KITCHEN DESIGN TRENDS | Goodbye Outdated Kitchen

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So we've done all of our research and we have  found some amazing kitchen trends for 2023. We're   going to just dive right in and start letting you  know what is up! Yeah yeah this is an exciting   year because I would say there's more changes  this year in design than there have been in the   last few years especially inside the kitchen.  We've kind of been in this white gray zone for   such a long time and what we are finding is that  there is so much more warmth this year right? Yeah   absolutely that is probably the biggest takeaway  out of all of the trends for this year. Yes yeah,   so how is that happening? Wood tones are coming  back, all wood kitchens are really hot right now   and mixed kitchens that are painted and  wood, but the element is the wood. Yeah,   and what is the color of the wood? It's in that  brown, that rich brown or that golden brown   tone we've kind of been in that Scandinavian, kind  of Boho really light blonde woods for quite some   time and that doesn't really provide a whole lot  of warmth. Yeah and these darker brown tones and   these golden brown tones are really what is  hot. Yeah I couldn't agree more. I think it's   really nice to see the warmth and the brown tones  come back, just makes you feel like more family,   cozy. I mean we're all getting together again  so it's like we want to create that ambiance   in our spaces. Yeah I think a lot of people think  that brown tones are traditional, yeah and we are   seeing this year, it is not! Yeah you can make it  so modern still! Yeah so refreshed, yes especially   with walnut woods, yeah right? And you go slab  doors and then you got a modern kitchen, yep   but it's still warm. Kitchens are about statements  right now, they're not understated, they're almost   overstated and one of the ways to do that is in  your backsplash. Yeah and we are seeing a lot   of natural stone, specifically marble but a lot  of natural stone backsplashes. People are tired   of the tile, they're tired of seeing the grout  lines. And you do not get the movement in tile   like you do in a natural slab stone! Well that  organic movement that we really like to see. Yes   and that is what this is all about, I'm glad you  mentioned that because it's about organic, natural   organic and earth tones. That is really the design  style right, that is happening. Absolutely! Yeah   and we'll see this for the next few years. Yeah  and it kind of goes into the statement islands   that everyone's talking about now too right? So  you can do a slab completely you know encased in   the stone like have your island, you can add the  color that you're really craving or that warmth   and just go with an island, but statement islands  are big! Doing it completely in a stone material,   it's kind of spendy right? Not  everybody can afford to do that,   but different shapes. So you can do different  shapes in your islands, multiple islands you're   going to see kitchens- If you have a kitchen space  that's large enough that you can do a service and   a sit at island, go for it do it! I mean it's just  another way to make a statement inside your space,   yeah. It's also, the island is a great place  in the kitchen to bring in a different color   or a different material. So let's say you like  the look of an all wood kitchen, but you don't   want an all wood kitchen right? You feel like it's  too much wood. Well this is the way you can do it:   you can do painted parameter and you can do an all  wood island or vice versa right? You do not have   to have everything all one color, absolutely.  Layer it, yeah. Textures, colors that's what   it's really all about. And really like speaking  of large kitchens, especially in a remodel or a   new new build, you have the luxury of adding on  amazing storage right now that can kind of hide   all those appliances or the clutter that you see  on your countertops. For some people it's just   really a challenge with a smaller kitchen or an  existing build that you're just trying to update,   but how would you recommend kind of integrating  kitchen storage? There's some great ones,   yeah. First of all let's just talk about what's  inside the cabinet, so just utilizing the interior   of your cabinets so that they are very specialized  for what they are supposed to be doing. Yeah, like   your pots and pan cabinets, you can have utensil  drawers that actually everything is very divided   and separated, you can have knife drawers, spice  drawers, you can have cabinets where you have your   cookie sheets and your cutting boards. One of  the things we like to do is do integrated paper   towel holders that are part of your cabinetry,  so you don't see them but they're in a convenient   accessible location. And we actually have a video  that we can reference to that has amazing lists of   kitchen storage just all around for organization  that we did a little while ago, so definitely   queue into that one. What we're really seeing  is taking away the small appliances off your   countertops. What you should be seeing inside  your kitchen is the elements in the kitchen: your   stone, your cabinets, your hardware, lighting.  Those are the things that what we should be paying   attention to, not your toaster, your coffee maker,  your air fryer, you know your Vitamix. Those   things we all want them, we all need them yeah.  But we don't need them all over our countertop   where we can't appreciate what we do really want  to see. So you're seeing a lot of small appliance   storage and there's so many cool ways to do that  right? The old way was the garage door which was   that kind of accordion door that kind of flipped  up and down, you know that's so outdated right? So   now they have them where they look like a cabinet  door, but they're on a lift and they lift upward.   So that's one way of doing it, another way of  doing it if you have the space, if you're in a new   build or if you are remodeling and have the space,  you could incorporate it into your backsplash. So   one way of doing that is you can make a backsplash  in your kitchen in one location where all your   small appliances are, and you can have a wood  backsplash or you can have porcelain right? So   let's say you like the look of natural stone, but  natural stone is not in the budget. Well they make   some beautiful full-sized porcelain slabs that  look like natural stone, yeah. That is so thin   you can actually apply that to a backsplash that  can be moved whichever direction you go with your   your backslash material, and they're right there  you just pull them out use them and they can stay   plugged in all the time, you don't have to see  that. Yeah yeah I mean, I think that another thing   that's kind of migrated into a more modern trend  for right now is the coffee bar, where everyone   was like "Oh look at my coffee bar!" and it's like  "coffee!" and you know it screamed coffee bar,   but now a more modern approach is to integrate it  into a beverage center and hide it again because   we want to see this beautiful cabinetry, not all  your mugs. I love this trend because so many of us   would like to have a beverage refrigerator  right, so that you're not opening up your   refrigerator all the time. A refrigerator uses  the most energy of any appliance in your home,   so think about that! Yeah how many times do you  open up your refrigerator every day? Especially   if you have kids, and I mean I'm one of those  people that actually opens it up and stands there   and stares inside my refrigerator! Yes yeah what  do I have?! So if you have a small refrigerator,   a beverage refrigerator right? At a beverage  station, that now services your coffee and your   beverage right? So what else do you need? Well you  need water right? And there are a couple ways you   can do that: one, you can put behind these closed  doors, you can put a prep sink or a bar sink,   yeah. But what's even cooler than that is doing  a pot filler faucet. I love that feature, I think   it's great because it just doesn't take up a lot  of space. Yep it doesn't, it just folds back onto   the backsplash inside of your coffee bar that has  doors that will close and look like cabinetry, and   so it's all behind the doors. So in the dedicated  drink station we can't forget about the bar   right? I mean I don't know about you but I like to  have a bar. So now you have all of your beverages   in one station right? You have a bar, your  refrigerator a beverage refrigerator, your coffee,   and wine right? Your refrigerator can be both,  it can be beverage and wine, or you can do dual:   one all beverages and one as a wine, yeah  different temperatures. And I love it! I   love everything is in one place yeah, that way if  you want to make a coffee cocktail! Yeah espresso   Martini all the way! It's right there! Yeah so  I love, I love that concept. I don't think it's   ever going to go anywhere, I think if you have the  space and you want all that kind of stuff, that's   a great way to incorporate it into a kitchen and  not be too busy. Exactly, I love how it's evolved   into a more modern space. Right exactly. And  you know you cannot leave a cabinet without some   beautiful hardware, so that is just going into  the next- It's the jewelry! You cannot forget   about the jewelry! Yeah I mean the trend right now  is definitely, we're seeing some chrome come back   that like kind of 70's thing, and then we have  the patina finish like old world, and then of   course gold is still around with this because it's  adding that warmth that we're craving again. Yeah   it's really funny because in the last few years as  gold has kind of made this resurgence right? High   polish brass was not as desirable. Anything from  the 70's is hot! Yeah and we had polished brass in   the 70's, so it is coming back. So now it's really  come into that same era as fashion where there   really isn't anything that is not in style! I  know right? I mean you can go through all of these   different eras, Art Deco you can find, that's  where you're getting all those curved islands,   that's where you're getting all of that fluting  and all that ribbing that people are doing, reeds,   all that kind of stuff. That's all very Art Deco.  Yeah it's all coming through but what we like to   emphasize is to really just take parts of what the  trends are, parts of what your house is conveying,   your own personal style and mixing it all together  to make it more curated and personalized. Well I'm   glad you said that because I think that's the  importance and the takeaway right now, right?   Is that because so many different styles and so  many different finishes are really hot right now,   is that you can take your kitchen that you  have and maybe you can't do a full remodel   or something, but you can incorporate these little  things right? And it just so happens we're gonna   have another video right around the corner that  will show you how we're gonna take trends and   make them work for you so you're not constantly  chasing down the trend, spending tons of money   on disposable furniture and working really hard  on DIY's just to create something that is out   the next year. Yeah you want your house to be  current, you want to be current! Absolutely,   and you're seeing all these cool things come in  and you want them, but you're like "oh great, I   have this old kitchen I don't know what to do with  it" you know don't sweat it! Yeah we are going   to tell you how to do that, we're going to help  you! So if you've liked any of today's content,   if you've enjoyed following us we would love you  to subscribe to our channel and help support us!   We hope that you like these trends that we've  mentioned today and that you can find one of   them to use in your home and you know come back  because we're going to have a lot more for you!
Channel: Emilee and Lora
Views: 40,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen trends, design trends, kitchen finishes, kitchen design tips, warm kitchens, marble countertops, wood kitchen cabinets, kitchen ideas, statement kitchens, emilee and lora, top kitchen trends, kitchen design ideas, statement kitchen islands, marble kitchen backsplash, statement kitchen backsplash, kitchen design, kitchen, kitchen storage ideas, kitchen cabinets ideas, interior design
Id: 551WLogS8JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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