Surprisingly Detailed Dapol LNER Teak Coaches in N Gauge | Unboxing & Review

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[Music] hello there everybody Sam's trains here and welcome back to the railway I've reviewed quite a few NS scale locomotives now but not all that much NS scale Rolling Stock so today I'm going to try some NS scale coaches by [Music] [Music] dapple so this is going to be my first Standalone review of some NS scale Rolling Stock and the coaches I've picked up are these These are the elen grzly teak coaches in NS scale and the full price of these is £34.99 that's the RRP and I'm not too sure what to make of that price because obviously it does seem like quite a lot of money for what are very very small coaches but equally if these have the same details as let's say a double O scale version of this coach then 35 seems very reasonable indeed so I will be interested to see just how detailed these coaches are obviously most likely they are going to be a little bit simpler than what we might see in double O scale however I didn't pay the full RRP for these as you might expect I picked these up from Hatton just before they closed down in the sale for £25 each and that does seem quite reasonable so hopefully for £25 these will be good value but let's find out let's see what these are are like they are surprisingly old apparently these first came out in 2007 making these 17-year-old coaches I only found that out since buying them so very interested to see what these are like I suppose there is a danger that they are quite dated now like that Britannia I looked at but anyway let's find out let's see what these are like so as you can see I picked up a pair of these I've got two of them and I wanted to review these now because I've actually got another nscap Loco waiting to be reviewed which I'm hoping will be a good match with these coaches so there's a little clue for an upcoming review I'm sure you can probably guess which Loco that might be but today we're just going to focus on these coaches and we'll take a look at this one first so if I show you the end of the box you can see which one this is so it's tp-11 d210 it is the engage grzly coach in the eleny artique and this is a break composition number 5547 and the minimum curve radius is R1 which is pretty good I can't imagine many people running tighter curves than that so hopefully quite versatile coaches but anyway there's not too much to see on the back of the box so let's pull the coach out and let's see what this is like uh yeah this seems to unpack very similar to some of dpp's other rolling stocks I'm going to pull this little foam insert out just to check we've got no paperwork or anything no we haven't so let's see what accessories we get in a little bag and this appears to be some couplings so possibly alternative couplings they look like knuckle couplings so probably quite realistic actually if you were to use them and presumably we've got the slightly less realistic but more convenient couplings already fitted to the coach but let's find out so being quite careful cuz the coach is quite Loosely located into this sleeve I think I might be better to just push the coach out from under it all right and very gently let's lift this up all right so it's a pretty lightweight coach it must be said although there does seem to be a lot of detail on this quite surprisingly yeah there's a lot of separately fitted detail on here there's separate pipe work along the chassis lots of separate detailing on the Bodywork as well the decoration looks quite interesting really it's kind of got a pinkish Hue to it around the windows which uh I don't know if that's dreadfully convincing or not I'll have to look at some pictures but I've never noticed a pinkish Hue before to these teaks but I'll find that out and get back to you on that yeah actually the complexity of these coaches is quite a bit more than I was expecting especially considering that these first came out in 2007 in fact I think I'm going to go back and double check that date because there's quite a bit of complex it here including these kinematic couplings I'd actually be surprised if these features were a thing back in 2007 so maybe this is just ahead of its time maybe it's been updated I'm not too sure but that is quite impressive actually especially for 25 anyway let's have a look at the other coach which is a little bit different as you can see so let me show you the end of the box of this one so this one is 2p -11 D14 it's an engage grzly coach like the other was in the eleny artique except this one is a third class and it's number one4 so let's pull this one out similar packaging I'd expect and presumably the accessories are the same uh so just some alternative couplings I'm going to unpack this in the same way cuz that seemed to work well before I'm going to be extra careful though because these coaches are much more detailed than I was expecting them to be all right right and here it is there you go the third class so this is not a break so it's got Windows going all the way along and it's also got the vestibules on the ends as well which the double oques I reviewed not long ago actually didn't have so these are the kind of fulllength ones I suppose but yeah beautifully decorated well detailed from a distance at least this looks fantastic let me pull in the other one yeah it looks like a really nice pair so yeah great looking from a distance but how do they look up close well we'll find out in just a second but first of all here's a bit of background on these coaches in real life Nigel gresle was responsible for many different l&r coach designs which were produced between 1923 and 1942 and these coaches obviously were made famous by their varnished teak finish coaches like these received this Livery prior to the 1948 nationalization but later on after that the coaches were painted into more conventional BR liveries including a maroon which kind of masks how elegant they used to look in the varnished teak finish countless examples were built in total but some 38 examples remain in existence to this day so there it is up close and personal for you Dao's grzly teak in NS scale and I've chosen to show you the break up close because this is the slightly more complex coach although obviously most of the features are identical on both coaches so first things first I have double checked the dates and sure enough according to the Hatton directory these coaches were indeed introduced for the first time in 2007 and like I say that seems quite unbelievable given the complexity of these coaches as we'll see what I don't know though is whether these coaches have been upgraded over the years maybe that's a possibility but regardless of that the coaches we see today are really quite impressive in their complexity the first thing I want to talk about though is the decoration because the way it's been done is quite interesting so here's how I think it works so the coaches have a base color to them and it's this kind of pinkish Brown and we'll talk more about the color of that later on and then on top of that base color they've got this kind of dot matrix of yellow paint I suppose which I thought to start with was UV printed but looking up close it just looks like tampo printed dots and then the size and density of those dots is used to create the sort of TIY texture which is quite clever I do think up close the quality of this finish isn't fantastic and more modern techniques do produce a more detailed finish than this but from a distance it looks absolutely fine up close though yeah not the best the other printed details though such as the numbers on the doors and the running numbers and such these are not done with a dot matrix or anything these seem to be traditionally tampo printed which looks quite a bit better same is true of the lining and suchar the yellow lining around the windows and the side of the coach bodies this all seems to be traditionally tampo printed although the consistency of the lining really isn't the best it's a little bit bitty not the highest quality lining I've seen even at N scale so I think my conclusion is from a distance the decoration looks great up close though you can really see the cracks now about the base color I think this looks a little bit too light and a little bit too pink for my taste now I could be wrong about that because I'm not an expert on the Prototype but from the teak coaches that I've seen and also from the photos that I've seen I don't think the color should be quite this light from what I've seen it should be quite a bit darker than that but please comment down below if you've got thoughts on that and let me know what you think yeah for me that's not the most convincing the roof though looks AB absolutely fine yeah that seems to be just about spot on a kind of creamy off-white yeah that looks good in terms of construction yeah these are quite lightweight they come in at just 23 g which is about the same weight as a double O scale open wagon so not a lot to them hopefully there won't be any instability on the track because of that in terms of detail though they are incredibly impressive so look at the Bogies to start with very very detailed Bogies with metal wheels and the Wheels appear to have pickups on them as well through the axles so whether this model's got lights or not I'm not sure but it certainly looks as though it's ready to accept lights if you wanted to fit them because of that pickup arrangement though we do have these plastic axles which do show signs of stress yeah not my favorite wheel design that doesn't really scream quality does it but the Bogies themselves are extremely detailed and this molding on the lower part of the Bogies looks incredibly detailed very very impressive iive there's quite a bit of underframe detail as well as you can see including the brake rigging which I was quite surprised to see modeled and then on the coach body itself there is a lot going on here we've got the separate handrails around the guard's door which are indeed separately fitted that's quite impressive we've got the foot boards on both sides which I don't think are separately fitted but they are quite effectively painted so that they stand out quite nicely we've got separately fitted pipe work along the other side of the coach as well as some quite complex separately fitted Parts on each end including the corridor connector which is Painted Black and again the molding on these parts is really quite awesome the door handles and such are just a part of the molding that's understandable given how tiny they are but they have been painted so that they stand out which is good to see and then up on the roof of the coaches we've got some great molding these vents look absolutely excellent and these little rails here are even separately fitted it's quite a astounding how many of these parts are separate and look at these tiny little Parts actually quite terrifying how fragile they look but for the moment they are intact the buffers are a slight disappointment obviously they're not going to be sprung or anything but they are quite clearly plastic and then just painted to look metallic and they're not as effective as some NS scale buffers that I've seen then in terms of the couplings yeah we've got your standard N scale couplings fitted and these are kinematic which is pretty impressive Rive and I'll give those a test later on up next we've got the glazing which looks absolutely excellent a lot of the windows do have separate printed details on them whether that be just the bars going across or the actual signage which is there on some of the windows that's amazing and then because this brake has a corridor inside it I'll show you some of that there is quite a lot of interior detail here including this door which is very very intricate and then in the passenger compartments there are detailed seats none of this is really painted or picked out but the fact that the interior is here at all is pretty impressive in my book so there you have it that is a close look at the dapel grzly teak in NS scale there's a heck of a lot of detail to these which makes the relatively low price ipid of £25 really quite surprising on the other hand though you can kind of understand why these would be cheap because they are very light and plasticky and while they do look absolutely find from a distance up close the decoration I think could have been better but anyway let me pull the end scale layout up here and we'll couple these up to a locomotive and see how well they perform so my original master plan for this review was that I was going to use the daple Britannia to haul these coaches as that makes a little bit more sense than the paa tank but because the dppo Britannia was basically unusable I have actually had to go with the paa tank for this review view so I'm aware that that's un prototypical but like I said earlier on soon I will have a more suitable Loco for these coaches and when I do review that these coaches will be back again for that review but for now we've got the paner in terms of how free rolling these teaks are they're pretty darn good actually because these coaches have those kind of axle based pickups it's almost like they're running in metal bearings which makes them nice and free and also obviously you can add lights to these coaches without increasing the drag by adding pickups so that's really really good the two coaches coupled together okay but how is this Loco going to get on coupling up to them so let's find out not very good now that's confusing because is it the coaches or the Loco that are responsible for that let's pull them forwards a bit just to make sure the coaches are free from the curve the panny is not the most reliable um but yeah so that's not really working I guess I could pull the britania in just to test and see whether it is the sort of paner that's responsible for this or the coaches but with a bit of coaxing I have been able to get those to couple so with that let's pull forwards and let's see how the coaches actually run so a little nudge for the paa might have to try and clean the wheels on that cuz it's seems a bit unreliable so there we go it's a bit of a St strange site with the Great Western paner there but as you can see on the broader radius curves no problem at all with the tees and they actually look fantastic all of those details are popping and I think it's well worth having all of those handrails and different parts actually separately fitted because it just makes the models that much more impressive so yeah they seem to work absolutely fine nice and free rolling bit of a question mark over the couplings but certainly once coupled up they seem to be running fine so let's see how they get on over the points little bit unsure as to how this is going to go because of how light the coaches are but if there are no problems over the points then yeah I can give them a good performance score I reckon so let's give that a try all right let's open these up see what happens yeah seems pretty good those kinematics seem to work perfectly it's a nice smooth motion on them backwards yeah they they do seem super reliable let's be mean and go a bit faster over them let's try about 60 or 70 yeah look at that no issues and in Reverse let's go even quicker yeah absolutely solid as a rock so I was a bit concerned that these coaches would be like that Britannia I.E unable to stay on the track uh it turns out they're not they're absolutely SP bot on and reliable as anything so super impressive performance is a big thumbs up so with that let's do some ratings on these dapp all teques I've given the level of detail four star because frankly it's amazing given that these were first introduced in 2007 I was really taken aback by the interior detail and the number of separately fitted Parts on the bodies even the molded detail in places like the Bogies was Way Beyond what I was expecting the dec ation doesn't look that great up close as you saw from those close-ups it's a little bit spotty these are much better viewed from a distance in terms of decoration which is a real shame because the actual detail on the coaches looks superb even up close so it's not the full shebang as it were but I have given it four star the details pretty impressive performance though I've given five star now I had a slight coupling issue when I was demonstrating these being coupled to the paner but I've tried coupling these coaches up to some other engage wagons and a couple of other N scale Locos and no problems whatsoever it only seems to be the paa that was struggling so I've deemed it not the coach's fault so I've not knocked it down for that they're nice and free rolling they couple well they handle the points and curves without derailing or wobbling or anything like that so it's definitely a five-star on performance the quality though I've given three star now the way in which the separate parts have been fitted is faultless there's no visible glue or anything like that however they are quite front agile thanks to the small parts and the packaging wasn't really the best pulling them out of that foam was a little bit scary they're also quite plasticky no diecast on these which leaves them pretty lightweight really the lining is also not that great up close a little bit patchy in places not the greatest I think that could have been better so the quality for me is more middle of the road value for money though I've got to say can't really fault these yes £34.99 as an RP is quite expensive for such a small Coach but once you actually get it and you're looking at it you can see why these are not Dirt Cheap having said that at the retailers they are quite a bit cheaper than £34.99 and I got mine for £25 each on sale which is absolutely fine that would be five star so I've split the difference between my ratings for the RP and the retailer price and given it 4 and A2 star yeah if you can find these at a decent discount they're absolutely worth it so overall then that is 8.02 out of 10 or a grade of C if the decoration looked a bit better up close and perhaps the quality was a little bit higher these would easily be deserving of a b or even an A so into the engage Rolling Stock log book which is a new log book I've not really done any other Standalone engage Rolling Stock reviews so this is currently at the top but I will be reviewing more engage Rolling Stock as time goes on and I'm quite excited to see how some of that will shape up so watch this space lots more coming soon for now though thank you so much for tuning in to this review please do comment down below and let me know what you think about these have I been too harsh have I been too forgiving please do let me know and do you have any of these coaches do you perhaps have an earlier release of these from closer to 2007 and if so was the level of detail as good as this back then did they have those kinematic couplings or is that a later addition I'd be really interested to know that but but like I say thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again very very soon for some more reviews all right cheers folks you take care
Channel: Sam'sTrains
Views: 15,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samstrains, model, trains, hornby, steam, tri-ang, 00 gauge, railway, diesel, class, review, unboxing, bachmann, layout, H0
Id: IntLovumiA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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