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- Hello everyone, it's Barry here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen. I hope you are well. Today we are testing some more kitchen gadgets. If you've missed any of the kitchen gadget testing videos to date, there's a play list. There's a link up here and down below. So watch this video and then go "hmm, I feel like going back to the first video and watching them all and having a Barrathon." That would be very much appreciated and hopefully you love them just as much as I love reviewing them. Now, in case you haven't noticed, we are actually in the studio kitchen today. This is a first one here, it's very exciting indeed. And there's some lights up here so I've stood into the shade. I want it to feel a bit, like, rugged. A bit sort of dangerous. Oop, okay, so, on the last gadget video I did kind of tease that I was mulling over doing individual kitchen gadget testing videos and you guys were like "no!" So I'm just gunna keep it as it is. For now, for now. Well then we'll come to a compromise, alright? Our first gadget today came in this very naff box. I hate it when I get gadgets like this and it arrives like that. Part of the thrill of the kitchen gadget process is the opening of the box. (plastic rustling) I feel like I'm getting 20% satisfaction from this. (plastic rustling) And it's this. I'm gunna give you a second to work out what this is before I tell you what it is. X0, no that's the barcode. Oh! XLL bottle opener. Silver. New. Helpful that it's new, right? Made in China. HQY, that's the brand, surely. 100% premium quality guarantee and even that's spelled wrong. Amazing. So basically this is a bottle opener. "Place the popper over the top of your beer bottle, push down, then up to open the bottle. The magnet will hold onto the bottle cap?" Amazin', I've got beers in the fridge, it's Friday afternoon. Let's do it. Even though I would do it if it was Monday morning. Some people have been asking about The Virgin Kitchen mugs as well. There wasn't really intended for me to sell them but if you do want me to making them available I'll probably do a much better version of the mug. It's on the front, for goodness sake. Look, it should be on the side. (thuds) Peroni. Kind of wished I walked here to the barn today, rather than drove, cause I could neck them all. So let's pull up a bar stool...(laughing) (ring tapping on counter) Ah, should not be left unattended. Silver, crazy looking thing. Looks a little bit more like a pepper pot. Inside I can see, there is a little flappy thing. (plastic pieces flapping) Everybody can hear that. And it's sort of goes in but there's a magnet at the top. So let's do it. (metal clanking) What? (metal clanking) They made that look, on the video that I've seen before, the promotional video to get this, that it's just like... Hey! That's not workin'... What?! That's crazy, okay, there is a little groove. We'll, let's groove tonight. Let's try something else. There's a little, if I'm gunna angle it towards it so we go, let's do it slowly. Down, twist. (metal clanking) Okay. Yah, I'll call you back in about half an hour, yeah? Bye. Sorry about that. It says do not use twist on caps and these aren't twist on caps. It's obviously user error, which, of course, that never happens in these gadget videos, does it? Let's do it by the instructions. Place popper over top of bottle, yep. Push down, then up to open bottle. (metal clanking repeatedly) Ain't doin' it. (metal clanking repeatedly) That's awful. (metal clanking repeatedly) Is it that way? (metal clanking) I'm just gunna keep doing it until I, just, get this out through sheer force. Or maybe it's the bottle. (metal clanking) Change the angle. (metal clanking repeatedly) Oh my gosh, it's falling apart! The screw's come out of it. Oh my god. Can I even get, can I get that out? (metal clanking) (small screw hitting counter top) (laughing) I've just shattered it. Oh my gosh. That is terrible. (screw hitting countertop) I've literally ripped the plastic nib off that I thought was the little lever thing that would at least give it a bit more... Maybe it's that thing. (metal clanking repeatedly) Stupid gadget. Give up, I'm gunna order another one and we'll review it another time, alright? My microphone just cut out but I am genuinely, genuinely (metal clanking) Oh my god. Look at that. It's terrible, but it worked! Eventually, like... I had my bottle opener ready, just in case I needed it but after like, the fortieth plunge we got there. Well, I guess the plastic thing that shattered off was totally not even needed. (beer fizzing) But when I plunge down you hear the tsst. I heard it again then so it's definitely doing something. Then I need to pump down. (bottle cap hitting counter) It's workin'. How the heck can that even be? I'll get my mic quite close to it. (metal clanking) Did you hear that? Tsst. And then... This had now turned into one of the greatest gadgets of all time. You were in the graveyard, son and you've gone from the worst thing to possibly the best thing and on that no, on that note... I feel like I'm John Coretti. I've only had one sip, story of my life. We're gunna stop there. (package smacking on floor) Do you want to core apples with no hassle and with a gadget? Yes you do. Then you need the Lakeland Apple Corer. This is from Lakeland, which is a well known brand. I think I've used one or two of their gadgets before and also might be a land full of lakes, which would be a cool place to live. If you like water. Apple corer. "The stainless steel..." It feels like I need to do this voice, okay? "The stainless steel cutter cores apples simply and effectively while the plunger pushes the core out of the cutter with minimal effort." If you don't know, one of my favourite gadgets to date is the windy up thing that peels, cores and slices an apple. It's amazing. This is kind of like it's cheap, budget brother thing. (laughs) Whilst I'm having fun doing the gadgets, Rob's doing a very serious editing right over there. I don't think he even knows that I'm talking right now. He's doing some very important editing on a video we did earlier. It's very fun. So this apple corer is gunna be fun. We're gunna actually pull out the core of the apple. I only have one apple. We have one man, one chance, one corer, one apple. Let's do this. You want to see a magic trick? (snaps fingers) Ta-da! Hopefully that worked. Maybe the colour changed but who cares. We got ourselves a Bramley apple. Extremely British, really nice for apple pies. I don't know what you use for Bramley apples in the rest of the world. Do you use, can you get Bramley apples? These are very British. Almost as British as the Queen. Yes, I agree, they're very British. Alrighty, let's stop mucking about and get to the core of this gadget testing video, pun intended. Also do remember that some of these gadgets can help peple with disabilities, okay? (metal pieces sliding) That just looks mediaeval. These look like weird drumbsticks. (imitates drumbeat) Let's give it a little wash. (water running) It's washed. The hardest thing I find sometimes about coring apples is you can go down as straight as you like, particularly the Bramley apple cause it's so wide and the apple is the naughty one cause it's kind of got, like, a weird core. You might not ever get it out but let's give this a go. It's important that, as I push down, that we keep the central bit together. It's actually a lot like that banana corer gadget thing that I did an individual gadget review video for and actually, the guy that invented that, from Argentina, messaged me asking me to take down the video and I said no. So let's push this in and as I push... (apple slicing) There we go... (grunting) (apple slicing) (gadget hits counter top) Felt like sword in the stone, Excalibur and all that stuff. So we must... (grunts) Oh my god, are you ready for this? Just checkin'. Look. Holy apples, Batman. I'm not even gunna look. You guys can look for me. (grunts) It's not really moving. (metal smacking) Oh! (laughs) It works! (metal smacking repeatedly) It works. I'm like Steve Irwin, the apple hunter. Mario and the apple hunter. Crikey! Absolutely love Steve Irwin, so good. What a legend. Surprisingly small core and I don't know why I'm bagging it up but we have got ourselves a holey apple. Put some cinnamon in there, a little bit of biscuit crumbs on that, bake it, caramel that up. Baked apples, mmm! We can completely freak people out by just, like, going... Put it back in there. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to play a song. (guitar strums) About a kitchen gadget. (guitar strums) I don't know how to play the guitar. (guitar strums) So I'm just... (guitar strums) Strumming. It's actually Rob's guitar and he's really, really good at it. Kind of jealous. This, folks, if you've ever wanted to do mediaeval practises, in the form of torture, on bread, this is for you. This is upside down. This is by the Bagel Biter. Sounds like a weird cartoon cutter. The Original Bagel Guillotine. Slices bagels safely and we all want to slice a bagel safely so we use a careful knife. No, we use a guillotine. That is, that is basically it. I, I saw this. I actually, I got sent a link to this and I'm like "I'm, I'm getting that and I'm going to guillotine some bagels" and that's exactly what we're gunna do. Guillotine a bagel. Bagelsch... Bagelschneider, I love that. (speaking in foreign language) I'll stick to english. "Insert the bagel, push down." Behead the bagel. "Remove the perfectly sliced bagel." I'm really excited for this. It's kind of like a warning, like at Buckingham Palace. Do not place the hand past the guard. No, no. "The blade is extremely sharp, please handle with care and always keep away from children." A little bit of general advice: "any blade is dangerous if misused." Frozen, warm, sticky bagels may compress or squash during slicing." I definitely bought some bagels. I found the bagels. Bagel guillotine. Sesame bagels, my favourite bagels, for reference. If you do ever see me in the street, want to buy me a bagel, sesame's the one for me, baby. I just love sesame seeds. Best bagel I ever had was in San Francisco. Can't remember the name of the place, but it was on a hill. On a slope, basically, which is, for San Francisco, is quite common. Also, Alcatraz, if you've never done the tour, is amazing. Holy Schmoly, that's sharp. My god. (packaging rustling) I'm not gunna wash this one beccause I don't want to eat the stale bagel on it's own and also, I don't want to go near these blades. The instructions actually make the bagel look like a cd. (deeply inhales) Let's do it. Mmm, now, I don't know about you, but when I was growing up my granddad, for some reason... I've never, ever questioned him on this. For some reason, when he does random actions, like moving things, particularly moving things, he'll do a whistle. Like this. (whistles repeatedly) Like, please just let me know if it's not just my granddad. But anyhow, there is the base. That, I feel comfortable with that. It looks like a weird structure that you might see in Paris. Along the Arc de Triomphe bit. You sit your bagel in. It's actually pretty snug, pretty good in there. Not much movement. A little bit extra width of bagel. I was gunna use another phrase there... Is doable if we need it. It looks pretty central but we can push it in and it grips it, so that's... Feeling good. It's a hell of a weapon. It's like Wolverine. Whew! But just look at this blade. Look at the state of that. Can you see that? That is bonkers. (mimicks cutting noises) Oh wow, you actually put it right into the heart of the bagel. This feels... That blade is insanely sharp. I can see, it slices like in it already. (gentle thud) (deeply exhales) I'm not gunna lie, that's was actually really, really fun. Cause it was dangerous, it was dangerous. And not only that, it's worked a charm. Look at that. Sliced bagel, despite the insanely sharp blade on it, which I want to use again, so we will. (thudding) Whew, so good. I do know that after making this video, that the people on Amazon that are selling these are gunna go: "sponsored or endorsed by Barry Lewis." Aparently that is now happening on Amazon, people are now going "as reviewed by Barry Lewis. You can get this..." Nnng! Put my face on it and then I'll tell you about it, huh? Or maybe I could put my Fill It link in, it might make me 2p per video. I had to get Rob, I had to... He's not got a mic on, hopefully you'll pic him... - Hello. - There you go (laughs) Have a go, have a go. Yah, just push it in like that and then just... - Do I gotta cut it in the middle I guess... - Yah, yah, yah. - And then just go for it? - Yah, push it down like... - Push it down? (Rob grunts) (laughing) - That's a gif, I think. I'm gunna make that into a gif. - Raaaa! - There's something really therapeutic about that. Did you like that? - It's perfect! - (laughing) I just want to guillotine loads of stuff now. (suction cup thudding) (laughing) - This gadget is for those of us that venture to the sink area of the kitchen, both to clean our hands and more importantly, particularly for this gadget, to clean our utensils. This is the gangster spelt Cutlery Clean'r. Clean'r, they cut the, they've taken out the E, they put the 'r on the end. Clean'r. Make mealtime clean up fast and easy. Suction cup attaches to sink and also to the worktop. (thudding) Sized for most eating and cooking utensils. So, basically, you slap it on the side of your sink. I probably will put it on the side of this sink actually, here in the barn and Bob's your uncle. If Bob is you uncle, let me know down below. You win a thumbs up. Suction cup the Cutlery Clean to the inside of your sink, drip some dish soap over the bristles. Simply push the cutlery through the soapy bristles to remove food debris. So, I'm not gunna tell you the whole things on the back but essentially it's just, like, big... It looks like a set of teeth, isn't it? Hello, I'm really sad. I'm really angry. But, we need to get some dirty utensils. You can actually use multiple utensils at once, so, oh no, I've just eaten so much tomato puree, I've got it all over my utensils. I now need to clean it off, so that's what I'm gunna go do and that's where... (thudding) This thing comes in. Here we go then, folks. Dramatic reenactment. (thud) Stick that to your sink. Oh, yah, it comes off quite easy. (water running) Get it a bit wet. Drizzle some washing up liquid over the bristles. Nice. This is not a sponsored video, so I'm using Barry washing up liquid. Specifically for Bears. Oh no, I've got a really dirty knife. What shall I do? I know, I'll run it through this thing. (thuds) (laughing) No, stay still! (laughing) (knife clacking on sink) Okay, stay down there. I'm gunna have to hold it. That defeats the point. Look, it's sliding around. It's sliding. Stupid thing, come on. Oh look, and it's just smearing it. Maybe a bit of water will help. (water running) Guys, so I want the gadgets to work, like all the gadgets, you know. I'm not, yah, I'm not against it, you know?. (bristles rubbing) Yah, that's actually worked to be fair. I was just about to wash it off and then that would have defeated the point of it really but let's see. (water running) Yah, that has actually worked. Now, let's do multiple ones so I'm gunna dry this and I'm gunna do it again with two other things. Oh, Rupert, you're such a mucky pup. Look, you've got tomato puree all over your knife, fork and spoon. I know, we'll use the thing that I've forgotten the name of. What's it called again? Cutlery Clean'r, yeah. (utensils clacking) God's sake... (laughs) Alright, let's do two at once. Alright, I think I'm back. I had a little problem with my camera where it was like "I'm giving up on you." (sings) Don't give up on my baby! So I'm just gunna dry the sink. See if that stops it sliding. I don't think it will. Nah, look at that, that just wants to move around everywhere. So it's hard to do my multiple use thing. It's going down there. Well, that looks really weird, doesn't it? It's not working that good. I can see why it would. Let's stick it on the, stick it on the plastic bowl thing. No, that slides even more. You almost want to glue it. (utensils clanging) you almost wanna glue it into place. I'm giving up on that. I'm giving up on you, baby. The last two gadgets, it's to do with making this pancake batter mix that I've just done. This is actually a British pancake batter. Eggs, flour, milk. There's an amazing video to it on the channel if you just search. To be honest, I probably should have done American size pancakes as you'll find out from this gadget. This one... Yah, basically, this gadget is called the Chopula and it's by, is it Dream Farm? Yah, these are the guys that make the awesome gadgets. Chopula: "it's a spatula that's thin and flexible for flipping, as well as strong and rigid for chopping." Hence the Chopula. And it also sits off your bench, so you can chop, you can flip and you can sit up. Chop, flip, and then... It will sit up. See? So I'm gunna use that to make small British pancakes. We just flip it over and then just chop it up. The other thing we're gunna do is use this thing that I've just found in TK Max here in England. It was 4.99 but it reduced to 50p. Oxo Good Grips, they make amazing utensils and stuff anyway. Batter dispenser with no drip valve. Looks like a massive pepper mill, doesn't it? Or the Olympic torch or something. "Perfect for dispensing pancake batter, filling cupcake tins and more." They're really, actually, a nice drawing there of someone filling a cupcake tin. It has a valve that can be removed for easy cleaning or to accommodate mix-ins. Take that off, there's your valve. I'm not gunna say... Looks like a balloon pump. Yup, got me out of trouble. Extra batter can be stored in the refrigerator. Oh, that's quite good, so you can make your batter maybe the night before pancake day or whenever you want to celebrate your pancake day. The night before the breakfast when you have your pancakes in the morning and then just leave it there and it's done. Pfft and also being in the fridge, it'll firm up. Yeah, so that's good, good. So we're gunna, like, use this thing. The valve is good. It's weird cause you can't actually see... It's like a... It feels like it's sealed but if I put my finger up there... No, there is, ah, it feels like something's gunna come out. I guess we just squeeze it and it'll come out which is good because the pancake batter I made is really runny. It likes to run. This pan's warming up. Just gunna get some oil. Just a teeny smidge in. One thing we're finding as we move into the barn here, is like, we don't like this, like, reflection of light here. It's kind of like a light sabre. Not that I really know what that is but we're gunna get it wrapped. You know how you can get your cars wrapped? We're gunna wrap the fridge so any cool ideas that you can think of for putting on there... We might keep it quite formal but there's a company that does, like, telephone boxes and Banksy stuff, so, pretty cool. I'm really scared actually, I don't know if this is gunna go straight through here when I pour it in. So, maybe I'll stick it in there for the time being. Did that screw... Yah, popped on, okay. So far so good. Screw our cap on. Now, the moment of truth. (laughs) Okay, so it's not coming out and I imagine if I squeeze this. If I squeeze, and the teat will release batter. I really hope this works and it doesn't turn out to be crepe. (sizzling) Look at that! It's like I'm milking a cow. That's awesome. And also, why did I put the camera up in the studio lights? Right there I'm like, I can see the light. (smacks) Oh! (smacks) Chopula at the ready. Wa, wa! Although, with British pancakes, we tend to just, toss them. Look, I can easily toss that right now, but I'm not. I'm gunna get right under it. Look at that, straight over. Actually, needs a bit more colour. Wow, this is really good. Do you know what, this could be really good for pancake art. Someone did suggest that I did a pancake art video. I feel like I could get lots of people in here. We could have a pancake off challenge. Pancake Pictionary. (sizzling) Just for the heck of it, why not one more? (sizzling) Just before we finish off folks, if you're enjoying this video, don't forget to subscribe for regular recipes and food fun. We are really turning it up a notch on the rest of the channel since the barn move, some really exciting stuff ahead. Follow me on social media and also, on social media, do let me know of any cool gadgets that you spot so I can source them. Cheers then. Oh yeah! Well, let's not forget, this is called bender, bendy, but we need to find out what the chop does before we finish. Gunna try something I've never done before and I should never really do. A pancake star, British thrice flip. Rob's looking at me, going "what the..." Don't do that. Alright, these are about done. There we go, they look pretty cool. Still a little warm. I'm not gunna really garnish it. I can't believe it's the barn kitchen and I haven't even gotten Nutella here yet cause that's my favourite thing to put on pancakes. Bananas and Nutella on these normally. Is there a side that chops? That looks like an angry, rrr side. Let's have a... Yah, it's the bit that's lower to the handle, okay? So... (smacks) Yes! (smacks) It works! (smacks repeatedly) What a great gadget. (laughs) So, there we are folks, end of the video. The perfect combination today, I think, of Peroni and pancakes. It's good. I'm actually struggling to work out which one is my favourite out of all of these. I really liked the bagel guillotine. That is almost, like, a hobby, but I think this thing is amazing and a bargain as well to be had so thanks for watching guys. Thanks so, so much for the support. Wherever you are in the world, I love you. Virtual love. Internet love. No, that sounds wrong, obviously. But, cheers guys. Check out the rest of the playlist and have a Barrathon and I'll see you very soon.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 404,010
Rating: 4.8173723 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen gadget testing, kitchen gadgets, food gadgets, food gadget testing, testing kitchen gadgets, testing food gadgets, weird gadgets, weird cooking gadgets, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, test, tested, testing, kitchen, food, weird, odd, gadgets, tools, gadget, haul, kitchen tools, life, hack, kitchen hacks, food hacks, experiment, science experiments, you need, inventions, review, gift ideas, cooking, novelty, latest gadget reviews, chopula, bottle opener, apple corer, bagel guillotine
Id: 0kABsLx4GCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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