Kitchen Hack Testing 21

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(loud thud) - Oh! (Barry laughs) (triumphant crescendo) - Well, howdy diddly dumpy, folks. Hope you're well. Welcome to our kitchen. It's Mrs. Barry. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Today we are sort of browsing through another catalogue of kitchen hacks. This is kitchen hacks number... - 21. - 21? - 21. - 21 already? Amazing. So, if you've missed any of those, at the end of this video, put on your sweatband and have a 'barathon' and check out the rest of them, because we do the hard work for you. Some are not very good. Some are brilliant. And today, boom. - My turn! - Mrs. Paprika here. You'll pick them, and they normally work. And I love this 'cause I have no idea what we're doing. So should we get started? - Yes, let's get started. - What are we doing? - So, the first one we need to prepare to then reveal a bit later on. To start properly. - Okay, yeah. - So, we basically need to let some ice cream melt in a mug. - Brilliant. - Good, that's good. - [Barry] Oh, look at that. Yeah, you've started the hack in the car, have you? - [Mrs. Barry] Do you think that's half way? A bit more. - [Barry] So, it's over there? - [Mrs. Barry] That's it. - [Barry] All right. We'll come back to that right at the end, is it? - Yep, I'm putting this back in the freezer. - [Barry] Is that the hack? That's how you melt ice cream? (Mrs. Barry laughs) - No. This is how, a quick and easy way to make popcorn. - [Barry] Brilliant. - If you haven't got sauce pan, you haven't got a hob. You've only got a microwave and a bowl. And a plate. - [Barry] Well, you're just gonna put it on there and put that on there, aren't you? - Yeah. (Barry laughing) - Actually, that... To be fair, there is stuff that could go wrong. We're not sticking any Werther's Originals in, are we? Or anything like that? - No, no Skittles. - No. (Mrs. Barry laughs) We've been there before. The popcorn ones never really work. So, I mean this should work. No oil or butter? - No. Put it on the top. - [Barry] Yeah. - Put it in the microwave. - [Barry] How long for? - I have no idea. Until it pops. - [Barry] You have no idea? That's probably the key part of this. - Stop it when the popping stops. - You do. That's how you generally make popcorn, yeah. When the popping stops the fun stops. - I can smell it. - [Barry] Oh my gosh that smells like a cinema. - It does. - Brings back a really weird memory that I don't think I've ever shared. When they brought out "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" on the Mega Drive, I went up to Bristol to, I think it was the Virgin Megastore, and they did this whole launch night and I actually got given a bag of microwave bag popcorn and I took it home and I completely blasted it for like 10 minutes and it sizzled and burned the whole thing like so bad. Whatever I did, however long I put it on, it was literally, all the popcorn was black and burned and I still ate it. - [Mrs. Barry] Oh, it's still popping. - Dedication. I mean it's done, right? I love popcorn like this. Do you know when it's just done? I know it sounds really boring and bland. - Why is it like that though? - What do you mean, "Like that?" - Do you think it's 'cause it's been in the cupboard or what? - No. Sometimes it just pops like that. And also sometimes you cover it with like sugar and butter and stuff it masks that. - Maybe it's because there's no oil. - I just love... It's so boring, innit? Popcorn with no flavour. It's actually a really healthy snack. - It's good for you. - [Barry] Look at all those. If you chew on one of them, it will rip a tooth out. And that is a true story for me, my friend. - Yes. Talking from experience. - Yeah, I ripped a tooth out chewing on one of them and lemme tell ya, that hurt. All right, we were just saying, "Surely we can make it better than that, right?" And I'm like, well we just talked about the ripping the teeth out thing and how these things, right, not only are they unpopped kernels that you could put back in, how could you get that? And I was just thinking, something like a sieve. It's a sack that the tangerines come in from supermarkets. Ow, it's hot. All right, here we go. (Mrs. Barry yells) (Barry screams) Well, actually the top it's not so hot. It's the base, which is where the kernels are sat. Right, okay. Oh, no. Oh, look that's worked! That has actually worked. Look at that! - Yay! - I mean excuse those two hanging out 'cause I just pushed them through, but that... We just invented a hack! - Oh, I love it! We need to trademark this. - We do need to trademark that. Look and you could wrap that up and sell that at a fair. Look at that. That's amazing. - We should sell these. Popcorn... - Sacks? - Kernel Catching Nets. (Barry laughs) Or something. - That's why we both work in marketing. I've been told for this next one, what's it? Boil an egg? - [Mrs. Barry] Yeah. - All right, we need to boil an egg so I'm just getting the old pannage out. Whilst the egg is boiling in the egg pan, don't forget I've got my Kickstarter campaign at the moment, which is so amazingly funded. Thank you so much for the support! And as I mentioned in each of these videos, whilst the campaign is still alive, if you'd still like to support it, I'd do a pizza joke. Right? - Right. - This is perfect for you actually. - Oh, gosh. - What do you call someone who is not sure what to put on their pizza for their toppings? - I don't know. - Inde-slice-ive. (Mrs. Barry groans) I thought that was actually not bad. - That is not bad. - All I see is two watermelons and you holding a coin. - Yes, so one for you. - Oh, what is it, pay day? - This is about a way to chop a watermelon in half. - Chop a watermelon in half with a coin? Are you serious? (Mrs. Barry laughs) You've made this up. - It might get a bit messy. So, apparently you scour around. Oh, maybe they're not ripe enough. (both laugh) - And it has to be, I mean the 50 pence piece, for those of you not in England, is quite a fairly flat with pointy edges coin. It's actually not rounded. - We'll have to go raid Chloe's money box. (both laughing) - Oh, there we go. - All right. - Scour the end. - And are you supposed to be doing that in a neat line? Because that... (Mrs. Barry laughs) - Just scour it. - Oh yeah, once you break that surface, and you're under the green. Oh, gosh. Okay. God, it's tough, that is. - I know. This is gonna be... (Mrs. Barry laughs) - What? - I don't think this is gonna work. - Oh. This really is hard. This is hard. This is hurting me. - Wait until what we do next. (Mrs. Barry laughs) - What? - It looked a little easier on the video I watched. - They always do, mate. That's why we do these video. Oh, actually if you push down and pierce it. - No, you've gotta like saw it-- (Barry laughs) - During the harvest, "All right, mate? You got a... We just need to cut some wood in half." "What, you need a saw?" "No, we need a 50 pence piece." (both laugh) - What's the point? We could just do it with a knife. - But this is the hack, isn't it? - Yeah. - What is that? "Oh, don't have a knife? But you happen to have a 50 pence piece?" All right, there we go. I just took a sharp left at the end. - Right? Can I see? Put it down. - Like that, yeah? - Kind of. - What? - Apparently you get your hand. - Oh, yeah. Are we gonna? - Karate chop it in half. - Cobra Kai style. (daunting music) - I'm scared I'm gonna break my hand. - What, do like just a karate chop? - Yeah. (loud thud) - Oh! (loud pop) (Barry laughs) Yes! Huh? - I'm scared to do mine. - That's amazing. (soft thud) (both laugh) You're not doing it on the seam. You spent all that time. - I missed it. (soft thud) Ow! - I feel like Mr. Miyagi. You've got to do the whole... (Barry moans) Get the chopsticks out with a fly. - Ow! No, I'm breaking my hand. - (Barry mimicking Mr. Miyagi) This is brilliant for me. - Oh, I'm getting there. (smacking) Ow! (Barry chuckles) - Yes! - Yay! - What happened, yours is like... - Mine's proper ripe. Not ripe. - No. - Unripe. Oh, can I join that back together? - I go away for a moment. I come back and you have got my favourite chocolate. Actually we've been to the Cadbury factory and we have a bar. There it is. - Yeah, we did with our faces. - With out faces on. Can you see that? That's actually outside the actual Cadbury factory. And we went there, it's a little tour they do in England. So, check it out. Enough about our family album. (both laugh) What are we doing? - Right, so this is a hack-- - Yep. - On how to make... - I see rolling pins. - Yep, it's how to get the chocolate into little squares. - You just break it. - No, you can use a rolling pin if you want. Well, you can use a rolling pin or the edge of a worktop. (Mrs. Barry giggles) This looked a lot easier. - I get the theory of what you're trying to do. - You're meant to just-- - But you don't look like you know what... Have you got to push down a bit maybe? - I'm trying to think what they did, hang on. - Well, I'll tell you what. You have a think and I'll stop the camera, yeah? Maybe check your research. - Yes. - All right. So, how am I gonna do it on this? Like that? - [Mrs. Barry] Yeah, I think so. - Hey? They're having a laugh, innit? Yeah, I think you got to get that initial breakage and that will give you the... (chocolate snaps) (both laugh) Yeah, I think that will give you... I think you've gotta go... Yeah, like this. And then, yeah, once you got a lip. - Ow! - Yeah, ya see? (crumpling sound) (Barry laughs) Yes! Look I've got individual rows in there. Look. Wiggle-wiggle. Wiggle-wiggle. See? - I'm not doing this. - What are you doing? (crumpling sound) This way now. Yes. Here's the big reveal. - [Mrs. Barry] Oh, look! Yeah. - [Barry] Oh, I missed one. I missed one. - [Mrs. Barry] You missed two. - [Barry] Oh no, I missed three. Not bad. Not your best. - No, sorry. - But mine are normally a lot worse than that so. Have you finished eating your chocolate? - No. (Barry laughs) - So you've just gone and got a cold egg from a box of eggs. And this is the one that we boiled and I keep saying to you, "Oh, do we need to plunge it into cold water or anything to help peel it?" And you're like, "No, we're not peeling it." - No. - What's the point of the hard boiled egg then? What are we actually doing? - So, this is how to tell whether your egg's hard-boiled or not. Okay? - Well that's hot. - No! - And that's cold. - But if you don't know. - I can tell anyway. - The way to do it. - It's the weight. And you can hear it. - All right, ready? And then when you stop it, all right that stopped, didn't it. (Barry chuckles) - When you stop it, that stopped, didn't it? - No, so you spin. - Yeah? - And then you stop it. No, hang on. If you spin it and you stop, it will... See how it stopped? It will still keep rolling like that. That means it's hard boiled. But if you go like this, spin it. (both laugh) I can't even spin it! See, it's weird. - It won't spin cause it's all obviously raw. Yeah, it's wet and heavy. - So, you spin, stop it, and it carries on rolling. See? Whereas this one, you spin, stop-- - I just think we should stick at it won't spin. And I think that that'll work and then we can walk away. - All right. I've got another egg one. - Yeah, look at that. That spins for ages, and while that's still spinning. The same amount of force. - There we go. So that's raw and that's hard boiled. That's my hack. (both laugh) - Suddenly my hacks feel a little bit better. (Barry laughs) - I've got another one though, with eggs. Did you see me last night, I put some eggs in the freezer? - No. Do you know about this? Is there eggs in the freezer, Amy? Are you eating chocolate? Are you eating? (Barry laughs) - Let me just tell you, when I watched this hack I'm not sure if you had to freeze them raw or freeze them boiled. - Right? So have you done both? - No. - Brilliant. (both chuckle) We're gonna peel the shell. - I don't know how. - You don't know how. Well that's just-- - Maybe we should use a spoon or something. - Mrs. B. This is hard to peel it, yeah. God, that is not coming away at all. That is solid on there. - Oh, this is a rubbish one already. (loud banging) - Have you ever seen a frozen egg? - I didn't even know you could freeze eggs. Oh, my hands are cold. - This is bizarre. All right Mrs. B, there you go. That is a completely shell removed, cold egg that is thawing in my hand. What am I doing with it? - Then we're gonna slice them. - I'm just watching what you guys are watching. All right. Is that yolk in the middle? - Yeah, look. - [Barry] Oh my gosh! It looks like when I've made Cabury's cream eggs in the past. - Yeah. - [Barry] Oh, look at that. You made a planet. - Oh yeah. - [Barry] This is an actual slice of raw egg, yeah. - We're gonna put the pan on. We're gonna make mini fried eggs. - [Barry] What? They look like horrendous boiled eggs, don't they? - And then you just put them in the oil. - [Barry] Oh my gosh. That is really, really weird. Look how much that one's puffed up! Look at it. - That was the one I ended up chopping a bit funny, but I think that one might be... - [Barry] It's like a frozen omelette, isn't it? Well, are you hungry? - Mini eggs. - Let's find out if they're cooked through. I'm just literally gonna pick one up and go for it. 'Cause I'm very confident this has worked. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. Like it? That's actually genius. - Hmm. - Hmm. That's really nice. - Mini fried eggs. - I don't think we'd ever do this again. But some up market London restaurant could very well do this and charge like 30 quid for a plate. We've got one more hack to go apparently. And this one is melted. Do you want to do this one now or is that the finale? - No, let's do it now. - Okay, cool. I'm excited. - Are we making a cake? - Yeah. - Yes! Amazing. - Although, I don't know how much to add. - [Barry] And there's nothing else going in there? - No. - [Barry] Okay. - The ice cream's got all the sugar. - [Barry] Part of me just wants to shove an egg in there. Not a frozen one but... - Yeah, we've got plenty of fried eggs. Look, and now it's like a cake batter. - [Barry] Awesome, and what are those chunks? That's not flour, is that the ice cream? - That's the ice cream. That's cookie dough. - [Barry] Oh, nice. So, do you remember how long it's cooked for? - Nope. (both giggle) - [Barry] Brilliant! - [Mrs. Barry] I'm gonna do a minute. - [Barry] A minute. (microwave beeps) Oh! - Oh, look. See? - [Barry] Yeah. Should I put that through? - [Barry] Yeah. The toothpick going in. - Comes out clean. We are done. - [Barry] It didn't rise that much. Well, it did and then it went back down, right? - Yeah. Can we tip it out. Huh. - [Barry] I don't normally do that. But if you want to. - I dunno. - [Barry] Like a sand castle? You didn't grease the mug. - No. - [Barry] That would help. - It had ice cream in it. - [Barry] Well, there you go. Yeah, now turn it. Oh! - Look at that! A little chocolate pudding. - [Barry] Smells like a molten lava cake. - Look at that. - Like a sponge cake. Drench that in ice cream or sauce. - Ice cream on a ice cream cake. - Yeah, ice cream inception. - Don't take it any further away from me. - I'm just trying to bring it close to them. There you go. That's what it looks like, all right? Oh, that is warm. It's all right. A little bit rubbery, isn't it? Tastes like a wetsuit. (Mrs. Barry laughs) Sorry. It's got the texture of a wetsuit. When you're serving it like that, bit of sauce on it, bit of ice cream. I know it's the whole double ice cream thing, but that would really... 'Cause it's nice, it's just... - Hmm. Actually, it is nice. Try with the cookie dough. - Mm. Yeah, alright. We could work with this. Or with a proper non-low-calorie one I think it would be a little bit better. - I do too. I'm still gonna keep eating it though. - I've got one more. - You've got one more? Oh, wow! I thought we'd done them all. Okay. What do we need? - A toaster. - A toaster. - Have you ever? - Oh yeah, we haven't done that line. "Have you ever been in this situation?" - Have you ever been in a situation where you want some crisps, but you don't have any. And all you have-- - I'd go and buy them from the shop. - Is a sweet potato. If it's the middle of the night and you're hungry and you just want some crisps. Right? So I'm gonna show you how you can make some crisps. - Okay. - So, you get a sweet potato. - Okay. Have you peeled that? - We do want it thin, just slice it up. - That's thin-ish. - And you're just gonna pop them in the toaster. Oh, sugar. (Barry laughs) - I love how for a moment, you actually look like a TV cooking show host. "We're just gonna pop them in the toaster." (grumbles) What has happened? - Don't put the camera down there. - Here's is an interlude whilst we fish out the sweet potato piece. - I can't get it out! (techno music) - [Barry] Did you know that seals make a banana shape to keep their fins out of the water and control their body temperature? I swear. So Mrs. B, after all that effort, we have half the sweet potatoes left. We've got four slices in there. Two in each one. - Small portions. - Portion control, yeah? Okay. - Right. So, you lower down. - Trying to get that. Oh it's gripped it. That toaster is on, I can feel the heat. Oh my gosh. It's new toaster territory for me. - This is better than the other one that I'd seen. - What was the other one? - It was to put something in the toaster for 10 minutes. - 10 minutes? What? - And I thought that is just gonna end in disaster. - What would it have been? - It was steak with some peppers wrapped in foil and then you put it in the toaster for 10 minutes. - Sounds pretty good, don't it? - But you put foil in the toaster. - Yeah, you can get toaster bags. - But you shouldn't do that. - I've got some toaster bags and we'll do it on the next one. - I just thought of that. You shouldn't put foil in the toaster, should you? - I don't think that's wise. So, we put them up and down a few times 'cause when it popped up it looked identical, first of all. But now there's... (toaster pops up) - Oh! - Oh! - There's a smell. And... - Look! - A actual differentiation in the colour. See that? It's hot, isn't it? - Cool. Just turn it off a minute and I can get the others out. - Okay. All four of them. Aren't we lucky? (Mrs. Barry giggles) - Look at these. - That's cool. The difference in the colour, that is crazy. - Sweet potato crisps. - Right. Shall we munch? I'm gonna get the one that's slightly cooler. By jolly, it's worked! That hack worked! - It's... Mm. - Pretty bland on its own though, isn't it. - Well sweet potato's quite sweet. You need a bit of paprika or something. - It's worked. Nobody died. The toaster did it's job. - That was a safe toaster hack. - It was. We'll do a dangerous one next time. Mrs. B and I have had a conversation off camera and our favourite hack today is... (both mimic trumpets) The hack that we came up with! - Yes. - Some of the others were okay, right? - They were. They were pretty good I thought. - But that was genius, Mrs. B. - Thank you. - So, please use that if you wish to. I thought my baking rack, cooling rack thing idea was okay. - Yeah, it was all right. - But honestly that was genius, fair play, Mrs. B. After 21 hack videos, we finally got our own one. So, don't forget to check out the other 20 on the playlist if you've not seen them already. Grab the popcorn. (Barry laughs sarcastically) Because it does go on a long old time. We're probably gonna put a massive video together with all of them like we did with the gadgets before. Don't forget to subscribe for regular videos. And if you see any other hacks, it really does help us out actually, if you follow us on social media like 'FezBook', the Moroccan version of Facebook, Twitter, all that stuff. Just whatever one you use, if you see any hacks that we haven't seen, it will help us let you guys know if it works. So yeah, is that it? - That's it. - We're done? - We're done. - We've got lot of food to eat. - We do. - Bye. - Bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ (indistinct) moustache goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three. ♪ - Have you been researching seal facts? - Yes. (both laugh) 'Cause if one day, if I ever meet Seal, if he comes to the pizzeria, I'm gonna beat him, "I got a seal fact for you." And I've been on (indistinct). - You missed that. You missed my seal impression. - No I did see it, I just needed to- - Ignore it? - Stay focused.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 87,593
Rating: 4.9285183 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Hack Testing, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, testing kitchen hacks, kitchen hacks, mrs barry, testing food hacks, food hack testing, trying kitchen hacks, food hacks, pinterest hacks, weird cooking hacks, myvirginkitchen, put to the test, hacks, kitchen tricks, life hacks, buzzfeed hacks, diy projects, food challenge, easy life hacks, how to, 5 minute crafts, chop a watermelon in half, watermelon, popcorn, mini fried eggs, frozen egg, chocolate, hax
Id: 18xyydOSryc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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