Knight Rider Pilot Filming Locations! Then & Now! (EP1) New Channel Series!

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foreign [Music] we start a new series on this channel Knight Rider filming locations our goal with this new series is pretty simple and straightforward we're going to highlight the major filming locations for every single episode show you a screenshot of them from the show and what that site looks like today and we'll run through these filming location episodes in the same order that the episodes were aired we'll try to hit every single location we know be it a major one from the episode or a random driving scene there will be some locations I guarantee you that we do not know so this will be your opportunity to help us out if we mention that we don't know the filming location for a given scene and you find it throw it in the comments below for that respective episode all right I think this is going to be a lot of fun so let's get going [Music] thank you [Music] together [Music] please consider subscribing to help us on our march to 100 000 subscribers you can make a difference let me just be a little kid but I'm not stupid the car talked to you the site of the Las Vegas casino that we see at the beginning of the episode is actually not in Las Vegas at all they didn't film any of the pilot in Las Vegas this is in reality in Los Angeles this is the Gateway Sheraton Hotel so if we see here we've got a pillar here behind Lonnie we've got the double doors here and head over here and this is the door she came out of it looks like they've remodeled since and you can see I believe this is that same pillar just kind of remodeled as well yeah it is it's just from a slightly different angle but some of you guys might recognize this hotel it was used a couple times in Knight Rider we see it again in the topaz connection ironically it's also used as a Las Vegas hotel in the topaz connection and then we see it again in Goliath returns as where Klaus and Christina bergram bergstrom's stay the scene where Michael I'm sorry where Lonnie hands over the microfiche to Wilson and where Michael long gets shot in some you know desert road somewhere actually it doesn't even look like the desert because you see a lot of green right here we do not know where this location is as you can imagine this one would be incredibly hard without some type of call sheets or production notes to identify where this is at but it's not in the desert there's a lot of green bushes and trees probably somewhere in the Santa Clarita area so we're going to mark this one as unknown currently but this is one location we do know and technically Knight Rider Never filmed here this is stock footage that they put in to be the Knight estate and in reality this is the bolu palace house in the UK and it's still standing today as you'll see here there it is today looking pretty much as it did back then this is from a slightly different angle they didn't have a street view of the same angle but this is the exact same Palace house that is used for the night estate all the way over in the UK but after they do that pan of the palace house we see the shot of the night Industries helicopter landing and this was filmed in California and in fact if you look at the greenery around it it was probably filmed somewhere near where they filmed the scene with um Michael long getting shot would be my guess but another unknown location so if you know put it in the comments below all right so I'm probably not going to address this in every single episode because it's going to be redundant but anytime you see Devin's office which by the way this you can tell this is Devin's office before it's his office here in the pilot it's um Michael Long's recovery room but this is uh Devin's office anytime you see Devin's office anytime you see the inside of the semi that's all sets that are on stage one at Universal Studios stage one is still there I'll be at uh renovated and expanded but it currently houses the Kelly Clarkson show so this is Universal Studios right here in the center this is uh stage one all right so then we see this scene of workers mysteriously going in and out of this Warehouse uh finishing up kit and this is another unknown location from the pilot I want to say it was a building on the studio lot but I've yet to be able to firmly connect the pieces and find this exact building so we're going to call this one unknown but again if you know put it in the comments below we'd love to fill in the blanks so next up are scenes filmed at a different location for the Knight estate this is anytime you see the night estate where you actually see the actors there Edward Muller Richard basehart David Hasselhoff Richard Anderson then that was filmed at this location which is the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills and you can see Edwards leaning over this Stone railing and if we look at it today here's that same Stone railing here are the stairs that um Michael Knight runs up you know in that scene and you can see down here there's the track he's running on in that that episode so um this Mansion has been used in a ton of Hollywood Productions and I believe you can actually tour it as well all right next up is this scene where um Michael is introduced to kit for the first time Michael comes out a a door at the top and goes down these spiral staircases and right here um again not 100 sure of the location of this um scene my guess is probably the inside of a sound stage at Universal so um you guys out there can correct me if I'm wrong or if I'm right you can let me know and real quick going back to the the scene I just mentioned regarding the outside of the warehouse this is clearly the same location but you get a slightly different angle here so maybe this will give some Clues as to where this was actually filmed at so next up is the scene where Michael and uh Devin are taking kid out for his inaugural drive and they play chicken with a 10 ton semi so if we look here in the background you see this hill right here with the um Power electric tower on top so this whole area has been heavily redeveloped from what I can tell from the way it was back in 1982 so here is what it appears to look like now you can see the hill is still there the tower is still there but this whole area has been redeveloped in fact if we go out to an aerial view here you can just see this whole neighborhood here all of this has been redeveloped that um that Tower and that Hill is this area right here so the road that they were driving on would have been like somewhere over probably like right here I believe I think in fact I think this might still be some of that road right here and it went straight back this way but this has all been changed out as you can see but the hill is still there so that helps us to identify it okay so um Devin tells Michael pretty much that kit can go off and you know do whatever on his own he wouldn't harm him and all this stuff and then Michael immediately stops kit he pulls over right here so this is Del Val Road and you can see um this area right here I believe is this pull off right here I think um again it's kind of hard to tell because it's so close up but it sure looks the same and there's like a you know it looks like there's an access road there and there's an access road right here so I think that's the same location all right so we fast forward and Michael takes off on kit by himself and we have this nice little Montage here and we see kit driving on this road and you see there's a hill here and you can see some tracks right here and you see this Crossroad here well once again just like what we just covered that is the same location again so if we come up here a little bit you can see there's the road that cuts through and there's the tracks that are actually more pronounced today than they were back then um so that location looks to be pretty much unchanged all right next up is this fantastic scene I always remember this one from the pilot whenever Michael and kid are driving and they're in all this cacti driving down this road and this was um on Bob's Gap Road here's what it looked like then and here's what it looks like now and actually you can see that a lot of this landscape in the background is exactly the same so he's carving around this Bend right here all right so then we see the close-up of the San Francisco and Millston sign interestingly enough this is a location that we just covered um a minute ago here this same one where Michael pulls over where we see an aerial shot of kid driving it's this exact same place they probably just had the sign I don't know maybe right about here and if you look there's that Crossroad and then there's the tracks that we talked about going up the hill same location all right here's another location lost to time unfortunately the first time we hear kids speak so kit speaks Michael Slams on the brakes right here and you see this whole scene if you look in the background here you can't see it in a screenshot you can see it in video you see cars a whole bunch of cars driving back and forth this is I5 Interstate 5 and because of that that helps us to identify where this was and unfortunately it was right here on Pico Canyon Road you can see everything around it has been redeveloped so if we come in here and take a look it happened right about in this location but nothing nothing looks familiar see see how different it is so it would have been um let's see here so I5 is back this way so they would have been parked right about here and you would have been able to see the cars on I-5 going back and forth in the background so another location lost to time but here's a location not lost to time so Michael is asleep the policeman see him and say he's Plumb asleep at the wheel he's going around Dead Man's Curve and he makes the curve and then you see this whole scene play out so if you look in the background you can see that same Dead Man's Curve is right here where they filmed it so he came around here came down and into this area which is uh Pico Canyon so this area is all still exactly the way it was back in 1982 which is awesome so there's no street view but this is Dead Man's Curve and you can see they come around go down here hit the straight away here and then somewhere in this area is where they pull over and Michael does his you know I'm um they make him think he's deaf and all that stuff so um this is all exactly the same Pico Canyon was used in a million shows back in the day million episodes of Knight Rider um any pretty much anytime you see kit out in the middle of nowhere it was in this Pico Canyon area all right next up is the House of the Rising Sun another location no longer there anymore unfortunately this used to be the Tennessee gin and cotton company I believe bar restaurant and here's what it looks like today it's now a shopping plaza isn't that great but this area over here is still very similar to what it was um in 1982 in fact if we bring up this picture so this parking lot and this row of Hedges back here is this right here and Michael pulls up in parks and you can even see this house in the background of the screenshot so this is exactly where House of the Rising Sun used to be unfortunately it is no longer there all right next up is Maggie's apartment um in reality this is stock footage we do see a scene later where Michael is dropping Maggie off but it's not at this location this is stock footage that we see right here and actually this place looks identical today on Valence Avenue in Burbank it really has not changed at all which is kind of cool but again they didn't actually film here it was just stock footage all right so Michael pulls up to this building goes to make a phone call to Devin because apparently he didn't know that he could make calls in kit at this time so this building is still there it doesn't look as much like it did back then but the building is still there it looks almost looks abandoned but I don't think it is they changed out you can see here it had a larger door and some windows those got changed out and it got painted blue but that's the location and you see the car thieves pull up right here throw a brick at Kit's window and all that stuff all right next up is sauga Speedway used for the demolition derby we see Saugus again in Slam and Sammy stencher spectacular and Knights of the Fast Lane Saugus is still there sort of it's no longer a race track it's a swap meet and you can see here that the bleachers are all gone but you can see where the track you see the imprint of the track is still there I was reading an article recently where they're talking about possibly redeveloping this whole area so Saugus will be completely gone which will be a complete shame all right so after the demolition derby Michael drops Maggie off supposedly at her apartment and this is really all we see this is not that same location we saw at for stock footage for our apartment so don't really know exactly where this is if you do put it in the comments below oh yes the gas station where kit is stolen by the car thieves this is still a gas station today and we can see kids parked in front of the restroom there but uh here it is today I don't know if we can go in here can we go in here Whoa We went way too far no that's not going to let us let's go back out here so let's see if we'll go a little further here and so if we zoom in here there's the restrooms right there actually it's a different building you can see it's changed over the years I think it used to be right over right over here would be my guess but if you zoom out you can see that stone wall in the background which we can see right here as well all right so the car thieves have taken kit Kit's taken for a joyride and you can see here they do all these wonderful this spin out here and then head down this road right here this one was easy it says Wiley Canyon Road right there so it's this intersection right here so the the 360 was right here and then he proceeded down this road right there now this next scene this turbo boost over some stalled cars no idea where this was at so if you know let us know ah the famous scene where they do multiple 360s gas is spilling out of kits uh gas tank I love it so um this is on McBean Parkway and here's what it looks like today that whole shopping plaza is still back there it's obscured by this building that wasn't there back in 1982. we saw this Plaza again in Night of the chameleon and special thanks to our friend Perry fractik at retro recipes who lives in the area and actually went out and took this photo for us so this was taken just a few days ago of that shopping plaza all right so kit neatly delivers the thieves to the police station we can see him coming around this Bend oops coming around this Bend and here it is today the Santa Clarita sheriff station which is no longer they move to a different location but here's that building and the building as you see looks pretty much the same as it did back in 82. ah comtron what a cool looking building I'm pleased to tell you that this building still exists today um it's over here in Westlake Village California this is the this is the comtron building the main one right here that you see in this screenshot and then you see some of this other building being used as well in that episode but if we come in here for street view you'll see it's all obscured by trees this is some of the comtron building right there but the main building I don't think let me see if I can move over a little yeah the main building is completely obscured by um trees unfortunately but it's right back there trust me it's the same one all right so then you get this great scene the outside of comtron supposedly and Kit's in here self-activates crashes and comes um to get to Michael's rescue so this door right here is actually one of the entrances to Stage 12 at Universal so if we go that this is stage 12 right here I believe um but right here this is the door that he would have crashed out of and if we go back to our screenshots ACM drive and you see these glass doors and these globe lights if we go back to here this is the glass door that you see in the globe lights either still or there we can't see them where they've been removed but this is where that whole scene took place on Alfred Hitchcock Lane Universal Studios yeah and take a look at this um but going back to the the police station you can even see it said Santa Clarita Valley sheriff station and they obscured it with some tree branches there so here's another one of those brief like three second scenes but don't know exactly where this was filmed if you somehow can identify this location based on this limited amount of of uh visibility and and foliage then please put it in the comments another unknown location is where this scene took place this is where kit turbo boosts through the side of the comtron trailer again not much information to go on since it's dark you see it's a two-lane road some there's a hill here but not much else to go on all right so this scene took place at the Burbank airport at night we can't tell exactly where at the Burbank Airport it took place but we know it was the Burbank Airport I'm not going to show you uh today's shot of the airport right now simply because I can't match it up exactly so then we moved to this scene it's establishing shot of the hospital where Michael is recovering from his gunshot wound this is clearly stock footage of some large building if you know what building this is let us know put it into our archives and then we see this scene inside the hospital with Michael and uh Maggie don't know for sure but chances are this was a standing Hospital set at the studio we know that they had a standing set for a hospital they used it in race for life and some other episodes and I'm sure they use it for a lot of different series that's why they just kind of kept it standing my guess is that's where this was filmed and finally the episode ends with kit being towed to this airport Hangar the semi parked beside it this is also the Burbank Airport and this is the best shot I could get Hangar 5 so the semi was parked here and kit comes in right here and uh gets let off okay guys that's the end of our uh filming locations for the pilot this was a kind of a mammoth one to get through because there's so many locations so going forward it should be hopefully a little bit easier except for those you know instances where they really get out there and film a lot you know like the car chase and night of the drones but we'll deal with that when we get there so let me know if you guys like this and if you like the format if you if I should tweak the format at all um and uh you know look forward to filming locations for deadly Maneuvers coming up next as always thanks for watching catch you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Knight Rider Historians Official
Views: 24,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knight rider, night rider, kitt, nbc, david hasselhoff, filming locations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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