5 Strange Waffle Makers put to the Test

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what's up everybody welcome back to my kitchen where sisty is number one priority and today I'm going to put to the test bunch of unique waffle makers let's see what I got first one I got here egg waffle maker Hong Kong style let's see how it's gonna work out I got here regular butter mix waffle mix whatever and what I'm gonna do is just put it right in the middle looks like we need a little bit more I usually over feel with these things may be tiny more you go and then we close it yeah it's a head right now it's bitchin also as you can see this is football not only sure why so let's title open it whoa check this out six minutes later let me try to use something to completely take it out some of this corners got stuck but wow how cool is that that is amazing I might have overcooked it just a little bit but when you break this to you see it it's not overcooked at all so it depends what kind of waffles you like boss waffle check this out you can break it apart eat it with the spoon I mean the fork whatever and you got a waffle soak like that how cool is that next for maker got your flip side let's see how it works so I'm gonna plug it in and put the waffle dough in this one looks I can take a little bit more okay then we close it and then we wait this is the light one and it takes about five minutes on the box it says fill it in close and flip over and then bake so I guess it's supposed to spirit everywhere this way who knows okay about six minutes later check this out this is what this waffle looks like very nice kinda a little bit dark on this side with it where's dark on that side so little bit uneven but overall I think it's cooked all the way pretty unique one that's for sure for the next genic waffle maker this is waffle maker sticks I plugged it in now I'm gonna put way less waffle mix as you can see because it's just much much smaller looks like we need another spoon spread it around a bit I'm getting better at this I remember I always make a mess every time I'm using a waffle maker a little bit more I think this one will make a little bit of a mess but we'll see now we close it and lock it and let's wait and see what kind of waffles it will make okay let's open it up and see if we're going to get few cute waffles oh wow check this out it was about five minutes in there I might have to flip it over they go some of them fall out much easier than the other ones check this out you have here waffle sticks let me try to use tongs to take him out oh yeah no problem they come off pretty easy actually fix this check this out this is look super delicious and unique and you got here Gola waffle except like sticks so for kids much easier to eat very unique gadget for sure for the next gadget I got here chief choice waffle maker let's see how it works there is a two different settings I'm going to do crispy and looks like this is the only one that going to beep there is a color control all say you can make one two three four five six so let's do four maybe three not have four let's see what happens this design looks pretty interesting I'll fill it up I'm going to make it spread around a bit not really sure how much is supposed to put let me lift it oh yeah this is definitely enough I think although I feel this waffle maker anyways all the way around everywhere for maker is so different you never know I thought I wasn't putting enough ok this waffle maker actually beeped and the light turned green ok let's see what happens the stop over here is very very hot this is so hot ok how do we take it out ok let me tell you use the knife to take it out you know you can make it one six to make it much much more brownie darker color but they go this is what you would get let me take this sides off and you got here much cuter and skinnier waffle this is awesome because it's very skinny easy to eat almost like pancakes in a way so it's a mix between pancakes and a waffle but check this out if you break them apart you got here lay our hearts I'm so nice look at that I could probably cook it a little bit longer but very nice just don't put too much dough that's the biggest mistake it's supposed to be a little skinny waffles got here another waffle maker let's see what it does I think all you're supposed to do is just put it inside here ok now we wait well they were right here more this time put it on 6 ok let's see what it looks like oh wow this one cooked probably the fastest about 4 minutes you get stuck nope look at that check this out and I can just remove this extra stuff from here boom Wow I think ma see I just overcooked it a little bit maybe I should have put it on 4 this is why I like it on 6 a little bit too dark for my likings but check this out looks like a what-do-you-call-it snowflake a more gap a measuring spoon out here and then dump it into it wow this is cool I don't know why it's beeping you know what I might have to put another one in nothing spewing right now so that's good they go I made a little bit of a mess because it's my first time my own fault I think but yeah nothing spilling out I see a little bit here nothing on the bottom maybe definitely put too much in that but it's okay it's actually tell you that you can cut off next time I won't put as much Oh No maybe I should have stayed with one spoon because look at that it is popping out too much well again my fault I thought it wasn't gonna be full enough but looks like it's way more than full so because I guess it's lifting expanding when it gets hot so that's why I shouldn't have put to him now oh wow we'll onion so don't do the same mistake I'm doing but so far I love this waffle maker look how cool with this it stands vertical you put it in obviously don't put too much or you're gonna end up with the same problem that I am but it's okay second one public will be a lot better but the most important it's not coming out from the sides that's what I was worried about I start to do this one more time but this time I will just do one cup okay it's beeping I guess it means it's done so okay now it says it's cooked let's open this oh wow this is beautiful Wow perfect waffle oh my gosh what an awesome Gajic definitely don't know why I feel it though you can get a knife and cut that off obvious here mine has way too much waist but the rest look at that that is perfect waffle not soft holds a little well and obviously it's still cooking so take it off quickly but that looks like a perfect kalla to me let's do another one okay if you put it on one and let you know it said it to be put in again because it's preheated there not to make the mess this time looks good but this time I'm all pouring just a little bit expecting for it to expand I'm now going to it as much whoop they go as soon as I see it starting come up I need to stop but again I might have overfilled it again we'll see okay this time we cooking it at five let's see how well how about it's going to get the best part about this waffle maker it's starting to beep when it's done look at that that's nice okay can cut this off this is the softer part but comes out pretty easily anyway and then this waffle is easy to lift off and look at that at five it's pretty nice too it's much more Brown but again if you like it more crispy you might want to put it on five once it cools off it will be even more crispy very very unique waffle maker have you ever seen anything like that thumbs up for me next unique waffle maker it pulls from this side but it's not vertical but oh say makes this waffle like a little Bowl not a lot of a bowl but let's see how it works looks like for easy storage the cup goes into here then I guess I'm going to put this thing in and we're going to preheat it okay damn beep at me or anything but I can see it's a blue light now I'm gonna go up the measuring scoop that I came with and which is cool you can put it on a bowl and that way it hints you don't have to worry about how to fold it so I'm all scooped it up a full amount died not to spill much and I'm just gonna do one scoop this time I'm not gonna play games and try to put too much maybe I'll just gonna add on very very tiny bit they go that's it I won't know how to take this out oh yeah you know what I got join it and they move it first boom look at that baffle that looks delicious oh it's kind of still soft actually no it looks good looks good for sure and look you have a mini Bowl out here if you put like butter in here or co-op or honey it's all going too deep to the middle a little bit that's kind of cool or if you want to put it like that and spread the syrup down here or it's good to spread everywhere what a great idea let's actually try that okay let's put syrup on top of it and look at that it spreads everywhere because it's elevated in the middle it's easy to actually spread this Europe I like it and looks like to remove this one you have this little fork this how you remove it just push it in boom done you know what I love this waffle maker because it's easy to pour without too much of a mess and that way you don't have to spread it all over it's super easy to use but the vertical waffle maker actually beeped and let me know when should I stop so the other one kind of bends a little bit more for the next one for maker I have waffle ball maker let's see how it works and that looks like an awesome idea put some ice cream in there put some Airds food many many ways to use waffle bowl okay plug it in the kitchen this one don't have this convenient measuring scoop you kinda have to guess I'm sure it's in the description how much is supposed to put so I just looked it up haughty so I just looked it up how to use it there is a field line over there there's a discreet very easy to find so that's what I'm gonna do to the feel line I'm watching it boom this time it's kind of easier actually and then I want to squeeze it till it's popped I think it's popped and now we wait four minutes and we're gonna open it and see what it looks like okay let's open it up whoa look at that that is nice this was in there four minutes could have been even longer but that looks delicious look at that and you can put ice cream or whatever you know what was that you put it in there one more time let's see how consistent it is because this is so far the least mess I'd done and at the same time you cooked perfect boy Alexa set timers for four minutes okay let's see what happens okay let's start to put an ice cream in there I love this gadget you know how ice cream gets stuck all I have to do just press it like that and it falls out this ice cream is just kind of mm okay they go very cool buffer ball of course you can put food in there different kind of toppings maybe egg chicken whatever you like to eat with the waffle wooden awesome idea okay let's check out how it's doing boom very nice another four minutes looks good okay once again let's start to take it out boom look at that nice and brown looks good let's tear it apart see what it looks nice looks cooked looks cooked all the way to the bottom love it and of course if you want it to be mobile all you have to do is just cook it longer for the next gadget I got here edible spoon maker this thing is actually cooling for door but you know what we gotta tide to use it and hopefully waffle dough we'll work as well at least if we're going to hit it at night so nerd it will John going and then we'll put some dog in okay it's green let's open it up cuz I really thought when I was buying it it was gonna be a waffle maker not a dough maker so hopefully will work anyways just a little bit there are more closet he'll spill out a little bit but I'm not too worried okay it's been four minutes oh wow you know what they said you have to have your different though but actually works so well with my dog look how well it popped out and I used the door they didn't even recommend so I use the waffle door and it worked so well look at the spoons that's beautiful and I didn't use any kind of vegetable oil it says do not use vegetable oil but this is what it's going to look like maybe this one will be the thumbnail stir it one more time I just put it in a little bit at the time let it spread out and I went to the tail just like this hopefully I don't pull it too much don't get excited this might be too much but oh well let's see what happens if you do too much Alexa set alarm for four minutes and guess what they're pretty crispy but on outside it's cooked all the way very nice now you can eat a spoon alright let's open it up whoop they all start to the top but it's okay whoa where is the water coming from oh you know what from the fork I think look at that they all dropped off so easily and guess what this time I actually didn't overfill it at all look at the spoons beauty for use your imagination what you can garnish it with and this is a amazing presentation for sure well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below what do you think about this video don't forget to thumbs up subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 652,720
Rating: 4.7924743 out of 5
Keywords: 5 Strange Waffle Makers put to the Test, Waffle Makers, Waffle, kitchen gadgets, gadgets
Id: OlBYp49g7_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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