Knitting traditions Podcast Ep.19- cables goodness and Sock hoarding

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[Music] hello and welcome to episode 19 of the knitting traditions podcast my name is inga and this is a podcast where i talk about what i've been knitting on which yarns i'm using uh what i think about patterns some acquisitions and maybe i sit in it with me section at the end and i live on the west coast of norway and this is my little knitting corner and you can find me on instagram as knitting traditions and i'm also on ravelry as knitting tradition but not as active on there so it's beginning of april and it's snowing outside i think april is a bit confused but then again i feel like it's always a snow in april around my birthday was it which is this week so i think there's gonna be snow on my birthday again this year but then hopefully after that it'll be warm and sunny and the snow will melt quickly so it won't be that in between wetness anyways i digress we're here for knitting and i am wearing a lovely design which is called white horse and i'll see if i can find the name of the designer because as always i'm not very prepared for these episodes i kind of wing it but i store all my patterns uh in my ibooks which are on most apple devices and i think i have the pattern saved here as well the name is definitely white horse and yes i have too many patterns it's good to support other designers it's by caitlyn hunter of course um i should have known that see if i can show you a photo of the pattern so this is how it's supposed to look um i rarely use the recommended yarn i think the recommended yarn for this sweater was a dk weight um boza by little fox yarn which is a superwash merino i used um an icelandic yarn it's called ein bund i'll write below if i say anything incorrectly but i used ein bund which is a very light fingering almost light lace weight i think together with a uh mo hair strand from a norwegian yarn company called viking meaning viking and both of them were like a lavender color and this was one of my spring knits of last year so it's knit top down with this beautiful lace yoke with some bobbles and some other lazy designs and then the arms and the body is um in pearl kind of so i think you knit it inside out if i'm not mistaken um i think this is to make this section pop more if you had stuck in it i don't think it would prep as much because you have a pearl in between the lace sections i decided to opt for um big sleeves so not the three-quarter length and not decreases i just kept knitting straight because i like the shape of this kind of sleeve like the bigger open sleeves that's what i like and it's very easy once you knit a few sweater patterns to kind of modify uh the sleeves and the easiest thing is to just not do decreases and just knit them straight and i like the shape of it it's not because it was easier i just i just like the shape of this kind of sleeves and let's see if i can show you the hem i don't know if i did any changes here but i just knit straight down no shaping and a two or three by one rib i don't know two by one maybe two by one two by one ribbing um not a fan of knitting bubbles uh i don't know what happened with these ones but my bubbles didn't really pop so what i ended up doing in the end because i wasn't happy with the bubbles because they kind of folded in and fell through the lace is that i tied a knot around each bobble individually and then have to fasten those two strand edges so that was quite time consuming but in the end i was really happy with how it turned out and after seeing the podcast by amy palko a wonderful scottish lady she was recently wearing her white horse in a lovely uh mint colorway or almost like a silvery sage and that made me want to make another one so maybe in the future this uh icelandic yarn the iron bun it's quite harsh very rustic robust yarn um if you're sensitive to scratchy wolves don't recommend this one the mo hair does soften it up a bit i find that adding mohair usually softens up the fiber and also decreases the pilling because the yarn wraps around the other so it's less pilling in my experience and i haven't had any problem with pilling on this one there is no pilling going on which is great but i think this pattern looks like a sweater that's supposed to be very soft so if i made another one i would probably make it in a softer yarn just to have that soft feeling but it is softening up with wear as well so but it's definitely warm so i can't complain about that and i hope that you are doing great spring is around the corner or it's here even though a lot of the northern hemisphere doesn't look like it and grab yourself something to drink i am drinking a coffee with milk and cappuccino spice it's my one day off and i'm enjoying it or not really i've been doing accounting work and stuff but other than that i'm enjoying it now recording a podcast and then some knitting and now i'm sitting on my finished object so i finished the easter sweater in time for easter i made the uh lena sin flashdance gunster by moheria and i know that after posting this on instagram uh several of my followers have contacted moheria and she has agreed to translate the pattern to english for those people so if you're interested uh you can always email her there's an email address at her page this yarn was gifted to me the yellow green and pink by her but i decided to make this pattern of hers instead of the easter pattern because i just really like the look of it it's very 80s it's knits bottom up and what i did is that after i separated for the front and back and i knitted that i picked up the stitches for the sleeve and then i just played around with colors i used some leftover yarn for the stripes together with like an effect glittery yarn because this is a very thick mohair yarn it's a mix of mohair wool and a little bit of polyamide and it's called um love and it's a south african yarn actually and i used scraps for the stripes and then when i started here i ran out of pink so i divided the pink evenly so i could do a stripe and then i decided to do some one by one here of the blue gold and yellow just to get a little bit more stripe downwards and then for the last section of the arms i did the golden strand together with the yellow and then i divided the green evenly to do the edge so i was doing some serious yarn chicken with both the pink blue yellow and green at the end but i think it turned out lovely a lot of people gave me strange looks on the ferry because i was very bright i looked like an easter chicken and i loved it if you didn't see the last episode making easter sweaters and generally crafting is a big norwegian tradition people decorate their houses with the homemade decor children decorate these branches with we call they decorate them with colorful fabrics they make different kinds of chickens using toilet rolls etc i don't have any kids so i don't have that lovely decoration here but i did get some felted uh easter chickens that my aunts made so that's really nice and i tried to make myself some easter candles which i keep in my yarn cone just not for lighting it or anything just for decoration uh you just warm up the candle um press it flat and then just twist it and then you can get these kind of candles very easy i just put it in hot warmer hot wat hot water to warm it up so yeah um i guess easter is a religious holiday but not so much in norway i spent my holiday and my days off with my family skiing and knitting a lot which was great so we should move on to some other knits i finished my socks this is just some plain socks i used the morse hair pattern as a base and then i added some braids to the front section a thicker braid and two smaller braids that run all the way down the top of the sock and then i did a rounded toe decrease this i knit in the yarn briggs and little dura sport which is a wool and nylon blend it's non-superwash i haven't washed these yet but they will bloom beautifully um so i'm really excited for these knitting the braids was a bit fiddly because i decided to do it without a cable needle i just hold the stitches with my fingers because that was one less thing to bring along with me but i'm really happy with how they turned out and they will get a lot of wear and my friend suzanne who sent me the yarn because we did a yarn swap she asked me if i would be interested to making a pattern out of this it would basically be some alterations to the morse hell pattern so i'll think about it if you're interested you could let me know below and i will see if i can find the time to make another pattern and that was another finished object which i'm now gonna wash up and wear and then i had to speed knit a cup holder because we were going skiing and it's really nice to have these felted cup holders when it's really cold outside you could have any kind of beverage in here and it just stays in there now i have a too big of a coffee mug because of the handle but you get the general idea um this is something i freestyled i used a very very uh what would you say would this be a bulky chunky 100 wool non super wash yarn because it's easy to felt and what i did is i crocheted a circle and when i had 42 i stopped crocheting and then i picked up those 42 stitches and then i knit back and forth until i had 23 garter bumps and then i joined in the round and i knit the same length and that's the section which i then fold in and sew on the inside edge here and then you pick up stitches along those garter bumps and you knit around in a circle until it's long enough and then i felted it in the machine on a regular cycle of 60 celsius with regular soap and um i think i'm gonna felt it even more just because it's not completely felted and if i make it a little bit smaller it will be perfect fit for soda bottles so yeah this was very eastery and fun to have when skiing or just sitting outside in the sun when it's snow out so your fingers don't fall off not something that's necessary but it's fun to have and there are also a lot of free patterns for making this uh in norwegian if you search for and i guess you could try to google translate it yes and i have fiber in my mouth do you sometimes eat your fiber as well rinsing my mouth with coffee and um while i was skiing and had some days off i was mainly knitting on two things one of them was my cabled sweater which is quite a complex sweater and a bit more straining for my arms with all the cabling and i was doing the sleeves so it's a smaller circumference so in between that i was just making some swatches with um summer yarn like cottons and such i had um this black cotton a nameless cotton from sun nesgarden which i bought at an outlet it didn't have a label but it's like a dk uh weight yarn and i find that a lot of um cottons and linens they harden up a bit when you wash and wear them like they get more stiff whereas wools get softer one of the reasons why i really enjoy knitting and using wolves a lot but it's nice to have some summer tops for those really hot days um so i made some swatches not to swatch but mainly just to feel how this acts up um but also because i really enjoy having uh face cloths for washing my face and knitted ones it's really nice because it's like a you clean your face but it's also a soft exfoliant so i just made some of these face cloths in between my more um complicated knit uh just to have a break easy to knit in the car so i made one in garter and then i made one like this which is basically just this watch and i can also use this for measuring my gauge if i decide to use this yarn because i do have a lot of it for knitting a summer top i actually have made a summer top by petite knit in this before the ankers cardigan i think no i made a western tea by vitra design in this and it's stiffened up quite a bit i don't know if you if you have any recommendations um on how to soften up your cottons and linen knits please let us know below i use fabric softener and that does help but if you have any other tips that would be great i also made some small cotton swabs for makeup removal or i don't know i don't know what i was thinking i just thought i would make some and see if i can use them and then i had this other fiber i have a lot of this it's called gala mix fiber and it does not say what it contains it's 100 grams and i bought it in turkey years ago because i'm trying to use up some of my stash because this year we are doing the stash along uh which is basically um a make along where you use something that you've had in your stash pre-2021 you can make whatever you want knitting crocheting sewing and you can share that on instagram using the stashalong hashtag or on ravelry under the stachelong finish thread and i will draw some prizes from each during the year so this is some of my old stash that i had it's a lovely mint color which is very summery spring to me i don't know what the fiber is but i'm guessing it's a mix of cotton and probably acrylic the lady in the yarn store in turkey recommended this for crochet and at the time i was wanting to crochet a purse however i found that this was a bit too stretchy and soft and thin of a fiber to use it for a purse because i did try to make one and it was very it drooped a lot when i put something into it so instead i thought it would be great for making a summer top so again i made a garter swatch i got some food on it already i might also use this in the kitchen because it matches it and then i made this one to see the gauge for the top because i did use this um for washing my face already and it does didn't stiffen up as much and it's not peeling it's holding its shape so i think it would be nice so i made a swatch and i had the summer top that i wanted to make by jessie may after watching the lovely heather and hops podcast i've been watching kat's episode a lot lately she is lovely and i want to knit everything that she knits but the gauge for that top was 17 stitches and i think i got 21 here so i made a swatch holding the yarn double on six millimeter needles and then that was too big so then i made a swatch on um seven millimeters but with one strand and that was still not perfect or maybe i used this too small of a needle one of these fibers one of these watches were correct and what i ended up doing is i made the summer top i think that's what it's called yeah the summer secrets top by jessie mae martinson she has two lovely tops that i want to make uh that one that i did already make and also the my little secret crop which is a knit and pearl one and both of them were free on her ravelry store right now one of them has always been free i think and the other one was like a campaign that was running now so i recommend checking them out so i will see if i can find the top maybe i'm sitting on it i'm staying on it so yeah so this is the no it's all wrinkly it's quite a loose gauge because i wanted to use this yarn which is probably a fingering weight so this is the uh summer crop top is that right is that right summer secret crop by jessie may and she had a really nice technique for making these straps which i really liked and it's a cropped one um my intention for this is of course i can use it in the summer with like a skirt or shorts or something but it's also really nice to wear her tops as undergarments i see that um kat from heather and hobbes wear these a lot as undergarments like under her ranunculus and see through tops and with my line of work um because i work as a doctor in ob gyn i have those 26 hour shifts where i'm in and out of bed at night when i'm working and in and out of surgeries changing scrubs so it's nice to have something underneath the scrubs but also something that's comfortable to sleep in so i thought these would be great for that so i have made one and next i think i'm gonna make the um i can't remember the names my little secret crop um in a different yarn probably i will make some in more thin woolens instead of cotton cinnamons and plant fibers just because i feel like when it's wool and it's more forgiving and i think i feel like the fabric looks nicer and more even but this is great this is going to be great for summer and i think i made the size medium and it's shorter in the back so yeah really nice quick knit knit this up in day and i think i used six millimeter needles for this so that's a quick knit and i used almost no yarn because it all of all of this and this was one skein except for one of the straps which i had to break into this one for so that's a lot of knitting for one ball of yarn and yes um i was knitting on my cabled sweater which if you've seen this podcast before welcome back if you're new welcome this is a sweater that i've been knitting on for months now it's it's a big cable sweater that has no pattern i'm just making it up as i go using different cable patterns knitting it bottom up and using a holst super soft held double so i got this cone and i've caked off a ball of yarn so i'm holding the strands double on three millimeter needles and this is the color cinnamon i love this color it's a very interesting color it's brown yellows and reds beautiful color if you ask me and i was wondering for the longest time what to do with the sleeves but i decided to just go for it and see how it goes so i have started the first sleeve this is basically what i've been doing for all of the days off so i decided to do the center braid on the sleeves and then the rest is just moss stitch double mouse stitch or whatever you want to call it and um this yarn has been said to shrink lengthwise when you wear it um if you are interested both the lovely unico knits podcast and the urban stitchery podcast have given reviews on sweaters knit with this yarn so what i did is i made a one long one rip so that if it shrinks quite a bit i can just fold it down and if it doesn't shrink or until then i will wear it as a folded sleeve and i think that's a good plan i did increases all the way up and then i found out some stitches and decreased some more and now i'm just knitting back and forth until i let's see until it's a bit higher up and then i'm going to decrease further until only the braid remains so that the braid will go up onto the shoulder in between the front and back panels so that it will kind of you'll have the front panel here and then the arm will be sewn on and the braid will continue up here and then i will kind of shape the braid by binding off in a diagonal line so that you'll have the back and then the shoulders and then the front and that will give it a nice shape i hope and then pick up stitches and do the neck and well i have no science to this i have not done this before so i'm kind of just trying to figure out what a nice way of shaping will be and then hopefully it won't look awful because it's a lot of work but i think i think it's gonna look great um i hope and then after this i still have to make the other one so i think i'm gonna make the other one before sewing it on just so i can make sure that they look the same i've been trying to take a little bit of notes but it's hard to keep track of this just for myself so this is gonna be a one-of-a-kind sweater never to be repeated but the idea is that this will be big enough to be worn by both me and the men in my family i had my brother try on the body and it fits him wonderfully so for me it will be a bit of more of a baggy sweater and more of a fitted sweater for the muscular men in my family but i think it's gonna be great a lovely heirloom piece and i am looking forward to finishing it and then i will get on to finishing my um marie walden cardigan and since i finished my socks i decided i needed to cast on another pair of socks and i had this yarn in my stash you know trying to use my stash this is the schachenmeyer regia tweed uni six ply which is a lovely mossy tweed yarn because i am a sucker for the earthy tones and i really like this green so i cast on a three by one sock so knit three purl one and i'm just folding down the edge for some interest so that you get the reverse side on top and i'm just about to start the heel and these are gonna be my cabin socks um i just got uh approved what's it called a mortgage loan so that i can uh me and my parents were looking at a cabin this easter so we're buying the cabin together 50 me 50 my parents that way i can afford to start investing in getting into them uh what's it called bully market yeah i don't know but i'm really really looking forward to it it's i would love to just live in the mountain all by myself in a cabin and knit all the time so now when i retire i can do that and until then i will just do it at any weekend and holiday i have off so this will be my cabin socks and i think these will be great and comfortable and you could do a three by one to any sock pattern that you have and it's just a nice cozy effect i think i don't have three by one socks so that's my excuse i wanted to show you how i store my socks and you will see that i i don't need more socks but i just really enjoy knitting them and now i'm going to be knitting cabin socks for my whole family so we all have some and maybe also some cabin slippers and maybe yeah lots of projects to do but this is my box of socks so this is the top layer and there's two layers in here so these are some socks that i have knitted some socks that my grandmother has knitted and my other grandma has knitted so definitely um not gonna run out of socks anytime soon but i do wear these all the time so it's nice to have them i keep them in my hallway so i pick a new pair of socks every day and there's a good mix here between thicker and thinner socks and i think i might need another box but i can have that box on the cabin and fill it with new socks and yes that's all that i have been knitting on for this past week and a half which is quite a lot considering my life but it was great to have some days off it gave me the time i needed and um yeah now some stash acquisitions and if that's not your jam i will see you next time please subscribe if you want to see more of my content and you can hit the bell if you want notifications when i upload something new so i have some lovely stash acquisitions maybe i can start with a knitting book i finally got my hands on this beauty which i have been wanting to get for over a year this is a coffee book by lane magazine and it's called 52 weeks of socks and i just love this linen cover and the simplicity of this and this is something that i'm going to be keeping on my coffee table just to look at because it's beautiful and i know that i cast it on a pair of vanilla socks that are not in this book but i will also be casting on something from this book i just couldn't decide and i needed something mindless but i wanted to show you some of the photos because there are some beautiful photos in this book the aesthetic is very appealing to me and um so there are 52 sock patterns in this book and they have recently released um or i don't think it's out yet but you could pre-order the 52 weeks of shawls and i already placed a pre-order for that book that was before getting the mortgage loan now i need to save i can't buy any more yarn it's a good thing i've already bought some that's still arriving in the post but these look at these beautiful socks i really want to make those they're called the gili yeely gilly socks and there was some other photos in here that were just beautiful there's lots of different designs in here you have those that are more plain a few color work a lot of lace and there are some socks here which are made in mo hair i think yeah mo hair blend by blacker yarns these look so comfortable they're called the inker socks and yeah i'm not being paid to show this i just really like this book i think the socks are beautiful so i'm also really looking forward to getting the shawls book because i do have a lot of socks i need a lot of socks i don't have that many shawls so then i will have two of these lovely patterns pattern books on my coffee table and lots of inspiration to knit from there were some other they're just lots and lots of beautiful photos look at this it's a stunning stunning book so highly recommend if you want to try yourself at some different sock techniques and sock patterns or if you just find something beautiful in your life so yeah that's the 52 weeks of socks um one of the few books that i have bought recently and i am really looking forward to knitting from it and then i have um some yarn acquisitions maybe i can start with this so knits crates if you haven't heard about it is a company um where you could have a monthly um what's it called a prescription you could have like a monthly words you pay monthly and they send you yarn and it's luxury yarn and they contact me asking if i wanted to try out some of the yarn for free and then give an honest review so of course i had to do some research about them first and i really like the fact that this company tries to use natural fiber so wool silk mo hair and also that when you buy this and they ship it to you they also donate um to some environmental uh program to offset the carbon footprint that the shipping makes and there's also an option to do an eco-friendly packaging now i have the box for the unboxing for you but they have a cheap cheaper eco-friendly option which for every month they will plant a tree for your knitcrate parcel which is great and this is the first box that i have received this is the february um crates they've had some issues with delivery and shipping due to covet which is very understandable uh and and i also i live in norway so the shipping takes forever to get here but um i got this lovely box and it's really cutely wrapped and inside you get two skeins and they do like an early uh show where they show what kind of yarn they have and what color ways and you can't decide which colorway it's like a surprise so i'm really happy with the colors that i got um this is the color called i already looked at this beforehand this is the color called pillow and it's a lovely neutral gray and it's by audine wools calm and it's 80 wool 10 silk and 10 mo hair in a dk weight and it's made in peru exclusively for the knitcrate box and i'm really excited to try this because it's a very soft dk and i don't have a lot of dk yarns i mostly have fingering weight and like luxury yarns so i'm really excited to try this and i'm also really happy that this is non-superwash um because knitcrate they kind of brand themselves on being nature friendly and eco-friendly and all that so i really like it when the yarns are also non-superwash because super washi yarns isn't um very eco-friendly um but i do know that some months they do have soup oceans so then maybe unless i'm very in love with the color i could donate that to uh giveaway prices for you so we shall see what the future brings but these are squishy and lovely and i'm looking forward to casting something on and every month there's also specific patterns made for this yarn there is a knitted pattern and a crocheted pattern and there's also an options to have a sock crate so that will be sock yarn then there's also patterns for knitting or crocheting socks i will probably use these for some other pattern than what is in here but there are some lovely patterns this month's knitted pattern was these lovely hand warmers and this is one of the color ways that you could have gotten so yeah um if you are interested in checking the crate out you could use the coupon code knitting traditions to get 20 off and since i'm an affiliate member if you use the link in the description box below and get your subscription through that link i would also get like a small payment from knitcrate it wouldn't cost you anything extra but i would get some but you don't have to and there was a nice little surprise in the knitcrate uh one of these measuring tapes with inches and centimeters so that was really cute in the shape of a heart and it says all you need is yarn which is almost true so yes that was one of the acquisitions this month and i'm excited to try this luxurious yarn i've never knitted something that has wool silk and mo hair usually i add the silkmo hair to a wool yarn like this one so and this was a lot it was 211 meters so that's two skeins that's 400 something meters so i could use this for a shawl as well i think maybe i could add this to my future rustic vertices unite plan for a nice basic gray tone i think that would be lovely yes and then i have some more acquisitions so a month or two ago um another lovely podcaster called stacy lstone behind stress knits yarn had a shop update and i've watched her podcast for years and i really have wanted to try some of her yarns but i've never been able to um so i'm glad i indulged myself and splurged on this yarn before having to save now because i got this lovely yarn in the post today and in some of my favorite colors right here i kind of wish i would have gotten three of this instead of this now because i do really love this sunflower colorway so this is her favorite base which is 80 merino and 20 nylon and i wish it would have been non-superwash but i just really wanted to support her business she seems like a wonderful person and these would make lovely socks if i don't make more of a summer garment because it's less warm with superwash so i might do that and this is the color brick which is a bit more um mahogany no purpley red than i thought i thought it would be more brownie but it's still beautiful so i'm excited to try this out so i have three of the brick and two of the sunflower and i think it's a two ply yeah it looks like a two ply color way don't you just love getting yarn or buying yarn it's painful for the wallet but it's so good for the heart and then um another lovely podcast which is on patreon is um honor an honor okay which is a swedish company that make lovely um unspun yarns and um every now and they then they open up to patrons who can support their business and they get access to their podcast which is only on patreon sadly and they make this beautiful yarn which they sell and it's always one of a kind they never make the colorways again you could try to find it on ravelry and buy it off people who's not using it but i just wanted to support them so i could enjoy their content and i managed to get my hands on some lovely yarn last month so she had a special colorway made up for a friend of hers named v becky and i got six of these it doesn't really show up well on camera um even on her podcast the color looks like it looks here it looks like a interesting gray i would say but in person it's got a lot of purple pinks and blues in it a lot more than is showing up here it's somewhat similar to this actually so it's not what i thought it would be i thought it would be more neutral but at the same time it's very interesting so i think this will make a lovely sweater which is what i intend to use this yarn for i think if i have six of these cakes holding the yarn double will be enough for a sweater and it's a lot softer than the pluto lupi i'm using the plot loopy by eastex to make the eye to shawl and that's a lot harder on the hands like the feel of it is more rustic than this this is softer and she also included this lovely um extra yarn in the package this is called a lucky charm um which is when they change the colorway in their machines from one to another and they get like this gradual color change so this was really lovely i really like the green in here i wish i would have that color so yeah this is a lovely little detail i don't know what i'll make with it but one day i will know so yeah beautiful yarn so that is all my acquisitions and all of my knitting i hope that you've had a lovely week and that you are enjoying yourself i'm gonna get my knitting out now and we can knit a bit together if you'd like just gonna get the yarn ball band off oh yeah uh this was a mix i'm guessing 70 wool 25 polymide and 5 viscose so yeah so since last time i met my family up in a cabin that we rented we were just my parents me and one of my brothers and we went skiing every day cross-country skiing and i learned that cross-country sting skiing was a winter sport that was invented here in norway i didn't know that but there is a saying that norwegians are born with skis on their feet that definitely does not apply to me i learned to cross country ski just a few years ago and i'm really slow and scared of falling but i've been getting better this past year with the restrictions and not really being able to travel anywhere we have been able to go skiing and so that's what i've been doing for a lot of my time off and also a really big motivator to finally take the plunge and get a cabin of our own so it's we got um we managed to buy this cabin yesterday it's a very old cabin or not very old it's from the 1960s um but it needs to get some renovations eventually but i think we will just use it as is and i'm hoping maybe i can build a terrace or balcony together with my father so i can sit outside and knit in the sun and just enjoy some quiet times i think i've learned through the past year that i am not really an extrovert i do enjoy my own company with knitting and spending time with close friends and family but it's of course it's gonna be nice when things get back to normal as well uh yeah i got a lot better at skiing i'll put some footage at the end again of this past week's trips i know a lot of you enjoy watching some norwegian scenery and i'm also looking forward to the summer so i can record something more than just snow which is all white maybe some hiking trips if i can motivate myself to hike up mountains it's a bit strenuous but it's really always nice when you get to the top and other than that i've been back at work it's really nice to have the day off today uh because i won't have the day off this weekend because i'm gonna be working and yeah what else can we talk about i've been on the good old netflix section i have been rewatching outlander which if you haven't watched it is kind of um historical drama with you know it's romance but also action um and i really like that show it has several seasons and i think i'm on season four again now and just from the knitting aspects there are some lovely knitted shawls and etc in the show if you have an eye out for that and i have heard that there is a book with the patterns inspired from that show and that's pretty much all that i have been watching um yeah but i mean four seasons of a show that's not little that's plenty so then after watching that i will have to find something new maybe there will be something new to watch on hbo or netflix since i've been watching the same thing for a few weeks i can hope that maybe something new has popped up that is good other than that i think i will be focusing on finishing my cable sweater hopefully that i don't get tired of it and then maybe start some more woolly projects and save the summer knitting for summer so that i don't get tired of it because i do prefer my wooly knits over my summer knits but it also is nice to have something lighter for the summer but i think i will save that until at least may if not june because last year i was knitting summer nits from the spring and then when i was in the middle of the hot summer i really wanted to knit wooly wools and it was a bit warm but i still do it it's fine it just it's nice to have something that you can knit on outside in the sun when tanning a lot of norwegians like to tan whenever it's sun because we don't see that much of the sun so whenever it's sunny outside at least here on the west coast everyone will go outside it's kind of funny i don't it's not the same on the east coast because they have a lot of sunny days but on the west coast where i live it's not that many nice sunny days so whenever the weather is nice people go outside it's just that's just what you do you can't waste the nice day and i think i'm probably the same as soon as it's nice i'm gonna be sitting outside no matter what i'm doing and even when i was studying for exams in the past if it was sunny i was studying outside even though my eyes hurt a bit and it was a bit uncomfortable couldn't let the nice day go to waste oh i was supposed to start the heel i'm just knitting in the in the round again but that's okay it's a really big ball of yarn so having a longer leg is gonna be fine because i think it says in the ball band that you could make two pairs of socks in size 46 european and i'm a size 38 so even with the long leg i'm not gonna run out of yarn and then whatever i have of scraps i'm gonna add to my scrap basket and then find some scrappy projects in the future maybe a crochet blanket for the cabin i have already two crochet blankets that i've started but they're kind of become ufos but i think those will be nice to have to work on at the cabin you know have some projects there that can be made that can be worked on when i'm there and have other projects that i work on here where i work i think that's a good plan it's just all about uh cous and jige and you know that cozy feeling i want i live for that cozy feeling i wish i could have that cozy feeling all the time but i do have to work as well in between all of this but luckily i enjoy my work and i hope that you did too i hope that you have a lovely day that you enjoy whatever it is that you're up to and just make the best of the situation that we're all in right now and looking forward to summer or winter if you're in the other side of the hemisphere and i will see you soon and yeah bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Knittingtraditions
Views: 28,665
Rating: 4.9698834 out of 5
Id: 0oKzWjxgA64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 16sec (3736 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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