Klaus & Mikael || A Father's Hatred (w/TvduEditor)

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You have a visitor. Have you seen these two? All his life, there has only ever been one man he has truly feared. He said his name is Mikael. Don't you want to know about your friend Mikael?   The vampire who hunts vampires. What do you know about  Mikael? Just that he knows you're here. My father. Mikael. You're Klaus' father. And I'm the only one  who can rid you of him forever. You're bluffing. Katherine and I found him. Klaus and my father  did not get on too well. If he came here, Klaus would flee and never turn back. The way I recall it, he ran you out of town. Our father hunted him, hunted us,  for centuries. For a thousand years... ...I lived in fear. We must leave. Every time we  found a moment of happiness we were forced to flee. Mikael is very nearly upon us. Rebekah! Come on, we've  got to go, sweetheart! Any time I settled anywhere, our father would hunt me down and... Go! We must run. Chase me off. And so I ran. He made me feel powerless. And I hated it. Hello Niklaus. Hello Mikael. Unless you're running from someone. My father. Greetings, boy. My father hunted me for a thousand years and the closest he ever came was the day he killed  my favorite horse. I knew he was the only thing that you feared and I wanted you to run. I am the  only man in history who's been able to drive him off. Fleeing your brute of a father. Always on the  run, living like dogs. Father's always hated you most. You know, my father hated me too. You, who knows  better than anyone the specific agony of a father's hatred. To bring him fear and pain. He severed its neck with a sword. Why did Mikael start hunting Klaus? As a warning. When he killed  for the first time, we knew what he truly was. He's a beast. An abomination. With that he became my father's  greatest shame. He's not my father is he? When Mikael found out, he murdered my real father. Father is beside himself with rage. When I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious. I  wonder if your real father would be as embarrassed as I was of you? You need to realise, as I did... before I discovered that you were not mine. ...when I learned his mother had lain with a beast to beget  him, Niklaus is an abomination. Mikael's greatest weakness as a human was his pride. I shall end  him! When your father wants to kill you, he wants to kill you. As a vampire, that was magnified. Nothing you can do about it. Kill the bastard who calls himself my son. It was your bastard brother I hunted. He went on a rampage and killed half the  village. Not you. Never you. How can I be anything  but the lesser brother? That's all I am to you, isn't it? So I came here, to give you a chance to help me put  down that whelp for good.    You keep saying kill but you're immortal, you can't be killed. Oh but we can. The moment you reveal yourself, you unleash an angry horde. Rumours of Mikael are rampant across Europe. None of whom  can kill me. And my father was the only one with the means to do it. Father can. And given the  chance he will. Well then I'd hate to keep you waiting. The two of you going round and round trying to  kill each other. You do not talk to abominations. You do not reason with them. You're obsessing over the death of someone who's   fatal flaw is he was fathered  by another guy! You erase them! After I kill you, I will remain here until every  last person who remembers you is dead. The deeds of the mighty Klaus will be remembered by no one! And you, boy, will simply never have existed. In my experience, fathers cause pain. It remains within us. A story we tell ourselves so we know  who we are. I think you've forgotten what he  was truly like. Vicious father. But I think we can both agree the intervening centuries  have turned me into an altogether different beast. Your cruelty- it was nothing- made sure of  that. Bastard son. I of all people know whether the parent raising you loves you or loathes you, they  still form who you are. Klaus may not be your blood but he certainly has picked up a few things from you along the way. Do not mention the bastard son! At first, the promise of an offspring meant little to me. You said you saw my father. Then I recalled my father. How he held me in contempt from the moment  I was born. Why do you call him that? He's not your real dad. He is not my son! He's done damage only a father could do. Find your daughter! And show her how we dole out discipline in this family! I remember the day that father caught you whittling  little chess pieces with his hunting knife. He beat you so mercilessly and for so long He beat me half to death. I actually feared for your life. I used to try to convince Klaus that there was good in everyone. That you really did care about him deep inside once. He told me I was naive. That I could never fathom  how deep your hatred ran. When Niklaus was born, I was overjoyed. I thought, this one has the  eyes of a warrior. He will be worthy. I thought if I could just best him just once he would  see that I'm worthy. But my hope was short-lived. Father says he's to take me hunting later. But I'm no good. If you can't hunt, you're nothing but a burden. If you are determined to prove yourself a  weakling, I should cast you out! He frightens me. He gets angry at me. But he grows more pathetic  every day. Look at you, boy. I'm sorry. It's a shame we can't feed on sad-eyed apologies. You are pathetic. It's your one and only skill You were never the recipient of his cruelty! None of you were, not Kol, not Finn, none of you! Not long after, Niklaus broke the spell which prevented him from becoming a hybrid, Mikael is dead. He defeated our father. I thought this would make him happy. You should see yourself. The murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. He was angrier than ever. You look like Father. What has happened to you? I remember the sweet boy who made me  laugh, and gave me gifts. After all this time, I did not make myself this way. How could you have fallen so far? Am I not Mikael's son? ...to whine about how little you were loved? It was Mikael who ruined me. Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! I get it. Your father didn't love you, so you  assume that no one else will either. Is that what this is about? I just need to be rid of you. To what end, Niklaus? You just don't want to be alone? So you can live forever with no one at your side? No, I wasn't born like this. I think I would have liked to have been your son. But a different  path was chosen for me. Yet there was a time when you knew me. As your son! And I have the past 1 000  years been son of Mikael. A time before all the disappointments, the revelations of betrayal. Paranoid, vengeful. There were moments when all you had to do was be my father. And even then, you  despised me didn't you? I want to know why. I don't know . I just did. Betrayal is in your nature. I do have personal  reasons... I didn't always hate him. ...for wanting Niklaus to suffer. Everything that followed  was because of Niklaus' obsession with the wolves. He ventured out to watch them turn and he took my youngest son Henrik. He was torn apart. An accident. An accident? I killed my mother. He murdered my wife! And I  blamed it on my father. His own mother! He made up this entire lie about your father  so that he wouldn't lose you. He blinded you Rebekah. He betrayed me. Killed your mother. You were never the  one I was after. If you were after him, stand with me. You were after me. or fall with him. he turned my entire family against me you stand against me I will always choose him  for him you left me to suffer at the hands of   a father who valued only strength could you be  more pathetic get on your feet son [Music] is coming then she is a threat to my child both our daughters will be free care to join  your bastard Son and The Witch Hunt are you   ready I was born ready in a thousand  years I've never seen anyone success so you two are friends now absolutely not  we're merely aligned out in necessity for   the purpose we both enjoy the most glorious  murder one final hunt together then you made   an alliance with him we actually made quite  a team do try to keep up old man I'm just episode we might want to be allies  and drove a stake through his heart and then you killed him Mikael raised you  and I ended him when Mikael is truly gone do you think then I'll find peace? I certainly hope so.
Channel: neeeklaus
Views: 71,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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