Knitting Podcast Episode #1: Decision Paralysis

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um hi welcome to a yet to be named knitting journal um my name is felicia and i live in washington dc i'm an avid knitter um i crochet i embroider and by embroider i mean i i have the things and i kind of know what i'm doing and i'm also getting into sewing as of recently so i wanted to start this sort of youtube channel and video journal as a way to document my journey to becoming a more prolific knitter i've been knitting for about three years coming up on three years and the first year i was like very novice beginner did scarves did hats and last year i got more into like sweater knitting and knitting more consistently and more regularly like pretty much every single day but i wouldn't consider myself to be like prolific and that's what i want to do i want to really start to incorporate more hand knits into my wardrobe into my personal style and build my confidence to do more complicated things and so i figured that this was as good a time as any to start documenting my journey because i feel like i'm at the very very beginning of becoming the best knitter that i can possibly become and i hope that this is something that people are interested in and that people want to follow my journey but if not i'm really doing it as a way to document it for myself i just want to start by saying i hope that everybody within the sound of my voice is having a happy new year that you had a happy holiday season however you were able to be close with friends and family i hope that you did it safely i hope that you're remaining safe and that 2021 will be a better year than 2020 because we need better so this sort of introductory video i just want to kind of talk about some plans that i have for 2021 i want to document some of my goals um some things that i kind of want to work on and then i'm going to show you some things that i have um in my stash and i'm not going to show you everything that i purchased recently because i went a little overboard but i do want to show you the things that i have plans for and then also talk through a few projects that i hope to get done this year first of all i don't really have any finished objects to show because for the last probably five months i just did straight gift knitting um i need a shawl for my mom i knit a sweater for my sister i need sweaters for my nephews i knit two hats um one for my sister-in-law and one for my brother and then i hated the hats so i frogged them and i have to redo them so they didn't have gifts under the tree but i am wearing one of the very first sweaters that i ever did and this is the autumn league pullover by two of wands it's a free pattern um and i'll i'll link to everything that i discussed below and i did knit it in the recommended yarn this was my second time making this pattern um when i did this version i did another version and um i don't even remember the yarn but i did it like completely following the pattern this one i modified it a little bit to knit in the round um because the the pattern has you start flat join in the round knit the raglan increases then knit down a little bit then split and knit back and forth and i like most people do not love purling and so i modified it to knit in the round and then insert a faux seam um and then it's got a split hem detail the pattern writer said that she wanted it to feel like a cozy sweatshirt and it absolutely does um and i did knit this in the recommended yarn which is lion brand um it's like a cotton a lion brand cotton so it was a little rough on the hands not gonna lie um but on the body it feels great and i've i've washed it twice now since i finished it and it just keeps getting softer and softer with time which brings me to talking about my 20 20 goals i love knitting sweaters but i don't knit them as often as i as i want to and so i have a goal in 2021 to knit one sweater a month like a full sweater with sleeves but where i live it's not like sweater weather all the time so i do also want to knit some just some tops like i have my eye on a couple of um on a couple of like tank tops and shorter sleeved shirts or tops so i do want to knit those as well i think those will take less time so my goal is to kind of work on those in the warmer months and um but right now i'm like i want to knit more sweaters i also want to knit more shawls and i want to do more color working cables like i want to do more challenging product projects because i feel like knitting plain stockinette in the round it's boring to me i want to have more fun with my knitting and so some of the projects that i'm kind of eyeing have just more interesting construction and i think that that is going to be more intriguing to me and more interesting for me and will keep me more motivated to finish projects um i'm a pretty monogamous knitter and so sometimes i won't knit for like a week because the particular project that i'm working on is just so not exciting so in my plans for 2021 i do have some sort of mindless knitting um like that potato chippy type knitting um in mind but i don't want that to be everything that i work on i do want to work on some more interesting things so so i'm going to talk about some of the plans that i'm knitting i am going to talk about a whip um i can't show it it's a preview knit and i'm not certain how much i can talk about but i will probably be able to show it um the next time that i film but i can't talk about the yarn that i'm using um the pattern calls for this peri yarn from brooklyn to you i picked this color morel and it's this just really pretty um and i think a morel is a type of mushroom but i could be wrong is this really pretty neutral like gray um but like gray beige and i've never worked with brooklyn tweed before um and i was able to um get a discount on the yarn i'll talk about that a little bit more when i show the the pattern um but this just says that it's 100 american wool american merino wool um i don't think it's super wash it is so incredibly soft i cannot i can't stress how much i enjoy working with this yarn um i want to work with it and get again in fact i purchased i don't have it over here but i purchased um a few other colors one other color of it and i'm going to kind of start stocking up on it because i want to use it for a pattern that i'm thinking about knitting up this year i have a couple of issues of pom pom magazine and there are some sweaters in these pom poms that i really want to knit this is the pom pom quarterly from autumn 2019. um it has this beautiful um shawl in the front but the reason i bought this magazine was for one particular pattern and it's called a photic by annie haas it's knit in cedar house yarns which i've never worked with but i really like it because it has color work it has it looks like a cable detail and i like the color palette it's tbd if i'm going to do it in the yarn that is called for but this is definitely on my list then the other thing that i want to make is earthen by amy christopher's it uses fiber farmers daughter fibers which i have another pattern in mind that i want to use their yarn for it as well she does it in like this beautiful clay color which isn't really my um color aesthetic but i kind of want to do it in like a creamy um a cream color or maybe even um more of like a a warm earthy brown color that's what i'm thinking for that this is the most recent edition of pom pom the one um with um stephen west and amy from lobby anime um and i know that everybody is going bonkers over the um the cowl that's in here i think it's called the friendship cowl kinship cowl kinship shawl they can ship shawl this is what it looks like and it is stunning and i probably will make it at some point but what made me want to get this particular version was actually this city lights cardigan and when i first saw it i thought that it was knit and i was super excited and i loved it but it is actually crochet i was a crocheter before i was a knitter but i'm much better at knitting than i am at crocheting at this point just because i've done it way more um consistently and i've been more adventurous in my knitting i usually just crochet baby blankets so i really want to make this but i'm thinking of making this more of like a scrappy project where i will incorporate the scraps from other projects so this will probably be something that happens a little bit later on in the year um versus something that i start on right now because i it has obviously the main body color and then one two three four five five um pops of color but you only need like 25 yards 30 yards of each color so i don't want to buy five balls of yarn um and i don't even know that i want to be committed to only five colors so we're gonna see what happens with that but i'm very excited for those patterns from pom pom something else that i want to do this year i don't know that i will um because it will take a lot of planning and um i'm just not there yet mentally emotionally after 2020 like i'm just not at a place to plan a massive color work project but i saw on um alice star moore's website this i think it's called the rose markey waistcoat it's a color work vest um there's this like blue version on her website that you would like have to buy a kit for and for my size it's like you know 200 or something insane um and so i went on a hunt i found the book that this was published in on amazon for like six bucks um it's it was published in the celtic collection and this book is from 1992 93 so this is a very old book so i'm thinking about putting together my own color combination but i'm also kind of thinking about just ordering the kit the thing with alice starmore is that you have to buy the kit as is you can't modify the colors um and so in order to get the pattern with more sizes i would have to buy her kit and i don't really like that like i'd rather be able to buy either customize the kit or um buy the pattern separately and then you know but everybody has their own business model so that's that something else that i'm doing in 2020 i am joining the catty jacks knits half and half triangle wrap knit along um i was kind of hesitant at first because it's a huge um basically a blanket um i think steven west calls them like shlanket it's like a huge undertaking um it's all garter stitch there's no there's like short rows um but it's it's just all carter but then as the holidays kind of came and went and you know it's the top of the year i have been kind of wanting something a little bit more mindless that i can pick up and put down and i don't have to like study the pattern a lot to get into it and um particularly at night i knit a little bit in the morning before work and a little bit at night before bed and i make a lot of mistakes before bed that i end up having to like tink back and fix in the morning and so i'm not making progress as quickly as i want and so i think that the half and half wrap will be a great like bedtime knit um i'm struggling because i'm a pretty monogamous knitter i start a project i finish usually when i get towards the end i will plan my next project and then i cast on and i keep going so having two projects at the same time is a little overwhelming so i i've got to figure that out but i have purchased the yarn for it i'm using the recommended yarn and i now have plans for three of them so i went from not wanting to do it at all to now having plans for three so i'm going to show you the yarn that i have for all three the first one i'm going to cast on is one for me and i have everything ready to go in my fringe supply coat bag with my different enamel pens um this one is from neighborhood fiber company i'm trying to get it close i think it's called vivian a neighborhood fiber company is one of my absolute favorite yarn companies um this one is from the grocery girls this one down here and then these two the old bay which i love because i love seafood and i love old bay seasoning and it's local and i live in bc it's just all the things right um and then this pothead one because i i like most people love tea are from shelly can um who is kind of local to me i think she lives in virginia um and she makes amazing kind of kitschy not kitschy um tongue and cheek um enamel pin so love that so the combination that i'm personally knitting for myself is like very on brand for me and my aesthetic um i love denim i love chambray i have more denim than like anything else in my wardrobe and i just like jeans like tops dresses jackets i love denim and so i was watching leslie friend a friend to knit with her podcast i'll link it below i'm sure if you're watching me you watch her but i recently discovered her um her podcast and she showed a color combination that when i saw it made me want to knit the half and half wrap like it was what made me want to finally join this cow and so the colors that she picked out um and i think she ended up going with something different um for her own but this is dark denim and this is gray denim and these two together are just like my dream denim um so i am using the recommended yarn for this which is linen quill by pearl soho it's not expensive but it's not cheap i think that it's about fifteen dollars escape seventeen dollars a skein maybe i'll link the yarn below um it is made of 50 highland wool 35 alpaca and 15 linen i've seen people complain that it's um like rough and toothy i don't think that it is i think that it's incredibly soft i think it's soft because of the alpaca um but if you're used to only knitting with superwash then i can understand why you might think that but i personally think that it's soft and i'm very very excited to have this finished and to have it to wrap around my neck especially in the like early spring dc it's still it's kind of chilly um and i think it'll be really great to have this to go um to like really layer especially with denim um i love jeans and white tops or white and denim that combination so i think that this is going to be just stunning so excited for this um and then i also purchased a new needle for this this is just the chiagu in the recommended size which i think is a three and a half 3.25 a us3 um just because i didn't want to tie up my needles or my cables once i decided that i was going to make a lot of these i just decided to get it dedicated and these are just fixed you probably can't see but it's a fixed circular needle um and chiagos are my favorite so i just went ahead and got one specifically for this um so that's the first one of those that i want to make when i was ordering they were having a really good sale actually i think it was percent off so i picked up another color combo one of my other favorite colors is green um like olivey green almost the kind of green that you would find in camo and they had this beautiful juniper green um listed and they had it with this like very bright um color i think it's called pickle green which did not love and so i paired it with this pale mushroom color which is very close actually to the brooklyn tweed color and i love the color combination i was having like a bout of insomnia as i've been prone to have in 2020 and when on their website they were on sale so i ordered the two colors now that i have the colors together i kind of want to do something less contrasty and so there's a green that is slightly um darker than this color um that i i'm considering ordering this is very this color combination is very low on my priorities so i have time to wait and see if brooklyn um that brooklyn tweet sorry pearl soho will do another sale if they do i'll probably pick up three skeins because i'm doing the large size and it requires three of each color i'll probably pick up the darker color and see how i feel um if i do i've already got another project in mind for this um a summer top i think that this would be perfect for a summer top so that's my second um half and half round my mom is always asking me to knit things for her and um this year i knit her shawl i'm sorry 20 20 and knit her a shawl for christmas but i want to knit her more shawls my mom is always cold and so i have a couple of ideas that i want to do for her for 2021 one of which is a box of socks but i'll talk about that a little bit later on the other one is i want to knit her a half and half wrap as well and so i was talking to my mom um i'm much more neutrals a little bit more toned down and my mom is not so i was asking her um you know what is your favorite color to wear that you that you don't really wear and she was like i really love magenta and i was like wow you're doing a lot friend but we sat down i let her look through the colors and she picked begonia ville pink um there was another more purpley pink that i would consider much more magenta than this but this was the color that she loved and then we couldn't really decide on a second color and she was like well you can just pick the color you pick it and one half will be the color you picked the other half will be the color that i picked and it'll be perfect it'll be a little bit of me and a little bit of you and i love that i'm like super sentimental in that way like love that right i have terrible decision paralysis i spent like an hour matching together colors looking on ravelry to see what the colors really look like narrowed it down to like four colors and then finally i just took each of the color names and put them in a um on like a piece of paper put them in a bowl mix them up and have my mom draw the color and the color that she she didn't know what she was picking like only i knew but the color that she picked is peach stone which is actually one of the colors that i was leaning towards the most and i think together gonna be and i actually might order i think this would be a really pretty top on me so i might order some more of this um if when pearl soho has another sale and they do really good sales like i said this isn't super expensive um in terms of like more luxury yarns but it's not super inexpensive either like i said it's about 17 a skein um so i definitely waited until it was on sale and then i tried to group orders together so that i could get free shipping so i have those and i'm very very excited about that okay the next yarn that i have that has a um a definitive project um is mostly living inside this is another french supply coat bag it's just like a large bad and i put a lot of projects um the yarn for projects in it um as i'm sort of building out projects i have really gone down the rabbit hole of like youtube podcasters and um like knitting journals and um one that i really really love is vicki from dogwood knit and i'll link her below um she has a really beautiful aesthetic she makes really really beautiful pieces and when i was sort of backlogged binge watching um one of her episodes she did a vertices unite by stephen west um and she had the most beautiful colors on her vertices unite so i went on instagram i started looking at different ones and i was inspired by a few of them um and then now i want to make two what can i say i also was watching inga from knitting traditions and she did one that was more creams and browns and warmer tones and now i want to do that too anyway i immediately knew that i wanted to cast one on but i wanted it to be a little bit nicer a little bit more luxury because i love scarves i love shawls i love being cozy and so um i wanted something that was gonna feel really really good close to skin and i wanted to be really really particular about my colors so i started piecing together um some yarn from lobby anime which right super expensive and i wanted to use the cash merino because i deserve it so i started with three colors um the first three colors that i started with are caramel which is this just really gorgeous warm brown um i was also attracted to i can't even pronounce this um which is this really pretty like navy blue color and jonah jonna which is this really pretty green so these were kind of the three colors that i was drawn to um these are kind of my three not staple colors but i feel like just really good accent colors um but the shawl requires five colors so i went kind of back and forth um and picking out lobby anime cash marina like i just have all this money i don't i i started collecting this yarn for this particular project at the beginning of 2020 or beginning ish of 2020. so i also have this vanilla bean color which is cream with these really pretty like deep rich browns um kind of speckled throughout i also have stone crop which i there it is which i really want to use because i used this color in a shelf for my mom and i think it would be really nice to have a shawl um that we both have the same colors in um then i also have this color sandstone which i bought for another project but i'm not opposed to using in this project and this is um baby alpaca silk and cashmere so it would be great for shaw because of the high i'll pass the content um but i do have another project in mind for that so um i went back and forth and round and round and up and down over the rainbow through the woods trying to find other colors to work with this i picked up a couple of colors from magpie fibers which is local to me um this is their swanky sock which is another mcn this is called ghost town and london rain and these colors are beautiful they did not go so i was very very disappointed um in that i'm not disappointed in the yarn itself it's super soft i think it would be great either in a shawl project of some sort or um maybe even for socks i mean it is it does have nylon um and i do want to make my mom some very like luxe like socks so these might end up becoming socks um or part of a shawl so it won't go to waste even though i don't really like to just buy yarn to have it i like to buy yarn with a project in mine um i've been a little bit more forgiving of myself in 2020 and i have just picked up yarn um one offs one or two stains not full sweater quantities and yarn that doesn't have a doesn't have a home yet um lobby anime i'm obsessed with everything that they do i love their yarn so they did these like artist series yarn um like kids kind of mystery kits you could see the colors but you didn't really know what was um what exactly you were getting and so i picked up a couple of those and that was like a huge splurge that was really kind of my christmas gift to myself um and like my like you survived 2020 gift and one of them was this um cash marina which is my favorite um theirs is a 75 15 10. um the magpie five versus 80 10 10 and um i don't know this one feels a little softer but um anyway there was this color in here it's called happy accident i have no idea what color it is it's perfect it's perfect um but i'm having this kind of like i don't know not fully a midlife crisis but like i don't know midlife crisis of not wanting to break up the kid this is what they look like um and it came with so this kit had these three skeins um these minis i'm like holding these really not doing these justice these minis which i'm excited to use in color work i think these are going to be beautiful in a colorwork project um and then some of their um lobby anime they're um humo which is baby suri and mulberry silk um but anyway i think i'm gonna use this um i just need to like get it together but i'm pretty sure i'm going to use that yarn um in my um vertices unite which my plan is to cast that on in probably february um just because january is going to be dedicated to the sweater that i'm working on as well as um casting on the half and half wrap and i want to get my mom's half and half wrap done by mother's day so i'm hoping that um i can finish one in about two and a half months and then i can start on hers in like march so this is coming up um in the first probably half of 20 20. um okay how long have we been recording 40 minutes wow so like i said before i really love caddy jack's knits i love their podcast they knit up a pattern last year i think it was their rhyme back sweater i'm pretty sure it was a rhyme back sweater but it's by rosa pamar um and it's called the cavaliente cavaliente that's what i'm gonna go with um and it's made out of mondeem the lobby anime and rosa pamar collection usually i will order from lobby anime directly if i um if i can't get the colors that i want local um and i try to do an order from them like every quarter so that i can minimize all my shipping it would be better if i like had a knitting group or something but i don't and when i got like super into knitting coveted so like you know it's hard to meet people but anyway jackie did hers in this beautiful like like green fade which is like very my aesthetic um and i'm still torn um because after i ordered the yarn and i got the yarn i kind of want to do it in that green fade but i ordered the sweaters quantity of the um lobby anime mondeem um in the color winter and it is just this beautiful like pale white it's it's not bigger but it's just so pretty um and i love cream sweaters and i think that this would be really really pretty knit up into that design um but now i don't know decision paralysis this is why i try not to buy yarn until i know exactly what i'm gonna make and i'm like ready to cast on because i will talk myself out of it a million times i don't know i don't know i have the yarn for it um that's what i'm planning for it to be and i don't know we'll see we'll see um the other yarn that i purchased kind of with an idea but not really is this hedgehog fiber tweety and i saw this on i heard about it on the grocery girls i don't think they had it but i they mentioned it and i went on to hedgehog fibers instagram and i looked at it and i was like i have to have it it's this beautiful um neutral base with like flecks of other colors each skein is so unique and i think the the tweety bits are made up of um like ends ends from um their other yarn from being spun and they spin it into the sweetie base so it's also like recycling old bits of yarn is super fun each skein is super duper unique so i went on the hedgehog fibers website and it was sold out i was like why how how does that happen uh probably because i waited two months after it came out to look for it then i went to jimmy bean's wool and i was gonna order from there um and i put the yarn in my cart i'm still pretty new to yardage and so i was like oh i don't know do i need five skeins so i need six games so i waited probably about a week should not have waited that long and it was sold out so i was um i think just on instagram and hedgehog fibers on their instagram stories was like eat sleep knit has tweety it has the tweety bass so i went and i ordered i think five skeins um like immediately like i want it send it to me it came it's gorgeous i got it and then i was like i don't know that i have enough spoiler alert i had enough i think i went back on their website they didn't have any more so i went on ravelry and i found a woman who was willing to d stash she had like eight skeins or something and i was like i don't need that many um so i just reached out to her and asked her if i could just buy three so i purchased three more skein so now i have eight skeins which now makes me feel like i have too much but i'd rather have more than not enough they've also come out with the tweety noir which is like black with the with the flux on it and for some reason that just feels too much for me um i really like this um to me the tweety bits stick out a little bit less and it looks just a little bit um more modern on the neutral base i really really really want to knit with this it just it feels good it's kind of toothy it's um falkland merino wool which i've never used um and then recycled wool and hedgehog fiber thread waste is the content so um sorry nordland has a beautifully cabled um pullover using tweety um and i've never knitted one of her patterns i love her podcast i love her designs they're so um like modern but still like very rustic and traditional i don't really know how to describe it but um i really want to knit one of her patterns i don't know that i want to knit that pattern with this yarn but i'm thinking about it um so hedgehog fiber 3d will be on my needles this year hopefully will be on my needles this year um i'm really really like excited tonight with it a couple of other patterns that i really really want to knit are the extra texture sweater by stephen west um it's just this beautifully like cabled uh beautifully cabled like high neck wide sleeve super modern it's like a very cool aesthetic and i want to have that for next for winter 2021 so i definitely want to start planning that i think i want to knit and find farmer farmer i think i want to knit it in farmers dot farmer daughters farmer's daughter farmer's daughter um i think um and i think it's um fingering held with mo hair really really thinking about what i want to knit that in and how i want that to look i also really want to knit a lawrenson sweater by lily kate france as well as the livingston vest it's this really cool like pullover vest with open sides that um like buckles straps but it's really really gorgeous super modern i think it will be easy to incorporate into my wardrobe um especially with like some high waist like leather pants or even with denim and like a really blousy white top i also really want to knit the elena sweater by jinko okamoto it's very very complicated looking but i really really want to make it it's like on my bucket list of things to make so i don't know i need to plan for it in terms of the yarn i don't know what i want to do with it i kind of want to do it in um like a cream and either like a rusty brown or um like this color this is um the helix um but like a green foresty green type of color i think that's what i want to do but i need to kind of decide and then i have my eye on a couple of more summer type um more summer tops so one is the streamlined tank again by two of wands i really love her designs they are super modern um i especially love the things that she does for spring and summer she does a lot of really great tanks and a lot of really great like short sleeve tops and things like that so i think that if i end up replacing the the kind of beigey color in my half and half triangle wrap that i want to make it out of this color or out of this color i think i'm gonna need versus color but we'll see and then she has a t um that's called the tiger ringer t and it's a raglan style top it looks almost exactly like this it's raglan style short sleeve and then it's got this beautiful tiger um motif on the front that's done with the duplicate stitch and i've never done anything with duplicate stitch and i really want to it i think it will combine two things that i really enjoy which is knitting an embroidery not as good at embroidery as i want to be so i really want to do that particular project um it's a kit that she came up with with lion brand and so to do my size would not be super expensive especially considering that the yarn is 100 marina i may hate 41 ish bust um and i like to knit at about a 44 to a 45. sometimes i'll go up to like a 49 i think this is like you know if i want something kind of really oversized but for like a t or tank or something like that i would aim for like a 44 inch bust so the sizes that they have i think they have one that's like a 42 uh which i might order that kit and the kit is about 45 bucks but mama loves to sale so i'm waiting for lion brand to put their kids on sale or do some sort of coupon code or something like that and then i'm gonna pick up the kit for that um i think i might change the the base color of the tea to um a cream and then have the tire on it and i think it'll just be really fitting because um i was born in the year of the tiger and so it's kind of like an homage and i have a milestone birthday coming up so i think it'll be really cool to kind of have something like that for like a photo shoot or something so yeah so those are some some of the projects that i have in mind some are more planned than others but not really like i don't know what i'm gonna i don't know what sweater i'm gonna cast on in february i've gotta figure that out sooner uh much sooner rather than later so that if i need to purchase any yarn or do anything like that i can kind of get that together but i don't know i don't have anything that's sort of speaking to me i kind of want to cast on the something from jingle okamoto but i don't know i don't know so maybe by the time i come back um to film again i'll have an idea of exactly what i want to cast on i might still be working on this other sweater because it is very slow going um i will definitely have started on the half and half wrap so i'll have that to show um i'm trying to think if there's anything else oh i also have a goal of figuring out my sock um formula my sock formula in 2021. i've knit a couple pairs of socks they've come out perfectly fine um i'll link to the pattern that i used it's just like a plain vanilla sock pattern a free one and i picked it because um i saw it on a blog and it was a free pattern i think it's by the not sorry knitter is who the pattern is by i think um but there's a video like series tutorial for how to knit them and it was perfect for me um i'm much more of a visual learner than like i can pick up things on paper and pencil but i'm visual like if you show me how to do something once i can pretty much do it so i um have knit a couple of pairs of socks but i want to knit something nicer not only for myself but i also really want to knit my mom a few pairs of socks um she's always cold and i want to give her just like really nice luxy hand knit socks so i want to figure out my formula um and i have a couple of sock yarns that i've i've purchased like specifically for sock knitting not like sock yarn that i might try to use for something else but sock yarn for sock for socks so i want to really work on that and like get that formula down i i have the fear of socks kind of out of the way and now i want to figure out what needle size with stitch count there are a couple of like sock patterns that i want to do i really want to do the um coffee talk socks by tracy miller um and the hermione's everyday sock i want to play around with those but just like my plain vanilla sock pattern like whenever i watch people um talk about their socks they like have a formula and they're like you know i cast on 64 stitches on a us1 i do this type of heel and i do this type of toe um i do like heel flap and gusset i know that but i do want to experiment with other heels um namely afterthought and um fish lips kiss heel um maybe even a short row heel um i want to experiment with different types of toes like anatomical toes and wedge toes and rounded toes and like find my sock um that is like my goal for 20 21 is to find my sock i don't know where that's going to fit in with my life and the monogamy of knitting um when outside was safe and i was physically going to work i had about a um 30-minute commute on on the metro each direction and so that was where i would do like sock knitting was one of my favorites because it's so tiny it's so super portable it's easy um usually on the yoke of a sweater you're like increasing or you're doing color work or you're doing these things where you have to really concentrate and on a sock once you cast on you don't really have to focus that much right like you do the ribbing a certain number of inches and then you knit the body then the only part you really have to concentrate is the heel flapping acid or whatever you're doing for the heel and then again at the toe and so i would be able to like knit my sock and then do my heel flap and gusset at home um and then like knit the foot of the sock on the train i don't have that i don't have a commute anymore um i'm still trying to carve out time to knit throughout the day um i would knit on you know during lunch or during meetings which i still kind of do but it's harder to do that now um just with everything that's going on and and the nature of my work it's kind of harder to like knit during meetings i have to like really concentrate and focus so i want to be knitting about an hour to two hours per day um that's a comfortable and a comfortable amount for me but i i haven't figured out how i want to block that off right so like i don't know if i want to knit more complicated things in the morning work on my half and half shawl at night um and then maybe during like my lunch break if i want to um work on like a sock for a little bit i don't know if that would be too overwhelming for my brain uh i don't know i don't know i don't know i'll figure it out because i definitely want to knit more socks and it was easier for me to have multiple pattern multiple projects when i was commuting to work um because i could work on a sweater at home like work on socks at work and then or on my commute you know so i don't know um anyway thank you so much if you stuck around to the end for um tuning in and for listening to my ramblings and hopefully next time i actually have like knitted things to show you because um the pattern that i'm working on right now should be released by the time i record again i don't think i'll be done realistically i probably won't be done luckily it's not a testament it's just a preview knit so um i don't have to like have it finished by a deadline um i just want to be able to have pictures to post online um and post on ravelry for to kind of like meet my obligation um for that so hopefully i'll be able to show you that i will have started my half and half wrap so i'll be able to talk about that a little bit more and hopefully i'll have some ideas for what i want to cast on in february hopefully i don't know i don't know um anyway if you enjoyed this and you want to follow my journey to becoming a more prolific knitter um please subscribe i want to hear from you if you are watching this video and you made it to the end thank you but i want to hear from you what is your 2021 knitting or crafting or sewing goals i didn't even talk about sewing um in this video maybe i'll talk about it on the next one but i want to hear from you about what your your goals are are there any patterns that you're really excited to knit that have been in your queue for a really long time or that you've been eyeing and that you've been making plans to knit i really want to hear about that i'd love to hear from you about what you want to knit and then um also just tell me like where you're from um i'm trying to form my own i guess youtube knitting group because i don't have one in real life so i want to know a little bit about you where you're from and um what types of things you really love to knit for me it's sweaters and shawls um which are growing on me and i'm working on loving um socks a little bit more i don't love hats and i don't love gloves i don't i really don't those are the few things i want to hear about you where you're checking in from where you're watching from what your 2021 crafting goals are whether it's knitting crocheting sewing anything that i didn't mention that you are also super into or a craft that you're trying to discover and what you really like to knit or sew or crochet or work on like what types of projects um anyway i think that's all that i have thank you again so much for tuning in i hope that you enjoyed um this podcast video journal i don't it's not a podcast it's like a video knitting i don't know what it is i hope you enjoyed the video i hope that you will come back and watch it again and um i look forward to getting to know um know all of you and sharing more with you as time goes on so thank you bye it came it's gorgeous sorry there's like here i'm flying everywhere we're new here production value is you know low
Channel: Phylena
Views: 6,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knitting, Knitting Podcast, Black Knitters, Grocery Girls Podcast, Cady Jax Knits, Sweater Knitting, Stephen West, Purl Soho, Brooklyn Tweed, La Bien Aimee, Knitting Traditions Podcast, Podcast, BIPOC Knitters, sock knitting, shawl, knit shawl, slow fashion, handmade wardrobe, crochet, crochet podcast, black crochet, BIPOC crochet
Id: 586e9VsVFNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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