KITT Breaks Michael Out Of Jail | Knight Rider

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listen Derby's while letting himself get locked up he told the sheriff why he was here trust me I had a feeling when I looked in his eyes he's no ordinary cop he's far more dangerous now he has to be eliminated now you go get Michael Knight out of jail and I'll get the microchip design out of the computer y'all making things worse first time again no I used to nose around for army intelligence back in Nam got caught once out of con anyone Tim I had to punish him oh yeah yeah well look I I hope you don't take what we did T tonight personally no man you already paid your price yeah you got any friends on the outside at all I mean you you made one phone call but I don't think anybody showed up yeah I got one friend hey that's good but we're not on the best of terms right now huh that's bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] those are the drivers once to try to beat me up they local boys now we all got hired for Wilson a new security chief I heard about it stir when I was getting my parole pays good at break too many laws every wonder why a nice and polite electronics company needs strong-armed boys [Music] I don't ask questions [Music] [Applause] [Music] deputy I have a court order for mr. night's release [Music] okay mm I guess he's yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't believe this must be a drunks he'd be hurt himself I won't even ask yeah you did this Thanks you talking to there's nobody in their windshield [Music] [Music] nice escape let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well let's no use trying to catch that machine then how we're gonna stop it you must be heading out of town there's nothing else out this way or yes there is [Music] how do I get up there boys times like this I wish I listen more closely to Devon is it alright to respond yes yes it's alright look kid I gotta get up to a roof about a hundred feet very well if you'll set the pressure adjustment precisely six hundred pounds you should land quite gently that's it I just set the pressure and hit the button it would help if you along the auto roof smart aleck car okay [Music]
Channel: Knight Rider Official
Views: 1,300,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI car KITT, AI car rescue mission, KITT escapes jail, Knight Rider Official, Michael Knight escape plan, Michael and KITT, Michael seeks revenge, above the law criminals, champion of the innocent, classic TV moments, crime-fighting partnership, escape from jail scene, famous jailbreak scenes, high-speed getaway moments, iconic 80s TV, justice against criminals, knightly action scenes, retro television clips, shadowy flight series, thrilling TV scenes, thrilling car escape
Id: kaLaY3tTf4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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