How To Make Thank You Series Flow In Klaviyo [Step-by-Step]

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hey guys so in this tutorial we're going to cover one very important flow that you should have for your e-commerce brand and it's called thank you flow I see many e-commerce Brands don't have this flow for some reason and it's a crucial flow that you should have and we are going to cover reasons why this flow is very important as well as step by step how to set it up and all that stuff so this tutorial is going to cover why this flow is so important how to set it up the correct way step by step what's the IDE length for this flow and what you should have in each message and then we are going to cover some of the best email examples from other brands so you can have the inspiration when you're designing your emails for the thank you flow so first of all let's cover briefly why thank you flow is so important so many of you might be asking why this flow is so important if it doesn't directly sell to the customer so it's flow that gets triggered when your customer has placed the order then you send them four or five messages which we will cover a bit later and many of you might be asking why this flow is so important if it's not directly bringing the revenue on your CIO dashboard so there are two big reasons why this flow is very important the first one is it reduces the customer remorse so by providing your customer with great experience you confirm that their decision to buy from you was a good one and that way your refund rate and return rate will get way lower so there are some type of people that after they purchase the product they might have the customer remorse and by providing them with a very good experience after the purchase you reduce that customer more so that way you have less refunds less returns and all these things that are just a hassle more for your business the second reason is you make a great first impression with your customers so by providing them again with a great experience after the purchase you increase the customer retention so they will open more of your emails they will probably buy more from you and that way the results of all your further campaigns and flows and everything will be just way better so even though this flow is not where you directly sell flow that on your clavio dashboard will not be a high performer it's a flow that affects all your further sale so for that reason you really have to set it up well and you shouldn't ignore this flow so now that we have covered why this flow is so important let's cover how we can set it up step by step in the correct way first of all go to your clavio account then click on flows then on create flow now here you want to type in thank you you will see these two templates we want to go with the left one because the right one has email SMS and for purpose of this flow we just want to cover the email so click on customer Thank you new versus returning then click on the create flow and that's it now you have a very basic thank you flow set up on your clavio account a very good thing that clavio does is they automatically split people that are your firsttime purchases versus the people who have purchased it multiple times two three four or more and this is very good because you can segment these two types of people and segment the message for them because it's not you shouldn't provide the same experience for people that have purchased from you the first time or two three or more times and we're going to cover that in next section but for now one thing I like always to do when I set up this is to add one more trigger to the place order which is on the top here I always like to exclude people who have cancelled their order for some reason right after placing the order because you don't want to send to those kind of people why would you so for that reason you just click on the trigger as I it then click on Flow filters click on the button add then here add a flow filter and here you want to select what s has done or not done click on that as a metric you want to select cancel order so you have the cancelled order here click on it then you want to to select zero times and here since starting this FL and click on save so now all people that have placed the order then they have cancelled it they will be excluded from this flow because you don't need to send all four emails to those people it might bother them for that reason they might report you as a Spam or something we don't need that so let's just exclude them and now that you have set up your very basic thank you flow with only one message let's go how long this flow should be what should each message contain and when you should send it so we will talk about the sequence that is for first time purchase and we will talk separately about the sequence that is for the return customers so people that have repeatedly purchased from you so let's first cover the first time purchase sequence the standard length for the first purchase flow is four messages so let's just CL this message four times and now that we have four messages in this slow we want to add time delays so they not instantly send one after another one so let's do that so the next question is when you should send each message the first message is always recommended to send one day after the purchase and that might be a bit weird to you but that's the standard practice of email marketing the reason being is that you don't want to overwhelm your customers with too many emails since they are first purchase because they will already receive one email which is automated by Shopify their purchase confirmation so for that reason you don't want to overwhelm them right from the start you want to send one day after no you don't have to do it that way that's the standard practice you can customize it for your brand but I'm just mentioning what's the best practice for me my clients and what's the standard practice of email marketing so the good stuff about this template is that it already have the one day delay when when the sequence start as you can see on the beginning what I like to do here is just to remove the specific time of the day I don't use that that much you can set it up if you want to but it's not a big deal I just like it as 24 hours after the purchase so now they have placed the order they wait one day then they get split into two groups if it's first time purchase or repeat purchase and if there are firsttime purchase They will receive the first email right after the first dat then the next question is what you should have in this message so in this first message that is sent one day since purchase you want to thank the customer for their purchase you want to welcome them to your brand and stuff you can redirect them to your social medias and stuff you just want to show them a sign of appreciation for their purchase for their money and all that stuff and also you can mention that you're preparing their order that they will very soon receive the shipping confirmation and stuff so it should be just a very basic email and later we will cover how this email look like so you can have the inspiration when you're designing and writing yours the second email should be sent two or 3 days after the first one so let's set up the time delay for that one sing drag and drop it and I will set it as two days click on the save and that's it so now what should the second email contain the second email which you send two or 3 days after the first one is your chance to address the fqs and answer some of most commonly asked questions and stuff about shipping time or it really depends on what are your use for your brand and stuff and this will also help you decrease the cost of your support so your customers will not reach out to you to ask all those common questions and that way you will also show that you care about them and that you already know what questions they might have and you are proactively answering them so it's very good practice to have this one to decrease your cost of support and also show them that you care about them so that's when it comes to the second email the third email in this sequence they should receive right after they receive the product and it really depends on your shipping times and stuff what's your avering shipping time so you have to calculate that and send it at that point so for example if your shipping time is 5 day we will set this one to be as two more days delay we will set it two days click on save so now this email will be sent on the fifth day of the order so what should this email contain the third email which is sent when they receive a product should be about the product education the best use cases blogs and all the stuff so once again you want to improve your customer experience and especially if you're selling some products that needs a bit more of education and stuff this email will be very good for you because once again you will show that you care about them and by doing that you will increase the customer experience and stuff and at that point they will just become your brand ambassadors and stuff because if you educate them on the product that they receive they will have even better experience when using that product later on I will show you one example of very good email for this so you can have inspiration how this email should look like but this is very important email of your flow because it increases the customer experience once again and not too many brands do this so it's your opportunity to differentiate yourself from the rest of Brands now that they have received the third email when should they receive the fourth email of this sequence the fourth email of this sequence should be usually sent after they've had some time of using your product so they have already some experience of usiing hopefully a positive one so let's say for this this example of the fifth day they have received the product and they have had like 10 days to use the product so we will add the time delay of 10 days here save 10 cck on Save and this email which is sent after they have had enough time of using your product is usually the review request email you want to ask them for the review how do they like it all that stuff you so you can get a bit of the feedback and you can have even more social proof for your further sales and stuff one very good tip is if it fits your brand of course is to reward them for leaving a review usually you want to reward them if they give you some ugc like the video how they're using the product and stuff because that will help you with all your further sales it will increase your conversion rate and stuff and you will get a valuable feedback from your customers what they liked about product what they didn't like and stuff so you can improve your products and and increase all your further sales so that's it when it comes to the first purchase sequence of course you want to change the content of this email which we will cover on the end of this this video so when it comes to the sequence of the repeat purchases how long this sequence should be and what should each message contain the standard length for returning customers flow is two messages and in the first one which is sent one day after they have placed order so we don't want to change that you should again thank them for their loyalty and stuff appreciate that they are purchasing again from you and all these things and again you want to push them to your social media Community because they are already some kind of your brand ambassadors they're buying more from you and stuff so you want to redirect them to your social media where they can learn even more about your products and stuff and all your social media content the second email of this flow and I'll upload that one should be sent three or 4 days since the first email and I will set that flow right away you set up the flow and set for example 3 days in this email you can send them a personal thank you from the founder with the quick uh brand story and stuff because they're getting engaged with your brand you can also ask them for the review on website and stuff so just like you want to show them again the appreciation and all these things later on you want to build the VIP flow which will reward all these people that are repeatedly purchasing from you with the discount code but for now let's just keep it simple without throwing away all your profit margins With Coupons code just show them the appreciation because they're become your loyal customers and stuff and you want to keep them purchasing from you so now that we have covered how to set up this flow how long it should be when to send each message what it should contain let's cover how great email examples from other brands look like so you can have the inspiration when you're writing and designing your emails we will go to the website called really good emails so we can search for some inspiration for this BL so when you go to the really good emails you just click on behavioral and you scroll this all the way till you find thank you and here you will see a lot of thank you emails that you can get for the inspiration for Designing when it comes to your brand some of these thank you emails are for the welcome email sequence which is not the sequence that we're looking for but I have already prepared three great examples that are for the tanky fruit that you can find in this document and have them as an inspiration so the first one is from the pets brand you can see thanks for your purchase thank you for shopping with us we're glad you did blah blah blah short and CES copy a bit of the brand storytelling and stuff then purchase summary and as you can see they already have here the visit fq page so they have proba probably Incorporated the second email with the first one I recommend you having these two as a separate one because it will just increase your customer attention I always like to communicate one message per email I don't like to communicate two three or four things per each email because one message per email just helps your customer consume your messages easier you can see they have some value propositions on the bottom so very simple short email that just shows the appreciation for their purchase the second email is again uh the thank you email the first one your support means more to us and all that stuff so as you can see very simple first email you don't need to complicate this show them appreciation welcome them to your brand tell a bit of the story from your brand and stuff and that's it the third email that I've prepared for you is the educational email I think they have done it pretty well so let's see how this email look like as you can see there starting with the product education how to use that air purifier and stuff in four five six very simple steps with icons which is also very good you want to have imagery and text because it just makes it way easier for your customers to understand your product and stuff so this is very good educational email any questions give our exp a call then a phone number and support which is also very good that way they will also gather more questions that people have so they can reiterate these emails and improve them further so I think this example is very good and this is how the product education should look like so that's it when it com to this email flow don't ignore this flow because it's very important it is the flow that provides your customers with better experience so if you provide them with better experience they will associate you with great experience stuff so you need to have this flow if you want to improve your email marketing and overall the customer experience if you like this video like And subscribe so you can get more email tips like this I post about email marketing converion rate optimization and meta ads and if you're a brand that's doing at least $50,000 per month want reach out to me so we can help you scale your Ecom bread with a complete done for you solution see you in the next one
Channel: Teodor Petrovic
Views: 45
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Keywords: klaviyo tutorial, klaviyo, how to use klaviyo, klaviyo flows, klaviyo email marketing, how to use klaviyo for shopify, klaviyo welcome series flow, how to set up klaviyo in shopify, how to build a welcome flow in klaviyo, klaviyo tutorial for beginners, how to setup thank you flow in klaviyo, klaviyo shopify, how to save money klaviyo, klaviyo email, klaviyo visual flow, welcome series flow klaviyo, klaviyo email marketing for shopify, how to send a test klaviyo
Id: qrh3pd_yl_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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