reading and just pay attention to the power of what you're reading ready one more time and the lord gave the people favor in the sight of the egyptians then he isolates one man and shows what favor can do he says moreover the man moses as a result of that favor was very great in the land of egypt number two he was very great in the sight of pharaoh's servants number three he was very great in the sight of the people favor what is favor um let me let me just just pause before you write i think one of the reasons why many believers have not come into the reality of favor the mainstream definition of favor now i i i don't mean to to downplay or insult the sack that there have been many imbalances as far as the teaching of favor is concerned and that is largely the reason why many believers have not been able to step into the experience of favor the definition itself for most of you if i ask you please define for me favor what you will usually say is favor is unmerited access is that true you are not wrong but you are largely incomplete favor is a grace that is multi-dimensional you see unmerited access is just one of the definitions of favor and the very fact that you believe that favor is unmerited is the reason why we may never receive it when you tell believers favor is merited this no no no no no no favor is not merited and because we have an idea that favor is unmerited we feel there is nothing to study about the dynamics of the operation of favor if something is unmerited why should i go so far to study it let me tell you by the authority of god's word favor is merited favor is in its operation and is just one dimension of favor that appears to look like unmerited favor or unmerited access that is when it has to do with salvation the substitutionary sacrifice of christ any other dimension of favor is merited to just believe that favor is unmerited looks like a very sincere communication but is destructive many believers have been unable to step into it you cannot call wisdom unmerited people know that wisdom is merited so they pursue it they learn everything to learn about wisdom so the first thing we have to correct in love tonight is that favor is merited favor is merited to call the entirety of favor on merited access is not exactly right so let's divine favor i'll give you a few definitions number one favor is divine help divine assistance favor is divine help divine assistance god in partnership with men god in partnership with men providing help and assistance to one's life and destiny favor is divine help divine assistance god in partnership with men providing help providing assistance to your life and your destiny please write it down divine help divine assistance are we together so when god graciously participates in your life your success your destiny and now coordinates men to also support the course of your life and your destiny we say you are favored and i told you favor is not unmerited favor is merited proverbs 13 and verse 15. here's the scripture that the lord gave me to deliver me from that understanding that favor is unmerited please read with me if you're a child of god ready one to read good understanding give it favor but the way of transgressors is hard one more time now please keep that scripture there i understand the scripture to be in um is is like two women who are both pregnant the name of the first woman is called good understanding and this woman is pregnant when she gives birth to a child the name of the child that comes from her is called favor are we together on this other side there is another woman who is also pregnant her name is transgression she gives birth to a child the name of that child is hardship so both favor and hardship are children that come from mothers one mother is called good understanding one other mother is called transgression you know what transgression is violation of patterns so this mother called good understanding can give birth to a child and we call the child favor this other mother called transgression can give birth to a child hardship has an explanation it's not just a sociological phenomena it's not the absence of privilege and advantage hardship now is a very uncomfortable truth because when you talk like this many people get offended especially those who may may seem to be going through all kinds of problems whether financially and all of that but you must be open-hearted let god because the way of the transgressor is hard this is very very powerful many believers have refused to embrace this grace called favor and they have been limited as far as their divine assignment is concerned and i'm praying that god himself will help us to really really understand how favor works write this down favor truly is the number one reason why people succeed in the kingdom the favor of god is the number one reason why people succeed in the kingdom when jesus came and walked in the flesh luke chapter 2 and verse 52 jesus himself can you imagine this jesus the word of god the logos of god had to contend for favor to excel in his assignment and jesus increased the bible says in wisdom jesus increased in stature and jesus the word of god needed favor to fulfill his divine destiny he increased in favor with god and man now this automatically tells you there are two levels of favor there is favor with god and there is favor with men you can have favor with god and not have favor with men if you have favor with men with god you will have encounters angelic encounters you can't even go to heaven and come back but you will suffer in this life for sure because the earth has he given to the sons of man many people have favor with god access to illumination understanding of scripture but as far as excelling in life and destiny is concerned they do not understand the dynamics of living in this earth and in this realm you need favor both with god and man we see the use of the favor with men when jesus needed a donkey for his triumphant entry it was because of this grace called favor upon him he says go and lose that cold and if any man ask you tell him the master had need of it brothers and sisters if jesus did not have this grace called favor he would have been surprised what the owner of that donkey would do are we together yes sir favor every testimony of victory and success in the kingdom is connected to favor every testimony of victory and success in this kingdom is connected to favor please write that down it's very very important every testimony of victory and success in this kingdom is connected to favor please write this down in this kingdom who hates you does not matter but who likes you matters in this kingdom who hates you does not matter but who likes you matters these are very powerful kingdom points that you must note that in this kingdom who hates you truly does not matter but who likes you matters a king hates one woman called vashti and she loses her throne immediately the king falls in love with a woman called hadassah esther and from a young village girl she rises almost immediately to become queen the king loves a man even though that man was against the purposes of god called her man he hated god and hated the jews but simply because the king loved him he remained in the palace and he had dominion the day the king hated him even if he repented he would still go out of the palace he will serve the god of the bible outside the palace are we together now a woman called ruth meets a great and a noble man called boaz and he loves her and in a moment her life is changed for 430 years this cruel beast of a king called pharaoh all kinds of pharaohs came and left oppressing god's people and suddenly god placed this grace upon the nation of israel and the same pharaoh who oppressed them the bible says he gave them so much gifts they were in a hurry to go out they did not even allow their cake to the door to rise who likes you in this kingdom matters write this down all blessings come from god through men to men this is a powerful spiritual information please pay attention these truths will help you to excel and serve the purposes of the kingdom and to live a very victorious christian life while living out your destiny understand this all blessings come from god but they come through men to men when god says yes and the helpers of your destiny say no the answer will remain in the realm of the spirit it will not manifest in israel believe me if you say all i need in this life is god and you're saying that to me my allegiance my love my passion and my commitment is to him you are right but if you say all i need in this life as far as the dynamics of success is concerned you are very wrong even god needed men you asked the angel what he was doing searching for women with wombs jesus wants to come on earth he's trapped in heaven until a woman donates her womb look at how the angel came to explain it as mighty as he was the word remained in the realm of the spirit and the angel came and said mary you are highly favored this is what will happen to you she said explain it to me do you know the same question mary asked was the same question zechariah asked they punished one and left another because zechariah was not highly flavored but mary was highly favored two of them asked the same question when zechariah was asking the angel explain to me the dynamics of my he said she shot his mouth and yet mary said how shall these things be and the same gabriel said let me tell you the power of the highest what kind of unfair thing is that [Applause] but remember he started by saying you are highly favored so anything is with respect to that grace ask your questions because it's on you sit down sit down please pay attention don't be distracted if you are distracted it's an attack if you are distracted it's an attack god has something to say listen god has something to say listen listen pay attention for god has something to say [Music] so he said the power of the highest will come upon you she had to give the angel permission be it unto me according to your word and the word became flesh you will be learning in the course of this teaching that there are people on earth who are uncastable you can cast them if god wants to help you he will make them favor you that's how you pass through that gate listen believers may god have mercy on us and deliver us from ignorance there are many believers suffering today because the wisdom and the understanding that makes for living and excelling in the cosmos is largely absent and so we continue to pray in tongues fall under the anointing and find out that we are feeling woeful in life because the dynamics of understanding how to live within our sociological context is not there this is why god brought the church as an advantage to society are we together yes sir this world you see is the world of men and if you do not understand the dynamics of favor you can be called of god you can be anointed having encounters in the secret place but you will be surprised that you may never leave out your destiny favor every result you see in this kingdom is tied to favor every are we still together please write this down you need favor to achieve your goals and fulfill your divine destiny in christ you need favor you need favor to achieve your goals you need favor to fulfill your divine destiny in christ how true this is especially because of the times that we live in you need favor to achieve your goals you need favor to live out your divine destiny what is favor favor is when god raises men to invest their time invest their resources invest their credibility over your destiny when god raises men to invest their time invest their resources invest their credibility look at me believers do you know most of the things we pray for the answers are not coming from heaven the answers are already on earth and most of the things we pray for today most of them are men dependent the prayer request of many people are on the tables of certain individuals on earth and even in this city it is within their power literally one signature sustains the power to turn a man's life around it is true how many great men and women of god called and loved so passionately by god who love god with all their heart but they have not submitted themselves to the spiritual intelligence accessing this grace to excel in life and ministry i have met anointed men and women on earth i am telling you i have met anointed men and women in this nation and i look at their life and i see their sincerity and passion for god but i can look and with uncanny uncanny precision i can point the gaps the absence of the graces in their lives that should walk in synergy to produce an enviable destiny one of them being favor many of you are very hard-working you are sincere you love the lord many of us have seen our loved ones very hard-working [Music] it is the absence of favor that has led to this statement life is unfair you hear people say so life is unfair [Music] are we together i have seen the advantage and the blessings of carrying the grace for favor and there is a disadvantage there is a serious disadvantage if you do not carry favor let me be honest with you in this life i have discovered and i keep discovering as god helps me to advance in my life and god helps me in leadership and ministry i have found out people really don't care about you this is a very painful revelation it takes a long time usually for people people don't care about you at all they are they are passionately obsessed with making a meaning out of their own lives so whatever will make them leave their own affairs and zoom their attention to you has to be divine listen most of us have this superstitious idea that just because i love god everybody will shut down on their destinies and just pay attention to me no sir a person the other day i sat in church and someone was looking at me and smiling my brother as he was looking at you was thinking about something else i can almost tell you you are not the one he was looking at i'm not being sarcastic have you seen people talk and walk and you think they are talking to you but they are talking about themselves how is this ranch going to come say sorry i'm not talking to you i'm discussing something serious listen do you know why i'm teaching you this it's not just to laugh and to scorn if it is true that your success does not just depend the dynamics of the manifestation now is god in partnership to men to hate to make it happen and these men are currently distracted pursuing their own destinies that what do you think will make those men to live whatever it is and then turn to you and give you dedicated investment of their time dedicated investment of their resources dedicated investment of their energy allow you to climb and leverage upon them i was preaching concern i was preaching years ago and a man of god preached before me and he shared a story that i found very very powerful pay attention to the story this is what he said that there was a senior advocate i think in this country also around the world very senior senior legal practitioner very wealthy very successful influential one whose name is a key you know names can be two things keys or padlocks but this one his name is a king and there was this young lawyer who had tried and tried tried to set up his family failed try very sincere smart gentleman watch this and he was really frustrated and he went to god in prayer and said lord change my life things have to change and every time he would stand you would see some of these top clients institutions running around to talk to that senior advocate to help them you know in in all kinds of legal services and these people would be bidding for millions millions of dollars and that gentleman felt life was so unfair i'm just looking for a fraction of this thing look what they want to give this man and he's leaving them and what kind of thing is this when god wanted to help that gentleman this is what happened in the presence i think they were at a conference and there were several people businessmen billionaires other lawyers deaf captains of industry and this young man came and cried and said sir please help me please change my life and the man said okay i will help you and he said follow me and he came out of the veranda and everybody was looking at him oh this is not our senior advocate what is he doing with this guy then he began to talk with him so how are you how is your wife i said sir that's not the issue he said just talk to me and they were walking together how are you are you eating well are you taking and he was angry he was saying sad the issue is that i'm i'm hungry and the man said he walked with him and when he walked with him he got into his office and said if you still fail don't come to my office again listen listen do you know you know what he was doing people were saying who is this man [Applause] please sit down sit down one lane you are in the house of god the gentleman came out true story he was about to look for a bike to go home and someone stopped him and said sorry i saw you with this man um listen listen he did not even ask him if he was he said sorry we've been trying to get him to negotiate a deal for us but he our rate can we please can we walk with you and he mentioned a race that was a breakthrough and the gentleman was wise to compose himself listen true story the moment he did that god granted him grace called some of his partners and worked together and within a year this gentleman got a gift and went back to the office of that senior advocate he knelt down and said thank you for changing my life then the senior advocate asked him he said do you know what happened to you that's what i'm interested in keep your gift you have to study what happened to you so that you will use it on others too favor is when an individual invests his credibility on you [Applause] listen carefully who likes you in this kingdom matters for many of us we live in a world where the only thing we know is money once money is not in front of you you don't care about any other thing again if they keep money and they keep men you will carry money and it will finish and you go back to square one there are seven currencies that we use to purchase realities in this kingdom everything is bought there are seven currencies the least of them is money i pray for you coinonia from the depth of my heart may you never be so poor that the only thing you have is money [Applause] [Music] let me pray that prayer again and i say it with every sense of responsibility may you never be so poor that the only thing you have is money in your atm [Applause] listen there are superior currencies [Music] money itself you see we have a series on finances coming but money itself you see is a product there is a capital that buys it the name of the capital that buys money is what the bible calls two riches money itself is a product are you getting what i'm teaching you now yes if i want to buy this bible come come lift this up if you want to buy this bible will you be offended if i bring out money just to use ah okay watch this please watch this this for instance this is a hundred dollar bill lift it up watch this if let's assume this is hundred dollars people are falling from around the world so we're using something universal if this if you want to buy this product you need this is that true that means if i give you this you start smiling because this is already a victim of the abundance of this but if you want to buy this what do you use because this is also a product what do you use to buy this money buys this but what if it is money you want to buy itself what do you use to buy it the one who is wealthy is not the one who has this the one who is wealthy is one who has the capital that buys this i've made up my mind to go god's way for the rest of my life i've made up my mind [Music] you know many people believe that preachers are unintelligent people and when it has to do with salvation alone that they have something to say when it has to do with the matters that help people to excel and live a victorious christian life while serving the purposes of the kingdom with dignity and honor most people believe the house of god is not the go-to place it's a wrong narrative and i hope that by these meetings god is using it to he's changing our minds the church is not a nuisance to civilization please understand this not every man of god is moving around trying to look for money and manipulate people there are people who fear god sincerely and intend to be contributors to nation building [Music] are you learning thank you thank you now listen pay attention favor one person write this down please one person [Music] can be used by god to open a hundred dose of opportunity for you one man can be used by god remember god has to be in the equation one man can be used by god to open more than a hundred dollars of opportunity for you this is very very important when when i realized respectfully speaking that i didn't have all the advantage that would be needed to serve the purposes of the kingdom effectively it does not take money to have an encounter with jesus christ it doesn't take resources it doesn't take access it doesn't even take influence it just takes passion and hunger let me tell you where the challenge of many believers come from the average believer usually gets born again say on campus or maybe while schooling is that true and as a student most times the emphasis is just on your spiritual growth and your academics you can't be talking to a student about you know accessing some of these things there may be distractions at that level so the only message is messages that relate to pressing into god depths in the spirit you know prayer and fasting consecration love for god and all of these things but sooner or later that person now becomes a family person there are real responsibilities that are now added is that true you will have to redesign your teachings as an effective man of god to do well to help the people remain spiritually in touch passionately in love with god but at the same time you must now supply them the keys that help them to excel in their career in their life while serving the purposes of the kingdom otherwise sooner or later they will be distracted by the need to make a living and they will live the things of god it will cancel out all your investment of many years i can tell you one of the reasons why many believers are not serious with god is because they have not engaged these systems of advantage to help them be victorious the bible says he that you have asked for nothing it says to ask that you should receive to the end that your joy may be full is someone following tonight many sincere people in this country many sincere people around africa many sincere people in this city and probably many sincere people seated and listening to me desire to live for jesus desire to love him with all your hearts desire to serve the purposes of the kingdom in truth but that may not be possible until you access these systems of advantage when they walk in your life they now afford you the time listen ladies and gentlemen it takes time to seek god it takes time to teach your children the things of god it takes time there is so much destruction in our world today you can't lock yourself for two three days to say i'm seeking the face of god because there are bills society will call you irresponsible even though you call yourself a passionate believer i know many people who started well in ministry many sincere people who loved god with all their hearts some of them today are not in ministry because the needs and the cares of life just strangled away their passion for god respectfully speaking some of us you go and meet our parents at home and in the villages and you talk to them about loving god and having passion for god and they look at you and pity you so much they say listen let me tell you i was the protocol to tl osborne when he came into nigeria so all these things you are doing we did it before why should someone become that frustrated do you know there are believers today who are angry at god because it looks like he's calm them he gave them a proposal that they would have a victorious life they left i don't worship and left everything and came to him and the only thing they caught was spiritual fire not accessing the systems of advantage in the kingdom will make god appear like a wicked and cruel and self-centered god you see the way preachers teach about god if not if you do not understand who god is your conclusion would be that god must be a wicked and a cruel king here's the proposition live everything and love god doesn't matter what happens to you don't worry about it you just focus on this god he he gave his life to you give your own to him in return sacrifice everything and love him what about my children just forget about them he will take control you just keep praying and make sure you love the lord now your children are saying daddy this god you are talking about is it that he does not see that we have needs don't worry the most important thing is i love jesus with all my heart until children become teenagers teenagers become angry youth who help to kill you you come to them they say look i was a pastor's child don't you dare talk to me about this thing about god our world today has several options if if we do not teach these things in its entirety let me tell you we are going to lose a whole generation i assure you i need i need to put things in perspective so you don't think we're just currently talking about success and victory there is nothing worth discussing that is in isolation to kingdom come where people of vision people who passionately love god so everything we are communicating is part is a subset put together to make the believer become victorious you ignore what i am teaching you sooner or later sooner or later you may regret it i bow my knees to the lord in gratitude today that when the holy spirit brought this dimension in addition to my passion for jesus my loving him which remains my priority in life and in death that i did not ignore this other aspect i probably today would have also been an unfortunate preacher manipulating people you think if i'm hungry and my needs are not met and hunger is pressing me indefinitely and i have the prophetic and you are here oh come on [Applause] sit down sit down [Applause] i am i am by no means trying to insult the body of christ no i am saying the systems of advantage are some of the sponsors of integrity please hear me as a man of god you do not know this and you do not learn this you don't learn these principles you will be surprised at the things you will eventually do you may never believe that one day you can manipulate a rich man or manipulate someone oh i fear god with all my heart the day your wife gets on her knees and her children and say look i'm tired of this your thing the devil will come to you again i came to you 10 years ago you say i fear god now i've come to you in light of your needs i love you forever i love you forever i love you forever lord i love you forever i love you forever regardless your background listen to me regardless the disadvantages that surround your life i introduce to you tonight a system of advantage there is a grace called favor it can come upon an individual it came upon an a villager called esther and took her from the village to the palace favor the lifting power of favor not even jesus disregarded it when he walked upon the earth and jesus grew in wisdom in stature in favor i've had the honor and the privilege of searching the life of our fathers of faith men who have run this race and gone before us and have found out that in all they are getting they did not ignore favor can i share with you a few kids as we pray because we are going to pray there are about four or five keys that i want to give you tonight that control and activate this grace called favor and it is my prayer in the name of jesus for you who are here and all who are following that in the name of jesus you obtain grace to walk in keeping with these principles this is the good understanding that brings favor i assure you many of you you see let me tell you within a short time you will be surprised to see the beauty and the glory that comes out of your life and you see the surprising thing is that your prayer life will not go down no you are learning god's way the surprising thing is that your passion for god will even be ever increasing are we together key number one the first key that activates this grace this mysterious grace called favor in the life of individuals the life of businesses companies politicians businessmen ministers of the gospel churches it doesn't matter who is a principle that works for any everybody are you ready key number one or no the first key that controls favor is honor please write it down honor is the key to access anytime a door closes before you and refuses to open i can tell you the name of the padlock that was used to lock that door is called dishonor let's define honor very quickly what is honor honor is the discerning please write it down honor is the discerning command honor is the celebrating and honor is the rewarding of men for their distinctive difference the discerning the rewarding or the celebrating and the rewarding of men for their distinctive difference their uniqueness is called honor so real honor starts with discernment all men are equal in christ the same lord is rich unto us but as far as the discipline of purpose the sacrifice of destiny is concerned all men are not the same you must have the fortitude to recognize and to descend the difference in the example i gave you earlier on what what what do you think is the difference between the senior advocate and the young man who was about to start his law practice i will tell you the difference the difference is years of investing to build credibility the difference is years and 10 years of mistake and the price that that senior advocate had to pay to learn when you honor men listen to me it's not human worship there is human worship which is wrong but i can tell you this great men are not great by mistake they are testaments of endurance we live in a world that has mastered the art of trivializing people you see a wealthy man you begin to cause him and say wicked nigerians all of you just destroying our money yet that man was born and he slept under a bridge one day you see a man of god who is anointed and blessed and god is showing him mercy and you may say oh mind all these people god just gave them grace and they are acting as eve [Music] listen africa we must learn this nigeria we must learn this the church we must learn this we are equal in christ but the men and women you see who are the gatekeepers today many of these men if they tell you their stories you will end up in tears testaments of endurance i was returning back from lagos and the pilot that flew us to return when they were introducing the man they said this is an award-winning so-so-so-and-so and so one of the best and the finest in the industry and when they said that we're happy when we lifted all through the flight and when we landed even me i clapped i said that man truly he deserves every accolade you can see the difference you can see the intelligence and the professionalism now for someone you say oh pilots are pilots until the other version of this excellence flies you are we together now yes sir god's grace absolutely phenomenal people custodians of wisdom people who you enter their office and you see awards from one end to the other as if they are selling it and every single one was earned and yet they sit down very humbly now a wise person will quickly drop any man of god thing and say sir what can you teach me within these five minutes these awards are not a showcase let me tell you what most nigerians will do is it just because you are lucky what is a word let me tell you what an award is a word is a testament that you have paid the price and your world even though selfish they've been compelled to recognize it are we learning don't be offended i'm a bit harsh i'm pushing you for a reason oh no the discerning [Music] the celebrating and the rewarding of men for their distinctive difference you hear me say this is a house of honor it is for a reason seated here the overflows and following online are thousands and eventually will evolve to millions of people some of these people are absolutely phenomenal people some of the people you may be sitting close to today by the protocol of their profession you may not even have the access to sit close to them is that true many preachers have closed the door of favor because of this honor in as much as you are anointed remember you are captain only within your jurisdiction are we learning everybody say oh no honor is one of the mysteries that when you engage it will bring you favor almost immediately you keep insulting your boss this man is a stupid man as stupid as you think he is every year he's turning over in billions and he's paying your salary without fail yet you call him stupid every one of us under the sound of my voice i pray that god will grant you grace to have a renewed orientation today you can literally earn a living practicing honor that when people say what are you doing you say i'm in real estate what are you doing i work with or an oil and gas firm what are you doing i practice oh no it's only a fool who laugh at you can literally earn a living practicing honor honor is a stream of income a stream of income that does not need capital to start and yet it is marvelously fail proof are we blessed oh no you must discern never enter the presence of greatness and act as if you are not aware of it no no as much as god continues to lift me when i step into the presence of great people i'm not talking of human worship no that is wrong but to give people an impression that look i am aware of your sacrifices i am aware of all of these great things one of the clearest expressions of honor is gratitude ingratitude is a display of this honor someone pays your school fees takes care of you sends a million naira to you and after two days you reply with a one word text thanks he pays another one thanks and it never comes again let me tell you what's not a spirit spirits take advantage of our disobedience and ride upon it to help us lock those doors i'm saying this to you because there are many of you today who have uncles and have people who in a heartbeat can open doors but you are surprised why they will not attend to you and you keep hearing that they are lifting others it is this honor that has closed that door you keep having dreams and visions of yourself moving forward and excelling in life yet it never manifests because the conduits the human conduit who should partner with god for your lifting you have dishonored and close that door let me challenge you here tomorrow is monday walk continues why don't you take it as a challenge and find something maybe a bottle of wine or something go and meet your boss if you have access to him and just just greet him and just tell him look um i just came to say thank you sir thank you so much it's been five years working with you or working with this company and i have experienced phenomenal growth i have learned i have grown and this is just me coming i went to church and i was taught the value of honor and i want to be a practitioner of the world i just want to say thank you let me tell you what your boss will do all right all right leave leave usually but there is no man who has vaccination against honor nobody there is no body on earth who can resist oh no people will express it in different ways the person looks at you and on that table he's deciding the next set of executives there was one more gap left and he just sought his next executive your certificate will give you a job but owner will guide your promotion there is a realm you get to where everybody has the same qualification with you the distinguishing factor becomes the practice of these mysteries that's what gives you an edge are we together please say oh no practice honor practice honor the cheapest way to practice oh no is thanksgiving discern and say thank you there are many men who never tell their wives thank you i don't mean to offend you but it's true thank you for what i paid her dowry there are many women who never tell their husbands thank you what for the bible says there are many children who never tell their parents thank you i didn't ask them to give back to me see all those kinds of thinkings thank you learn it please don't just laugh learn it don't say thanks no it's a mediocre way of expressing honor don't send people a text and say there are many people who have done well just to let you know you are one of them no when it has to do with communication of honor you give people a sense of exclusivity you are that valuable to me honor is the discerning the celebrating and the rewarding there are people for instance who have shown me honor in my life and by the honor they have shown subconsciously i have become indebted to them i'm not saying do it but i'm just telling you there are people who went that far look at nicodemus you now know that even though they were not born again they were wise people he came to jesus by night it is a sit down i am a pharisee let's talk he said rabbi he never called him jesus rabbi we know that doubt at a man sent from god forget everything we said in the afternoon we know it's just our job that makes us do that we know that thou art a man sent from god then he now says no man can do these things except god be with him and jesus said you want my heart let's talk verily verily i say unto you he'd even ask jesus a question jesus started talking read your bible he had not asked a question yet your jesus verily verily i say unto you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god then he now said can a man entire he expressed so much ignorance and he said look jesus this is intelligence and jesus said let me now explain except a man be born of water of the spirit he shall not enter the kingdom of god and then the wind blew edward listed jesus began another lecture same thing with the woman at the well have you noticed that honor is magnetic it keeps people within your vicinity it keeps help us within your vicinity is the job of the holy ghost to send them to you it's your job to work in partnership with him to maintain them never step into the door of greatness and allow that door shut you out no honor is what keeps the door open so that your children and your children's children can pass through [Music] there are people today when they endorse you even if you have an enemy who does not like you they are compelled to bless you because of the power of their sacrifice invested in their signature we have to hurry up are you learning the celebrating the rewarding of difference turn to the person seated by your left and right and tell them i honor you god bless you feel embarrassed but still do it just say it look at me let me challenge let me challenge let me challenge the young people in our nation and tell you why many people don't have doors they come to you usually once you are blessed you have this plethora of relatives who are waiting angrily entitled believing that you owe them and then people just come in uncle how are you and they just bounce around and they're seeing people queuing your uncle is their ceo and they are respecting the person are you just bouncing and coming how are you and um uncle anything for the boys and he looks at you and just manages it gives you something and tells his pa any day you see this boy coming make sure you don't open the door again why because you communicated dishonor i shared with you okay i'm not sure i've shared it here in abuja a very true story i went for a conference years ago and a man of god shared that story let me use it to wrap up this subject of honor so we'll move to the next point true story this man was seated he was a pastor of a church and god was using him mightily true story but back at home things were not working well especially financially things were a bit rough and yet he would sit down and the wife would sit down and they would hear testimonies of marvelous things that god was doing changing the lives of people and people who clap but that man sat down there and there was fire on the mountain in his own house one time during a service like this the wife just got up and walked out of the meeting the man was done finished his counseling and ran back home my wife what happened did i offend you did i say something during the message she didn't say anything and then he sat a table to eat and he noticed that the plates that she was using to serve him you know those women have those holy of holies plates that only come out when there's a triumphant entry so that praise the lord now watch this she brought those plates and served him and he kept asking what happened did i offend you we can't talk about this she didn't say anything finally when she brought the last item kept it on the table she got down on her knees and she said servant of god my home is in trouble suddenly the man said the same anointing he used to feel in the church came upon him on that dining table and he laid hands not now not on the wife that grace do you know because every time he was at home he was a husband so they are nothing for priests who did not find expression to bring breakthrough the woman was now wise and saying you are my husband but you are also a man of god today is not my husband i'm feeding i'm tired of feeding my husband and receiving compassion i need results so let me let me honor that let me tell you this listen everybody you see is multi-dimensional the dimension you all know is the dimension that delivers to you your father can be a prophet and he can be blessing the nations and never see anything for your life your ceo can have a powerful signature that has decided the prosperity of institutions and yet you can be seated there no door opens he that receives a prophet in the name as touching the office of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward there are many men of god who don't even waste their time praying for certain people because they know by the spirit that they are not going to receive anything the courage of pride that they bring i'm not talking about kneeling down you can kneel down and still be standing up in your heart so i'm not talking of all those things no a settled recognition practice this and watch doors open for you practice honor go back some of you this night even though your parents may look aged they may not have money but they have grace mama just to say thank you thank you for the honor and the privilege every time something is about to happen to me you see it in your dream i don't realize that grace and though just say my daughter the god who helped me in my youth help you carelessly and that would be it those who begin to open for you at a frequency you may not explain i am a benefactor of this i know what i'm saying many of you have heard my story years ago when we went to preach i went to preach in equity state and we flew through a luring and then went by road to a kitty state and strangely i started seeing the obituaries of people and i saw that these people were in their hundreds 120 something i said what is this we got to a small community and i saw one 32 years old someone who had just died 132 and yet abroad they are busy saying 118 is the oldest man they should come to nigeria when i saw that i knew that this is no longer luck there must be a grace within this territory i returned from the administration and whilst we're passing there i stopped at that community please pay attention and the people could not there was nobody who was speaking english there they were speaking yoruba and i said please they should lead us to the oldest man within that place that i just want to honor him and just have him pray for us so finally we got someone who could speak limited english and they took us to one of the i think he's a man of god one of the elders and when i went there i stood with my their people and i was talking and then they would interpret oh we're men of god we just came to respect you and honor you just so that you can pray for us the man laughed he said kneel down he didn't say you're a man of god you are apostle kneel down i go down my knees with joy and with speed when that man began to pray he was praying in yoruba true story i felt like a crown was just put on my head whilst he was praying when he was done brought out a seed gave him and then when we were going to return to the car to continue the journey um i now want to thank some of the women who were gathered that i was greeting did you know that i i greeted initially to lead me to that man when i went there they now told me that this 132 year old man who died that the woman standing there was his wife ah i said let's go back the bible says two shall become one even so the man is dead but he's still alive in her she she was like 100 and something standing like that no stick no nothing ah what sort of a grace is this and i said please they should tell her that she has to pray for me before i go do you know what happened the woman tapped me and said follow me we entered a room i didn't care where i was going i i said when we entered the room listen she started showing me pictures that was the wife of his youth it was not katura in old age the wife of his youth and you know people those days they could marry 1718 the wife of his youth she showed me the picture until maybe about a year or two before he died and then i said please they should tell her i don't know whether i'll call her my grandmother now great grandmother i said please pray when i said so she said kneel down she removed both of her shoes and stepped her feet i'm showing you the power of honor she stepped her feet by bare feet on the ground and began to pray and prophesy and prophesy and prophesy for over 15 minutes when she was done i honored her i entered the car smiling i ran straight to zaria and i told my people i said stand up oh i've come with some things let's sit down it's as such as i have inside you can know you have a grace oh no there are people today who got lands that they never had to pay for they are not their way into ownership there are house helps today who have been given inheritance worth millions and billions because the children were too irresponsible to be trusted with that kind of thing oh no once you're seated in one minute please just lay your hand on your head and declare lord the capacity for honor i receive i run away from this honor outside inside following online azaria family please pray i obtain grace it's time for my life to change please pray [Music] my lifting has come oh my lifting has come [Music] my rising has come my rising has come my lifting has come o my lifting has come are you declaring oh no father every door that has been closed over my life through this honor may your mercy speak political doors closed through this honor ministerial relationships closed through this honor access to resources access to the credibility of the greats [Music] this grace called favor [Music] hallelujah praise the lord please sit down let's continue very quickly is god helping someone number two the second key that activates this grace of favor is called value the second key that activates favor in an unquestionable dimension is value what is value value is a measure of your usefulness through your ability to provide solutions a measure of your usefulness within the context of a civilization a measure of your usefulness through your ability to solve problems and to provide supernatural solutions all solutions generally solutions please pay attention we're praying we together please look up the bible says see it thou a man diligent in his business he leaves you with an assurance that you will stand before kings and you will not stand before me men i call it the law of competence it's not enough to just be valuable you have to be exceptionally valuable and your value has to be needed and useful within the context of a civilization listen the kingdom works based on a reward system you have to understand this how do you know you are valuable by who is willing to pursue you how do you know you are valuable by the inconvenience that people can make to have access to you when people begin to complain and give excuses is because you are not valuable enough people press the crowd to meet jesus in the presence of value pain is no longer a factor when you find people who are exceptionally valuable look the efforts now i'm not promoting herbalists but just for instance from a value standpoint look how people live their dignity and they will go to the bush to see a herbalist turn backwards and they turn quietly because you are looking for some favor can i tell you this if people have an excuse as far as convenience is concerned to meet you is because you are not valuable enough you must make up your mind as men and women of god please listen to me ministers and co-laborers in the gospel just because we're ministry does not mean we are not valuable your value may be supernatural in context but you have to understand you can defend the reason why god blesses you through men away with that idea that especially when a man of god prospers people now begin to it's not everybody who is manipulating and and demonstrating lack of integrity the moment there is dispensing of a value whether it is sold or given free the law demands the law of god demands that that individual be rewarded are we together everybody say value second to the bible i have been marvelously blessed by men and women that god has raised and honored to carry the baton especially within the personal development industry especially those who have whose whose perspectives are consistent with scripture they have helped to mold my understanding as far as value is concerned listen to me let me give you a big key focus on developing yourself more than your business plan is good to give value but it's best to be the value yourself when you develop yourself i have taught us here that success is not what you pursue if you find yourself pursuing success you've already missed it you attract success by who you become more than what you do your becoming is greater than your doing this is where most people miss it we think that we become successful because of the things we do your doing is only useful when you have become your evolution is more important than you're doing the most important thing about success is not what you obtain but that version of you that has to be attained to have that result there is a better cultured version a more disciplined version a more spiritual version a more cautious version that is the version it takes to obtain the result you are looking for your growth is greater than your doing are we learning make up your mind to be valuable what does it mean to be valuable to have the capacity to provide solutions listen to me you your solutions have to be needed and useful don't say i like what i'm doing you are not the one who pay yourself your solutions have to be needed and useful within the context of a civilization i'll not say much there because of time value train yourself i made up my mind as a covenant commitment as a man of god that in every area the lord would have me serve his purposes in ministry leadership every other area i will develop myself to the call not from a competitive standpoint i want to be so effective i learned this from dr miles monroe as a man of god he had the largest church in bahamas he was an advisor to close to 16 presidents what they're about i hope i got the statistics right out of his books about 40 or 46 of them were best sellers no manipulation just the superior content of his understanding he had relevance across ministry the political space economy and yet he was a disciplined and well-cultured man what a mentor indeed are we learning you must be valuable capacity capacity burn the candles in the night and do not pity yourself while you do that beware of arrival mediocrity is what is destroying people in africa destroying people in this nation destroying people in ministry in business in politics how do you know that your value has gotten to its prime when your audience are only kings when you find out that you are in the palace then you can truly say you have tried if you have not served kings you are not there yet when your audience when your recipients are the kings the the kings of an industry then you know you are valuable i'm just pointing it out we're not doing it teaching on value necessarily again let me encourage you do not stop until you serve kings it is only things that can reward you in a way that befits your sacrifice every other reward is just a supportive a support system until you get to the palace how much did joseph get for interpreting the dream of the wine of the baker how much did joseph get for interpreting the dream of the of the he got the leverage that took him to the palace but he solved the king's problem once you know what he got read your bible read what david got for killing goliath we worship god we worship jesus today because he is king of kings and lord of lords but we also worship him because he has done something that no god and no man can do nobody has the power to forgive sins and translate you from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son the value the all-surpassing value that he has defeating death hell and the grave the hymn writer says up from the grave he arose every other god every other leader died and did not come back to life but jesus he rose again victorious today he sits at the right hand of the father number three are we learning what is the third key that activates favor relationships relationships relationships amos chapter 3 and verse 3 let's hurry up please is god speaking to us tonight the third key that activates this grace called favor is called relationships can two work together accept they be agreed the word agreed there means compatible your degree of agreeableness can two work together two companies two individuals a couple can two work together except they be agreed listen the command be fruitful also means be relational because everything becomes fruitful on the basis of relationship is that true the relationship between a husband and his wife is how children come a relationship between you and the holy spirit is how the anointing comes the relationship between you and the word is how understanding comes everything multiplies on the basis of relationships if you do not understand relationships you will spend your lifetime paying for it what are relationships i've talked a bit on this advantageous connections relationships are advantageous connections for instance when an armed robber comes to you and points a gun he's close to you but you are not in a relationship because it's not an advantageous connection he came to steal he came to kill he came to destroy relationships are advantageous connections and listen there is an intelligence that has to do with managing relationships many christians do not understand the power of relationships this is where respectfully speaking unbelievers have seemed to have an edge over believers you may have heard me say it in my teachings please look at me what will make a man fly a private jet from one nation and go to another nation to celebrate the two-year-old birthday of a belongings child is the child a man's friend what is he doing in that house [Music] such a busy man will leave everything and come and invest his time you see him play someone that does not like children by default everybody knows he doesn't like children now all of a sudden because you see adaptation is proof of honor you have to be able to adapt and he's playing and the man looks at him and says look i'm looking for a team of five people that are coming to be regional directors of my company and now that you have come i trust you relationships it is dangerous for you to not have strategic relationships let me give you an advice obtain grace from god to build relationships um i have a i have a teaching on that i've not taught it in abuja but there is a very powerful teaching that that i will i will talk a bit on relationships the moment god lifts you the first thing to do with your lifting is to use it as a leverage to build relationships forget about acquisition acquisition especially the primary goal of lifting use it quickly because according to the law of times and seasons it will not always be like that so the moment god gives you a window of opportunity trap your lifting with relationships your relationships will keep you afloat are we learning yes sir relationships relationships the primary relationship being your relationship with the lord jesus christ your relationship with the holy spirit your relationship with the word of god but your relationship with strategic helpers we live today in evil times and i'm praying for you may you have relationships with the police may you have relationships with the judicial system may you have relationships with economically empowered people may you also have relationship with those you call non-entities because the day of their relevance according to the law of time and chance is coming listen do not only have relationship with people who have risen you've seen their future already those who are rising are more powerful than those who have risen the bible says it does not yet appear what we shall be like can i tell you this if you were not there for people at their state of infancy don't expect to be invited at the table of greatness when they arrive there they only remember who helped them rise relationships strategic connections don't look for wealthy and blessed people alone many of us our relationship is just for wealthy is already clearly it suggests that it's a parasitic relationship some of us see some of these are young ones these small children come you push them around i want to see joshua salman and you've pushed the next prophet without knowing [Music] this is why it's good to show honor to all men those above you your contemporaries and those supposedly below you relationships hallelujah please look up let me challenge you is there someone in your life today that you can actually pick the call and call him or her and say please i am in need of a financial situation help me not borrow me help me and the person will say i love you too much our relationship is so strong i have a commitment to you if you don't have such a person in your life you are in trouble listen is there someone in your life today you can call and with one dial no matter how busy he can pick apostle people don't like me no if the problem is everybody the problem is you nobody will just invest time like that relationship is an investment don't expect returns if you did not invest don't give people two minutes of your time with ten years worth of trouble and expect them to remain with you no sir when people do not perceive you to be an advantage to their lives and their destinies they will love you but they will put you in a group quietly and leave you there i pray for you you pray for me i love you i need you to survive i won't harm you with words from my mouth i love you i need you to suffer it is his weak that every need peace of life you are important to me [Music] listen don't allow circumstances choose your relationships allow the holy spirit in partnership with your mind and your wisdom to choose your relationships many of us have no have not been intentional about choosing relationships godly people visionary people people of excellence people who love you sincerely in life and in death i know a man true story his house got burned and before he arrived there the friend had gotten a place and moved the children and a few things they could recover there relationships is there someone in your life today that you can call by 2 3 am and say there is an attack my wife is having an attack my children are having an attack i'm not in nigeria and the person can say in 10 minutes i'm in your house listen i'm giving you a wisdom key if no matter how blessed you are a dare will come you will see that you cannot solve every problem by yourself and woe betides the man who is alone in the presence of challenges even jesus your jesus when he was on his way to golgotha he got to a point where he was weak he had lost blood the bible says he fell there with the cross there needed to be a man who volunteered and said i will hold the cross for him i've taught you the ministry of destiny help us and i've taught you these four categories of people you need in your life let me do a one minute recap in case you were not here or you forgotten number one that when it has to do with relationships destiny help us you need divine connectors they can't help you but they know who can help you and they can connect you to that person number two you need men of influence they are willing to invest their credibility and their track record to help you rise number three you need gifted people the men and women who produce results sometimes you need more than kindness you need results and then number four burden bearers the assignment of a budding bearer is not to move you forward they are the ones who stop you from going backward if you do not have these four categories of people in your life you are in trouble if you have to pay for everything by yourself you are in trouble even if you are blessed a day will come money cannot buy anything you will need the hearts of men somebody must believe in you enough to stake their lives you cannot be a general friend to everybody somebody must see you and keep you in the holy of holies of your hearts and say let me not share that this woman has a headache or a headache not when i'm alive can anybody make that kind of statement and say look no matter what it is you can count on me respectfully speaking there are many ceos politicians even preachers who spend their life serving people and serving the needs of people but they did not build relationships and in old age you see many angry and lonely people sometimes when i see elderly people lonely i asked questions did they ever have children they walked in the secular job for 30 years and 35 years we were concerned about promotion not relationships now you retire and every relationship goes if people respect you just because of title you're in trouble they must love you beyond titles and be knitted like david and jonathan a good place to pray before we finish up can you again lay your hands on your head and say father connect me to strategic relationships even in this season first oh god make me one who is worth being friends with life will be hard you're a man of god listen to me no matter the call of god upon your life you will depend on strategic relationships to rise go ahead are you praying [Music] please pray please pray you came to church you need a friend that sticks closer than a brother you need men that can stand for you and say under my watch your children will never beg for bread not when i'm alive how big he worshipping all of the days of my life how big he worshipping all of the days of my life i'll be here helping you all of the days of my life i'll be here helping you all of the days of my life i'll be here holding you all of the days of my life i'll begin holding you [Music] all of the things of my life listen if you have friends who love your money alone love your anointing alone love your ministry alone emoji if you live ministry today the people who love you will they still love you ceo if you leave your job today can this have you not seen politicians who lost elections and in a moment everybody who is saying yes i just left them who is the next person our world is full of selfishness let me give you an advice when you find people who love you for who you are pay the price and keep them swallow your pride and keep them not everybody has that time to love you for who you are this is wisdom and when god lifts you please obtain grace to see the people who love you sincerely the great are largely surrounded by psychopaths for obvious reasons you must obtain grace house help me not have money to give you but i assure you they will stand by you forever some of you love everybody except your children and yet when you are sick they are the ones who stand close to you can i tell you the truth do not forget that there are people who love you for who you are not what you have money can be deceptive anointing can be deceptive titles can be deceptive this is why many people are heartbroken and shattered into pieces today because they think they are popular they think they have crowds oh i have a great i'm a great politician i'm a great man of god i have thousands and millions of people can they be there standing for you can they cry with you and say we are here crying can i tell you a true friend is not one who stands with you a true friend is one who dies with you if you have a friend you can only live for you are wasting your time the real proof of friendship is not life is death i'm preaching i'm only doing what god has asked me to do two more we have a few minutes number one oh no you see that favor is merited do you agree with me now when you learn this and someone says you are just lucky just pray the prayer of mercy for the person oh why are you favored like this why does everybody love you i think you are just lucky oh dear don't be angry just give them this message number one honor number two value number three relationships number four the fourth way that you activate this grace called favor is through prayer you can provoke favor through prayer favor is one of those systems of advantage that can be activated in prayer ask your best all that thou wouldest bless me enlarge my coast let your hand be upon me you can pray favor i prayed for favor for one full month it was a february from first to the last month favor sheila katu prakatos lord the heart of man is selfish but by your grace you are able to place something upon the heart of kings and nobles that can cause them to be attentive to your need when god says amen to your prayer it is truly amen god will raise a fish to bring out coin from his mouth does a fish eat coin but when favor is on you god can use pharaoh to give you gold everything has riches in it it only hides it is favor that allows them to give it the bible says as for the earth out of it comes bread please listen to me there are many of you right now the truth is that with the current price of land physically speaking you may never have the opportunity to build a house in your lifetime but favor can build one for you and give you the key just like that it's not a cult with responsibility it's a system of advantage are you learning please go back this week i'll give us an assignment by the spirit when we're wrapping up use this week among the many prayers you will pray pray favor provoking prayer lord show me favor i didn't come from a family with any advantage by default if you do not help me i don't have an uncle or an auntie somewhere but i look to yahweh yahweh my hope is yahweh yahweh [Music] one more time we look to yahweh yahweh our hope is yahweh yahweh listen remember that men are not your source they are only channels the real source praise god from whom all blessings flow the hymn writer says it comes from god it only comes through men when you exalt men above god you are in trouble can i tell you this truly god can give favor to men god can pick you like this and say where is he i'm i'm in abuja here and god can pick you and give an instruction and tell men to honor you and in one week god can use men to change your life in a way that you will be afraid of your own testimony believe this oh favor [Music] favor provoking prayer there is a way you can hold on to the forehand of the altar except you are not tired of your situation if you keep giving flimsy excuses you may sit down there as a preacher as a businessman you are not just an entrepreneur you can go back my father and my god i bow my knees to our father and begin to pray favor oh god i call for favor and whilst you are praying god will wake someone and say the one billion that you have kept for charity to help people there is one of my sons and my daughters that requires help from there that person is the only breadwinner out of 12 people if you do not arise listen how did the salvation of the gentiles come read your bible acts chapter 10. cornelius was praying cornelius was sowing seeds and god himself told peter get up don't call what i've called clean unclean there is a call carry your presence straight to the house of cornelius that was where the salvation of the gentiles started [Music] listen to me please hear me minimize knocking on the offices of men and ask god to do the knocking for you those men will not listen to you they are too busy living out their destinies don't go around getting angry and saying this person you have what it takes to help me when god knocks sea there is a name he is called he's called the father of spirits he can wake any spirit in the middle of the night have you considered this family and it says do something for them and someone just shows up in your life and says by divine instruction i don't like you but by divine instruction he said every month for the next two years i should give you this and you are wondering it's a lie you may think these are some crooks trying to play games with you can i tell you this the bible says what things soever ye desire what things so ever ye desire when ye pray believe that thou receive us it and thou shalt have it how could i lead a ministry like this without the favor of god this is there are many of you having high blood pressure today i'm not trying to insult you forgive me but it's true if god does not show you favor life is hard unbearably hard where will the finances come from even if you have money where will the access come from do you know what it means for gatekeepers to open their hearts over you it has to be god [Music] in one minute i'd like you to pray father may may favor come upon my life may favor come upon my life difficult things become easy when the grace called favor is upon you [Music] protest ye have not because he asked not ye have not because he has not ye have not because he acts not he have not because he has not hallelujah praise the lord now listen listen please listen the last key i will give it to you so that we pray we're out of time the last key to favor is found in esther chapter 2 and verse 15. i call it the esther anointing there is the grace for favor can be imparted [Music] [Applause] chapter 2 and verse 15 something is coming on someone right now pay attention now when the turn of esther the daughter of abigail the uncle of mother kai who are taking her for his daughter listen carefully was come in onto the king she required nothing but what he guide the king's chamberlain the keeper of the women appointed and esther obtained favor in the sight of how many all them that looked upon her next verse 16 the bible says so esther was taken to king ahazeros in his royal house in the tenth month which is the montabeth in the seventh year of his reign and the king loved esther above all the women and she obtained grace and favor in his side more than all the virgins so that he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of fasting when you read the verses before 15 the bible says there were many women and yet esther went to this strange man called a guy he had walked with the king a long time he knows what the king is looking for and she asks him what does the king really want and he said there is an oil i will give you just keep rubbing on your body for one year that's all forget all this how to walk the holy spirit can search the heart of your destiny helper he knows what he wants hear me my brothers and my sisters truly there is an anointing for favor there is a grace called favor the assignment of that grace is to insist on the heart of men the proof of favor is not money the proof of favor is the loyalty of the hearts of men towards you and towards your assignment access to systems and structures [Music] this is the grace that has been so difficult to come upon many believers because of dishonor because of lack of value because of disobedience to the principles of relationship because they do not ask and finally because they have not cared for such a grace some have received the grace for prayer some have received the grace for signs and wonders [Music] some have received all kinds of graces but the grace and the impartation for favor we have a few minutes we are going to spend the next three to four minutes no prayer point i'm going to leave you with the god of your salvation everyone you're going to cry and say father i can't remain the same not after this meeting those following online from any nation please pray you came to the house of god this is service to change your life [Music] think of your children while you pray think of your children's children while you pray think of the work god has given you while you pray [Music] you're on your way to better days pray something is changing you're on your way to better days you're on your way to better days never weak again ah you're on your way to better days scotch prophecy for your life you're on your way to better day status is changing there's no more decline you're on your way sadness is changing no more decline you're on your way to better day you're on your way on your way on your way to better days you're on your way on i tap into this system of advantage here i feel my background i feel my limitations by the power of the holy ghost i tap into this grace paul favor this grace called favor this grace god favor favor with god favor with men favor with god favor with men favor with systems favor with structures faithful will deathkeepers foreign listen i just feel stared in my heart to give us one prayer point every spirit sponsoring any closed door because of my carelessness in complying with these principles first i obtain mercy and then number two i scat at the door it must open for me every spirit that closes the door leading to the next level of my christian experience i your king mercy mercy for this honor mercy for being mediocre mercy for not understanding relationships mercy for not being prayerful and mercy for rejecting this imperfection but then i command every devil lift your hands it's time for the door of my destiny hallelujah hallelujah please look at me listen the law of impartation demands that number one you must believe in god who is the source of all things number two you must believe in the vessel that he's using remember when there was a problem with oil the instruction was go to them that sell and buy it now you know how you buy it buy it with honor buy it with value buy it with relationships i just gave you currencies buy it with honor buy it with value buy it with relationships buy it through prayer go to them that sell and buy are those closing over your destiny then you need favor go to them that sell and buy is your business crushing your financial life crashing affecting your spiritual life you used to have time for god time for prayer time for worship to give to the house of god right now you who was on fire you've gone down spiritually because of looking for tea and bread go to them that sell and buy who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle amen who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty for this amen [Music] amen [Music] to your lifting and you're rising amen [Applause] [Music] you don't have to kneel but i want to pray for you he says such as i have give i unto you listen i don't stand by any human sense of bragging to claim there is nothing we have that has not been given by god but i will be lying and god will judge me if i tell you by the privilege of god's grace we have not obtained this grace also it's been difficult for believers listen every time god sends a grace and a word to jacob it is because of israel there are things you cannot do in your life until this mantle is upon you there are you can do end-time ministry without the favor of god you will compromise beyond your imagination the key to integrity is not only character it is favor access to the hearts of men many of you will marvel at the things that happened to you i'm telling you that a door that for 10 years have refused to open you'll carry this extra anointing if esther as a village girl with one encounter with this oil oh it changed my life i'm indebted to god forever some of you are crying think of your children right now you're about to receive an invitation think of mama at home 10 years from now at 10 years to your age 20 years from now at 20 years to your age no achievement no nothing i don't want you to feel bad but it's time to get serious there is a system of advantage you have not tapped into few minutes and we're done those following online following from whatever nation god is giving you another opportunity again a zarya family yes sir yes sir yes sir i know it works brothers and sisters i know i know there is this grace mama you may be old in age but disgrace still works apostle i didn't have the opportunity to go to school find comfort favor works apostle i'm tired people keep disappointing me politically in business find comfort i come from a village it's difficult to even see the map find comfort favor is not a license for laziness that's why i told you it's not just on merited access it is divine help god and men in partnership holding your hands to lift you please pray one more minute you're about to receive this invitation [Music] foreign lord you took my pain away and then you gave me joy you're my peace my melody in the center of the storm you gave me a brand new song to sing to you that's why i will lift up my voice and sing you've taken the pain and the sorrow away you've given me peace undeniable there's no need to cry cause you're always with me you're my father my everyday [Music] now in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god i stand by this apostolic and prophetic office by the privilege of the election of grace and i stretch my hands first over you here in abuja our family in zaria those following from around the globe from america to europe to asia the caribbeans as many as are following and will follow in the name of jesus the one who has shown us mercy i decree and declare right now receive ye this grace called favor [Applause] receive ye this grace called favor i place this mantle upon your life take this grace now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the morning experience favor in the afternoon experience favor in the night experience favor in nigeria experience favor in america experience favor in europe experience favor every door that needs favor for to be open i declare me a favor open that door now [Applause] hear me every strategic relationship you have lost through carelessness and lack of discernment i call on my god who is also your god let there be a supernatural reconnection now [Music] every door that this honor has shot that was once opened and dishonored shorted by the mercy of the god of david we reopen that door now [Music] and in the name of jesus many of you are gifted but the favor to announce you is not there you are so gifted gifted to a point that is institutions that should be patronizing your gift in the name of jesus by the paparazzi intellectuals in the name of jesus christ i give your gift visibility now by this gift let those who have the capacity to both discern and reward you may they find you in the name of jesus hear me in this new season of your life every relationship you need to connect with some of you may not know them international relationships ministerial relationships i declare may that connection happen for you now [Music] everyone anointed commission and ordained to find you and hold your hand in this season wherever they are i stand by the prophetic i call them into your life now [Applause] hear me i stand under the corporate grace of the fathers of faith who have transferred these graces to us and under this corporate anointing i declare in the name of jesus as a contribution of this supply to the body of christ find the grace for favor [Applause] [Music] by this grace shame reproach hear you the word of the lord let god's people go now hear me by this grace upon you whoever has forgotten you no matter how long in the name of jesus by favor may the book of remembrance be opened over you now [Applause] even pharaoh who hated israel with passion was the one who ended up giving them gold and everything they used to build a tabernacle in the wilderness can i tell you this when favor comes upon you it's not only friends that bless you anybody directed by god i pray for you whoever must bring forth their credibility their time their resources their endorsement to shift you to the next level i call them fought by prophecy now [Applause] now i'm praying for the body of christ but now let me pray for the koinonia global family you belong to a family that is mysteriously favored of god i pray for you in the name of jesus out of the abundance by reason of this prophetic connection step into superior realms of favor [Applause] [Music] by this favor may your life be a fearful wonder first to you and then to everyone around you in the name of jesus christ please listen walk conscious this i i want to encourage everyone please please just listen to the following instructions number one please ensure at least three or four people listen to this message let it be your gift forget about buying recharge card or whatever look for at least three people maybe your family members maybe your husband maybe a director some you've been giving people money thank god for that you can go to i think it should be on our youtube page go there after this service personally i'm going to listen to this message this night again this is not the message to say i have heard go and set two down like a student in the school of the spirit listen to those points and pray remember every day you are doing it at your discretion it's not like we're doing it as a ministry pray every night lord open doors of favor and you watch what the power of god will do in your life but please listen to me from this week and for all the other weeks don't come alone well if there is no space if you have to sit on the roof sit on the roof invite your friends and your family this is not just coming for service there are graces there are truths that i'm going to be sharing by the spirit and i'm telling you at the end of this you will stand in awe the only thing you will be left with is tears and praise because when you see the way your life will move your company your ministry whatever it is let me make the altar call jesus is the foundation for not only favor but salvation please let's minimize movement we just start on honor there are people in this auditorium there are people seated around the balcony all the overflows outside there are those following from different nations zarya you are saying apostle i need jesus that is the bottom line no cajoling no manipulation i need jesus or you are saying apostle right now i need to reconnect remember we spoke about relationships the first relationship you need is jesus wherever you are we have just one minute for you please i like you to leave your seat you're saying apostle i want you to please pray for me i don't want to return home the way i came wherever you are please leave your seat come and stand those from outside i like you to come join them quickly i want to pray for you by myself god bless you please come please come don't be ashamed come don't wait for someone to be the first you are the first come come come just breathe your name upon me breathe just breathe your name upon me breathe keep coming come to jesus your heart hey it's your name breathe lord please keep standing stand you don't have to kneel just preach your name upon me please come just preach your name upon me breathe he can give you a new beginning tonight [Music] your daily is your name [Music] if you're still joining them please join them if you join them late and you don't pray the prayer you will have to pray all the overflows come stand [Applause] [Music] come please come run to jesus i'm chasing after you no matter what i have to do cause i need you more and more i'm chasing after you no matter what i have to do i need you more and more i salute every one of you young and old alike standing some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears jesus is here that's why you came to church please lift your right hand all the overflows do same zarya us canada uk everywhere you're making this decision lift your right hand then your room your office wherever i like you to say this prayer after me as loud and as clear as you can say lord jesus tonight i have heard your word i believe that you are the son of god i believe that you died for me i believe that you rose again for my justification tonight i receive eternal life into my spirit i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness i declare that i reign in life the power of sin satan hell and the grave is broken over my life i live a victorious christian life from today and forever i am a child of god i belong to the family of god amen keep your hands lifted father we thank you for these ones it's always a delight when we have many come to jesus i declare by the authority of scripture that your sins are forgiven and you are partakers of the life of god in the name of jesus christ i commend you to the ministry of the word and i commend you to the ministry of the spirit that you'll be established and grounded in righteousness and that you will live your life loving jesus living victoriously and serving the purposes of the kingdom i declare every power that is not of god let it be broken over your life in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ my friend look at me tap this gentleman for me the one whose hand is shaking look at me i cost that spirit out of him now help him in the name of jesus christ i declare that from today you are saved you are children of light sons and daughters of the living god in the name of jesus christ hold that mama for me i command this spirit i'm seeing like a serpent let her go you heard her declaration let her go now the name of jesus christ [Music] salvation is a real experience is a real miracle the lord bless you every one of you the lord increase you now very quickly please open your eyes amen we're done praying there's a gentleman waving the placa the counselor please all of you in concert just move to my right which is your left move wherever whatever direction you see the placard there will be a group of people zarya same thing and all the centers available in the name of jesus let's celebrate them as they go hallelujah praise the name of the lord again let me remind you please do not come alone next week come with your heart open come ready to receive please rise up as we close the service thank you for your patience the lord bless you the lord honor you the lord bless you i declare that your weak beginning is a week of excellence it's a week of victory your passion for god remains on fire your passion for the world remains on fire your passion for prayer remains on fire the lord will grant you grace to experience favor all through this week in the name of jesus christ amen and amen let's share the grace the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit let it rest and abide with us now and forevermore amen god bless you see you next week no
Channel: Dunamis Hub
Views: 8,009
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman sermon, koinonia, apostle joshua selman 2021, how to grow spiritually, PRAYING, apostle joshua selman worship songs, apostle joshua selman live, apostle joshua selman prayer, apostle joshua selman midnight prayers, apostle joshua selman channel, apostle joshua selman new sermon, SPIRITUAL GROWTH, PRAYER, koinonia global, how to pray, prayer, SEEING EYES, pray, devil, THE GRACE CALLED FAVOUR
Id: 2tGh6umG1mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 36sec (9756 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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