You Have TOO MUCH STUFF | STOP Making These 10 Design Mistakes | Declutter Your Home

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hello and welcome back to my channel I'm Rebecca Robson and today we have another episode on the top 10 design mistakes I often see people making in their home and maybe you are doing this one too let's talk about too much baby it's just too much stuff [Music] it has a wall exists in your room doesn't mean that it needs something to be on it as I thought about today's video I was trying to think of ways that I could really illustrate my point and I thought you know maybe I should do it with a wardrobe situation what do you think I mean do you like this do you love this is it maybe just a little too much yeah that's the point I'm gonna make with you today and I'm excited to show you the fan photo submissions of people who sent me photos of their home and said I don't know what I'm doing wrong but help so that's what this is about I'm here to help you we're going to thin it down take it out take it off and come up with I promise you something that is going to look so much better than what you are probably doing now at least some of you and we are going to strip it down to the Bare Bones because you know what when you go down to the Bare Bones you can actually end up with something quite fabulous something that's absolutely perfect and beautiful and better than what you have right now so my point is this take it down to the Bare Bones and start all over if you have to because you know what when you do you'll find that what you come up with in the end is actually classier it's better it looks better it feels better and what does it give you it gives you peace some of these photo submissions are going to be more extreme than others this one's really not that extreme but when I look at this if I was actually able to talk to Tans Brown directly I would say you know what you've done a great job your window treatments look so good you've got a wider fireplace mantle than you do a television you've made some really good choices I just see a lot of things look at all these family photos right here on your fireplace mantel there's a piece of furniture over here that is meant to be like a curio cabinet it's got all kinds of accessory pieces in it look at the ground here the fireplace you've got a jug you have a lantern for a candle on this little tiny table with a with a lamp that's almost as big as the table you've got an accessory sitting on there lots of accessories on your coffee table accessories here it's not extreme but I do think it could look better if you did change that up and do less look right here over the door you've got an iron piece a filigree now there was a time but I will tell you now that it is dated and over here you have another filigree piece of iron if you love that look great but at least take the wreath off of the center maybe at Christmas time you can put a wreath there I think my advice to you would be take all of your accessories away just take them all off and then go back in and accessorize all over again take pictures if you want to to make sure if there's something you just love and just do less and definitely take all the things off of your fireplace and around the base of your fireplace I've been in rooms I should show you footage I think we have footage of Vivian's place where I went to her house for the first time this is one of my projects in San Diego and on the fireplace mantel on every table in her house she had framed photos of all the people in her family you know what I love that I think that is delightful it's beautiful it it shows what really matters to you it's people but I think you can achieve that same thing by doing something like I use the aura frame the aura frame is great it actually it's digital and you load it with all the pictures you want and it changes you can you can put it at whatever speed you want you can have the photos changing every two minutes or every five minutes or every 10 minutes instead of just looking at this sea of stuff everywhere that was very constant and very stat that's it it's stagnant it was something that was changing and it kind of like gave me joy every time a new photo would pop up I would recommend that for you Steven I would also add your living room to the category of too much stuff here's what I'm seeing here I'm seeing a plethora of three different types I don't think any of these match you have three different types of chairs now they're all in an ivory upholstered fabric that's a good start but it's a lot of different pieces and parts you've got a piano here I would prefer to see this piano move to the center right below this window and maybe take this chair out or maybe take this this chair and this one and put them next to each other and take this one out maybe take one of the chairs out I also noticed in your room that there's just you know there's a bar stool here this is not that extreme but I think it could be better and you sent me your photos and you wanted my advice my advice is to slim down and to purge just a bit another photo is of their beautiful fireplace You've Done Right by just putting a single artificial Arrangement on the top you haven't gone overboard here but when I look at these bookcases I think if I was sitting in this room looking at that how would I feel and I would feel busy maybe it's just me guys I'll tell you I am weird I'll admit that so take what I say with a grain of salt but I look at things and I my eye is constantly searching for Symmetry and you have symmetry on this wall but all of the different things that you have going on in there all the books it just feels like it's too much here's your assignment take 40 percent out of that bookcase and see what it looks like and if it looks better and you feel more settled when you look at that wall then I'd say keep it that way because I think you're going to like it [Music] let me just stop right now and say thank you so much to all of you who have submitted in fact every week when I upload a new episode I continue to get more top 10 emails coming in with people requesting my my Keen Eye of observation to tell them what is not right with their home in some of these cases the unfortunate thing is people are sending me pictures now that I look at the picture and the first thing I think oh furniture placement and they're even asking for furniture placement but I already did the furniture placement episode so it's too late for that and the best advice I can give you guys is I can help you so much more if you're a member of the design sessions yes I'm going to beat that drum again there'll be a link in the description box below we have an app the design sessions are a digital library of videos that are very educational just like what this is but it goes way deeper On Any Given topic I don't actually think I've done one on the design sessions for 2 too much stuff but I can't wait to show you the pictures and I was thinking why is it what is it about the too much stuff that people have a problem with and I think you know maybe sometime it's that you downsized and you know to a smaller house but you didn't want to get rid of your stuff maybe it's sentimental value that you have of the items that you own and you just can't bear it apart with it for some of you you're picking a theme and you're going way over the top way overboard remember my black and white outfit that was my theme right but I can still get my theme across in a classier Way by not overdoing it with too much tchotchkes what I see in Sonia's place is not that she has a bunch of tchotchkes all around it that's not too bad but what I do see is all different chairs again very much like the last person's home that we looked at there's a leather one here this might be leather it's armless this is a wing back this is a recliner another recliner all of these different chairs coming in and facing each other it does give you that sense of community a great place to sit and everyone can look at each other but is there a way you could arrange your furniture that just feels a little bit more peaceful more symmetrical this is a great wall with these two windows here the fireplace which is black which I like it's bigger than the television I think that's great but there's a lot going on with your furniture one suggestion I might make is rather than five different chairs with five different types of throws if you're not in a place to buy any new furniture or make that look a little more cohesive maybe getting five of the same throws that you could put over the backs of the chairs and then there'd be a little bit more cohesion in your room but your dog even looks like he loves being there I'm sure anyone who comes over does say Jay's family room does not look at first impression like it's too much stuff necessarily but as I show you photos that go around the room perhaps you'll see why I chose this for this category this is it's like a little alcove with a cabinet in it you have lots of fresh plants and I give you Kudos on that I love fresh plants but right here on this very small piece of wall you have a looks like a magazine rack I feel like that is too much there but let's look around on the other side of the room there's a lot of little art pieces up here a family photo you've got some candle sconces there is a mirror here what I'm seeing is that every wall that could possibly have something on it there's a shelf here with a piece of art there's a piece of art there there's art on the wall there there there there there there there there I mean it's just every wall this is what I was talking about now if you take my advice what I'm recommending for people to do and that is to take all of this stuff off your wall and just start fresh if you take it all off I'm I here's my challenge I want you to live with it completely empty for three to five days live with it that way don't put your stuff back up yet just live with it because what's going to happen is at first when you take everything down you're going to go oh I just can't stand it's just too bare I just don't like that I think if you give yourself a little bit of time for your eyes to rest and to appreciate the clean walls and the open space I think you're going to like it and you're going to find that your room is a lot more peaceful I take a look at this and I put this in the category of too much stuff it's not just this picture but one of the things I see here is you've created a focal point right here of a special thing this would have looked better had this been a much larger piece of furniture here but this is almost touching the ceiling and that in my opinion is just too high then you have more pieces over here and a piece over here there's a little shelf on the wall here lots of stuff on top of your mantel as we come around you'll see that in this corner she has a chair with a desk which is great it's a very large lamp I think I might go for a smaller one because it looks like there's not even enough room for you to use the desk as an actual desk I love that your window treatments go to the ceiling I actually really like that you painted the casements around your windows black I almost kind of wish you'd paint your windows black too but anyway your door as well because I think that looks really great but look at that this piece of furniture is fitting between the window and the door just barely this is not an episode on furniture placement but guys there are rules of what feels good and what feels good is if there's some drywall space between the end of your furniture and the under your wall or your door or your window same thing with art if there's there's got to be some space around it if you've got a long I'm gonna watch the art episode I'll go into that [Music] I'm going to move on to Linda and she has a beautiful home but I do see a lot of tchotchkes in her home as well she's got these very large vases with dried leaves and flowers in them that is dated as well as this Garland here all these little things that you have on top here now yes this cabinet is low and I do think it's a good idea to put some things up there but it just feels like a lot of stuff everywhere I look there's artificial flowers plants everywhere even the fireplace over here she's got plants here plants there candles here here it's just a lot of stuff Linda and I would recommend that you take the five day challenge and kind of see if you can live with less because I think it's going to look better but lest you think I'm judging here I'm not because you're not the only one who has too much stuff let's take a look back at what my garage looked like when I was in San Diego it was quite a few years ago but take a look at this wow a lot of stuff I mean I have that too the difference is I know to put that stuff in my garage so that my house doesn't look like that because if I didn't put it in the garage my house would look just like that not only that when I moved here to Tulsa I arrived with six full pods packed to the brim what did I have to do I realized you know what I have too much stuff I actually had to have a designer Surplus sale I actually held a designer Surplus sale here in my home so I'm saying you have to just get rid of everything I'm saying Purge baby Purge some of the things just it's time to part with it someone else would probably love it and enjoy it in other cases put it in a cabinet or in a cupboard in your basement in your garage or someplace else and then rotate your accessories throughout the year that's one way to make you feel like you've got something brand new it's not brand new it was just put away for a while less is best I gotta say Karen I love your fan that's a great fan um I did put you in the category of too much stuff as well I think that because of all of the things you have on your wall here as well as what you have in this corner chest an interesting way to do this you put an up light on your ficus tree and it is cool I bet in real life it looks pretty good but I do feel like this is just a lot and then over here you have a little tiny wall space so you found something to put there but as we go around the room do you see all of the different things that Karen has both in her kitchen and in her living room I think she has a real thing for wreaths are you a wreath person Karen I think you're a wreath person which is fine but all of these reads are just too much part of it is feeling like a different thing I feel like you're trying to go nautical here beachy here's another wreath we got our Pelicans that are facing each other maybe this is something you love but here's what I have to say about this I think this falls into the category of picking a theme and going overboard overboard speaking of themes yes I think it's it's just a little bit too much and I would recommend that you take my five day challenge I think if you really want some help with your room that's where I would start [Music] there's another Rita out there who has too much stuff Rita's kitchen is just got too much stuff so let's take a look here some of the things she needs obviously she's got cabinets but does she need this Christmas tree Rita I don't know when you took this picture but I think that should go away for most of the Year these bicycles guys all of these little iron tchotchke things that we used 10 years ago or more to fill in spaces is dating your home good on you for putting your window treatments all the way up here that's great this piece of furniture is fine but there's just stuff everywhere but Rita I just think that if you were to minimize I'm not sure why you put your table up against this this side here maybe you think it gives you more room but your chandelier is in the middle oh I should say this for the lighting episode this table should be moved over and put underneath that maybe you did it because you want to keep this piece I don't know where that can go but I would highly recommend and that you purge all right Larry I really like your house I like the color that you painted your walls in here I think we're looking at the kitchen slash family room but what I'm seeing is art pieces on every single possible wall and so many accessories and tchotchkes across the top here look even here on this little wall here there's a piece there there's a vase on the floor there's a vase on the floor here your your coffee table is not bad you don't have too much on there but look at all this I think I think these might be like little I don't know shells or something so you've got the little palm trees up there and a Candlestick and a horse and you know I I feel like I'm not appreciating your room or your home as much as I would if you just hold back some yeah this is just too much what you need is to move this piece here take all of this stuff off of here and get yourself a nice beautiful big area rug that right there you just switch that art out and you get yourself an area rug and I promise you you are going to like this room so much more he preface this by saying Kelly's got a really cool house it's almost like I don't think it's a log home but it's very cottagey and I know with cottage style you can do more accessorizing you can have small pieces of Art and things like that but I still feel like having something on every single wall is a bit much so if we take a look here at Kelly's space look at all the different pieces of art that she's got here these if you're going to keep them which I wouldn't because you've got a piece of furniture in the corner sort of squishing over so there's not even room for this I would take these two pieces and move them over here move them down and over and take these out these might be family photos you know what Kelly you are probably a perfect person to get yourself an aura frame I'm this is not a sponsored video Aura has not asked me to use her name it's just the brand that I use I think there are a lot of different companies out there that make digital photo frames that rotate find one of those online and I think that would be perfect for you rather than having the same photos on your wall of your I'm assuming grandchildren if this was my room I actually like this space I would move this over there's an extra table there that seems unnecessary I love the window treatments those look great try to kind of move this over and then I would put because you have this white split up here white pots because of your your chest under here I would also go through and I would clean out this chest it look I can't the picture's not clear enough for me to really tell you've got hat boxes over here guys the hat box look and all that is way past its prime and what it's doing right now is it's just it's filling your room with so much stuff you see over here not enough space for this round clock and this piece of art and there's a piece here and there's a shoe horse shoe horseshoe shoe horse horseshoe there's a happy place here and it's your happy place so forgive me if I'm you know tearing it apart I don't really don't mean to all this here if you got rid of this piece of art and you just kind of brought this over and centered it on your available space on the wall if this has to stay and one more look over here you see another piece of furniture with just all kinds of things on top of it I think you're a wonderful lady and you've got an incredible home and I bet you have it filled with family grandchildren memories great times and maybe you want to keep it the way it is but I have to think that because you sent it to me you don't so that would be my recommendation for you and I have a feeling for you to take the five day challenge would be very stressful I don't want to make you stress out but I do want to help [Music] this is Garrett's family room and you can see here do you see what I'm seeing there is every wall I would try not to put something on every single possible space take a look here we see his family room with a cornice it's like a wood cornice across the top that the window treatments are in and you see it all the way across the top are pots as we look around this direction in Garrett's home we also see down the hall there's a piece of furniture which is not a bad thing but there's a sign across the top there is even a an iron like pot rack hanging on the side of the cabinet there's nothing wrong with this if this was is how you want to live but you ask for my advice and my advice is oh look Garrett you're trying to make points you want to gather together and I'm all about that but when I look in all of these Cubbies and all of these holes you know what I see a lot of stuff so Garrett I know that you listened to me you got me right here on your television I promise you if you can thin out you need to get rid of in my opinion you need to get rid of 50 to 60 percent of the accessories that you have just Pare down and become not a minimalist but not quite so much of a maximalist over here you've got like um Iron swirly candle holder on the wall more accessories here this isn't really a large enough or long enough console to have that many accessories on it but as you look here look there's a pot on the floor here and oh there are two of those okay well if you're gonna have those at least move your mirror down and move those in you're trying to take up all your wall space instead create a vignette okay if you take this challenge look over here little um Catherine's got all these little signs over here and like a little bar and the other thing is Catherine I would take your table and straighten it out the fact that you have your table in here Kitty Wampus it's it's just with all the accessories going on it feels like there's just there's no peace and I take a look back this way I would take this piece of art off and I would get yourself two more things well actually here's what you need this is very very thin fabric you need an extra panel here an extra panel here and then two two two two so two four six panels wherever you got these Catherine go and get six more and then put those in if you want to see what I'm talking about go and watch the video a number of years ago and we'll put a link in the description box I did the dining room for Catherine and your name is Catherine too oh Catherine from do it on a dime and in her dining room she had turquoise panels that were very thin and they they looked like this I went in and I put in twice the width much better opacity we turned that into quite a impression great first impression piece this uh submission just came in and I had to laugh about it because I saw it this morning Bertha said okay Rebecca I know my my bedroom isn't right just critique away and I love it when people say that because then I know for sure I'm not going to break or hurt anyone's feelings she said that she has that extra tall husband so she can't get rid of the bed I'm sure she can't get rid of him so this room when I say too much stuff I mean you wouldn't necessarily think that in here would you but yet it kind of is take a look here right down here next to the bed she has a beautiful chest of drawers with an ornate just matching this kind of mirror above it I think she's using it as a nightstand because right here she has a lamp and then right here she has a lamp so here's what I'm going to say this piece of furniture I'm just going to be honest with you I do not think it can go in this room I don't unless if you took this little stool let's take a look here's well I guess there is some room take this stool out maybe you can get rid of that take this piece and move it to the center of your window get yourself another piece like this take this piece of art down you don't need any art this headboard is plenty move this lamp to the center of your nightstand get a second one put it over here move it to the center that alone is going to give you some symmetry you'll have this chest of drawers here and then take the mirror off and either don't use it or put it on the wall over here I'm not sure if I have a picture of that wall put it on the wall over here oh look at you you've got two shorter window treatments Bertha you said I could critique you girl [Music] so now that I have shown you a bunch of fan submitted photos I'm going to show you a project that I did probably a lot of you have seen this house I'm going to point out the same type of things that I would call too much that was in my client's home just like they are in your homes okay [Music] bad actually from a perspective standpoint you've got four pieces of metal art that are put together to create the sides of a piece of art but given the fact that this Windows here I think what bothers me is that this fireplace is remember I said things need some space right here is the perfect example of the fireplace mantle extending so far that it's almost hitting the opening of the window then you've got a piece of art here you've got these colored pillows very colorful area rug and then what you don't see there is looking back a couple of pieces of art here candles here lots of these little photos a couple of pieces here even just the Ottomans in the center of the floor they're very colorful very a lot the pillows are a lot all of the things in this big built-in overall it is not a bad room but every wall every possible place that you look at what do you see a piece of art or a tchotchke I'm going to show you what I did to change it clearly this is nothing like what I've been showing you today this is a project where we spent lots of money to make it perfect or to make it great [Music] for one thing I got rid of a window that helped that gave me the room to do the fireplace it was there was too much there was Windows and Doors and yeah so here is putting in a linear fireplace with a large television and then we come around to this side look we still have the colorful powerful pillows but there's a lot of pillows that are solids with only a couple that have a pattern and I think that helps back you see the coffee table is large only a couple things on it this piece of art across the back is spectacular it's a very expensive piece of art and installation but that gave us sort of the color palette but notice how the rug beneath it is much more subdued it almost feels like sand and this the water in the tide pools kind of thing and it just sort of gave us a backdrop but look one bookcase clean books on here one little statue you on top one lamp back here and then you see back here instead of all the walls having tchotchkes on it there's a big clock a piano and a couple of accessories I'm trying to make my point that you can still get color and personality in a room without overdoing it does that illustrate the point well enough I hope so [Music] all right so that sums it up for today's episode I want to know leave me a comment below how many of you are going to take me up on the five day challenge it can start on any day but the sooner the better and then promise me after you do it well actually take the four photos and then afterwards I want you to send me the after photos as well I want to see how different it looks and if I was right and if it did make a difference and probably some of you are going to go oh my gosh what took me so long because this can actually and honestly change your life all right I'll see you guys next Thursday same time same place two o'clock Central and remember to subscribe to the channel leave a thumbs up I know that I love you
Channel: Rebecca Robeson
Views: 783,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design, interior decorating, decorating, home decor, interior design tips, interior design ideas, rebecca robeson, kinwoven, decorating tips, cohesive home, decorating ideas, design style, house tour, home makeover, decorating tricks, home hacks, beautiful home, home inspiration, home how to, interior design online course, declutter, too much stuff, accessories, how to declutter, organize, minimalism, home storage, messy house, how to accessorize, living room, kitchen
Id: iBMQViha23I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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