Klaviyo Welcome Flow Tutorial 2024 | Best Shopify Email Marketing Software

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in this video I'm going to show you a step-by-step tutorial on how you can set up your first High converting welcome flow in 2024 for your e-commerce brand and I'm not only going to show you how you can create the list the popup and the flow itself and the technical side of it but I'm also going to explain you why it is important that you have to set up this flow for your brand and trust me it's not only about getting the first sale it's about optimizing your whole email and SMS marketing funnels and I'm going to show you how we create a design like this right and how we went from this blank text over here to this design and how you can upload and Implement that into clavio but before I'm going to show you that real quick my name is Dan I'm already for 5 years in the e-commerce bace the first three years I was scaling my own stores in the last two years my team and I we partnering up with high qualified e-commerce Brands doing at least 100K plus per month and we help skill them up with em SMS marketing okay and I would highly recommend to check out my Twitter my YouTube it's full of case studies full of values full of testimonials because I think it's really important that if you take advice from someone that is someone that has actually skin in the game okay so with that being said let's get straight into it and first I want to explain you real quick why it's important that you set this flow up okay so over here uh two uh different brands that we working with right two different screenshots with a 20% conversion rate on the first email and a 32% conversion rate on the first email uh 56k in sales and a 4.4k in sales okay so you need to understand that the welcome flow is the top on top of the funnel okay so basically that starts with the popup and it's really important that you're not showing directly the popup okay because first you want people to see your product right to see your offer to see the benefits and if people want to pay the full price you want to let them to pay the full price okay so what we always do and later on I'm going to show you how you can do that is that we only target people that seems like they're not interested anymore right and they're like I'm not sure if I want to buy it then we show them the popup uh with a good offer to collect their email and phone numbers and as you can see over here one of our results with a 7.5% submit rate and a 8.1% submit rate right all of people that seems like they're not interested anymore in buying your product the second part is the first impression impact okay you can set the tone you can set the tone of your brand you can set the expectation and the better the customer journey is the more trust they will get right the more likely they're going to buy from you because you need to understand that people in the welcome flow never bought before from you and you need to earn their trust so that's also why I'm going to show you how you or how we went from this blank text to this design over here okay the third point is turning cold traffic into warm customers right you're not only going to send out in this flow hey buy from me buy from me buy from me use the discount no you can educate people on your brand right you can educate people on your brand story on the products um see the difference why your product is better than others right and how it will actually help them solve um their problem okay so that's really important that you can really create fans with this flow and of course the most important thing is that you get your sales okay not only on the first uh order but basically for the longer term okay because if you receive the name the email address right their phone numbers what type of products they bought from you you can set up m multiple flows that will help boost your brand so first of all the postp purchase flow okay so as you can see here an extra 6K added from people that bought before and we retarget them with upsells with cross sales and that helps them to buy it again from this brand okay so it's really important if you have like less people or less phone numbers or less customers right this flow will perform not um really well because you have less people so the more customers you have the more upsells you can create and the beautiful thing is you're not spending any single Dollar on ads with this also a winback flow right is actually people that seems that buil from you before but didn't buy from you for a long period of time you can retarget them with different copies different strategies and over here an extra 2.6k edit okay also what you can do is you can boost your reviews so the more email addresses and the more customers you have the more reviews you can collect so two of our clients over here we went from a 4.2 to a 4.3 and every single day there are coming two to three reviews on thr pilot okay so yeah the brand value is really raising with this review flow also another client wner right gets his first good reviews right two and three in a couple of days On th pilot um but you're not only yeah going to retarget them with the flows right or collecting reviews you can also send out campaigns and you don't have to send out um sales campaigns in order to get more sales now what we usually do is we make a strategy between storytelling and sales campaigns and most of the campaigns will be storytelling so this is from February one of our clients as you can see we're talking about ingredients we show them a customer success story we show them the FAQ how to use the product and over here you can see there are also a lot of seals coming from here okay and once we're dropping a sales campaign so a valentine sale over here or a flash sale you can see that um the results or the sales are even higher because you give them Value First and yeah once you have like a discount or a sale then they're more likely to buy from you so this all from people that give their phone number or give their email address okay so what I want you to understand is don't think only about the first order think about the long term if you're selling good products people will buy again and again from you and even if they're not buying from you right so they're let's say they signed up right they received the discount they add something to the cards you can retarget them with the Abundant flows you can use the site abundant the browse abundant abundance card and abundant checkout four different flows in four different stages of the funnel you can Target them with the right content and as you can see over here an extra 21k edit okay so if they're like not buying from the first email you can still retarget them with other flows and this only with one email typically we do around four to five emails in abundant flows seven in a postp purchase for in a win back review a couple of them and also resent out weekly campaigns okay so that's really the importance especially if you're sending good products right to get the first sale but most of the important thing is that you get their data in order to grow your brand so with that being said that's the importance of the welcome flow so let's get straight into clavio and how you can set this up for your brand so I'm going to show you this in a stepbystep tutorial so you can literally copy paste that right and I'm also going to show you um how uh we or how you can upload or create a design like this and how you can upload that into clavio right so first of all once you've created your clavo account you will see this screen so the first thing that you need to do is that you need to set up a list okay so the list is first then the popup then the welcome flow so you go to list in segments on the left side and you create new and you want to create a list and basically we're going to uh call it test profit wave media okay then we're going to create a list and the one thing that you need to add always in this list is that you go to settings right you go to consent and over here you want to set off the double opt-in rate you always want to do single op rate why otherwise cavio will send a double confirmation right if people actually want to receive emails um and you always want to set this set that off okay so single optin always make sure that you choose this option okay so we click on Save and then the list is created there you go to signup form and we want to create our first signup form so how we're going to do that um I will create a different video on my YouTube channel so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that out but for the purpose of this video I'm going to use a template right that's over here so yeah we're going to walk a little bit Master through it okay so important with the emao subscriber list is that you choose the list that we just created right in this case the test profit wave media right you can call it the popup or in this case I would like to do test popup so we can easily find it and we create a form so once we got the form in here what you need to do right and what I said before you don't want to Target this directly to people that coming on your website right you first want to let them to view the product to see the offer and if they want to pay the full price you want to let them pay the full price right and if anyone is saying hey you need to show the popup after 7 seconds or after this percentage of the show of the of the of how much they feed from your product stop working with them right or fire him or her okay and I'm like really strict with that that's why I'm Dutch uh but it's not good for your net profit so what you want to do always is you go to Target and behavior right you go to the timing and instead of immediately you do based on rules and what you can do is after time delay and you want to do at least 30 seconds right because 30 seconds if they then didn't click on um the to card button then you want to show them this popup right later on and something that we do for our clients we always split test right we split test between different um yeah different times when we're showing them the popup right a time delay when f is ex executing the page or like other things but if you have like no experience with that always use 30 seconds okay so that's for now we go back and what you want to do as well is that you set off this popup for certain pages okay so what we're going to do we're going to targeting and we don't want to show this popup after the click on the at a card button so we don't we click on don't show on certain URLs we uh SLC card and we add slash checkout so that way we're safe that this popup is not showing there okay so once we have set up uh that we can click on exit right I didn't have a Shopify collected uh connected to here but if you have then you can publish it okay so right now we have set up the list we've set up the popup and right now we want to create the first flow so what you're going to do is you go to view all ideas right and we're going to search for the the welcome flow and you always want to click this one right customer versus non-customers because people that are already client of you you don't want to Target them with this flow so we're going to call it test welcome flow right the trigger we always want to set the ones that we connected to the popup right in this case the test profit wave media because that's the list that we've created together and then we want to create the flow so now the flow is created uh we just want to remove everything that's in here because we're not going to use it we're going to build it from scratch um because the one from R is not the best to use and the one that I'm going to show you will be the best uh so let's delete everything and the first thing that you would like to do is that you set up the right triggers okay so you click on the trigger and you have over here uh always want to doble check right if the list is correct so in this case it is and you want to add a filter okay in this case we want to exclude people that bought from you again so basically we want to Target new customers so what we going to select is hey what someone has done or not done right choose Matrix placed order and in this case um zero times okay and then we're going to click on Save and then we have the trigger set up okay so then we would like to send out the first email and you want to send this email directly okay so over here you can also add a time delay or something like that but we don't want to do that in here uh because uh yeah once someone is signing up you immediately want to send them the email so we click on the email right and we're going to edit it so over here is where the f part is going to start because um first over here you got the subject line the preview text the sender name and the sender email address right over here you can just call it like the welcome email hash1 right this is for a better overview and the first thing is what you want to do is the subject lines right and in here later on in another video I'm going to show you how you can split test different subject lines preview textes in order to get the highest op rate as possible subscribe for the channel so you don't want to miss this out because it can have a huge impact okay so in this case we will go for here is your % discount okay and over here in the preview text you want to say something like hey welcome to the brand in this case profit wave media and always what you would like to do is to change the sender name right because if it's like this or like just the email address it's not personal so I wouldn't recommend to use the owner name right because later on in campaigns and in other flows you want to show a different name and pretend that it's that the owner but in this case you can do someone of the customer service team right so what I will do is serve from profit first wave profit wave media and later on right if let's say I'm going to do a sales campaign then we can do hey here's Dan the founder of profit wave media and then uh then yeah people feel like okay hey it's really the owner okay so in this case you can choose like Sarah or whatever name you would like to do and what we would like to do is we would like to use the drag and drop option okay so if you don't have any experience with designing you can choose a template but on a video down below I am explaining how you can create designs like this right so definitely want to check out once you've checked out this video so in this case we will go for the create the blank email so right now we're in the building phase right and first of all we want to delete everything right so delete this section delete this you can leave the footer but um yeah later on I'm going to show you how you can create a more branded footer and what we're going to do is we're going to build this email so once you have uh created Your figma Design right and again the video is down below you can export this design so what we will do first is um we don't do everything in the image right because that's not really good for your deliverability so first of all what we want to do is we want to check the sample right in this case this will be the sample that we're going to use and something that I highly recommend that you always make for your brand is like a brand do so for all of our clients we do like research okay hey what's thirt of voice right what's the the icons what are like the USBs that that we can use in the emails and some general information so in this case we start with um the USB section right over here so that's the first thing that we're going to build and how you're going to build that is by adding a text in here and in this case we want to use the uke hash one Fegan collagene and free shipping so I'm going to add it right now okay so right now we addit the text and what you want to do is you want to use the right fonts right and the right colors so in this case um we go for nunito right because that's the font that we used so what you can do is you click on here you can select font and we will type in nunito if you can't find your font it's really easy just click on ADD font and you can use it in there okay so this case we have this um we want to make it bold like this uh we want to put it in the middle and over here what you can do is you can change the background of the block so we click this on right we go back in here because we are using a color for this and that is this one in here the 2 A2 a39 okay so right now we can't read it so what we're going to do is we're going to make the text color white and there we go okay so right now we added the USB section second what we want to do right is we want to add the logo so we going back we click on done we want to add an image in here we go to the library we going to upload section and we're going to I got everything already sorted out in here so yeah if you export Your Design make sure that you always edit in the right folders otherwise you're like searching all over your computer so in this case we're going to upload the logo as you can see it's a little bit big so in this case what we want to do is want to play around with it with okay hey how big do we want to see the logo okay something like this is good so it's really close to the USB section so what we're going to do is we go unlock this one and we want to make a little bit more space on the top section okay like this is perfect so right now we want to add this section in here right this uh Banner so we click on done and we want to add the banner in here so we go back we're going to go to the uploads we going to the file and in this case we're going to search for the banner and there we go cool so right now our emails already getting some some some f in here um and we go for the second section right in this case a little bit an about us story right you give the discount uh you give like a little bit of a USB and yeah we're going to upload that image in here so that's this one and boom there we go so later on I'm going to also show you how you can add links right so right now it's an image right not a button so you always want to make sure that if someone is clicking on the image right on the button that it will go to the product page later on in this video I'm going to show you how you can do that so the second part is that we want to add this uh USB and 30-day money back guarantee and right now as you can see you see over here a little bit of wi space uh so we want to fix that so how can you do that you click on the image right you click on crop you go to the site and then you just want to remove the space over there you click on done and there we go okay fixed so right now we want to add the other section right as seen on it's really important that you always add social proof right into your email so we're going to add that in there and what we're going to do next is to add this USB section so we got this little white space over here right so we want to fix that we click on the image we click on crop and we removed a little bit of the wies space okay looks perfect click on done and right now we want to add a second image and this is a little bit different than what we usually do right for the purpose of this video because otherwise it takes too long to create this um but in this case I will use an image right to Showcase this but what you actually want to do is not use an image you want to add um the products right so you can add the product section in here and then basically everything what is in here you can design that right with the right colors you can add the right uh uh the the font right you can um change the call to action button right the add to card button in here to SH now so right now I'm not going to do that but if you just click on product you can select the amount of product it's really easy to do but to go a little bit faster through this video um I will use an image perfect so right now what we want to do we want to add the second part and this this the reviews it's really strong if you have before after photos that you showcase them in the email cool now we added that we always want to make sure that people know where they can reach out to you if they got any questions right and that is the second image that we're going to use cool so what we want to do next right also in here is to add the footer and the footer is really important right you always want to add an unsubscribe link a view online and the address of the company okay this is really good for the deliverability if you have not set this up right probably most of your emails will coming into the spam box because email or email providers like Google or Yahoo will see okay hey there's like no insubscribe link there are like no company details we don't want to get your email into the inbox so it's really important that you basically going to add that in here okay so in this case GL provides one you can optimize that by just clicking on it change the font you can change the background right and yeah make it the same as you want to look like like this but in this case what we're going to do is again I'm going to use a photo for the purpose of this video otherwise it will takes too long perfect so right now we can remove this one and we got everything set up okay so this the email on mobile as well it's mobile optimize that's a beautiful thing with figma um you can optimize it for mobile and most of your traffic is probably coming from mobile so always want to make sure that you optimize it first for mobile second for desktop okay so what we're going to do next is I'm going to make it a little bit more cleaner right so as you can see it's a little bit of a lot of space in here so yeah real quick I'm going to fix that and show the end result perfect so what we want to do next is we want to add links in the images right so that way if someone is clicking on this button right or on this button that they will actually go to the product page okay so in this case we'll go to the website we click on the shop and there we go we got the product we click on it we go to the image and in here you can add a link address okay so it's always important that you double check this right especially if you're like sending this image and the button is not working right you're losing a lot of sales okay so you always want to add that in the image um on the C action buttons right so in here it's like not necessary because you can choose the product block right and that way um all of the buttons will lead to the different product pages but what you want to do uh is always that on the header right you uh would like to add a link in there right like this or highlighted it like this or you can just remove it I would recommend to not not use it and on the logo section you also want to add a link in there okay so why you want to do that some people just click on the logo right because on an a web shop if people click on the logo they go to the page right so most of the time um yeah you always want to add the link in there as well same in here right a little bit of the Blue Line will be removed once you're sending out the email so don't worry about that for now so that's basically how you can set up the email okay so right now it's optimized um a few things that you need to keep in mind is right that you activate this code right you need to activate this code in Shopify um and you need to create designs like this and like I said I'm here to help so I have placed or created a video how you can make designs like this and what I want you to understand that's really important that you choose a design over this instead of a blank text and don't get me wrong we use blank text all the time it's really good it really looks personally but everyone knows that once someone is signing up on the popup right and two minutes later they got an email right it's like blank text everyone knows it's like not handwritten it's an automatic email so that way um if you create an design like this you set the tone right you set the tone voice of your brand you highlight the USBs you add the social proof right and yeah also the before of after photos and you always want to highlight the products in uh the email okay so that's basically how you can create your first email so we click on Save and then we're going back and we click on done and right now we can click on live and our first uh email is live so if you have uh set up the popup right you've set up the list you activate it on your website you add the trigger and right now you can add your first email so that's basically how you can set it up right you can make this um flow as long as possible but I wouldn't recommend to add too many emails between five or 10 is really necessary for your brand so what you can do is you can add the time delay and in here you can uh do like two days or one day right and what I would recommend is that you create a flow for yourself every brand is different I will create another video on what type of subjects you can use for in the welcome flow so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that one out so this is how you set it up in the second video I'm going to show you what type of image you can do and basically it's going to be like introducing your brand the FAQ the reviews um highlighting your best sellers product Ed education a lot of different emails and all to make sure that someone that is not buying from you yet right start trusting you and create the first uh sale right using these flows so later on you can retarget them with different flows you can collect reviews you can send out campaigns and also if they're not buying from you yet you can retarget them with the abundance flows okay so that's basically how you can set this up um if you got any questions let me know down below I'm here to help or send me a message on Twitter and with that being said I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Daan Kroon
Views: 1,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conversion rate, Shopify Product page, Product page, Shopify, Ecommerce, Dropshipping, Branding, Shopify product page, shopify product page optimization, shopify tutorial for beginners, E-commerce Klaviyo, Figma email templates, Email templates on Figma, make money online, shopify, ecommerce, ecom, shopify2019, shopify winning products, product research, shopify store, shopify training, how to make money online, klaviyo, klaviyo tutorial, how to make money with klaviyo
Id: UF6fK0Tqlbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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