Knoebels Vlog June 2019

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good afternoon and welcome to another vlog from a us a theme park road trip where today we're here at Knoebels amusement resorts and you know what I'm really excited for a certain ride here to be honest this is the ride what's brought me to this park and I can't wait for it it's the flying terms everyone talk more about it when we get over there and get inside the park I'll be at the park actually dates back to 1926 it's a family owned park it's owned by the Knoebels family and you know me I do love my family in part and it's not too core person yeah I'm really really looking forward to this one six different roller coasters here on offer three of those are wooden coasters one of those being flying tunes there's just a little bit special and a few different rides as well lots of other attractions here things that have been relocated from other parks and this park is all about preserving history and so yeah I'm looking forward to discovering more about that throughout the day is the lifeguard over it service as bad as me yesterday when I was wearing the Kennywood yellow actually and then the yellow shorts a lot I can work for the park but yet of course I know quite a bit about this park maybe because of the one ride that has got a massive lot of history to it even though it only really dates back to 2013 and there's a lot to talk about with that we enter the park it's an amusement park where it's free admission it's free parking there's free entertainment and you pay per ride or you can get a wristband as well however as you believe at this part from what people have told me you only actually get wristbands at certain times I think in holidays not a weekend there's no such thing as a wristband and you have to pay per ride I've been told that from people who've visited before and so yeah it's a weekday today I'm hoping we can get a wristband of course if not I'm gonna ride in as much I can anyway so although we believe those schools around the area broke up yesterday but whether that considers as a holiday or not maybe they're gonna wait the weekend today is a really strange Jason we don't really know but in terms of a lot of the parts that we've done this trip they've been very corporate whereas here it's like we just parked up on a grass car park it's all graveling proper old-school part in terms of the hours it's open from 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. we've got it now what is there about two o'clock five minutes by balista - that was our aim of getting here in the afternoon we knew it wouldn't be a full 11 in the morning till 10:00 at night Park and I think this is somebody that probably come alive maybe five six o'clock but I also wanted to make sure that we didn't underestimate it either I'd rather get somewhere early make sure we get everything in and leave early than that I've enough time so yeah welcome to Knoebels don't know what to expect from the park layout or anything like that it's the one right here that really really fascinates me and I'm looking forward to learning more about the other attractions at the park throughout the day I want to Knoebels let's go and find the entrance and now yeah let's get some tickets or wrist band saw it out that's if it has one hopefully well then so we're inside the park and we've got our wristbands so they are on sale today $50 per respond on the gates so everything that's too bad really consider you can ride all day with that do anything that's not included is the swimming pool and the Haunted Mansion they're both extra on top of the wristband the answer is the paper right price a it's actually really cheap so you've gotta work at your best options really if you just want to come here and do the coasters once then I wouldn't get a wristband I'd probably say paying for ride is your best option you're getting to all the toasts a few times try the different flat rides and things then I'd say you respond to the best option but you know you're just gonna work out your options really with it I have yet $50 as well it's clusters and actually inside the bar today and so is the way you get the wristbands it's not right over by the entrance to be honest this part really doesn't have a massive grand entrance it's just a lot of different paths that lead off the carpod into the park it's a proper old-school amusement park kind of how Blackpool Pleasure Beach used to be before the gates of it off I'm mainly going through the one entrance yeah so I really do like the atmosphere here so far we're all sorted out with the wristband and here we go by interns is what we're gonna go on first this ride I know so much about our follow the construction I think if you know what challenge about about the try because it's a wooden box locos it's the only wooden bobsleigh coaster in the world and it took this park a long time to get this right it's based on older models that used to be these rides but this there was none out there and then this part decided we're gonna build one the actually started construction on fly interns in 2006 and it didn't actually open and so I think it was October 2013 on construction phase like seven years and we made loads of different modifications they had to rebuild the station REE profile past the track different trains the add to do all sorts throughout this thing operates in so I'm just so grateful to be here today touching the track here and then give this we're gonna be riding on the only one of these in the world to be honest if it wasn't for this coaster we probably wouldn't be standing here today would have gone to maybe Kentucky Kingdom or try some of the other part that we could have done on this trip that we've missed out this to me is a very special ride to come and try out and I'm really glad that were here and Knoebels to come we give it a ride so we've got our wristbands so it's a minute wait a minute wait a bit of a cue ball to be expected because only thing is can have a really high throughput or anything like that it feels old from the looks of it however 2013 oh yeah oh you look at this than the guys eight years old or something you know it's old and how it looked I'm sure how it's gonna ride it's gonna be long but really it's a new poster very very weird and so yeah let's go and enter the Q line I'm gonna get this one arrived flying turns yeah loving this in the Q line here bit of history on this type of wooden bobsleigh from out there around the world it is great isn't it how they've completely felt this up I mean it is phenomenal it really is impressive it's really quite slow so I figured someone just going round Wow look at this I just don't really know how it's going right there how it's gonna feel is it gonna be quite smooth he's gonna be rough I'm really not too sure if you had loads of issues with the trains as well I mean this whole riders who played with issues it's been built by the part themselves on the first day of the track this is going down now so you have less things to relax on sorry here we go I mean I'm looking all the different signage and stuff there no weights will not to be displayed I don't know you have to have to be weighed before we ride wow that's rare very close to us now about the war rides before but wow look at this oh yeah it's not too bad of a key race so straight down up to the station obviously these at winning walk maybe wanted to train two trains maybe here we go right then off we go on flying turns this is really really weird to actually be on this there's a lighting from blimey I want to ride this thing ever since I heard that we're gonna be building one and it turns out ride so far feels like it's such an old toaster when it's really not there we go making our way around this first I was dropped before we got the main left l4v Wow very very smooth so the reason it took so long was due to the trains it was over speed and then he tried other things it was going too slow and they finally managed to get it right so they get this thing operating so I'm not expecting a really fast intense ride or just a unique ride and fair plays the part for building this there we go oh wow Wow that was certainly very very different tell you what it rides back you very smooth on that of course as you probably noticed already we can film on the ride yesterday I did hear that you could but I just been given a camera card which means I just show that on the rides and with permission to film hey that was wonderful what a classic it might not be the tallest it might not be the fastest but that ride is something that's really special for me and it's a very special coaster to go on and riding that I mean this brought me to tears to be honest going up the lift Hill not probably sounds ridiculous through a lot of people but when you so passionate about this industry especially all the rides the fact that this park have gone out there and built that from the ground up spent millions of pounds on that on those the dollars our mats put together I think about it and what the world is going through it and Thor I had a give it up but if you had to built that ride and then it had not gone around and tried different trains and reprofiling your track and kept going I just would have given up whereas with them they've kept going and going for seven years to get that thing going and then we'll say it rides really well it's very very smooth for something that was built in-house not by a major manufacturer very very smooth and it's looking at going around like amazing Sascha brilliant three trains the through but I don't think is as bad as I was expecting I thought it might be really slow mover but wait about 20 minutes or so and I've really enjoyed it like I say it is the speed and so it's not about stats it's about the nostalgia and the fact that it does feel like it's 70 years old it's not you said it's not the tallest it's not the first it's got the stupid but it's the only it's unique the only one I mean no one else in the world can go right on that you've got to come here to this part I know that way I know that it took seven years for the parts of effect that is incredible because you think no other part of the wall that I can think of would be able to dedicate this yeah the speaking to remember the staff a two mile ride there's actually been on the project since day one was really really special she was saying that there's been a baby since they want and you know to hear people talk about the poster and even just remember the name of the closest you said the biggest things for her yeah it's a special celebrate I think these brilliant don't go on there expecting a massive thrill ride you get it on there too so relive the past so to speak with that and the fact that honestly seven years of instruction that is ridiculous so the good way and a fair play to the part that deserve a big round of applause a lot of support for that and for keeping classic rides going but of course that is endure we've actually got some real classic rise in this part they actually relocated a full wooden coaster from another park to here so more about that when we get over there I mean who relocates of all wooden goes to lie there's really really nice really pretty but you can just walk in walk around taking out this road it has got to ride it again even worse but yeah finally something really cool where we stood right now Sean we're in the Christmas lights add the Christmas shopper it's Michelle fine so there we go it's ice and you can book it on yourself to keep yourself cool I mean it's little things like that you can tell here it's not really about the money it's about the experience and they wanna keep it authentic and have you ever been into a theme park where you can you know touched a tall pole and it's actually ice it's nice that all right lovely and there's a little Christmas shop the Christmas cottage oh my god that is crazy I'll be able to got five more coasters to ride on explore in the park but honestly amazing to get to ride that definite have some more goes on it and it's great that I've been able to film on ride here as well with that filming cars who's been get some more POVs which is nice because I've missed filming on ride a lot during this trip such a wonderful atmosphere around this area with the organist over there giving us sit on the benches here chilling out I don't next we're going on the Phoenix this has got a lot history this right I've got a lot to remember so it was originally built in 1948 and it was located at Playland Park in San Antonio Texas it then closed in 1980 and then this park Knoebels bought it from there it was transported and like loads of trucks to this park we're opened in 1985 where it's been operating since right now brother John's here yeah I mean our CDP's great honestly this ride by the fact that Peter Borden coaster and moved it here of course we had to replace some little sections of things as you do with wooden coasters you have to do the upkeep but look at this I actually won the golden ticket award for best wooden coaster I've heard that we're gonna get some ridiculous airtime on here so yeah I'm looking forward to a bit there we go look at this oh here we go loads of different coasters and it's nice looking at some of these names on here now thinking that we're doing quite a lot of these now which is good needs to go back and get Ghost Rider feels to Roden you over Park wildfire kolmården Jack Rabbit cannibal like we've done loads of these now on there like it which is crazy but this does get voted like very highly I mean I think the airtime we're gonna get is gonna be crazy on this I'm not good at math but 2018 was only a year ago it was a red wick about that year and this be Twix alone so let's see the golden ticket with her I mean Wickham and it's a very different ride obviously Wickham as the modern GTI come take my my let's see what happens love it Phoenix right there we go on the Phoenix we're on the back row and I don't really know what respect that's all over quite a bit of our time or startup indoors I've never even seen a POV of this ride right so we've got a lot bar however we've got no seatbelt at all and look at the gap like a massive gap up both of us and I just saw the train coming around that towards the end of the ride people look like they were flying out of the seats so I really know how this is gonna ride but herbs of the our leaders don't care she's doing it defy that I never get on the Phoenix a little bit of ice on down the drug enough in ridiculous right I was a big a jack to that double now my god okay now I can see why that's a bit of an award winner that was excellent for why me I was good fun also Wow well that was a really pleasant surprise I mean I've been told by a lot of people we were gonna get quite a bit of added time on there however it wasn't quite anticipating that much air time that was absolutely incredible on the back row got some more rear eyes on that later on that's the thing with me yes it may have worked out cheaper by him add the ride tokens and paper ride however when he wasn't fall in love with the coaster like I have with the tubes and already I want maybe three or four days on them today if we get time so I mean it was definitely worth getting the wristband for that I will tell you what that was really really good fun ridiculous ejector airtime well I was talking floater over them hills proper ejector airtime on that ride it was brilliant really nice surprise actually I had not seen a POV and I've heard about so but I didn't know loads to be honest I was just that obsessed with the flying turns here that was the ride there really fascinated me that was a really good surprise one of the best wooden coasters out there in my opinion that quite a simple layout in terms of some drops and a corner then drops in the corner but that's all I needed it was all out the airtime because you weren't wearing a seat pal I'm just having the restraint and how loose it was it was brilliant really really good fun what do you think that makes for that I mean that my display in turns that one is the feeling but I want should we call flying burns not Pavlina my word the amount of time you actually sit on that is insane it's crazy I saw they call it the graces with one or so so no neither would ever been probably really I mean I think there's some riser old and that I still take over that however it's great fun and my goodness you know I'm gonna sleep at home when you're going through some of them corners because you are whipped the fact they have been relocating as well as amazing some are outside no you don't just see parks doing that like sometimes with steel coasters but even that is a lot of that fair however a wooden coaster I suppose only incredible yeah it pretty much is I mean that that is amazing anyway we've got more to ride for more coasters so we're gonna go find another wooden coaster now don't really have a clue where it is but it's quite nice just walking around the park and soaking up the atmosphere got a nice classic paratrooper here as well it's a surprises here for like food and drink and stuff now a little look there I mean we've already we already ate before coming here we had a McDonald's on the way down and we arrived in the afternoon however in terms of drinks two dollars for a soda I think that's really good actually lodged is three dollars this size two dollars so it is actually really quite cheap here in the paper ride option as well makes a really good value day out so yeah let's carry on having a little walk around to have a clue where we're going but sometimes it's quite nice to just wing it isn't it welcome foolish mortals to Knoebels Haunted Mansion and terrifying adventure in darkness yeah so it just stumbles across this and we thought we made what I'll do a I mean this is the ride though for some reason it's not included in the wrist button but it's only two dollars fifty to ride really strangely I just has to laid in the ticket booth and she seems to think it might be because it's owned by like a separate people or something so that kind of makes sense I don't really know but it says it's got strobe lighting in so yeah we're gonna give it a go of course we've got our little ticket just here it's a bit strange how it isn't included though most are very welcome for us mortals for the Haunted Mansion Ashley Knoebels home and Jimbo there we go this right left and the keyline he's scared I've heard some good stuff about this again I've already watched many POVs from this Park which is surprising actually because normally I do spoil things of myself whereas I'm not with a surprise yeah I mean it's nice having a bit of a surprise but yeah it's weird out it's not included me personally I think they should definitely look at getting it included in a wristband as far as I know Evans any actors or anything in there but yeah it seems like it is a separate and separate admission obviously equip a separate company my my room this I'm not too sure but I don't know alice is in that first you look it looked quite funny in that yeah oh he's off see you later right now so I don't really know what to expect here oh wow [Applause] oh why white jumpy the upside-down room it's a really really good ghost ride [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] just ease down in this ride it's really long Wow [Music] one of the best ghost raisin of a veto well that was absolutely incredible I mean Ali's way in there first and how did he find army that was terrified he loved that and so that was really good long ride well worth two dollars fifty still feel like he should be good in the wrist I'm really if you're offering that service however what an absolutely incredible ride that is one of the best ghost trains I've ever been known to be always dark and I heard him screaming from where I was I mean I it was it was crazy what was do be say something naughty words what was really clever in there was the distraction technique caused by some of the lighting so you'd look at something the light it up maybe for a second it is flash in front of you and as that's happening the vehicles turn the corner and then somebody else is little next to you they're really good distraction techniques on the only mention there I absolutely look I'll definitely start paying have another go on that later on like it's well worth it one of the best ghost trains I've ever done again I didn't really know much about it I'd heard they had a good ghost train here well how good I didn't realize that was 10 out of 10 has some really good props and sat pieces in there you have the waterfall another one of my favorite scenes was the horn with the like the train coming towards you honestly that was absolutely incredible I think allergies a bit I think it's true girl you loved it really come on I'm terrified he's nearly background again now Halloween but that was very good in what real lights as well they didn't I just took an actor in there with a chainsaw at the end or anything like that it didn't need a big gimmick raised on stairs yeah like some really loud sound effects in there as well really well placed speakers and horns and screams and yeah I thought that was absolutely brilliant everything we've done so far today here has been great they made them three rides but there's so much more to do as far as I'm aware is included in the wrist button of them the swimming pool and I don't fancy tape taking a dip today that when there's all these good rides to go on oh I love that sign look about they told us we couldn't build it but we did it anyway that Oliver that's why were the folks oh look at that oh that is brilliant the only one in the world oh that is incredible really really no I start what quote that is they told us we can build it but we did it anyway get overalls everybody ran so here's our third roller coaster to try out then here at Knoebels it's twister and this was a new build in 1999 wasn't relocating from anywhere they didn't pick this one up put it in a truck there with this one they built it brand new I must say it's much bigger than it looks in photos look at the size of it blimey looking forward to giving this one a go in terms of the layout of this I believe it was based on like another wooden roller coaster somewhere out there in the world however this was a complete new bill they didn't like relocate or anything like that via the lighthouse is familiar to that of another ride that I don't think operates anymore but here we go twister and of course if you are a local to this park or know a lot about it comment down below it's always great learning new things about parks and there were quite a lot of fun for the channel throughout the base of the days on the trip who gave us loads of information about the different rides it's been wonderful just like you soon builds up the speed that has it goes off the top of the drop Philadelphia to modern coasters guys PTC's here we go the slides got some good speed to it this I'll tell you well that was some pretty efficient operations in terms of checking the restraints there again no seat belts just a lot unfortunately it just seemed like the storm is coming in we're not to worry about storms for a few days but I might get stored up for a little bit there we go I left the end of the ride hey that's very weird a left-tail just to go into that corner to change the direction ready for the main lift cell quite unique all those people can't be down there all right here we go twister Oh [Music] whoo now we go back into the station say well that was certainly quite a different wooden coaster that it's all more about it when we get off Brian so we just come off twister and just before I talk about that I just want to point out this path that were walking down it's really weird because it's it's just like a normal rope smell like the power lines down the side and yeah it's great as guys street lines and stuff down here ya know theming around and it is actually a road and the Veidt developed the park around it as well of about some of these older parts how they developed over time okay in terms of the coaster that was really good fun it kind of reminded me of a lot of GCI coasters with some of the elements on there and I know this was built in-house by the park again little doing that here built in-house but uses PTC trains on there and yeah I really enjoyed that I thought it was a good coaster nothing on the Phoenix oh that was absolutely incredible we had really glad that we went on that going on the coast of credit and yeah it got some real actuals on there as well I've been pushed into some of the corners and it was really nice get a couple of good drops quite a weird star with how you add a little bit of a lift hill and then a corner and the other lift hill and he can tell this well they've done a bit of retrack your work on that especially towards the end of the way out as well I hear from over here it's giving me like smaller versions of road that you rope of our vibes just the way it looks with the little tail turn around sector and down into the drop I know it's a very very different ride but just like giving me those lines I haven't here we go there's another look at the spoonball just they're still like old-school diving boards it's crazy is such an old classic feeling par and you can hear a bit of audio looks like we got a live band over here as well so have a look at this [Music] Wego yeah I love it nothing it's just a piece of restaurant oh we need to reroute the way we're gonna get run over oh what a nice atmosphere here it's in a gorgeous location I was kind of expecting it to be not in the city centre but have light other buildings and stuff outside the park it's really not we're in the middle of nowhere and if you want to see that drive to the bog check out the travel vlog and you'll see that we were down like a singletrack road to get here crazy what do you think to that there now makes you enjoy the woody I enjoyed it a lot but fast quite snappy reminded me of a juicy I yeah the GCI elements in there that sound that it made that we're taking some of them turn I mean I'm enjoying this park so far these got a really nice vibe to it it's old-school it's got some great attractions and we've got quite a lot of flats to do here as well but first another coaster we're gonna steel coasters to go on here and this nicely built by zero only 2015 oh yeah watch this I feel like I've gotta have a cookie layer off like I say that is that is the place to be real I that'll be I'll be looking forward to riding next year zero bake some great coasters and it's basically their version of a ghost light Eurofighter I mean you look at this and like the GP for example look at this and then look at Eurofighter and think they're both the same but they're not like this isn't girl hours so let's give it a ride and see what this is going to be like it's got a bit of a queue not too bad though just down the steps there around the bottom not too sure what we're going to the trains maybe - they're in action it's also got like bars on there and we've got the inversion so so we're going for a little ride on here and of course we can see you on board so join me in the Life Guards as we go and give impulse ago you're right there by then so off we go on impulse looking forward to this it's actually the only one of these out there bill by Zahra so yeah looking forward to giving it a go and see now tries conferred to a girl a Eurofighter I mean I'm comparing it to that because of how it looks really and the fact that we're going to per vehicle lift Hill but they got a 90 degree drop and we got four inversions tightly packed in on this as well something quite special about this ride is that it's actually got like a booster seats for kids which I assume brings the height restriction down which is pretty fantastic she's never seen that before on a coaster is it gonna be rough is it gonna be smooth or is it just going to be okay involved let's go Hey Wow Oh you like Felix Micheline that is true there we go well I would say it's more smoother more enjoyable than a Eurofighter baby yeah bit of a a Mack rattle about at the Train if you've been on my back now your coasters just now they have a bit of a rattle out of it one of those on here but to be honest it's quite a good coaster and the fact that the mostly got wooden coasters here a nice big steel fill goes to work well for and I like that alright footage there from the front row of impulse with that one it's nothing to write home about I mean it was a good little ride quite smooth and enjoyable but yeah you know I wouldn't say I was only didn't outstanding I'd say that over quite via the Eurofighter of models and girl our have been on though I think zero build some brilliant coasters actually you started off doing a lot of junior coasters like the little Tivoli is and stuff and to come a long way over the years they've done some good stuff but it was quite enjoyable really I think the reason it's important I enjoyed it the baby birds I said yeah baby because it much poor suppose they know by it forces thought it was a nice ride pretty riders a good start to a postcard I'd like a bill a bill derive a probably fits in really well with this park and it's family atmosphere and it's dark I mean I'd love to see another big proper thrill coaster here but I don't if that's something maybe work for them with them being a very good morning to this part you can up you stroll in they want easy you know just chill out there really and if you want to camp you can campaign yeah it is an amazing resource or yeah it's got a very different feel I really like it here I'm enjoying it I'm a bit concerned about this storm coming over but you know we can hope for the best real - more codes to get off one owns an outdoor coaster average to do a little junior coaster and then we've got an indoor coasters to do as well somewhere I think it's like fully indoors and it's got like a few my dark ride seems a bit like fire in the hole kind of thing is a bit like that so of course that we didn't Silver Dollar City and there was this similar version as well at Dollywood I think this event like that from what I've seen but we got to try and find them out there somewhere so we'll carry on walking around and yeah just enjoying the park feel really chilled out here so until 10 o'clock plenty of time to do the other rides as well novalee the storm just calm it doesn't stay on for too long Wow look at this there Alex just stumbled across like walking past down here to our next ride a little cheeky look through the window and it's some sort of Knoebels Museum look all these different horses I mean we've just also walk past the golden ticket winner for best carousels or gonna sit on that whilst were here at this park now look at this recognise this there there we are same sort of horse that's you can find on derby racer bucket Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the UK also see the downs that see the point of information about this is that one this one last operated at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto Canada loads of different horses and Wow Donal parks they really showcase their history please give your children their fair we look all the details on this for example right all the paintings of their I mean gone are the days of parks to in this really it's alright vinyls and stickers that get ponds of things vary as you look at all this hand-painted stuff and all this that's being carved out all the details on these wooden animals here and the giraffe just there Wow being a little horse Oh terrible sorry there these are absolutely wonderful really nice all these different horses and all the different information as well was from Brooklyn New York really a lot a lot you know me we'll have a good bit of a good emerge oh yeah we're gonna get something from here today to take home half an hour while those stuff well these are quite cool are the postcards that open up I like that is very sweet it wasn't more I London I that does he - probably the one language we talking but that was a few different ones got but one of the one of the purple one the price is 50 all bridges all paid for that's quite nice isn't premium yeah it's a really nice stuff definitely gonna be an event moves to take home Wow right so this next ride that we're going on is an some sort of indoor coaster and I'm looking forward to giving this a try again this has got a massive amount of history to it it was originally built in 1960 and used to be located at another amusement park and then like I've been with many different rides here that's the relocated it here I think it closed in 1998 the park and then it reopened here in 2011 so it must have been in storage or something I really don't know I mean I'd love to know more information but there's the black diamond mining company and expecting something a bit like fire in the hole and you look very intrigued there or you're I didn't seem real and do see someone saying they're crazy yeah look at this ISO all fancy isn't it real fancy experience we have the black diamond mining company so I mean it's amazing is that how they've moved and other rides and somewhere else yeah stay here and put it in this park everything Phoenix everyone is incredible so yeah it didn't operate all the way through from 1998 and then here in 2011 so it's going to give this arrived I'm really not too sure what to expect well here we go I don't know how much you're gonna see on the GoPro building all off [Music] [Music] it's still right for you trouble there we go buy diamond Wow that was a bit different was that well that was something really quite different I mean he didn't really get to see much with that on the GoPro and that was quite a lot of scenes where it was very dark and the camera didn't pick it up very well and be able to quite a long ride I'd say that that well um for a good five minutes or so it was an indoor roller coaster over it's more dark right I mean if the weight went round on a track few little drops in places and which made it of course classic coaster over it is more of a dark ride in terms of the way it goes around the corners and through the different scenes but I realized that something a bit different have that old-school feel to it obviously isn't even all the ride that was transported to here everybody feels like a little dated a lot in terms of a theme a special effects in there there was some senior in there that was painted like UV I don't think that looked too good a twisted sort of cap with just traditional lighting on some of the set pieces but there's some really good stuff in that there was like a wall what Kay moving towards you there was some water that was coming down from the ceiling and they stopped as soon as you got there got a cool light in a fact have you saw the trommel tunnel in there few different animatronics some good like this the sound effects and stuff a very questionable horse near the start that reminded me of like gangjae I mean that horse was I it was quite you know it wasn't anything massive Stan yeah it was similar to bone oh I take bone all over it what is the host star it's just different but it's not about different filter without the use a seems like soon as I said it was also survivor chairman cha the bats the goods they showed up on the camera they enjoyed it you know it's no diseases of CAPTA a classic Gary really from another Park brought it here and completely repackaged it so it kind of had that old-school feel to it obviously intel the regional all this and obviously it's a brand new building that they've put it in and stuff and yeah you know quite enjoyed it we've got one more coaster left to do here and that's just a little junior coaster and then after that it's going around and trying out some of the other rides on offer here at this park so I'd show you this here it's not electric locomotive a miner's transport car that was last used at the Glen burn mine what's nice a Sherman Shamokin it's not safe smoke smoke in that's okay yeah yeah this is quite interesting I mean this isn't femen this is an actual mine car and it's down the back here this obvious used to transport people down there to the mine sit then down in there in size that's a little bit like a yeah like a monorail there's net there you go how interests is that yeah it's such a very different style Palace I mean you walk around the corner just here and then you've got all these different houses like how strange I mean I don't think that's like accommodation I think people are actually live in that or it seems that way very very strange but I like it I mean yeah he just got like another service road here and a few picnic benches then some more rides at the sides make sure these this has gotta be accommodation over here I'm really really not too sure I mean she's walking over that machine that there's a house sorry if I'm filming your house then you got like some Eagles over here as well there we go some actual real eagles not not fake not animatronic oh yeah just sit there on these benches and just relax okay so thank you in someone's back garden I mean you look at that it's got like these sheds and silver the side very very different there you go there's the Eagles not these ones here in the foreground but everything they're real I think they're plastic the real ones are down there at the back well at least I think they are Desmond animatronics so we just thought we'd go for a little walk inside here some sort of museum I mean it says Knoebels History Museum there and they says about mining at the top so don't really know exactly what's respect in here but it's a little walk around you know a bit of a gift shop nice painting I'm about that I was quite cool isn't with the horses like Guelph the water and now I'll a she's gonna tell us a fascinating fact about this wonderful piano just safe so you can so that it plays itself really yeah it's on the side 50 cents I would actually go on the side I know that all right okay and saying oh it deposit it says that means you get it back doesn't every deposit on the name the museum oh wow the Knoebels History Museum Oh got painted that is amazing with the log flume though Phoenix there as well oh that is wonderful look at this kids really enjoying that ice cream there that'll be me later on havin an ice cream all these different helmets here from coal mines I don't really know much about the area around here I mean I'm assuming with all the different like mine themed rides and this museum that the area is quite famous for mines and that sort of stuff anyway I'm digging for coal and all that oh you are doing that really well you can start now what was nice to be on this there we are coal is a fossil fuel is just give me a bit of history is that a real dinosaur you tell me and actually we tell me Niagara Falls wasn't my main but say yeah yeah I'm assuming this whole area has got a lot of mining history I mean from what we're looking at here it's in mine today other no mines are I was really old I'd be careful with that allies some of this stuff was really really come on idea what we should do next one that's what that misspoke okay break a boy's asparagus then it says that power series law around this museum and LLL bet there we go it's just walk around that corner now all these different mining lamps and ice mining audio well what no I've seen something that I think the viewers have really appreciated that around this way it's a timeline of the different attractions of owned here at the park oh look at this in here Wow oh look at that ferris wheel Wow oh it's awesome oh we got loads of around in here so here we go a time line I mean this goes up to 2009 I want to start way down listen I want to get back to the roots of this park and it's a lot walk through it all to do here we go so maybe I'll tell us a bit about the area around here so here we are 500 million BC honey then we'll move more to sort of here shall we well the park history starts oh there we go Knoebels Grove family moves to Peggy's farm I was that's the area around here as you can see all the different family members being born swimming hole hi okay so the swimming pool that actually it's not the same one that still exists yeah I think I think it is actually and then you start to see more ride development going on here the skating ring going in themed cottages in the 1930s he says resort theme park to a new thing Stoney Gables I know he had a little lamb train we've got to go on the Line train today actually as well not you sure if it's that exact one that's still going but we'll find out there's traditional ferris wheel there as well and things the dive-bomber they're coming in a stage up there yeah well more live entertainment coming in 1947 dodgems are built big steam train now thing that's the one that I saw outside just here actually a motorboat so you can see the Overland coaster there that was actually yeah the high-speed thrill coaster I saw that when I was in some research I mean I wouldn't really call that type of ride high speed rail cows toward you oh there you go goats coming in there the petting zoo in 1954 the moon rock a ride that was intro what the hell is that that is rude let me zoom in on that for you Eli on a dinosaur and the flavorings were sort of spinning table something I'm not seeing anything quite like that before I'll smoke you there the Train wine history all the way down here the spaceship ride birthday cake pavilion was amazing I'll take over from last time when he jokes was funny in 1960 oh great comes the full-time employee moving on through obstacles for quite some distance in this part moving across to you've got the flyer the flyer is still active still willing to this day absolutely amazing did you ever go to the top 1973 the haunted house constructed and in operation those wonderful facade more rides going in throughout the 70s here Gemstar 1977 a show that I can see the country there's just behind you that same land see I'm just over Hal look at those in a moment the gallium which is felt here walk through which is just next door sponsored by Pepsi quarterback of the day the museum for the carousel horses look right here 1985 we got the constriction of Phoenix air as well wall windows installed 1993 my birth year there 19 that in 1997 my birth year people get shocked at that new high striker sploosh and road improvements to say I'm a reliable with me rosemary completely open your kidney will be be any bears for Henry or hassey that's really nice 75th anniversary came back sorry flat look at that for you a frog hopper we got plans for the 75th anniversary Museum only two thousand one time capsule will be placed in the following with two thousand Olivia so bumble the open that that I wonder and actually say that it will be placed for in here doesn't say when it's this is why the history Dosher think they run out of wall space it's one got to do it's a bit bigger than I thought actually because the Kosmos curves how good is this in here very very nice museu and this is exactly what Alton Towers needs and Blackpool Pleasure Beach needs and they just won't listen because they really should do it and celebrate that history necessary the entire people use that word lots to describe classic attractions celebrate what you have and its operational ability okay I understand the older rides are harder to maintain they do cost more money but the celebration of that celebrate what you had you guys can do those rise to keep them running for this length of time you should be proud of celebrate that being proud of it Alton Towers shouldn't be covering up things like the black hole and corkscrew and pleasure Beecham because a real family operation 1999 twister under construction here fascinating really really good success twister complaint it Halleck a fresh all the wood looks there you know really nice I'm loving this other people they're awesome carousel in here devastation 1972 flood won all the parts of the part was completely destroyed by bad weather this parks actually got quite a history when it comes to flooding I mean I know even earlier this year there was a big flood great aftermath the 1996 flood notes high watermark so the high water was 70 to 75 with just that actually kept them on the trees from the market yeah I actually saw a couple of the markers earlier whilst we were walking through the park is wearable and and the other country bears of course probably inspired by Disney I'd imagine how good is that they've capped those and you know not just selling off the history probably childhood memories for many many as you see these right here personal personal it's so important and you have a security of him music playing with these like homie so I mean that our paths just don't really do bases empty builders the towers are alton towers for example but eventually rose that but any permanent infrastructure in just some nice classic celebrations of attraction there you go what really nice museum and if you do come here to the park make sure you come and check it out and my county is just said looking at those four people have probably got a lot of memories we may come back to this park in 30 years time when another attraction unfortunate is closed and they will look back on our memories from snowballs so yeah let's continue to get around the park and try and find this at the kids coaster the circle in the troll jumped up they lift their swords they were just about ready to poke the Knights on their buddies well the princess has lifted their walls this part really has got such a nice unique charm and most like Silver Dollar City and Dollywood that we've both done on this USA road trip it's v different stands and shops down here and like you've got the lost logger it's like a wood shop where all the items have been carved out of wood and treat rooms that sort of stuff which is interesting over here you got Valley smithy I am works a blacksmith actually inside the park the next week you're like these unique little kids rides my honestly just don't get this at the pass by Homer it's such an authentic feel nobody's sure what's going on with this tractor over yeah I mean that's very very interesting some sort of convey about on that I mean very very different does such a nice filter I mean it's crazy they're all right I love it very Silver Dollar City and Dali wasn't a round there this area / way resembles full of us to me yeah drives on Franco these little stands geez look at this carousel over here I mean there is another one that we've gotta do here it's an award winner got to try that out oh yeah the ice is what the chopping wood with on the side just there hey gang obviously chopping that and then as you making stuff over that the shot very very interesting this carousel beautiful rides are very cheap one dollar fifty özgür yes as yeah we all miss later on and also do the other carry south as well one of the golden ticket for the best care of sign in the world the other one so I stood here I'll tell you why you've got young kids if you really want to bring them to an amusement park that's got a great atmosphere it's a really good value to no balls I definitely recommend those are kids rise that we just walk past in this area here and some other good family attractions this little boat rides just down here where she'd like you to see yourself around a little cottage items over here loads the little flat rides and spinning rides for the kids who's walked past another big stage weather set up with some live music over like a band I assume that now we're going into the evening to Friday night as wild hogs have until 10:00 a little bit a live music really nice even more so than it has now I'm really enjoying this hog I like a family feel to it and yeah look at these over here nice retro classic for guitars of the guy are a wonderful really as heavy round Tigers here very nice isn't it what's gone the big ferris wheel over the back there as well oh this dive-bomber here there never been on one of these definitely gotta give this a go I mean these are quite scary they either quite intense but the good fun spin all the way around oh yeah and there's the kids coaster over there and it looks like it's got a very short queue first gotta have a ride is that our sixth and final rollercoaster credit here of Knoebels looking forwards giving us a gap it's cause modes curves that they were saying it then he's cosmos I think it's definitely Kosmos there we go built in 2009 NF Miller let's go have a ride it's one of the bigger ones of that as that's been actually quite a big first truck for kids coaster let's go to a ride final credit to get today offer yo kiddie coaster cause those curves and off we go quite snappy that blimey Oh as I that was boring thanks to what was that started blimey air time laughs number three now tonight Oh oh my god that's one of the most intense Kitty Kosova venom that was absolutely crazy for a kids coat so that was really like it was like still vengeance for kids that was a lot of focus of air pockets that major ejectors today was another thing or one that's amazing your insignia for the best kids clothes needs it soon as the storm seems to have passed over I mean we had a few little sprinkles of rain know that much it's all really obvious cleared the portal a little bit quite a few flat prize to me to go on here I won't be riding this one look at this I don't know what it was before answers on a postcard well someone needs to be there and yellow line has been cleared whilst we're here the dive bomber has got no queue at all right off we go on the dive bomber or satellite as this one's called these are quite intense hello Peter very unique rides these days not many of them about till t oxide down and the right vehicle spins and really quite enjoyable experience I really like these just really puts your body in some really awkward positions this one it's like he's trying to hold on but it is gone very very weird here we go welcome to the whip we're out on one of these at Kenny woods and I really enjoyed it however that one was outdoors this one's got a nice roof on it with a traditional festering lights around it here we go all of these we have they're even better if you like leaning into the corners a bit more [Applause] loving all these classic rides then here are Knoebels and then next we're going on the golden ticket award winner of the best carousel 2018 there it is I mean she's beautiful isn't she another golden ticket winner I mean there's a lot of golden ticket winners the also won best food as well so there's a few golden ticket winners in this part which is fantastic yeah look at this what a nice classic all the details on there and I must say the horses look absolutely stunning right off rail just on there collecting the tokens yeah very nice classic ride on here guys all get over there as well the I believe was presented but to the family sorry [Music] surprise here probably wise the best carousel in the world on the takeaway grab me another one [Music] took it with me take it we're here on the marble wide a beautiful carousel there really do you like the idea that it's interactive as well I never actually seen one of those before so I do understand why is there golden ticket winner I'll see you beautiful right we're gonna feed the pig now are you ready I'm not this one this one I've rare so there we go what we're doing that at least we get rid of today's short hey Kings Dominion fast track the quick queue for Kings Dominion but he's gonna go in here so this is a little bit like where you gotta have something where ya ready it suck it in ah choo choo off we go on the little miniature railway actually love these go on back up pleasure with hills in the UK I mean there's quite a few out there but in terms of a themed bar back home really enjoy these I think we can hear some fantastic views of the wooden roller coaster down here don't look at your swimming pool I don't really want to call it a waterpark you just have a few slides at the bat but it's more of a basic swimming pool quite old school and I think it's been here for a very long time few different flat rises to do large-scale water ride there probably won't go on that one that the chute the shoes don't want to get soaked tonight but I will do the log flume as the campground up there that's nice that interaction yeah complete a bad what I just said tell thought it was on one train that and then I thought it was on two drains then I thought they'd gone back to one train but now it must be quite a long ride great views though you make our way in the vortex the olive wood encloses the irony for all the word that goes into the structure amazing a few different houses like in the park here as well which is interesting Oh so everything there where we go in here like way out of actual amusement park itself it seems all the 10 grounds over at the side here where you can bring you RV or tent the house over there it's on stilts I'd say that's probably built on stilts because of the issues have had with there the river running through I'd imagine that's the reason why just to help protect it you know me I absolutely love my transport rides and that train was wonderful through the trees Solo in the swimming pool the campground all the way out in the forest where you've got some really good shots of some wildlife out there as well others are some squirrels brood about and yet it's really nice to capture the atmosphere and like I say tries to capture the eyes butcher could just in the video really like I've got the trainer's down here as well obviously just affair locomotive that they don't use anymore and again really really nice ride anyway next up Danny come on thousand one night I'm not going on a thousand one night I just wanted to say that that trained Maori just did I have a really special relationship I think where the think is very very important to me hey doing yeah it's really nice nearly as much as a lady in love with the ride down I don't know on may have watched a very very strange video there's a full documentary and it's about a lady who basically she marries this ride I mean it's called why she marries a rollercoaster obviously we know it's got a rollercoaster but this lady she comes down to this park in the winter and she comes to this ride she loved his ride she's obsessed with it and yeah well sort of leave it there but check out the video look at love is a very splendid thing and you want to see it just type in on YouTube after you finished watching this vlog of course just type in a thousand and one night woman and then it'll come on boy yeah right no God is a revive on that one yeah but it's gonna be a good ride I'm sure I'm gonna try and find some place to give you a few off ride I'll send the GoPro on and I'll try and merge them together I got Bob laughing with the editing that go all right no I mean look at it let's go have a little ride on that let's say I runs and I must say then fluids are looking really good rather than off we go 1001 nights or as it's pronounced on the sign 1001 nax or something like that I don't know I just say it Oh looks like really have some beautiful views of on this as you shoot the shoes I'll ride down that don't really know much about it oh then it's got one drop and he gets soaps maybe it's a Hopkins actually I mean it looks very similar to that Idol way but thought park Hey look at the views absolutely stunning actually bouncing on that ferris wheel whilst around here quite a few different flat rise to there actually and of course do some more rewrites those are your free parking wow that is a soak that that's a tidal way that it's gotta be the way it hits the water down there and with the wave and everything this looks exactly the same as a small version inside away here we all end of a wonderful ferris wheel a nice romantic sunset rides with me Shawn that is really good now there was no joke coming I was gonna say Charlie I'm missing you very much and as much as by the time you're watching this I've seen Charlotte again right now it's been a just because I did my York trip before it comes to do this I'm really missing Charlotte now made to do some more parties I'm actually missing someone - he's like oh I'm missing someone the names not going out there but I am missing someone a lot who a thousand one now my girlfriend do is now starts at home waiting for me get back away the five days that still bothers you might go out you know it's been really nice to kind of finish this trip by the last few days and we're quite a chill day out actually I mean a lot of the parks very chill day today seventeen coasters kind of those wonder like yesterday indistinct yeah it's down to six we did the first explosion we've been like three and a half hours the parks have another three and a half hours you know do a few flats to a fury ride just a few flats and then I'll be joining for fury right I'll do one but a left lung yeah we did all log flume yeah I think so I'm looking self in the mirror oh yeah hopefully we got some good views in a moment when we go to the top there's a shame that the chairlift down there isn't an action I don't really know if you can come off at the top up there or not like in walk around or maybe the stage up there and brings you straight back down and it's on a postcard I hope they'll get it next time few more flashed I'm gonna do round this area probably involved with the pirate ship some loads of those out there probably do downdraft in X oh my girl would just come off the ferris wheel and it's a mascot of the park hey are we doing your your on YouTube yeah both both big bags of clothes good guys they see you later oh he's dancin yeah best best dance moves there you go hello it's still going oh come on ice to see you do that now come on yeah yeah no not very good is he bye see you later rice get another ride on impulse it's got a short dude on this ghost okay I'm what he's worth now rather than if we go straight into it downdraft looking forward to see what force we got on this firstly quite intense so far oh wow blimey that's intense yeah whoa yeah certainly more intense all rise but it looks a chelate Wow jonbi parks when the Sun starts to go down look at that sunset over there over the hills it's absolutely wonderful really really now I said tell a couple that was a right time left in this park and that thing was really intense really enjoyed it look next to going on this strange little flat right here to be honest can't say that I've done one quite like this before where the seats been round as well its power surge so yeah might get on this one just about if not be on the next cycle there we go yeah this was really interested I've done similar rides we're not worried actually spin round as well yeah as you go around this way so I don't really know what's most fat but let's go and give it a ride to its light and then off we go don't really know what to expect with this one but I do know is built by Zamperla there we go let's see how this rides beautiful views across the park Tiny's spot Alex as the question to sitting down there somewhere I can see him looking you these guys really want to be in the video as well to give it away I forgot ray oh isn't it weird way all right weird sensation that GoPro is proper bashing around a all the chest bow whoo good job is secure [Music] that was really weird I mean it was quite intense but I would say the flight ride that I did before it was more intense in a very bizarre way with that just more put your body in some really awkward positions and it's been you upside down and holding there for a little bit and yeah just you know not quite what I was expecting that I'm gonna say that oh it looks really nice little icing on there and it's all starting to come alive now there's lights on pretty much all the rides around the park and for me with these amusement parks you've really come alive when the Sun Goes Down all the lights come on the atmosphere builds up even more and yet we're gonna head down next do some more rides down the other end we ride wooden coasters of course flying turns really want to get on map Phoenix and yes well is that going to the log flume as well so let's go right there it's time for a nice evening ride on this log flume here that's quite good this doesn't to be honest whilst I wish they get a little bit wetter than I would like to but here we go to be honest drop that looks ok it's this effect over here that ready and yeah well I'm gonna give it a go go ahead off we go on the log flume climbing up that first left sell hat Wow look at this quite a big drop on this one look at that and there we go oh oh this is quite steep as well blimey oh yeah not too bad we'll hang down there hello is anybody that anyone oh we got a little dropper here ready just because it harms up we made a really keeps that flow going whoa done some really good log flumes out shell this trip no doing it anyway near as many water rises a nearly would but you know thank you the log flues where a can of some funds again absolutely ridiculously soaks mainly because the cars earring is we've want to get in the car after the park shots don't want to be messing about the twenty minutes getting changed Hey who are arms in the air hey get ready we got that bigger fact coming our thing this is where we might get pretty wet they just come in any second is that oh we missed it yeah the main effect whoa Casey Stokes didn't work for just gonna work for that empty boat no it's off I'm like unless you maybe send it off on an evening there's so people maybe still ride it with a bit of paper I part maybe interest him some great views over there Phoenix oh yeah let me get straight back on that actually and we should get a night right on there tonight parks open till 10:00 didn't there Bugatti till 10:00 but I think we are just to get them last theory rides in a couple more flats really feel like about my $50 word though today and then we go put all the drop oh that was going to Sokka that was the limey looking late I've got my swimming shorts on down there so we're all right but oh my god that wasn't so good blimey I'm covered in got the big guys or a fact then we got a good log flume there that enjoying it I am loving all the chaser lights at the top here look at this all the way up the left tail down the sides this was some of the Blackpool wooden coasters need in my opinion chaser lights what about Oh it's nice little top repair as well this guy's really excited in front okay don't oh my god nice how much time you got on this thing watching go look everybody watch him there we go Oh oh wow boys chaser lights la da da there we are Wow there we go Wow oh my god yeah John I felt even faster earlier that was amazing Wow [Music] loyal these guys rise that we're doing here fantastic to do the Phoenix and they'll drive down flying turns and ice promote POV they're not filled by me it was as he filled my eyes so a very different icon has arrived in the front because of that ride it's got various different weight distribution so it all depends really on who you with off the train or the group start sort of frame as the way Jim said so I did a back row right out the front and got that wonderful boys that you saw there I'm saying wonderful I've not watched it back yet so I don't know but anyway let's say you about this ride I've made a promise I've said that I already spent Wow I won't spin around once I'm gonna take him on it and we'll see what happens so I mean everybody requires any filming services that's all very very sexy cameraman I mean you said you come on this I said I won't spinning much for him well yeah that's all sorry yes so you know we're just gonna rock it gently and we're not gonna go upside down that's all we set opposite each other and have you done to realize we go if I'm sick there's only one place is going you're right I could drive it's only an hour and 20 but yeah this was fun I've done one of these before and that was at legendia in Poland however it was automatic you didn't really have to choose that happening ways with this one we're gonna take it nice and slow really tame right foot right off we go like I don't really know how to operate this yet so it of Oh Ali nice shine give us instructions well they're really nice [Music] at words there's a little bit gentle swing oh yeah you found out eyes ready stream I can for nothing all the way over yeah this isn't right you see while waiting do a flip I'll live it up made I told you it's not gonna Gary I don't know Ben no Pam you're on again with full panel yeah not a lot right I think I've got it oh maybe I knew exactly ballsy with the star go fast there we go how was that injury that I think I Jamie had he believed in that that I didn't know what I was doing as well that was the bully babe yeah yeah that was really good fun I mean it was cool but I managed to work out how to operate it I mean I was a bit unsure to be honest being never done one of them ones before but I think Alex really really enjoyed that though his last rides here no balls for my last wife or you yeah but there was a ride today we just been chatting to a lady over there actually didn't catch your name but she's been a big part of why in turns the whole projects and the thought of building it really so we've chatted to her which was nice and yeah there's like 20 minutes left of the day this might be my last ride as much as he's ten o'clock park close here I believe that if the queue lines are long for some of the rides they do tend to shut attractions a little bit earlier so this could be the last ride are we going on this big drop tower I think it's called watch stratosphere so let's go in here we got a nice area for the park here we go then back in Las Vegas on the stratosphere tower I will say the lighting in this park is absolutely phenomenal honestly I love rollercoasters that have got really nice lighting on the left hills I really do I'm not behind represents you sure looked into the restraints possibly Fabri maybe a little walk down there flying turns yeah I'm really not too sure actually no I think maybe Lawson who did the loss of loops actually I have I think someone did tell me about that potentially can really see loads on the camera but that looks like a good night right look at that all that lighting view over there towards the ferris wheel oh my god that is one of the best drop towers I've ever been on Wow that was absolutely incredible one of the best drop towers have ever been on the break-in was right down at the bottom and blimey what I really liked about that there was no messing about at the top like you didn't even stop it literally just rolled straight in as that drop that was amazing one of the most forceful and awesome drop towers I've ever been on and that's made up for to some pretty poor ones on this trip we've got a couple of good ones but that was outstanding I loved that two beds I've got a great analogy of that ride for you Destin a foot fault Park for Speed apocalypse at Drayton Manor for force now imagine the two of them combined that's what we just got all on that drop ride right there whoever made that should be very very proud I'm pretty sure it was lost and at first like I say I think that was also this park is absolutely stunning look at this and we've just got time for one more ride hopefully the Phoenix in the dog you never know we might get both the wooden coasters in it this is quieter but here we go I won't say you won with the GoPro because you won't see absolutely anything because it's pitch black out there we look at all the lights out the front the Phoenix is an absolutely awesome nighttime ride they're really nice more than festoon chase lights around the top yes it does make the track a little bit brighter however I really like those and on these older wooden coasters I just think they look great this Park at night is absolutely amazing for me parks on and I really have an even better atmosphere than in the day however with here the atmosphere throughout the day has been really consistent the night it just got even better I really really enjoyed Knoebels I think it's an absolutely beautiful park so with some apps at the awesome attractions and you know why it's been great to come here today and experience it all for the first time my favorite ride in this park as much I love Phoenix the big ride that came for he's definitely playing terms but two rides on it and seen that and actually experiencing that ride over the first time has been absolutely incredible but the highlights to me though of course being excited in love I thought that was great we did the Haunted Mansion that was incredible earlier on I really really enjoyed that and just the whole park has got a really nice feel to it there is a lot of different riders it's a big variety of different flat rides you're right we did the log flume and the fans are more nice there is so much in this park it is jam-packed full of attractions I'd say there's probably over 50 rides inside this park if you include all the kids rides and all the juvenile stuff on there some fantastic things in this part so that it's been a really interesting day for another reason to show haven't yet mentioned about this part now if you've been following the videos from the different parts to visit on this trip you'll have seen that there's been times where rides but we're not really known much about we've gone on I mean come on we're going on it was alright you know or wasn't what we expected today there has not been one vial in this part not that I can remember I'm sure if you deliver those under deliver things that have come out either exactly as we would expect or absolutely fantastic which to me is a sign of a great amusement park yeah no definitely I mean it's been wonderful is today I've just enjoyed seeing it all for the first time what was what is your favorite ride here would you say what would you would be take me I quite enjoy Phoenix as a close third I mean if we got helix helix helix it was Phoenix Phoenix feeding it was Phoenix tonight and you know I probably say flying turns are close to the bottom in kind of in terms of just general surprise I've got to say the holy man sir yeah oh yeah okay wow that is a consistent dark ride does it rely on high-tech high-tech equipment it doesn't mean like vile actors or performers press the dispatch ball so long its way to be honest one of the greatest go strains of it up it was great I mean in this park like I said earlier on it shuts down at 10 o'clock I mean the Kirra flight interns did a little bit earlier so if you all come in here make sure that you are aware of that it's absolutely fine never mind I'm doing that it's just you want to know don't you you know if you are coming you don't want to like gear yourself up for five to ten let's wait for the last train sort of thing because look at it now it's like five past 10:00 all the lights are off and everything the party is shut down it's the end of the night I didn't want to say anything but that day like you came out the long way around that was like maybe you've done that for the video just so we can see all these rides like the knowledge is a good part of moonshine I do think we were there for like three hours analyzing bought it has been a great day it's been one of that day it hasn't been this it's two o'clock we've done two hours there's four hours this part we haven't even studio today and I think not even would have been here for four hours we were thinking ah you know the park come too late there's only six all the coasters are we gonna need twelve hours there you know we do get to Niagara Falls this morning which I'm so glad we did however 12 hours it's part you really want to appreciate it and see the ocean yeah entertainment probably isn't enough the bits that we haven't seen today and you know like there's a little boat ride around that stuff like the dodgems that are still just going here actually was brewing o4q there is some rise that we've done in this park and I could have easily come back here for a second day do more rewrites hey more of the food that he's famous for in two more shows but it's been absolutely wonderful thank you so much for joining us here for our first ever visit to Knoebels it's been great tomorrow we're at Hershey looking forward to that very very much a spark out his family owed it's got some great rides and some world-class coasters thanks for watching and that means it's time to cue those credits see you all soon which waits Kennywood [Music]
Channel: Theme Park Worldwide
Views: 235,018
Rating: 4.8525348 out of 5
Keywords: Knoebels Vlog, Knoebels Review, Knoebels Rides, Knoebels History, Knoebels Roller Coasters, Knoebels Amusement Park, Knoebels Amusement Resort, Knoebels Amusement Resort Vlog, Flying Turns Knoebels, Flying Turns Knoebels Amusement Resort, Phoenix Knoebels, Phoenix Knoebels Amusement Resort, Twister Knoebels, Twister Knobels Amusement Resort, Impulse Knoebels, Impulse Knoebels Amusement Resort, Black Diamond Knoebels, Black Diamond Knoebels Amusement Resort
Id: OfXZHFxajus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 0sec (5880 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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