Kratos: The Ghost of Sparta

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hmm does my request upset you well there do they call to me f is a natural part of life my love he's ready I wish only to be prepared for when my time comes oh hell your things Immortals must do such things I am glad to have you prepare with me ready a tattooed man traveling with a child [Music] boy's mother is dead when the Pirates it's dead and you have gathered my ashes she wanted us to spread her ashes on the highest peak and all arounds spread them from the highest peak in all the realms what does this goal mean to you oh then you've come to the wrong place little brother it's everything the highest peak in all that Realms is not here in midgard it's in your name Realm of the Giants you will do this for me it could not be what she meant she was a fierce Warrior and a good woman he doesn't know what you are but I would keep it that way you do not know everything boy I know you're a God not of this realm but there's no mistaking it but at least I know the truth now there's much about me I would not have him know he doesn't know does he about your true nature the truth so you value your privacy more than your son I'm a God boy from another land far from here when I came to these Shores I chose to live as a man surrender I was born a god [Music] and so are you you do not want this fight I'm pretty sure I do no you seem like a calm reasonable person are you a calm reasonable person [Music] no I'd say the moon of course you're gone you have no idea there's no way you can hide Spartan back before winter set in there were some misunderstanding put as much distance between you and the truth as you want it changes nothing how does peace strike the esteemed retired God of War how about we just don't kill each other again teacher again husband son father Critters the ghost of Spartans I know you're not the God he wants what let the God of War out let me see the monster inside in your lifetimes has anyone ever worshiped you ever prayed to you you were just an animal can you even imagine that kind of love no you don't care about Mortals we don't care about anything beyond yourself [Music] who kills without cause casting on your cruelty and rage you will never change I know but I am your monster no longer father why did you need your home come here you do not know me I know enough those planes what are those I've never seen the light that's gotta be a family heirloom no nor will it ever be I know you God killer does it have to do with the other gods there you hate the gods so much cheer proves that Gods can be good you're good [Music] you only killed those deserving right that's why often business knowledge is not always a burden listen close I'm from a land called Sparta I made a deal with the god that caused me my soul and I was trying to make you a great warrior you succeeded I killed many who were deserving foreign [Music] ers [Music] your son's hands no failures no who we were will you be the gods we choose to be a cycle ends here [Applause] [Music] who I was not who you 'd be better I will be better I wish to better a future but will exist without me they knew everything that was going to happen everything was done what does it all mean what was it all for you didn't know don't you ever think about that every day she was a giant that thanks you got it was my mother she left his father before she died it was me what made her me and my brother was one of our best the Giants called me Loki what are you thinking brother we train [Music] knowing we would find this drinking is all we ever do ever I'm thinking want things to be the way they were I need more than that I need answers she had a plan for us answers you don't have I trusted answers all your mother I just want answers I care only for your safety I know brother and if those answers lead to war with us good maybe that's what mother wanted just want some answers you do not know what mother wanted what if Loki going to Ironwood it's the only way that oh atreus my son we will always walk together Kratos I have tried to walk this path with you we follow you everywhere but you don't believe in any of it and still I follow because all that matters is that you are safe but that's not all that matters you will die Kratos of Sparta who's keeping you safe keep him safe Kratos [Music] [Music] worthy of your namesake everything that's happened between us no need to explain not to me not for that you are not ready I was the one who was not ready I'm sorry I am sorry do not be sorry don't be sorry Father you better be better use time it's time good days a long way from when I first met your mother I have had Good Counsel since then brother for the sake of our children [Music] we must be better
Channel: Daddynegan
Views: 2,488,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ENtuYAoOlpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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