Ecom Guide: Add 7-Figures & Lower Your CPA 50% For Your Ecommerce Store w/ 2024 Email Marketing

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all righty in this very important video we're going to be going over how to add seven figures in annual revenue and lower your cost per acquisition by up to 50% for your e-commerce brand with this welcome flow we're going to talk about a lot of things here so hang tight this is probably the most value I've ever G given away at once um so let's get into it the email welcome flow and this is the condensed version um so yeah as far as me I'm Max the founder of well copy and email marketing agency it's over $20 million in email attributed revenue for clients I live inside of Shopify and clavo and this Doc is going to be in the description so you have all this all these other resources and you know you can just have this for yourself keep it steal it whatever you want to do um this is a shorten version of the full document if you want the full one then you can go to my site right there um but as far as what's inside and what we are going to cover in this um going to go over why this is important the problem with many welcome flows full a email flow outline that we've used to generate over $3 million ourself um explanations examples diagrams subject lines full copy templates for all eight emails Google doc templates that you can literally copy and paste and use yourself uh we're going to go over how to install it in clavio how to optimize it over time and then the metrics that you want to shoot for for this welcome flow um so first let's talk a little bit about why why this is important and why you need to get this installed ASAP ASAP as AP as possible uh whatever that means ASAP as possible yeah um as soon as possible as possible all right so rising cost of acquisition so you don't just snap your fingers of course and get people to buy people need to know you exist and then they need to trust you enough to purchase so what do you do you buy traffic to bring an eyes and get people to your website but just like this graphic shows us the 51 Cent cost per click customer that you just paid for a lot of the times they're just going to go in and leave um but let's first break down like the two problems that cause a rising cost of acquisition the first problem buying traffic is expensive Mr Zuckerberg can charge whatever he wants for ads and we are forced to pay up what are we going to do turn off our ads like no we have to pay up and we have to pay for these ads um and then the second problem it is very very hard to get somebody to purchase the first time they see you this is a 2024 thing this is just increasing over time you pay you're paying for this site traffic with ads and then people are leaving because a couple reasons they have fried detention spans um and they have the ability to check out thousands of new brands out there actually Millions there's a couple million e-commerce Brands out there um and so you're paying for the sidet traic you're paying for these ads and people are leaving until they see you again and again which is from more ads to the point they buy so you're forced to buy a ton of ads to get people to come back because of their terrible attention spans and they just want to go to your site just to check it out because there's so many options out there um so like this beautiful graphic very Advanced graphic um that is very scientific um this is exactly what happens and that is why cost of acquisition Rises so summary buying traffic is expensive you have to buy these ads multiple times to get people to buy cost of acquisition Rises um and people just most people aren't ready to buy so 2% of your site traffic let's just look at this full funnel you run ads on Facebook you get this amount of people uh say you get1 % of people to click onto the website website viewers right here people with objections and then people ready to buy out of this whole entire thing only two people will be ready to buy and they'll give you money right now so what are they saying 2% of your site traffic I've seen this brand a few times they've shown their product is legit I'm confident I will receive my product this is great timing because I actually need this product right now whereas 98% of your site traffic who is this brand are they real are they going to scam me does their product actually work is their product any good is this product worth the price and that's just what everybody's thinking because when there weren't many options out there then you could get away with some stuff but now there are thousands of other brands people are going to have a ton of objections that's just how it goes so what do we need to do we need to cross the trust threshold so you're paying for ads and website traffic hoping that people will buy but most just won't um these people do not know who you are and the modern customer is wary they're wary of all the scams out there and they know that they're not guaranteed their product plus they like to shop around and look at all the cool new brands that are out there popping up there are so many Tik Tok ads happening so many cool Brands edgy marketers whatever you want to say all these other brands that people can check out that are pretty cool um now to actually hand you their credit card they need to trust you and your product completely so people need to see you multiple times in order to make a decision you need to overcome these objections before before they can buy back in the day could have at times gotten R gotten away with just chucking up an ad creative tossing some money in it getting people to buy at a high clip now that is not possible so you can see this is the trust threshold and so it's a very simple graph here first brand introduction number of times exposed to a brand not ready to purchase ready to purchase if people see you multiple times then they just inherently are going to trust you then it becomes a question how do you get people to see you multiple times um which we will address in a second first we're going to talk about overcoming objections to lead to a purchase what gets you over the trust threshold you need to overcome these objections who is this brand are they real are they going to scam me does their product work is their product any good is this product worth the price bottom line you need to prove to the customer that you can handle all these objections it's not like you can go up to their door and give them a sales pitch just because that's not scalable um and it would be extremely expensive to hire all those door-to-door salesmen you have to to send content at scale to convince these wary buyers and these curious buyers of other brands to purchase it's you have to send content because you don't have the door to-door salesman um and so here's what we have just to level up your prospects this is at like a very base level level one I do not know or trust this brand you send it content you send them content they level up into an Intrigue customer oh yeah I've seen this brand before they seem legit send them content again they level up and then they become level three interested I like this brand but I'm not fully there yet and then send them more and then eventually they become I like and trust this brand and I'm ready to buy so we know we need to send content now how do you send content at scale so that you can reach hundreds of thousands of people many just Resort solely to paid ads to get in people's faces for the content and that's great paid ads are great people see your ads click onto your site look around see testimonials and you ear trust points um the problem is these ads are expensive and these will drive up your cost of acquisition as we have discusted cuz again the customer is weary and doesn't want to buy off you right off the bat they don't trust you um it's going to take them more than a few ads to actually get them to buy and with each ad you're showing them you're spending money so this leads us into the different ways you can send content which of course you can do Facebook which is expensive or you can go with a cheaper option which of course is email the point of this video um so using the cheapest method for crossing the trust threshold we want to be able to send content in the cheapest way possible to overcome objections that's our only way to drive down our cost of acquisition we have to send content might as well do it the cheapest way possible social media ads are great because everybody checks social media every day it's one of the benefits of having paid ads um as we discuss they're expensive what else does everybody check every day their email um over four billion Global users of email and over 90% of the US population checks their email every single day and on top of that it's pennies to the dollar compared to social media ads on average for every $1 on paid ads you get $2 back that's a 2X row as return on ad spend on average for every $1 span on email you get $44 back so look at that here's a pretty little graph simple math for you so we must get people on our email list because look at that Roi um and the thing is just like to drive this home even further like why the ROI is so much more um this is kind of what it looks like when you have people with a objection so say we go back to that top graphic we had 98% of people this is 98 doesn't look like 98 but trust me that's 98 out of 100 two people were ready to purchase but everybody else has objections and so you send them content so you can do that with Facebook spend some money and essentially they're going to have the same conversions and you're going to get this many people ready to buy and then you keep doing this until you overcome everybody's objections and you go down the line and then you repeat until you have everybody um the thing is you spent a lot less money down this track than you did with this track it's pretty simple there pretty simple to understand there um that's why it's so important to have so too long didn't read email is the most cost-effective way to overcome objections and convert skeptical buyers at scale that's what we need to understand so we need to get people to our email list after they've been introduced into our brand let me take a quick drink of water one second wey buyers tons of different stores out there people can choose from and people aren't going to buy right when they see their see your site so you need to capture their information and send them emails so that you don't have to spend a ton on paid ads so how do we get people to sign up most are going to come from popup forms these are the forms that will show up on your shite site after a time delay offering some sort of incentive for your email you can do a lead magnet such as like giving away a free a free course or something like that to get people to join and then they enter into your funnel um or you can do like discounts that's the easiest way to do it pop-up forms are huge for marketing the ROI is the ROI is very well worth it having a high converting pop-up form um we're not going to talk about forms in this resource but I do have I will have an in-depth guide on popup soon because they are one of the most important pieces of the e-commerce funnel but here are just some examples just to give you some context so we're going to talk about the welcome flow in this video and so for the people that do who do enter your email list we're going to be sending them to welcome flow that's what we're talking about in this Doc and all I'm going to be giving you all the emails but first I want to talk about what happens to non- buyers because that's like a common objection it's like why I have the welcome flow like what happens when people don't buy um now many recipients won't buy and that's okay just because people people aren't always ready to buy even when you overcome objections they have to you have to catch them at the right time um so the welcome flow has two purposes to convert as many people as possible right off the bat so once somebody Ops into the email list then also the other purpose is to Prime potential customers to make a purchase down the line so we want to convert them or we want to Prime them cross all those objections so that when they do have that need for your product or they randomly are going about their day and they're like oh I kind of want this like they're ready to buy at that moment um and because they will so it's important you're constantly reminding them of you and your product that you can stay top of mind for when they do have a strong enough need for your product so here's kind of how it looks they enter the welcome flow we're going to convert a lot of them that's the purpose of this video is the welcome flow which is going to lower your cost of acquisition um and then we're also going to be sending them once they're on the email list 3 to four educational email campaigns per week that's going to continue to keep you top of mind so that when people do have that need to buy your product you're in their face all righty and I just record 45 minutes worth of footage that wasn't videoed so resuming right back where we left off and I'm restarting so you get the second go um but yeah we just talked about you send three to four educational campaigns per week then we also have our abandonment flows which we have set up I have other videos for these abandonment videos for you to check out but essentially we have the side abandon browse abandon card abandon and checkout abandon for these people who if during the welcome flow or in after one of these email campaigns or just in general if they see like a social media post or they think about your product they go to your site check out a product and then leave it behind um we have these emails these high converting emails to convert them um so we have these three things kind of like working in tandem together that are going to help you get purchases um so but really the point of these educational email campaigns are to continue to give value to them again I'll have other videos on this uh but eventually to lead them to get to the point of buying or abandoning their product because if someone abandons their product they're just slightly down the funnel um that's really what we want we want somebody to abandon their product or purchase then they're lower in the funnel and we'll convert them with those um with those High intent flows which act as Cleanup Crew um so now let's get to actually building a welcome flow so we understand and kind of the purpose of it the rising cost to acquisition why this is super important right now what happens to non- buyers and everything like that now let's talk about actually building this welcome flow the real reason you guys came here um so this is going to be a sequence of emails sent to people who join the list over a duration of 7 to 14 days if you have a larger average order value product like if you're if it's like $5,000 you're going to want a very long welcome flow that can be over like two months um because these people just have longer buying decisions um but that's kind of kind of typically 7 to 14 days um but a dialed in welcome flow will allow you to automate and then predictably convert customers in just the pre purchase decision journey and as we kind of spoke of before the welcome flow is going to leave us with one of two outcomes outcome a you're going to convert the customers who were just curious and otherwise would have left your site they would have left but you converted them and outcome B we're going to Prime these future customers for purchases now that all of their objections have been addressed up front so now if you are running a sale or some sort of high push for getting sales when you send those emails or you sending those content to people they won't have those objections in the back of their mind because they've been addressed and they've been primed for a purchase that's the point of the welcome flow that not a lot of people talk about um because not all of it is going to show up in revenue for the welcome flow but say you send an email campaign um on a certain date somebody who doesn't have a welcome flow might only get $5,000 meanwhile someone who has a welcome flow and nurtured those customers might get $75,000 out of that campaign because they got people who um would have had would have had objections primed earlier so very important now the problem with many welcome flows like like you probably have a welcome flow um if you're an e-commerce brand um You probably have at least one email but the issue with many welcome flows is that they are way too short in length but too dense in information some Brands will try to throw all their information in two to three emails um each being super dense but the modern customer has a Friday attention span and just isn't going to read a bunch of junk they're not going to read any words they need short bite-sized bits of information over a spread out time frame so you can kind of see here in this this is like an oversimplified version but bad welcome flow here's everything you will ever need to know here's all this information the customer's like oh my goodness I'm not even going to read this cuz the truth is customers are going to spend at most five to seven seconds on your email so you need to make it super easy for them to follow because they're just going to skim it so instead we want to separate our emails um to a little bit longer and make it quick bite-size Punchy so the person can look at it in 3 seconds and know what your point is so just a quick email welcome in our brief history um here's a number one bestseller uh reminder the discount how we're different things like that we just want to make it super simple for them um so we're not overwhelming them and then it's just simple information that they can look at in 3 seconds and understand the gist and they can leave the app and they're Prime for purchase um so that's kind of what we want to get with this welcome flow rather than putting a ton of information in anything over 100 words is just too much that 100 words is too much in an email um so let's go over kind of everything that we want in this flow so trigger and filter we have the trigger somebody joins your email list joins from a certain popup and then filter anybody makes a purchase so what a filter is going to do is essentially before anyone receives any of these emails it's going to check the filter that you set up in clavo it's going to check if people meet these parameters and if somebody makes a purchase at any point it's just going to kick them out because that's a filter so we're going to be going through each email in depth and then going through example um and then giving you the outlines for each one of them so emao one we want to give a strong introduction we just want to make it real quick deliver the incentive introduce the brand unique selling proposition social proof bests sellers um the emo one we just want people the people who are just there for the discount let's give them everything they need and let them buy right now email to we're going to give a little bit more background put a face to the name cuz it's going to help with conversions we'll go a little bit more in depth but I'll just briefly run through these give the brand background three we're going to do a best sellers promotion highlight one or few bests sellers explain why it's so good essentially make the choice easy for the customer um email 4 a reminder of the incentive we're going to make some urgency get some risk reversals and then some testimonials um get those people over the line with urgency and Trust uh email 5 US versus them will address the competitors and then how you're different then distinguish yourself email 6 we're going to go hard on social proof If there are still people on the edge email 7even we're going to do last chance and then email 8 we're going to do a note from the founder give that Personal Touch and address some more objections so let's move right into emails 1 through eight outlines and examples email one so email one the purpose deliver strong intro to your brand in the briefest way possible while giving them what they want which is the discount um or whatever information whatever giveaway you're doing to get people on the list um but the content deliver the incentive introduce your USPS give some social proof and then show bestsellers as we discussed some notes on this email we really want to keep things brief um people don't want to read a ton of information they excuse my language they just they just want the discount they just want to leave um people are here for the discount so we want the designed to be simple clean and easy to follow the goal is simply to get people to click so here's a full email example from alpen Rock um we'll go in a little bit more depth here and here's like a general outline that you can use I even can give you even more than this in just a second but you can see right at the top of this email notice how high up this button is in this email we don't want the consumer to have to scroll to find the button if we didn't have this button the customer would have to scroll to reach this button no we want to remove as much friction as possible so we give them just a welcome here's the discount shop now that's that's all we want a lot of people aren't going to go to the rest of the email there's there for the discount there's their shop let's give them what they want and then a strong header photo that gives off the brand aesthetic so that they can you know resonate with it a bit um but this is just a very strong header section that all your welcome emails should be and then body section this is where we're going to give just some brief background info on the brand just a brief headline with the brand message so this is going to be the thing that everybody's going to read probably like 10% of people are going to read this um they're just going to skim through this see discover conscious luxury so now the person like in their head they think of the word luxury when they see this brand awesome and they think of conscious and so it's renewable awesome perfect very very strong so then you go into some social proof a unique selling proposition right at the discount and button keep it real simple headline social proof unique selling proposition discount that simple and then we want to give people if people don't know what they want let's show some best sellers give them an option um to purchase and you can see the uh we have some more buttons for people to keep browsing a lot of people they'll just end the email right here what if the the person doesn't like these products the consumer is lazy and they probably won't scroll up to find this button so it's it's ridiculous so you really want to make sure that you have buttons at the bottom and so I actually have subject line examples I believe there are 10 for this email subject lines that you can use as well as a free Google doc copy outline that you can use so complete laid out this whole wireframe and then as well as just like General templates if you want um it's available on this just go to the link in my description um you can get it for yourself um and I also have this other YouTube video grading e-commerce welcome flow emails so I take a look at welcome email flow number one um welcome email number one in the welcome flow um and then I review them grade them and kind of explain what I would do differently so highly recommend checking out that video for more context on this email now let's go to email 2 which is the brand story so the purpose we want to give some background to bring the customer closer to the brand and bought into the mission so content founding story mission statement show a face if possible um put a face to the name you get that personal feel um and then reminder the discount so we really want to use a face here we just want to make sure that you aren't just a corporate brand that that's just like nobody wants to get behind like a corporate brand so you really want to make sure that like you're proving that like you you have this small company feel it's really going to help with conversions people love to support these types of Brands uh nobody wants to buy from like these massive corporations um but these people haven't purchased yet probably because you are a faceless brand that they randomly um stumbled across in an ad that's probably why they haven't purchased so we want to slowly get them to believe that you are real brand with a real Mission and get them acclimated to you we want the we want to earn trust points and then remind them of the discount this email will make sales but the real purchase is going to be to Prime them for some purchases down the line so here's a great email example I've referenced this email multiple times but this is just like perfect this is perfect um so you can see there's just a brief headline our story unique selling proposition if you're reading this you've probably had trouble finding snacks that are portable nutritious and actually taste good for years we did too so they're insinuating that that's what they do they have snacks that are portable nutritious and taste good um and then just a brief Brand Story two sentences where Michelle and Tobias face to the name oh my goodness like this makes you want to buy from these people this is a massive company but this makes you want to buy from them cuz it's like look at this cute couple awesome so this super effective um to why the brand was made uh we nature loving Duo like oh my goodness they're making you emotionally attached to them like this is perfect um but you really just want to put a face of the name and then body section uh give the mission statement down at the bottom um and then encourage a purchase and then if you have a discount include the discount right here and then the button um photo of a brand aesthetic helps this brand didn't have a discount um but it should be right above the button if you do have it and then maybe add like a banner right at the top as well that could be effective um but this is going to be a really good email to Prime people for purchases but really the point of this is we want them to believe that we we want people to get behind your brand and just make it known that you aren't a corporate brand that's just going to like take your money and run away with it again I have this subject line examples in the free Google doc copy outline for all of these emails um that we're going over and then we have email 3 which is the best seller so best sellers email show off your best sellers and give background as to why you stand out from your competitors content super simple we're just going to highlight a bestseller explain why it's so good and then of course remind of the discount all of these emails we are reminding the discount people need to be reminded I one of my biggest pet peeves is when people have welcome flow emails that don't mention the discount like why why would you not mention the discount we want to remind them every single time um but with the bestseller email some more background to it the consumer is very funny because they want choices they ask for choices but they hate making choices so funny so funny you give somebody so many options they don't want to pick any of them it's just like when somebody asks like what do you want to eat for dinner you you're just like oh I don't know I'll have whatever it's just you hate you want to know that you have choices but you hate making choices um so essentially we want to make the decision for them by giving them one or a few options to choose from um and we actually want to go into depth as to why this bestseller is so good because this is going to help you stand out and this is again is going to Prime people for purchases down the line because you have awesome if You' have awesome qualities for your bestseller it's going to apply to all your products um then of course remind them of the discount so here is a full email example this was a highlight on uh this one flavor by goodles and this is just amazing copy but we're this was kind of like a more General bestsellers email but you can apply this to like a specific bestseller like if you sell clothing it's like a shirt a specific shirt like this one you could make the shirt right here and talk about its unique selling propositions and then lead here and use this exact layout um so first an eye-catching head headline we're cooking up a good or noodle it's science y'all um header photo this is actually a gif that spins around these Bulls super engaging um some more some unique selling propositions quick would you rather choose Mac that's delicious or Mac that's made with 21 plant-based uh nutrients why not both um to something you could do like for a t-shirt like this is um something similar but talk about how the material is made from the forests of the Amazon rainforest made by a spider of silk I don't know something like that you could say something like would you rather have a brand that um makes their shirts in factories or people who hand make them in custom warehouses located in the Northeast United States a Popp and Papa and Son business something like that where it's like we're different and this is why our product is cool um so that's what they did here they talked about um Mac and chees that's delicious and has plant-based nutritions nutrients and then they made kind of like made it a little funny then the body section so we want this to just show the product intro the unique selling proposition then we're going to go go into exactly why in-depth explanation as to why it's so good we don't just want to mention it we want to like talk like why is it so good 15 grams of protein six grams of fiber um prebiotics and then organic veggies and other plants perfect but notice how this isn't like so long we're not we're not doing sentences we're not writing an essay keeping it brief and then a reminder of the discount of course and then a button at the bottom perfect I would probably put a button right here also so that you have two buttons one button at the top of the email one at the bottom um this is perfect um in terms of a bestseller outline kind of a simple one but uh in terms of like design but this is going to be really effective and if you can do some copy that's similar to this it's really going to help with your conversions as well and next up we have email 4 which is going to be a specific reminder on the coupon um the purpose of this is going to be to introduce urgency and the and remind the customer of their discount to try to get them to buy on the spot so the content going to add some urgency give some risk reversals and then give some testimonials for trust that's kind of what we want to do in this email to get that impulse purchase and to get people being like oh goodness I should buy now um so the customer knows a bit about your brand and believes you are legit if they've seen these other emails so we need to introduce urgency to get them to cross the line add some social proof and risk reversals and this is going to crush so here's an example we can see just a simple header section still want this discount here's the discount code shop now and then here's some testimonials this is a very solid outline this could be improved by adding some risk reversals such as a risk-free guarantee uh we offer free returns things like that that would improve this email um but we can dive in here to the outline so headline addressing the discount this is just super simple still want this discount add emergency friendly reminder that your discount code is expiring we don't offer discounts often so take advantage while you can see this is perfect because this is kill two birds with one stone this has two effects so friendly reminder that your discount code is expiring urgency and then two we don't offer discounts often even further urgency and that positions your brand is like we don't offer discounts we're not like a discount brand um so that's a line that's going to be very effective in your marketing as well um and just look at how massive this button is you'd have to be even a blind person could click this button on their phone um this pretty pretty much takes up the whole screen and so look at that that's just I absolutely love it big button awesome um it's going to be super easy to click and you're going to I'm sure this button has a ridiculously high click rate because it's just so easy to click um and then the body section um there are a lot of different ways that you can do the social proof section in this one this brand decided to do um just show individual products and then give discounts for each individual product so discounts testimonials for each individual product um this is going to work really well as well um and you can see they also have a shop all products at the bottom to say maybe they didn't like any of these products if they'd be curious and learning more they have a shop all products section at the bottom what's really going to take this email over the edge is adding the risk reversals kind of as I mentioned mentioned that you offer free shipping mentioned that you have guaranteed um a satisfaction guarantee you free returns things like that that's going to help some people get over the edge as well so this is going to be a very effective email um it's going to kind of pick up a lot of the sales in the back half of the flow next email five is US versus them so the purch purpose we just want to address upfront and lay out the facts for the customer so that they can see the full story um so the content address the competitors versus you where you guys stand how you defer outline your unique selling propositions and then distinguish your brand from others um so kind of when somebody joins your brand the elephant in the room is your competitors why should someone go with you versus someone else because in the age of e-commerce of 2024 there's thousands of brands in every Niche so why should someone go with you um and people just love pros and cons um and people love to make decisions by themselves so that's what we're providing them with both pros and cons and the ability to make the decision for themselves but obviously we're going to make the decision very easy for them um so this is a full example here this is super clean just on a wide lens you see we have a header section we have a body section A testimoni for social proof discount reminder and a shop now button that's perfect could even be improved if you add a shop now button earlier in the email but look at that there's also a discount reminder at the top that's super effective so hero section here's what this outline was discount Banner then the brief headline why we shine how we're different US versus them something like that um then five points addressing the competitors versus us so um you can see like thoughtful gift options versus like standard food delivery of order ordering versus complicated ordering personalization um with non-customizable um notice how these are super quick points cuz people aren't going to be reading a ton of information people don't want to read essays they don't want to read paragraphs in the emails we just want to give them just like quick one to three words these are our points in kind of what our brand is built off of in the body section unique selling proposition so we're kind of extending on this a little bit um we're delivering more than a meal um here we are taking gift giving to a whole new level bringing gourmet meal straight to your door Corporate Retreat anniversary or any of life's big moments a thoughtful meal to supplement the occasion is always appreciated Banger emotional talks about your um talks about what makes you what makes your brand like so effective and why somebody should order and then social proof uh quick testimonial use the service for the first time my client said the food was great and the service was just wonderful I would definitely definitely use this again nice little Personal Touch um and then discount and then shop now button look at that perfect Us Versus Them email um you can do a simple table or something like a little bit more advanced like this um that's going to be effective and this was actually an email that our team put together um so you can see it's kind of everything that I talk about all in one email um so very effective email here this is going to help Prime customers for purchases down the line as well um subject line and Google text Google doc available for that for all of these for all of these emails so now email 6 uh heavy social proof email um so the purpose for the prove of your brand is reputable and that your products create happy customers so we just if we want the customers to get one thing out of the welcome flow is that you are a legit brand and your products are good um so the content brand testimonials media features any content that proves your brand is legit let's just throw it into an email or create an email that's like specific to one of them like specifically brand testimonials or specifically media features something like that we just want email 6 to be social proof we want to make sure the customer knows our product and brand is great and cuz you know maybe they don't have a strong need for your product right now and that is fine um they do need to know that our product will fulfill that need once the time comes so someone's going about their day say you sell Band-Aids I don't know you've a Band-Aid company somebody stubs their toe we want when that person's looking for Band-Aids we want us to come to mind and them to be like I know this brand is good I know they have awesome Band-Aids I'm just going to order for them um so by creating a whole email out of this it's going to prove that we're confident in our product and we'll stand by it so that alone says a lot if you just send a full uh social proof email even if the person doesn't open the email they see we created a whole email out of this awesome they're a legit brand who stands behind their product so here's a full email example as well you can see we have just everything is social proof here it's just testimonials um and so going into the specifics here and then there's some icons here for um some risk reversals so we have header section is an outline that you can use again discount Banner at the top use this discount and save this um and then a strong header testimonial look at how high up this button is in the email perfect so looks fantastic on the car this second Audi I've had in both times I've ordered the honeycomb Grill comes out great and looks fantastic on the car perfect that's going to be an awesome awesome thing for people to see right when they open their email and look at the reviews for this brand 4.94 out of five on 1245 reviews that is just killer and so actually visualizing that for the customer only one three star and zero two stars and zero one stars and then all these five stars that's just exceptional so this is a great way to like actually show your um show like visualize how awesome you are um so that can be something start off with testimony at the top and a graphic add another graphic on the testimonials or social proof and then give some verified customer reviews so it's actually going to improve your conversions if you say verified on the customer review if you have a ver a verified reviewal um platform that does your reviews you putting verified next to a customer's name just improves the conversions it's something we've tested um so listed testimonials Works effectively well and then a bottom button the bottom of all your emails you must have a button um just because people will go to the bottom of your email and now what we want to make sure that if they're in the buying mood or in the browsing mood we have something for them to do um and then risk reversals as well so secure payments fast and free shipping um and then premium 100% quality it's an interesting icon um but that's kind of everything that you need there um really great email here this is going to be super effective because people are visual and they're not reading a lot of in the email so by giving a graphic that shows your testimonials and whatnot it's going to work really well and then email 7 we have last chance so purpose give the customer a last chance to use your discount to try to get them over the edge um so the content of this time urgency based graphic your discount is expiring let just keep it simple make it super easy for the customer to click and just really go hard on the urgency this is your last chance um CU at this point the customer pretty much all the info they would need to make a purchase and most of your audience probably would buy from you now that they're on email 7 most of them would buy from you but they're waiting for the right time to do it by going hard on urgency we kind of force their hand um because it's like if you don't buy now you w to have this discount um so we're forcing their hand CU at this point these people like know that you have a good product and they benefit from your product so here's a great example here you can see just like the basis of this email super simple super super simple your last chance $10 so here's like kind of the outline Last Chance headline simple graphic of your products um and then extreme urgency body copy and then button and then social proof and info icons always great to throw in especially on these urgency based emails um these social proof things are going to really help with conversions so your last chance at $10 off your first order um use this discount code super clear where the discount code is what it is use this code at checkout for $10 off your next purchase before your offer expires forever for ever so very effective in um in inducing the urgency so great email here super simple your last chance here's a discount claim now so you had this last chance email now let's send a one last emote where it's like okay is everything okay you went through this full welcome flow do you have any questions about the product um and let's give that personal feel again this is going to come from the founder so purpose to give a personal reminder and last chance message that really lets customer know we care about them so the content is going to be a text based email we want to remind them of the discount and then offer some resources for them for some context customer didn't purchase right off the bat that is okay most won't if your welcome flow converts 20% of people that is a very very good welcome flow typically kind of like bare minimum that you want to shoot for is like 10% 10% is like kind of the gold standard so even with like a gold standard welcome flow of 10% 90% of people won't purchase and that's just okay we want to be able to uh get a few more over the line with a nice personal um Personal Touch text based email but for the 90% that aren't going to buy we want to Prime them for future purchases even further because if we're sending a message from the brand owner and if this person knows that the brand owner is willing to reach out to them then they're going to be primed for another purchase or primed for a purchase um and they may have further questions so we want to let them know that they can reply to the email and ask them because maybe if we let them know that you can reply to the email it's as simple as reply to email and we'll get back to you maybe that objection will get addressed they ask a question we address it and then they make a purchase so here's a full email example um hey hope our previous emails have been a warm welcome to our Brand's commitment to Quality I noce you didn't use your welcome discount which you may have overlooked since you're new to the club I want to extend our welcome code for one more day use this code to check out for 10% off before it's gone forever shop now if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out we pride ourselves on exceptional customer service we'll be sure to respond within 24 hours cheers look at that brief intro reminder of discount code with urgency then offer some more support and welcome them to reach out so lot of things kind of like addressed in this email um kind of right off the bat we want to add the urgency um so you didn't use it which you may have overlooked I extended it for 24 more hours um so or extended it for one more day heavy urgency and it's like this is coming from the founder you can see the name is from the founder um super effective and then if you have any question hesit if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out um awesome customer service responds in 24 hours this is really going to get a lot of people to purchase um so great email here kind of can be as simple as that um these text-based emails are going to be um and once you put them into your strategy they're going to be some of the highest performing emails that you have just because that Personal Touch really goes a long way and also the Simplicity look at how easy it is there's only one thing this person can do and is click the shop now button it's super clear for them it's blue it stands out simple there's no fluff and so that's why these text based emails work really well so again subject line examples and free Google doc outlined there so now let's talk about post creation so if we look down here we have how to install your flow inside of clavio so here's a trigger and filter that you want to use whatever your popup is uh whatever the you set the list as once people enter the popup right now for this brand it was set to newsletter so that's what we have to trigger at once a profile subscribes to newsletter then you want to make sure that you have the flow filter someone has placed order zero times since starting this flow you can also do zero times over all time just to be sure that pass purchasers aren't getting this flow um so there's a video tutorial here if you want it on if you want to know how to like set it up in clavio the exact trigger and filter um you can access that in the description so then we can talk about how to optimize over time so big problem here is you have Ecom stores that just will set and forget their welcome flow um so that's kind of like what these people look like come on do something clavo um whereas stores who A to B test and add winning campaigns to their welcome flow they're throwing money so you're bound for failure if you just set and forget your welcome flow after you create it because nothing is perfect on the first go we all know this but for some reason we don't act on it um this is why you always need to be testing uh these tests aren't going to change your business overnight that's okay but 5% by 5% these results will start stacking up and you'll see a noticeable jump in the long run see if you can take a welcome flow say you're a brand that does 100K a month 10K comes from the Welcome flow if you increase 10% every single month it's going to be an extra $1,000 in a um The Compound Effect 10% every single month then after like two years it's going to be um a lot of revenue for you so important a Tob test that you're going to want to run our subject lines and preview texts in the welcome flow your welcome offer so instead of doing $10 off try like 10% off things like that um things like free shipping um free shipping on your first order things like get a free x item with your first order things like that um also what products are featured in your email so in like the best sellers email try changing up the products that are in there if you inserted uh products anywhere else in the flow try out different products see if the customer prefers a different entry product than what you may have guessed um then we have text based emails versus graphic based emails so you can try using text based emails earlier on maybe for email 2 the hour story email a text based email performs better that could be something to test um you can test linking to specific products versus linking to collections these are all things that you want to test and are very important and you should be doing on every email so here's a instructions on how to set up a Tob test with Flows In clavio couple different ways you can do it I like to do it by doing a conditional split just cuz the numbers are easier to look at um but if you want there is a video here showing instructions how to do it now we're talking about the easiest way to optimize your welcome flow over time it can get a little bit tedious to set up all these a Tob tests in your uh flow so it's going to be important to save some time the easiest way to optimize your welome flow over time it's also saving the most time is adding successful campaigns to your welcome flow as I said I'm all for efficiency finding ways to kill two birds with one stone one way to do this is by using successful campaigns in your welcome flow so as we talked about earlier you should be sending three to four email campaigns per week to your list and these C campaigns should be mostly non promotional as you test out new angles in your campaigns you should be monitoring these results and If one campaign absolutely crushes add it to your welcome flow because if it worked in your campaigns then you probably want to show all your new customers who are entering into your brand to see that as well all you have to do is take this campaign and add a sentence in the copy that says like use code XYZ for XYZ off your first order then plug it somewhere in the flow or replace a um one of the lowest performing emails in the flow it's going to save you a ton of time it's going to allow you to optimize over time and you're not having to create any new emails so some campaign campaign angles to try out that will work well in the welcome flow are things like myths versus facts in your industry so common misconceptions uh blog promotion um maybe a Blog people particularly like a specific product Spotlight a specific testimonial Spotlight a customer story product restock you can ENT that into the welcome flow if you constantly have stock coming in um these are campaign angles that you can try out and then if they perform well use them in the welcome flow so metrics shoot for that's also available all the metrics in terms of open rates click rates Revenue that's available in the doc in the description as well but that is it for this one thank you so much for watching this or reading um I hope you got some value from it in the welcome flow tons more videos are going to be uploaded here on my YouTube channel similar type of content so yeah continue to subscribe like if you got some value comment some other stuff that you'd like to see and I'll continue to make some content so again thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Max Sturtevant | Email Marketing
Views: 2,428
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Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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