Be Fruitful and Multiply

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[Music] [Music] well good morning how's everybody doing all right oh you sound kind of alive well see so now it is good to have everybody here this morning and we're really excited about this coming year a lot of things are planned a lot of things are in the works as a matter of fact we'll be sharing those with you as we go along but right now we want to get into the word and also if you need ministry at the end of the service then be sure to fill out that little card in the back of the seat in front of you and bring it up with you know we call you to come forward so this morning we are looking at something in and God cannot be for a problem that he tells you to fix that makes sense in other words it let me give an example heal the sick what should that tell you God is not for sickness amen in that suit I mean that's just so simple right but it's amazing because it takes religion in the negative term of it to come up with an idea that God is somehow for sickness or disease and wants to use sickness or disease and some good weight now you know obviously he can turn anything around but if he has to turn it around that means that it wasn't his intention in the beginning for it to be that way or he wouldn't have to turn it around it would all be part of the plan but so I wanted to start from the beginning this being the beginning of the year and I will start from the beginning and we're gonna look at some scriptures first off we're gonna go to Genesis chapter 1 we're going to start in the beginning let's start in the beginning right good start so and this morning I really want you to see that well you'll see it here in the scripture itself and I'll tell you what we're going to talk about in just a moment but in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 we'll start there it says and God said and this is after he's started creating everything he said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air of the cattle over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth now so let's start right there number 1 verse 26 you might want to take a pen or something if you have something to mark the where it says let us make man and after our image in our image and after our likeness but now notice it says let them have dominion so first off we see what how God made us okay in His image after his likeness then he said let them have dominion so we were made after his image after his likeness in His image after his likeness that's how he made us then he said let them have dominion so he made us and then he gave us dominion right so the first thing here that we see about man if we're gonna find out how God created man and for what purpose then we have to go back to the beginning and see what the purpose was and he tells us from the very very beginning that part of man's purpose was to have dominion over all the earth and everything on it and everything in it and everything around it right so first off we can say that we were created for Dominion that's a common thing around here most people have heard that ever and make sure that before but now notice and let's keep going because having Dominion right is where who we are it's where you are that's where we should be okay but now notice what he says in verse 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them now usually literally almost every time you see something that says God blessed someone usually the next thing you say is or you see there is it will say and he said so the blessing was what he spoke upon them it's not a thing it's him speaking something well if it's blessing he's speaking something good something well about that person right so when it says in Ephesians chapter 1 in verse 3 that he hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings then you will notice that the way he did that was he said everything good and that word they're blessed means to speak well of it means that he said every good thing about us that he could possibly say now that doesn't mean he's looking at you and saying okay let me find something about you that I can say something good about that's not the way God starts God starts by speaking the blessing and saying how he wants you to be that makes sense and him speaking how he wants you to be is the blessing and it says that he has blessed us by speaking every good thing about us that he can that's the they were the literal meaning of Ephesians 1:3 and so it's not that God looked at you and decided and picked out good things about you it's that God chose you from the from before the foundation to the earth and in that choosing has said every good thing about you that he can say what he has said what he said by His stripes you were healed so what is his will for you that you be healed nothing that you be sick amen he has said all these good things about you we could go on and on and give you the whole list of them there's a bunch of them but I want to share with you from the very beginning God's plan for you all right and it's amazing because if you were here during the first service and I mentioned once that God I believe God spoke to me and said that the greatest faith you'll ever have is to be able to apply the most broad the most well yeah the most broad scripture to the most specific situation right so in keeping with that we can see from the very beginning how God spoke as he spoke in the most broad terms that he could and those broad terms encompass every situation and when they encompass every situation and we can take those broad terms and go okay that's God's will for me and we can say so in this situation this is God's will for me and what you're finding and I've heard people said before they probably said about me too I just hadn't heard him say it about me but I remember years and years ago one of the things that they used to say about Kenneth Hagin I was a and he said it himself actually and then they started saying about him too but he said I opened the Bible no matter where I opened it I see faith he said because God told me go teach my people faith that was what you know God's mandate to him and he said so when I opened the Bible doesn't matter oh but I can open it up anywhere I just see faith well and I said a few years after that because I've been studying healing I said it didn't matter out for the Bible everywhere I open the Bible I see healing you know just it's just there and so it's fine and I'm sure people have said that well actually I know they've said that what is healing all you ever talk about no it's not but it tends to be what a lot of people need so you know it's when we went to Thailand we went to a KFC over there and it's funny because we went and we had a large crowd with us but we didn't want to all go up in order so we just sent one person well actually two people went up there to order for everybody else and so we went up there with a list and we had you know all these things that wanted to get you know for number three's and eight number twos and you know we had all of these lists of all these things and these poor you know Thai people that were trying to help us they were standing there listening and we're making this list in their trunk and so they go there and they're they always smile they're always smiling right you know even if they don't like you they will smile you know probably cuz you're thinking you'll be gone soon I don't I don't know what it is waiting why they're smiling and no matter what you say they're like yes yes okay no yeah and so we made the order and I said okay now okay so they started gathering the order and they come back over with one tray and I knew that couldn't be everything because it's everything wouldn't fit on one tray so I'm looking I'm like what we're okay this here's this and here's that but we're missing a lot of stuff oh no no no this is enough for you I said yeah that's just enough for me thank this is but them they need more okay no no no this is enough for you that's enough for you I'm like no you don't understand this isn't for me it's for all of us see what they were doing was they were trying to give me what they thought I needed right they weren't giving me what I asked for they were giving me what they thought I needed and so many times when we look at our last situation we look at what's going on and many times we settle for we think we need rather than for what God said we should have I mean but it's you the reason now here's a big secret right might want to write this down the reason you settle just for what you need usually is because you're selfish and you only think about what you need and more not what other people need because God wants to give you enough for you and to meet the needs of others God never wants to just feed you he wants to feed you and in feeding you he wants to feed orphans he wants to feed the hungry he wants to clothe the naked sea he doesn't want to just give you enough for you and run around having to put out all these little fires he wants to dump it on you so you can spread it around a mint does that make sense okay so that's our prove it to you let's look at it and in verse 28 and God bless them and God said unto them be fruitful and then what it says no that's not what it says isn't it says be fruitful it doesn't even say be fruity see that's not I know in charismatic circles we can get there but that's not okay what God said he didn't say be fruity okay he said be fruitful right be fruitful and multiply he said he didn't say be fruitful and have an addition to your family see God's not into addition he's into multiplication amen say you don't you don't plant a seed and get to write that just be addition hey you plant a seed and you get hundreds back amen a hundredfold oh that sounds like a scripture doesn't it I'm Andy all right you follow me so far God wants increase he doesn't listen I'm not talking about you you know back in I said I'm not talking about you you know prospering so that you can have all the money sitting on it sitting on the banks you can kick back and do nothing I'm not talking about that right if that's what you hear me going you don't know me and you don't know how God uses me okay because I don't think like that I'm constantly thinking in my mind I think more along the lines of I'm probably have to change at least to some degree honest but you know I'm old school so it's like if I was thinking this in terms of a train you know I picture the the old day oh the old days I was gonna say the old guys he had the old guys too the old guys the old days where the guys had the shovels and they were shoveling the coal and the faster they wanted to train to go the more coal they had to shovel in right okay that probably ought to be thinking nuclear instead of coal okay which would be great it's a perfect biblical example too but I'm thinking in terms of if God God wants you let me put this way everything that comes in should go out right well we don't we don't save back and hold back and try to build up you know funds or anything else like that we we believe that if God brings it to us he's bringing it to us and there's a need some where it needs to be met and so that's what we do and so we we costly push it all forward now but notice what he says god bless him and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth so now notice what he's telling he let's look at different words in this okay what does he said be fruitful multiply was he saying increase have increased now when you talk about increase now we could actually move into the New Testament because the New Testament has a whole lot talking about increase right and if you look at even some of the things jesus said john 15 chapter 15 verse 1 jesus said I'm the true vine my father is the husbandman and every branch in me that bears not fruit he takes away waiting that in direct relation to what he said in Genesis 1:27 28 be fruitful so if you're not fruitful you don't bear fruit what does it say he says every branch in me that bears not fruit he takes away and every branch that bears fruit he purges it did it may bring forth more fruit yeah so what does that tell you either why why are things going the way they're going right now because you bet maybe you've been fruitful and now he's purging you and understand what that means is he is helping you to grow right the purging isn't a bad thing it's a good thing it helps you grow more it doesn't always feel good it's like going to the gym when you go to the gym you know when you first get there it looks good boy yeah you feel great yeah you want to get up there on the machines whatever it is you want to get in there but it doesn't always feel good right when you're doing it or especially right after right and you know you come home for the gym you know yeah I have it's a great workout then you go to sleep and wake up the next morning and you wake up the next one you can't get out of bed no you can't jump out of bed you have to roll over out of bed right and hope your feet hit the floor you know so so growth and increase didn't always pleasant right but it's good amen now most people when they hurt they stop and then they don't go back and then they just hurt for nothing instead of moving forward and pushing on through the hurt or whatever it is and increasing but if you push on through and you go back again then the next time that grows even better and pretty soon your body starts growing even when you're not exercising your body will be working for you you know if you're if you're just trying to burn fat you know if you if you workout at a certain level then the rest of your day even when you're not working out your body keeps burning fat that's a great thing God is amazing it's a great thing okay that your body will keep burning fat even if you're not working out okay no but notice what he says here now we're gonna go to Matthew chapter 3 in Matthew chapter 3 verse 8 is here he says bring forth therefore fruit meet for repentance so now if what he said be fruitful and multiply so as he tell them here you're supposed to have fruit do you realize everything you do is you're supposed to have fruit the Bible tells us firmly with I don't have the scripture in front of me here but it says that in every good work you should be fruitful every good work that in no work would you be barren or not bear fruit now think about that God never wants you to what I don't know find faith strong enough because I'm not a screaming yelling type preacher I may have to just get this across okay but no matter what you do God wants you fruitful amen no matter what you do in every area of your life you should walk away from it stronger better with increase right then what you walked into it is amen you walk up to a sick person when that when you walk away the fruit from that should be that person should be well that's increase right they shouldn't be sicker right that would be decreased that's not what you want you want them to be better this week met with people pray with people amazing testimonies have even come in even afterwards I don't wanna go to details yet cuz I'm waiting to get all the details and I don't want to tell it wrong but amazing amazing testimonies and testimonies coming from around the world that's one of the the good things now the position I'm in today used to it was I was ministering by addition I shared it here you know when we were learning this and we were seeing at work and I'd tell this person and you know tell that person and you know usually they're like oh well if you were right how come everybody in doing it you know yeah but you didn't invest in Apple or anything else did you you know and that's with that kind of mindset right now I don't have any investments anything so I didn't either but still what I'm trying to get across is that I would share it with this person I'd share with that person and every now and then somebody go that's interesting let's talk and I would share it more with them but I what I was doing is I was increasing but I was increasing by addition that's slow now we're increasing by multiplication one because I've told enough people I have spread the seed of the word of God around on enough countenance enough countries now that people have gotten a hold of it and now 3rd 4th 6th 8th generation people are calling me saying we've never met but I talked to a person who told me about this and then that talked and now they're generations down and I just wanted to write to you and tell you that I did what you said in your video and it works and this baby was raised from the dead people have never met what are we doing and we're getting this in everyday people we've never met people that have have never sat in a meeting people we've never laid hands on so we've never you know transferred and anointing or given a gift you know a spiritual gift or anything like that we've never done I mean we've done those things but I'm saying it's we've there are people we're hearing from now that we're just multiplying really fast which is Bible and it's good we're not just multiplying in the sense of well I got I got this message I heard this message I like the message that's that that's multiplying but being fruitful is I got the message I did it it works see we're being fruitful in our multiplication and then we're not just sharing it we're not just a click you know we're not just some camp so to speak where people have the same message this message is fruitful it's bringing forth fruit and it's multiplying and it's exponentially growing faster than well I can't say faster than we ever imagined because I'll be honest with you this is what we imagined this is what we saw 30 years ago 37 years ago 36 years ago whenever we started looking at these things and started coming across them these these were the visions that I used to walk and and and talk with my friends about and we would talk for hours and hours and and talk about what we would see in the future and and at the time it was so funny because it was absolutely impossible it could not happen and at that time especially but we kept planting that seed and the thing was I didn't yeah of course I kept scattering the seed I kept planting the seed and anybody that would listen and a lot of people that wouldn't a lot of hurt parts of it and they'd walk off but the most important thing was I kept planting that seed in myself I kept telling myself this is this is way to be why because this is truth this isn't just some message this is the Word of God this is the incorruptible seed of the word of God and when you see a truth in the Word of God and you can plant it and you keep planting you keep watering and you keep going over it it grows and whenever you get that first you know ten percent return on that growth and you see you go out and you pray for somebody and you know 10 10 people out of a hundred you pray for it get healed you're excited but the problem is well what you don't want to do is you don't want to stop there because that leaves many other people not healed and so you don't stop at ten percent you keep going for thirty then you go for sixty then you go for a hundredfold why because that's increase it should never the path of the righteous grows brighter and brighter unto the perfect day the path of the righteous doesn't get darker and darker and then it doesn't get harder and harder now I'm not talking about circumstances I'm talking about the path you walk on the longer you walk with God the more things may come against you but the easier your path goes why because you have less choices when you first start you got all these choices like being on the highway with an exit every you know 50 yards and any at any time you can go yes is too much I'm off and you go off but once you get going I mean it's got to be well you get to a place where nothing can get you to take an exit you get to a place where you just keep on going and you see the exit and you go yeah you used to God might have got off there but not anymore why because this is to true we're moving forward see that's why I think sometimes you know have you ever wanted them maybe you have children we've raised children and and you had that thing where they do a really good job and you want you know you brag on them you tell them that you you the thing is you tell them they're doing a good job but you really brag on them everybody else you know me and you don't brag on them directly as much as you brag on them to somebody else why because you don't want them to you know get a big head or you know whatever it is you don't want them to think that the world revolves around them why could you want to produce you know productive citizens okay and and you try to build in them the idea and the understanding that you live for a cause that's bigger than yourself see that's one of the problems right now and we have an America's we have people that think that the world revolves around them if they ought to have everything they have this entitlement this welfare mentality of what everything ought to be just given to me everything should be just handed to me and I shouldn't have any struggle whatsoever and let me tell you things that don't struggle become weak and die struggle resistance create strength amen so and I think sometimes in the beginning whenever it's so hard you know when we first started we didn't have when people we talked to but there was nobody going that what I could look at I couldn't look you know the internet wasn't around so you couldn't go online and find videos or find anything that would encourage you like that you just had to have the word of God that's all you could have you didn't I didn't have examples of people that were doing it we had examples of people that had done things but not done that and and I'll never forget there were some people have asked me questions interviews on TV programs different things you know what what makes you different why'd you do this why'd you do that why didn't you quit and it always kind of comes back to this one of the truths that I firmly believe is that God is not a respecter of persons that God doesn't have favorites that he didn't pick some people to accomplish things and chose other people to fail at everything they try I don't believe that and instead what I kept sin and and when I would see somebody I'd read the stories of a Smith Wigglesworth and in the back of my mind and I of course I'd then I got to meet dr. Sumrall and hear his stories of Smith Wigglesworth and I remember every time I heard those stories every time I read a testimony about John Lake or are George Muller or in any of these people that we read about that are John for the faith and they're just amazing people I remember every time I heard those stories I would sit there and I think if God would do that for them he did for me God didn't love them anymore he does mean you know there may have been a lot better Christian than I am but that's not God doesn't love me because I'm a good Christian he loved me before I was a good Christian I think and if they can do it I can do it one could we got the same God we got the same father I have the same favor on my life that Smith Wigglesworth had on his I meant there's no difference in favor like that I mean now obviously there is you can become a vessel unto honour or unto dishonour you know based on your choice but if you want to serve God if you want to walk with God and live for God and do things for God then God is more than willing to use you and so that was always in the back of my mind so when I heard about Smith Wigglesworth standing a dead body up against the wall and you know telling me tell it to live and then tell him turn loose and it drops over dead and he says pick him back up and do it again I thought if God will do that for you know cause he ventured the man lived he can do that I can do that what does that tell me when they don't get up the first time do it again amen the other day my daughter was telling me about my my grandson and this kid had this it had it he came in to her bedroom and it had a bad dream and he's he'll actually just turned four thing and so he's small and that is funny he came into a room and he was you know kind of upset about he said mommy I had this bad dream and this is something that Sakamoto wasn't he said something was trying to eat my blanket well that's at his age that's a horrible thing okay so and so she said well what did you do did you tell her to go in Jesus name he said yeah I dare talk to go in Jesus name and she said so what happens because it did it listen no I didn't listen she said well what did you do he said so I got louder I'm like yeah there's a Blake in there I think that's just just get out there no but that that's really the essence of what it comes down to when you tell it see you have to realize when you tell the devil to do something he doesn't do it he's probably just a little hard of hearing right I mean he does have a spirit of deafness right so maybe you just gotta get a little louder right to get it across to him and you got to be forceful enough to convince him you mean business amen so now look let's go let's go back in Scripture he says in verse 8 we'll just start there Matthew 3 verse 8 bringing forth therefore fruits meet for repentance and think not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our Father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham in other words don't just think just because you've got this connection through Abraham that you know it's it's all done it's all there no this is individual between you and God right and now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees therefore every tree which brings forth not brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that comes after me is mightier than I whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire so now notice what he's saying he's bring forth fruit prove it right John the Baptist was probably from Missouri right the show-me-state show me you say you guys James probably right there next to right what you say you got faith great show me your faith right and he says but I'll show you my faith by what I do see we have to realize that it's not just what we say people can say all kinds of things but it's how you live your life that proves whether or not you are born again whether or not you have the Spirit of God it's just that simple now in Matthew chapter 20 it's a parable that Jesus gave one of the kingdom of heaven parables first one it starts and says for the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that's a householder which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard and when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day he sent them into his vineyard and he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace now get the get the picture here this guy owns a vineyard he goes out he sees people standing around and he says okay why are you standing here he says go into the vineyard and work and I'll pay you and he agrees to pay them right no then it says in verse four and sending them go you in the vineyard and whatsoever is right well he's already gone out once now he's gone out again in verse three he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace said to them this is twice has gone out twice he finds people standing around idle and he tells both times he tells him go to the vineyard go to work okay and whatever is right I will give you and they went their way again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour and did likewise so now here it is again he's gone out four times and every time he does the same thing and then finally it says in about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle and saith unto them why stand you here all the day idle they say in him because no man has hired us and remember he this is a parable of the kingdom of heaven so we have to liken this to the kingdom of heaven to Jesus to the Father amen and he said and he's talking about the vineyard and we know that his vineyard the fields that are ripened to harvest right so we know all the now see we're we're in it at an advantage here whenever Jesus was telling this they didn't know these scriptures because they weren't written down yet and we have the advantage that we know these things and probably heard them many many times so we have we don't have to only have this scripture but we have the other scriptures that we can put alongside of it to give it a more full picture so when he talked about well when you talk about trees and being chopped down and Casta the fire we know he's not talking about trees did you go back and read the book of Proverbs almost every time we talked about a tree it's talking about people right and so we can see this over and over again no then he says in verse 7 they say in him because no man has hired us he says unto them go into into the vineyard and whatever is right that shall you receive no words go ahead go work and what's right I'll pay you at the end of the day so when the evening was come the lord of the vineyard said unto his steward and notice a steward okay and a steward is like a manager that the stewards job is to bring increase for the person that he's working for you got it yeah I understand the stewards job is to make a profit now when we say profit we think you know money a lot of times but you have to understand it's not just talk about money it's talking about being profitable being fruitful so I've been multiplying in every area of your life and he said the lord of the vineyard said to his steward call the labourers give them their hire beginning from the last under the first and when they came and when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour they received every man a penny but when the first came they suppose that they should receive more and they likewise received every man a penny and when they received it they murmured against the Goodman of the house saying these last have wrought but one hour and you've made them equal unto us which are borne the burden in the heat of the day and remember this is a kingdom of heaven parable he's talking about how the kingdom operates he's talking about the laborers in the kingdom about what they would do but there are some key things to remember here okay now but he answered one of them and said friend I did they know wrong did you not agree with me for a penny in other words we made an agreement right we have a contract here and he said take what is yours and go your way and I will give unto this last even as unto you in other words my money I can pay whatever I want to I can do whatever one and he's saying you know we made an agreement and I gave you what I promised you right he didn't cheat him is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own is your eye evil because I'm good now get that again a kingdom of heaven parable talking about the workers in the field meaning people and especially here you can see this applying to the Pharisees and Sadducees that have been there while and you know and then saying well we've done more and we've been here longer and here you're letting the you know the publicans and the sinners in and you know and that's not right you're promising them the same thing that you're giving us so you can see the correlation there but we also have to realize that he's it is a kingdom of heaven parable therefore it's eternal and because of that he's also saying if you're a laborer number one why does he telling us don't stand idle this is one of the things I had never heard preached anywhere in these parables when people preached on them they preached different things that go into different details but the one thing I never heard them say is the one thing that stood out to me first whenever I started reading is that he hired everybody he didn't tell anybody now you stay here and you go he didn't choose hey hey everybody he saw standing around every time he went out every time he visited he found people standing around doing nothing and every time he did that he said why are you standing here I don't know the words you should have known by now you should be working in the field and the fact is honestly Christians know they should be working in the field but yet they still stand around out a while because we we develop pet doctrines well I don't have an anointing well that's not my gift that's not my ministry that's not my calling we have all these things you know I hadn't got a prophetic word telling me to go or nowadays oh I haven't got a Rhema word right let me tell you you think see you think you're supposed to act on something because it's Rhema the fact is it's Rhema when you act on it see it becomes Rhema when you act upon it you know because if it was just and I'm not going to all the right now cuz I have a complete teaching on this but if you were just supposed to act upon words that a Rhema then that means that God is telling you there are scriptures I don't want you to obey because anything that's not a Rhema word to you God hadn't quickened it to you you don't have to obey it according to that kind of teaching but the fact is he says that you will live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God which is Scripture because all these scriptures were given by inspiration breathed out by God so we're responsible for everything in this book amen well God didn't tell me to go he's already told you to go well he didn't tell me specifically yeah well you have to apply the broadest scripture to your specific situation amen and when you can do that you'll have the greatest faith now he goes on and look at this he says verse 15 is it not lawful for me to do with what is mine is dry evil because I'm good so the last shall be first and the first last for many be called but few chosen in other words he said why see the whole point that he's saying is those of you that many times saying well I'm okay I'm good I mean I said the prayer you know I'm good from now on you know it's good you know he said just what John the Baptist said don't don't think that just because you think you said a prayer if that's all that counts it's not the prayer that's like saying wow man I married the woman come on man I said the vows yeah well I hadn't been home since then I'm sleeping around every night but come on I said the best oh yeah we're men yeah you wouldn't call it a marriage right whining why do you try to apply that to Jesus say he said not everybody that says to me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of God but those that do the will of my father again he said why do you call me Lord Lord and don't do what I command you to do he didn't say what I suggest what I would like you to do he said what I've commanded you to do amen no this'n people said well oh you sound legalistic no I'm telling you the path to walk in wherein there is blessing and if you walk in disobedience there's not blessing in disobedience God cannot bless the disobedience he blesses obedience amen why and it's not that he says okay now I'm going to bless you to know you in the path of righteousness that's where blessing is that make sense so he says here in Luke let's go to Luke chapter 16 starting in verse 1 Jesus is speaking of course and he says and he said also unto his disciples there was a certain rich man which had a steward there's that word steward again and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods imagine that can imagine a steward being accused of wasting goods and he called him and said unto him how is it that I hear this of you I put you over everything I own and what now I'm hearing you're wasting it why would you do that how am i hearing this about you he says given a given account of your stewardship and for you made a little longer be a steward then we're done going to fire you why because you've been wasting what I've been giving you now won't you listen very very carefully right you can't do anything about yesterday all you can do is at the very least repent and look forward to today and tomorrow amen so this is not condemnation in that kind of stuff it's about you making decisions of where you want to be tomorrow where do you want to walk with God tomorrow how how do you want to walk with God tomorrow because today is a day of decision today is a day that you make your mind up how you want to walk with God we're still early in the year there seems to be something about a beginning of a year where everyone's to make new year resolutions and you know start fresh and all that kind of stuff let me tell you every day you wake up you start fresh amen so he says then the steward said within himself what shall I do for my lord takes away from me the stewardship I can't dig he said to beg I'm ashamed so he said I got to do something here I got to fix this I am resolved what to do that when I am put out of the stewardship they may receive me into their houses so he called every one of his lords debtors unto Him and said under the first how much do you owe my lord and he said a hundred measures of oil and he said take your bill sit down quickly right 15 then said he to another how much do you owe and he said a hundred measures of wheat and he said take your bill and write four score and the Lord commended the unjust steward to hear that that's the only time you'll see this he commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely for the children of this world or in their generation wiser than the children of light that's a strong indictment right there and I say unto you make to yourselves friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness that when you fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations what and all he's saying is listen use the resources God has given you wisely don't squander it he said if you waste his goods now I can tell I don't know all of you individually I don't know all your talents I don't know your giftings I don't know your calling you know whatever you feel you're called to order I don't I don't know all that about all of you but I can tell you this there is not a person sitting here that God has not given talents to write and I'm not talking about talents like you know well as we would just say a talent like can sing or you know music or those are telling us to but that's not the talent Sanders talking about hearing the Bible necessarily he was talking about finances actually at that point but I want you to realize that God has given you things he has given you abilities he has given you even callings sums that some that he has given you directly and they're just working and then there's others that he has given you in seed form that you've developed but how many of those things how many things has God told even those of you here that you've just wasted that you took if we're gonna look at the scripture in just a moment where it talks about this very thing and but the reason I brought this out right now is because I want you to realize we are all stewards of the things of God we are not our own we were bought with a price we belong to him if we live for him we are to live to him Paul used the word Doulos which means a servant a slave connected to a person by choice that's who we all are if we are right with God if we're walking with God if we're born of God then everything we have is his now we can give lip service to that or we can make that a reality and so the reason I'm telling you says I just want you to examine your own life I'm not gonna examine your life I'm not gonna come sit down with you and go okay let's let's see where you messed up let's see where you're not obeying God I'm not doing that I'm saying the Bible says to examine yourself whether you be in the faith so all I'm saying is that it's just recently as a matter of fact actually yesterday it's amazing I've never been around the church a long time and I've never seen a time when there was more error and heresy in the church tonight then I see right now worldwide and and be very honest the Internet has made it spread so much faster and anybody that has an internet connection can get online and say anything and they will find people to follow them regardless of how ridiculous or non biblical it is and then you have people that have spent literally no time studying the Word of God and they just heard somebody say something and and here's the here's where the real problem comes in what you're seeing take hold in the doctrines in the in the church worldwide is the spirit of the world the same spirit of entitlement that is in the world is getting in the church I deserve to be saved I deserved to miss hell just because you know I'm a good person I'm a decent person I don't hurt people you know and I deserved this and let me tell you okay we could sit this way mercy is not getting what you deserve okay grace is getting what you don't deserve say you don't deserve heaven grace get you there and then but but mercy keeps you from getting what you should have got right grace gives you what you don't deserve but mercy keeps you from getting what you should get and we need God's grace and mercy right we need to not get what we do deserve and we need to get what we don't deserve does that make sense to you but one of the worst things that I've seen is this whole idea of what people now they're they're preaching tolerance and it's amazing because the most intolerant people in the world the people to preach tolerance you know what they mean is as long as you agree with me I'll tolerate you at the minute you don't agree with me there's no tolerance there right the people that are that are preaching inclusion and oh everything's okay yeah until you disagree with them in it that's not okay to disagree with them and so we can see this more and more and we're seeing it in the church and the the reason we're seen is because there are people in the church that are more in the world than they are in the church I'm gonna talk about the church I'm not talking like the building and they've got more of the sphere of the world in them than they do the Spirit of God and they bring the same mindset and attitudes and worldview and all that kind of stuff into the church and pretty soon because preachers want crowds the preacher changes to preach what the people want to hear rather than to preach what God wants sin and so that's why I'm bringing all this out especially now because we have to take account for our lives because there is coming a day when you will give a count for your life and people say well you don't understand I'm saved so I don't have to worry about any of that no no you don't understand he says he's coming with his reward in his hand for every deed done in the body both good and bad that's Scripture well we don't like that well tough write your own right at some point we have to decide and grace does not cause it all to go away grace let you walk like Jesus he empowers you he gives us his spirit so that we can live the life Jesus died to give us people treat the spirit sometimes and so he's an add-on oh speaking other tongues baptize in spirit yeah I'm just not into that well you know don't worry about it before long you'll be into hell why because that's what keeps you out you if you don't have the Spirit of Christ you were none of his it's that simple but if you have his spirit one of the things that was saying earlier you know God so loved the world that He gave and he gives and he gives and he keeps on giving and it's amazing what because that's what love does but see we have the idea and it's the exact opposite and yet it's in the church and we think that the whole purpose of God is to give and it's our purpose to get and we don't realize that our purpose is to take on the nature and character of Christ so that our nature is to give just like his nature is to give yes we receive from him but we're not here to get we are here to be like him and to learn to give like he gave amen and if your mind is going to money sure that's always one part of it but that is not what I'm talking about I'm talking about your entire life I'm talking about how you live your life that your character and nature changes from one of selfishness to one of generosity selfishness says oh and you'd be surprised I teach the divine hearing technician training all over the world and it's amazing to watch because we'll go places well here in the States you know many times we'll have a meeting and there will be empty chairs you know there'll be a lot of people but then there will be empty chairs you go overseas there's never an empty chair what because they don't have hospitals in every corner over there I mean it's life or death they didn't some neat little seminar they go to they actually have to learn this stuff and live by it or they die but it's amazing because here in the states many times you'll have empty chairs except on Saturday night when we do the healing service say as long as we're teaching people how to minister healing to people oh there's empty chairs but as soon as we say ok tonight we're going to pray for the sick it's packed why because everybody wants to get but nope not nobody but there's a lot of people and many times with the ones that are there for the healing service I want to say I don't but I want to say where were you the last three days why do you come here now wanting to get healed but you don't care enough about other people to learn how to minister healing maybe that's the real heart of the problem with the people in the beginning because whenever I'll admit whenever I first started studying healing it was to get my daughter heal that's one it wasn't so I could be some it wasn't some some altruistic ideal of oh I just you know want to be going around and just healing everybody that was not my head my head was how do I get my daughter healed I was focused on that but as soon as I found the truth I knew from the moment I heard the truth I knew I had to share it I had to give it away I had to share with people I started practicing it everywhere after praying for people everywhere it was never in media well I'll just hold this back you know yeah it's true but you know hey I'm healed my family's healed we're good it was never that way and so and I honestly I believe that's one of the reasons why God showed it to me wasn't just that I was chasing a lot of people have chased the truth about healing but I think that God knew that if he told me something I couldn't keep my mouth shut I'd tell it you know I'll spread it around and so and and he did he gave us truth and now as I said we're seeing we're seeing multiplication we're seeing were being fruitful we're being faithful to what God has said I told my wife just the other day I think it was Saturday Friday camera which there was but I told her I was honest and I said you know today as I was driving I heard the spirits say Jesus said that when he comes we will hear well done or depart from me that's the only two options he said and and I was telling I said and the spirit was saying when he comes we're either gonna hear well done or depart from me he's not gonna say well intentioned well intended well planned he's gonna say well done not wow that was really good of you thinking about doing it he's gonna say what did you actually do and then of course I realized that's exactly what Jesus said why do you call me Lord Lord and don't do he didn't say why why did you call me Lord and and and you know you don't think about what I say Oh everybody that calls Jesus Lord thinks about what he says but not everybody does what he says and if you hear the even what he said in the scripture he said you know I would liken this man that if those that hear my words and does them he's a man that has built his house on a rock and even though storms come winds waves and it beat up on the house the house will stand and then he said but those that hear my words and don't do them they built their house on sand and when the storm comes it will fall and it's gonna be devastating and the and you know I I've grown up in my Christian walk listening to Keith green Steve Camp Don Francisco and he's got Keith Green has one song called the goats and the sheep sheep and the goats which what is but those are the two in it and he says and and he's playing the piano so it's very rhythmic if I says and he says Indian he says and the only difference between the two is what they did and did not do think about that see this goes this flies in the face of Christianity today Christianity today has man you mentioned do Oh your legalist your legalistic that's the law and we have to realize that if you if you don't if you're not doing what he said what makes you any more a follower of Jesus than a follower of Buddha because I mean do you practice Buddhist teachings well no well you don't practice Jesus's either so you're just as good at Buddhist as you are a Christian do we realize the truth and see when Jesus came he didn't come and hang on a cross because it was fun he didn't do it so we can sit around the group and get videos and try to build a following on YouTube he hung on a cross to take our sin away so we don't have to die the death that is eternal he took that away and he gave us life and he did that on purpose it wasn't fun it wasn't easy we know that because of what we saw him go through in the garden where he himself even said father does any other way take this cup away don't make me go through this but nevertheless not my will your will be done and so he penny went through it and now we want to turn that around somehow and and and treat it like it's some cheap thing of oh well this doesn't matter and you know but it's amazing because jesus said those that do the will of my father those are the ones that enter the kingdom and I believe there's gonna be a lot of people that stand face to face with God at some point and they're gonna say but you don't understand I said the prayer you know that's a that's all the preacher told me to do was say a prayer I said the prayer you gotta let me in you have to and he's gonna say it's not about the prayer it's about the walk it's about how did you live I set you free and you went white right back into the same old vomit that I set you free from and then you told other people that they didn't have to stay free either that they could go right back into the same stuff and yet still call themselves righteous and we've got this idea now in Christianity of it's just a matter of what we say you know and it's like somebody claiming to be a brain surgeon you make and say I'm a brain surgeon well how many how many you know heads if you could open well none then you ain't a brain surgeon right saying it doesn't make it so living it makes it so if you say you're of Christ you have his spirit if you have his spirit that spirit the same spirit that guided Christ is gonna make you want to do the same things he did and so we have to look at this because the purpose of this morning is to make you realize God is looking for increase he's looking for multiplication he wants you to be fruitful and multiply we're stewards of the grace of God the Bible says we're stewards of the mysteries of God but what do we do with it do we have these these talents when I say tell us do we have these these gifts that he's given us this gift of eternal after we had it or do we share it do the people at the restaurant you go to normally do they know your your Christian or if they had to guess would they look at how you tip look at how you talk to your server and if somebody said do you think they're Christian yeah they probably are one because they're so hard to work with they're so judgmental man everything I do is wrong yeah they're probably Christian why because that's the view people have of Christians rather than saying no they don't have any of the nature of Christ they don't talk to me like Jesus would talk to me they don't even look at me when they place their order they bark at me whenever I forget something know at some point we have to realize who we are all the time counts more than who we are some of the time amen he says here in yeah yep and in first Corinthians chapter 4 verse 1 let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful if you're going to be a steward and you are if you're Christians you're claiming to be a Christian you are required to be a steward and therefore you are required to be faithful faithful with what God has given you not to hide it there are so many more people man i tell you i member kathryn kuhlman kathryn kuhlman said oh i was not god's first choice he went to several men first but they wouldn't obey him and I can tell you right now there are so many people that God tried to bring this message through people man better orator is better it's better talent all around better Christians you know lived a much better life especially you know in the beginning I mean they were living better lives everything else that God tried to give this to him but they wouldn't so finally he found somebody that was crying out saying I just want truth and when he gave it to me and it was years before he could actually change my character I mean yeah that was a well you know that's an ongoing process you know but in the beginning I wasn't looking for character I was looking for power I wanted my daughter healed and you know and whenever she died most people thought we were going to just turn our backs on God and walk away but we didn't why because I knew there had to be an answer and we kept doing I made that vow to God that if I that if he would show me the truth I'd be that person for somebody else cuz there wouldn't be there for me at the time and I had the vow that I made to God 37 years ago whatever it is now I have faithfully to this day lived up to that vow baba says if you make a vow to God keep it and we have done that we have and and if anything I'm trying to run faster and faster every day people tell me I should slow down take it easy why I keep seeing more and more people that need help but the truth is I've been given this as a steward and I have to have to I can't hide it but it doesn't do any good to share it if it's not going to be shared with people that are also going to share it Paul told Timothy share what I've taught you with faithful men who will be faithful to teach it to others so if we're going to share if I'm going to share everything that we know and have learned we got to share with people they're going to share it not people are just going to consume it so this coming year you're gonna see more and more of that as we grow as we move forward in these things I can promise you it's only gonna get harder there's only gonna be more pressure put on you I'm only going to encourage you and provoke you down to love and good works that's what I'm that's what I'm gonna do I'm telling you a head of time I'm going to do everything I can to get you you know to spend less time in seats and more time in streets more time sharing what you learn and not just sharing and passing but taking people alongside you disciple to look like Jesus we've been doing that all along we've got people all over the world now that are doing that are looking more like Jesus because we have been hammering away at this for the last 30 years and we just keep on sharing keep on sharing sometimes you you get the point where you think why do this and then you get a email where somebody's baby was sick and the doctors gave them up and they said we called if you answered your phone and now my baby's home and well and whenever that goes on you realize that no matter what other people may do with it it helps somebody you know as they said to the world you might only be one person but to that one person you can be the world here lately I am there's a lot of different things in my own life I've been focusing on and there's been some particular movies that I bought on purpose Christian movies dealing with orphanages and homeless and different things and I've been looking at some things in the end you know it's funny because people talk to me and ministers calling me and asked me you know how what can they do to be successful and then because they look at us and they think of us as successful and we are successful in the area of healing and and in every area that God has given us we've been successful in it's been amazing to watch God's hand in it but I never set out to have a successful ministry we set out to help people just to share message and we're always looking for better ways to do that how can we get the message out faster stronger you know how can we impact more people with it and I've talked to my wife the other day and it's so I had to go down to Tyler Thursday and was down there and then came back Friday and my wife said you know I know whenever you come in I never know what's going to come out of your mouth you know and she I don't you know she's she's because you're always looking out there somewhere and I just I see I told her that I said you know I want God has been so good to us I want my life to mean something to to account for something I want I don't want to waste in my life and she stops you we were in the kitchen and she stopped me you know she's like what makes you think you're wasting your life but look at what God has done but I never looked at I'm thankful for what God has done I'm thankful for how we have been able to impact the world but yesterday's gone I don't sit back and think well we've done some good we have there's no doubt about it but I see these orphanages and I see these different situations and probably the one then bothers me the most is the st. Jude's commercials can't handle this and you know we've got no means arrived but we know we have truth and we know the truth works and I can't honestly say I know how everything is supposed to be you're gonna be and I know that I'm doing good I'm helping people around the world by putting this message out but there's got in my heart there's people I want to touch that we're not touching yet and I really want to be able to know we're getting testimonies obviously about people getting healed and blessed and all that that's good but as long as there's a child that's still available for a commercial we're not Jesus yet and we are to be made in his likeness in His image we've been recreated for that and whatever good God has done through us we haven't fulfilled our potential yet and so I'll keep looking at that and but to do that I know we have to multiply and in multiplication I'm not looking for just a crowd or a congregation or a bigger church or any of that kind of stuff I'm looking for a fruit for multiplication I'd rather have ten that are doing something than a thousand that just come here we preach so we want fruitful multiplication we don't want to coast we don't want to sit back on our laurels and be able to talk about good things that God has done and think that's enough there's always more that can be done so in saying this I'll finish up here I know I've taken already longer than I meant to but in Matthew 25 verse 13 Jesus says watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man comes for the kingdom of heaven has has a man travelling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them as Goods to one he gave five talents to another two to another one to every man according to his several ability to his individual ability as what it would mean and straightway took his journey then he that had received the five talents went and traded to sing and made them other five talents 100% and likewise he that received two he also gained another two but he that received one went and digged on the earth heed his words money after a long time the Lord of those servants comes and reckons with them and so he that had received the five came and brought the other five saying Lord you delivered to me five talents and behold I've gained beside them five talents more his Lord said unto him well done thou good faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord he also that have received two talents came and said Lord you've delivered unto me two talents and behold I've gained two other talents and I notice five game five and two game two it's a hundred percent both ways regardless of whether it was five or two and his Lord said well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things I'll make you ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the Lord then he which had received the one talent came as the Lord I knew that you're a hard man reaping we've not sow gathering where you've not straw I was afraid went and hid your talent in the earth hello there is there that is yours his Lord answered and said you wicked and slothful servant you knew that I reap I sowed not and gather wide not straw Dow artist therefore to put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming I should have received my own with extra take therefore the talent from him give it to him which as Tim and then to everyone that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he has Kashi the unprofitable servant into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth notice God expects profit he expects increase the two that he said well done to made increase in what the head they use it they put it to work the one that he called wicked and slothful work was the one that hid it did nothing with it everybody has something that they can do that they know that God has blessed him with in Matthew 25 verse 31 continuing young he says when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from the other as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goat he'll set the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left and the king will say to them on his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world for I was hungry you gave me food I was thirsty you gave me drink I was a stranger you took me in naked you clothed me I was sick you visited me I was in prison you came unto me then shall the righteous answer saying Lord when saw we thee hungry and fed you or thirsty and gave you drink when did we see you as a stranger and take you in her naked me clothed him when did we see you sick or in prison we came to you the King shall answer and say man barely I said to you and as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me then shall he say also unto them on his left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for I was hungry you gave me no meat I was thirsty you gave me no drink I said we could go on with this but notice what they did they saw needs and people and they met the needs some of the needs doesn't seem all that spiritual just feeding the hungry clothing the naked no power just love which is God see God has power but he is love and we look at these things in a lot of times we think Oh heal the sick raise the dead cast out Devils oh great power and many times we have to look and say you have in that and when we do those things that points back to us but it's what you do that people don't see you do notice none of them said the Lord what I mean depart cry Lord I said the prayer he didn't even say that did you say prayer he didn't say that he said no you're doing my heart you're doing my will there will be people that walk with God and enter into his kingdom and enter into the glory of God and enter into the joy of our Lord as we said there's only people there that you're not gonna expect to see there because they didn't act real religious and they didn't say the prayer but they lived a life they turned they repented they turned around and they started living different they fed the hungry and clothe the naked they didn't do the you know the the marquee grabbing stuff but they made sure people were taken care of and they showed the love of God and people you know you could look and go well the reason you're this way is because of this most those people already know that you're not really helping them help them out of it that one says we'll always have the poor with us but one of the marks of the gospel is that the poor have the gospel preached to them and we have to realize that God wants us to to prosper he wants us to increase he but he wants us to increase his kingdom if you're gonna feed the hungry it's going to take money you're gonna close the naked probably gonna take money after you get rid of all what you already got - Jed Warren you know three years he's probably take something but God will help you if you want to help others he'll bring it through but the key is just simply deciding to be his hands his feet his mouth to help reach people to talk to him bless him and Ephesians 4:28 he says let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labour working with his hands the thing which is good so that he may have to give to him that needs right there tells you why you should work if you work notice it doesn't say so he may have to build up his 401k so that he may have to buy the new house the new car the extra didn't say then he says let him work with his hand so that he has to give those that have needed that's the kingdom God cannot be for a problem that he tells us to fix if he tells us to to heal the sick as cuz he's not for sickness if he tells us to feed the hungry it's cuz he's not for people being hungry he tells us to clothe the naked because he's not for people not having clothing even in really cold weather or even really hot with her he's not for people being oppressed having lack he's for them being blessed he's for them increasing he's for them being fruitful and multiplying so we as disciples of Jesus have to learn to multiply not just let the preacher do it press pastors don't produce sheep sheep produce sheep amen so this year let's focus that's truly focused on where God wants us to go what he wants us to do how he wants us to increase but let's trust him to increase us so that we can meet the needs of the people that have the needs you know you don't understand I got needs amount it's amazing as you meet the needs of others how your needs get met it is amazing all I'm saying is don't hide that one - that one the one that hid the one talent no he just had the one thing he probably thought I don't have very much I don't want to lose any that's how most Christians think but there is he according to proverbs there is he that scatters and yet increases and there's also he that gathers and withholds and comes to poverty it's amazing when you give to the poor and lend to the Lord and He will repay so let's not just think in terms of just power just think in terms of love compassion helping people reaching people touching their lives changing things because that's the only way we're going to make a difference nobody cares how much you know do they know how much you care amen all right let's all stand up as I said if you need ministry we will be glad to minister to you father I've delivered your work according to your spirit if you have given it to me I related to your people the father now I just pray it as your word has gone into their ears that it reaches their hearts that it abides and remains there father we thank you for truth we thank you for the knowledge that we will someday stand before you as stewards of what you have given us and we thank you that because of decisions we make today we will hear well done good and faithful servant it's a father we thank you we want the kingdom to increase we want the kingdom to multiply we want people to come out of their hurt out of their addictions out of their their habits out of out of their pain out of their poverty out of their sickness we want them to know and experience your love for them a love that gives all and keeps on giving the Father we just say you've made us recreated us and the likeness and image of your son and all we want is to live his life as lights to this one father we thank you we thank you for what you got planned for this year we thank you that we commit to be able to walk and what you have planned so father in the name of Jesus I think you're right now and according to your word you said that we are blessed so right now I'll give you things that you have blessed us with all things that pertain to life and godliness you've blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places and we thank you now that they are being worked out and lived out in our life so father in the name of Jesus father if their needs within this body and by those watching we say in the name of Jesus we loose those blessings then we release those blessings into your life that they're right now by the Spirit of God God will show you what needs to change so that you can walk in the blessings to the fullness and therefore be a blessing the Father in Jesus name we say let your people hear your voice know your voice follow your voice and truly be your people so that we can be a light to this world in the name of Jesus amen amen never for me go those of you that are watching by internet right now in the name of Jesus if you are sick in your body if you are having pains and ailments and situations going on in your mind and throughout your body from head to toe by the authority of that name that is above every other name by the authority of the will of God right now in the name of Jesus we set you free we say be healed be made whole now in Jesus name right now every ailment every sickness every disease I go in peace and not remain them right now I guess it's fair to god it's safe [Music] all right [Music] you you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 8,666
Rating: 4.7090907 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: jR_o--q1BsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 30sec (4950 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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