Kitt Speak for The Very First Time | Knight Rider

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oh god take don't go quite so fast I'm perfect sorry Devin but I got places to go what the hell does that mean I heard you on the phone this morning and found the girl in California what you mean say the Juden liberties in this and did not a private company listen I don't do things like that she got so excited you were talking a mile a minute the gardener could have heard you over the lawnmower what's she up to she's working in a place called Silicon Valley all right if Tonya's in Silicon Valley that's where I'm going right now I forbid it tampering you can't forbid it I can certainly take away the car I'll get another one besides it's in my name that's where you're wrong [Applause] Michael Knight Michael long is dead remember that how do I suddenly become Michael Knight yes well driver's license credit cards it's all on mr. Knights orders these are good now could have dated these ahead if you wanted me to stay here you knew I'd leave when I wanted to you are a primitive mr. mr. Knight no quite predictable you think your man was pretty smart aren't you a certifiable genius he must have known what he was doing when he picked me to get a little revenge I'm on my way oh just a bit listen there are several things about this car display that's all right I'm a fast study how big things up as I go along that's very foolhardy goodbye thank you oh and I want you to know something I kind of got to like you what Marilyn what's that mean coming from a primitive anyway a Wilton he's doing everything you said he would what have you gotten me into [Music] [Music] Milton in Silicon Valley 110 miles all right might as well put on some music always weird gadget you think they give you a radio what would you like to hear what the hell was that do you wish further information on Silicon Valley hell no I wanna know who you are and how you're listening in there's no reason for increased volume I am scanning your interrogatives quite satisfactorily I am the voice of night industry 2000s microprocessor ki TT for easy reference a kit if you prefer no I don't prefer and what's more I don't intend to drive around in a car that talks back to me so either Devin pulls your plug or you get yourself another driver I am not qualified to overrule your wishes well that's real good to hear KITT because I don't want to hear another peep out of you until I can get a car off the Devens so clam up I'm gonna listen to some good music and don't offer any suggestions I'll choose my own as you wish mr. Knight but since you were still recovering from your ordeal and I detect were in a slightly irritable mood caused by fatigue may I suggest you put the car on the auto cruise mode for safety sake no you may not and that's final good night good night I can't believe this a car that talks back to me take [Music] don't let the sound girl [Music]
Channel: Knight Rider Official
Views: 2,605,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI companion, Advance technology, Cult classic series, Famous TV show, Full episodes, Future vehicles, Heroic journey, High-tech car, KITT, KITT car, Knight Rider, Knight Rider Official, Legacy of Knight Rider, Legendary car, Pilot episode, Popular series, Retro TV, Retro technology, Sci-fi classic, TV series history., Thrilling ride
Id: dANY3uk7lxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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