Knife vs Handgun - A Reality Check
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Channel: UF PRO
Views: 844,270
Rating: 4.8406162 out of 5
Keywords: uf pro, knife vs gun, gun vs knife, selfdefence, martial arts, knife attack defence, knife attack techniques, self defense, knife defense, krav maga
Id: Upxfo_jBrDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I live in America, and I've found it tough to talk to gun owners about the actual nuts and bolts of self defense. Like some seem resistant to basic stuff, like "Cool, you bought a handgun. Have you been training to use it in a realistic scenario?" Or, "You know how difficult it is to use a gun at close range against an aggressive attacker?" Resistance to both statements.
I'm positive some gun owners fetishize the things. Like they believe their gun is a universal tool that doesn't have any shortcomings or require proper training. Has anyone encountered this in any other country?
A couple of things. (From my standpoint as both a martial artist and an enthusiastic shooter/police officer.
At “inside” distance, it’s foolish to try to simply draw the gun in the face of an immediate attack. Regardless of how proficient you are, you’re “behind” the attack. You need to both create distance, and apply “force on force” to deflect or avoid the attack and create distance. We just worked on such a drill where the initial move is a JKD-type eye-strike delivered while moving to one side and drawing.
In the other instances, the creating more distance is of course a good idea. However... Concluding that the attacker gets a slash in and calling “attack not evaded” may be true.... But consider that I will take an ineffective surface slash any day of the week if I can put half a dozen .40 slugs in the gentleman. And I can do that VERY rapidly.
As Matt Easton points out on the Scholagladitoria site, such cuts are rarely disabling and relatively easy to treat.
Also... It’s surprisingly hard to cut through most clothing.
The knife-guy does not “win” if he gets a cut in BEFORE being ventilated by a number of bullets...That only works in competitive fencing.
Made me think of this.
Eeenteresting, I guess, but knife guy seems to be starting out with weapon in hand. Or at least without a jacket in his way. I wonder what happens if both had truly equal start points.
UF Pro has some...interesting stuff on their channel.
I think it's worth pointing out that just because you get the shot off before the knife makes contact, that isn't going to reliably result in you not getting stabbed. People don't just immediately drop after getting shot unless it's directly to the head. They could drop, but they could still finish closing the distance and stab you.
From everything I've read on here, even a gun won't work against the magical knife. If someone pulls a blade, piss yourself then wait for the sweet release of death. don't bother training knife defense
That video is good information. However I do note that the gun defender's left arm (not his gun hand) is basically "dead" and used for nothing. He's exhibiting basically no hand to hand combat training whatsoever. Now maybe that's a reality for a lot of people who carry guns. But if you had any training, you can do better than this video suggests. For instance, what do you think a defender would do if armed with a knife, not a gun? Well, quite a lot actually... and there is still the basic challenge of drawing and using your own weapon under pressure. Things aren't over just because someone's running at you with a weapon. All the hand to hand styles have to start at these close ranges. They don't declare defeat just because someone closed the gap.