How To Create High Converting E-commerce Emails On Figma (TEMPLATE)

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can start creating and building your first High con converting email for your e-commerce store that is actually selling okay and I'm not only going to show you how you can create that but I'm also going to give you the templates that you can literally copy paste put your own content in there and then start running it for your own store and yeah see the conversions coming in okay so real quick about me my name is Dan I'm already active in the e-commerce base for over five years the first three years I have my own e-commerce stores that I scaled past seven figures in the last two years we partnering up with e-commerce brand doing at least 100K per month and we help skill them up with Emon SMS marketing I don't have a course I don't have a mentorship and I have nothing to sell you okay so let's get straight into the figma files okay and first of all what I would like to mention is that my team and I we spent over 500 hours creating these samples for you and I'm going to give you a breakdown on how you can create this type of emails for your own e-commerce stores okay and first things first what is important to understand is the softare right and this software is called figma and what is why is figma different than conva is that you can add a lot of more details in there okay so it's really important to understand that if someone is new to your brand right and the first impression is like an cheap canva design or it's just a blank text right that gives really bad reputation or first uh impression of your brand okay so you really want to make sure that you create an high converting design like all of this in here um for for your new potential customers okay so first things first what you need to do is then have a figma uh understand how it works and um basically you can copy paste these templates so you don't need all of the other things you just copy paste your content in there um but the first thing that you need to do is set up a brand doc like this okay so if we look at the brand maroda right we created uh this new sample for them is basically what uh what your brand is about okay so basically put all your logo in here uh put in your colors in here your fonts in here and also some important icon sections that you want to um yeah get back in every email okay so that's really important the first thing that you need to do and then you can start building out your email and the Beautiful part is I will link this down below so you can basically for all of this brand you can check it out in more detail you can like zoom in and see the copies as well but uh also what I will put in this Doc is this section in here okay so basically this is like a template right I remove the logos and stuff and basically what you can do is put it or fill in your own content in here okay so first of all make the brand Dock and then fill it in like a in a template like this so this is what I mean with the before and the after right so if this your first impression of your brand then you definitely yeah it's looks a little bit more cheap right so that's why you always want to have an high converting design and I'm going to give you a breakdown on why it's important and what are the elements that uh makes an email converting okay so first of all if you look at the after is and I add points in there as well is that you add the USB section okay and in here you can add the biggest claim that you have right so this can be a USP of your product but it can also be like 10,000 um five star reviews on trust pilot uh pay safe with CLA right all of those USB that will make people instantly safe because this is the above theault section it's really important that you add social proof thrust and a call to action in above default section okay okay so that's first things first that you add in here the social proof then you can add the logo in there and then the first design okay and this something that you um can create in figma or you can create it in Photoshop you can also use canva but like I said before it looks more cheap and yeah with convi you can't really add a lot of details so really important in here is that you add like a welcome word and that you showcase the product right so that's basically what we did in here as well then number three really important like I said above the fult section is that you give uh a 10% discount right or the offer that you're giving on the popup right right people are signing up to your brand you need to give the offer above theault and point number four is that you um give a call to action okay a call to action directly to the product page in here you explain um the uh the discount code right so that's basically in this section you can give the discount section in here and here you can give a USB about your brand okay okay so drink your way to healthier skin hair nails and joins with our plant-based collagen powder okay transform your skin from the inside out so real quick don't add a lot of fluffy in there not a whole brand story in there just a few sentence because the most important thing is that that people click uh through back to your website and make their first purchase okay so that's why they call to action in there as well so Point number six is really important and here you can highlight a little bit more of your product use piece but also about your story use piece so what we decided to do right is in here um add a little bit more about the products right you won't find anything here but plans and uh the second one is enjoy your or enjoy our 30-day money back guarantee okay so people will feel safe again because you have a money back guarantee right after they read the USB this is a really strong section right as seen in so in here you can add social proof uh with magazines or newspapers where you featured in or you can highlight in here testimonials and also right I understand that not everyone has uh magazines or something right so that's also why add in here social proof as on or just testimonials okay so Point number eight uh Point number eight is uh product/ store use piece right in this case we decided to go for um product USPS but overall there are also store use PS okay because they have like multiple products in there um and basically um yeah all of this applied for every product okay so this this is something that you can decide on you can also add like free shipping badges in here um I think we also did that for a few other brands um let me see yeah here like cell fashion brand in the Netherland right free shipping on orders above over 50 EUR secure payment and easy returns right you can also decide to uh use that section um in here okay so then always what you would like to do is to highlight your bestsellers right because if you don't showcase your products in there it's really hard for people to understand stand what you're actually selling okay sure you give them a 10% discount but you also need to give them an opportunity to view the product so that's basically what we do in this section always make sure that you have like two um uh like two products beside each other right instead of one or three because otherwise it will be too small or too big and this way you have like two on two so people will also scroll further okay so that's point nine point 10 is um showcase the reviews again if you don't have photos like this then you can uh add like a pilot uh uh batch in here or you can use looks or whatever uh review platform you're using right it's important that you highlight the you uh the reviews in uh this section right so they will view the product then an extra um testimonial SL review section okay number 11 is uh a customer service right so do you have any questions send us an email at and then your email address and this is also really important and don't um forget this okay because it's really important that you have a f a futter where with an unsubscribe link right and with an address in there okay that's really good for the deliverability um for your uh for your emails okay so that's basically the same in here right with the USB Banner the logo I removed like most of the things so you can basically change this image really simple you click on it you will go um or you will select in here the image and then you can change it okay so that's basically how you can do it you can change the colors you can change everything you can also copy paste let's say this uh template or this template or this template right and change everything on however you would like to have it okay I add like welcome series I add like thank you I add like um yeah different social media emails right different kind of templates that you can start um yeah implementing for your own e-commerce store okay you can do it all by yourself if you want my my help or my team's help to do this I will link down below um a page where you can see what we're exactly doing and if it's something that you'll find interesting then we can also schedule a call in there and see if we can help you scill your e-commerce store with em SMS marketing okay with that being said I will link it down below so you can copy paste this figma fil and change it and with that being said I hope you find it valuable like subscribe and I will see you in the next video cheers
Channel: Daan Kroon
Views: 792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conversion rate, Shopify Product page, Product page, Shopify, Ecommerce, Dropshipping, Low conversion rate, Branding, Shopify product page, shopify product page optimization, shopify tutorial for beginners, increase conversion rate, conversion rate, Figma, Email marketing Figma, Klaviyo, Canva email marketing, Figma emails, Klaviyo Emails, Email designs, E-commerce emails, E-commerce Klaviyo, Klaviyo designs, Figma email templates, Email templates on Figma, make money online
Id: Og2sgSYf4g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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