How to Make Your Kitchen Look Expensive

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hi everyone it's Nick welcome and welcome back to my channel okay in this video today we are going to be talking about how to make your kitchen look expensive okay so first right off the bat really important to know expensive is not a design style expensive does not mean that it reflects your personality expensive just means some ideas on how you can make your space feel a little bit more tailored a little bit more custom a little bit more designer shall I say and uh just some ideas you don't have to take them just some ideas on making your space feel a little bit more premium and a little bit more beautiful now again I have a course I have other videos that are about finding your own personal style so it's really important that you inject your own personal style in here these are just some ideas on taking that personal style I mean we're just making them a little bit more tailored a little bit more fun and maybe even yeah a little bit more luxurious that's what we're going for so let's get going okay so first tip I have for you on how to make your kitchen look expensive is to upgrade your faucet and your drawer pulls so way back when I did a video my first ever video on YouTube how to make your room space feel expensive I don't encourage that you look at that video because I'd like to think I've improved since then and ones have been embarrassed I'm not gonna like but in that video one of the first tips that I had was to like upgrade some of your like hardware and your metals and honestly I still stand behind that tip all these years later because your faucet you use it every day okay so this is something that you need to love it is something that is beautiful something that you really enjoy using not some ratty old sort of chrome faucet where it's maybe peeling or maybe you've got some like white spots and you've maybe got some rust on there or whatever like that's not what this is about right if you can sub that out it's a relatively inexpensive way to upgrade your space because there are so many more expensive pricier renovation type things that we're talking about the kitchen because there's lots of fixed elements there the faucet is a relatively easy thing to sub out so if your faucet no longer feels like it's really serving you if it maybe feels like it's a little dull it's a little drab or maybe it's as I said just quite frankly worn out then I would consider really replacing it and the same really goes for door hardware I would consider your Metals in your kitchen to be like the jewelry of your kitchen it's just something that gives it a little bit of Sparkle a little bit of fun it's an opportunity also to create cohesion in the space because by matching your metal you can go for a mixed metal look of course have a video on that too but if you are looking to sort of have that seamless sort of contemporary look where all of your metals are matching then having your drawer pulls as well as your faucet matching together or maybe even things like your soap pumps maybe other metals that you have in your kitchen can really go a long way to sort of guide the eye around the kitchen and sort of make those connections between those different Metals so upgrade your faucet to make sure that it's no longer that dingy gross one and something that is serving you a lot better it doesn't have to be super expensive it doesn't have to have a ton of features although you have ones that have Taps and there's ones that have lights there's all sorts of really crazy ones out there it doesn't have to be super crazy it just needs to be a beautiful faucet that is not Rusty and gross and old and maybe something just a little bit nicer a little bit more upgraded to what you're looking for and ideally thought through with some of the other metals that you have going on in your kitchen that's really important you're going for some intentional pieces where you can start to connect some of those Metals around the kitchen so it starts to look really cohesive that's really what I'm talking about that's more important than how much money you necessarily spend on your faucet okay next up next tip I had for you is lighting and there's two things I want to talk about in respect to lighting so so well two and a half this is kind of a third bonus tip so first is going to be low hanging pendants that are over top of something like a kitchen island or even a peninsula are a really great way to really just I'll give you some task lighting that helps you sort of see what's going on in the space but it also makes the room feel a lot taller which is really nice so when you have something that's really low hanging not to the point you're bumping your head of course when you're trying to chop your vegetables that's not okay but if you've got something low hanging it'll create the illusion that your space is much taller and I know you're looking the background going with writing an opinions well I also think it's really important that you have sort of a larger space to be able to accommodate lots of different types of pendants so that is another thing I would consider is make sure that you know you don't have to put pendants in if you have a smaller space I wouldn't maybe skip it but if you do have a larger kitchen then it's really important I think to look at those pendants because having them quite low not only provides great lighting for you to actually do tasks in the kitchen but it also can make a space feel a lot taller and more luxurious in that way which I think is important the other thing is under counter lighting or even under the toe kick down below your Cabinetry these LED light strips just provide like a nice subtle glow in a kitchen that looks really really Luxe makes it looks really beautiful really interesting I actually have it but I forgot to turn it on for this video oopsie maybe I'll go do that hold on one second see look at that doesn't it make my kitchen look a lot more expensive see look at that just made it look a little bit more premium so the this under counter light I usually forget to put that one on when I do videos and whatever having that under counter lighting just really makes the space feel a little bit more luxurious you just got that subtle glow in the background it's another layer to your lighting so you're creating a more sophisticated lighting plan because now you're considering your accent lighting your task lighting your ambient lighting you have all different types of lighting happening in the kitchen I think it's a really great thing as well as the toe kick right down at the bottom or even inside drawers that's really great too so if you're in the middle of the night you're maybe grabbing yourself a snack no shame there you can open it up and boom you've got some lighting that's lighting up all of your Cutlery and all your sort of different bowls and things like that which I think is really really nice so I would consider putting it in the drawers if you can bit of a Luxe look for sure definitely under the toe kick and my first choice would be the under cabinet lighting because I really do think it goes a long way to make it look a lot more expensive and the other tip I would have if you have a larger kitchen and if you have a lot of space consider other sort of freestanding lights as well something like a task lamp can be really nice especially in a larger kitchen is it necessary no see a video that I did recently where I talked about de-influencing and how you don't need these giant lamps show you in your kitchen but if you have a larger kitchen you have the space for it it is a nice way just to add another layer to your lighting plan in your kitchen something to consider not a must-have by any stretch of imagination but large enough kitchen it's pretty locks not gonna line okay next way to make your kitchen look expensive is going to be cabinets to the ceiling so I talked about this in my kitchen design mistakes video which is something that honestly it's just worth considering if you're doing a renovation and you know the kitchen's tough sometimes because there's a lot of fixed elements there which is why it can be really expensive to do a renovation but oftentimes really worth it I think it usually ranks quite highly on the list of spaces in your house to renovate to improve the value of your home and it's because the kitchen has so many fixed elements that over time as it maybe starts to look a little bit more dated it just goes a long way to upgrade that kitchen so I would say that if you are looking at doing a renovation considering taking your kitchen cabinets and bringing them right to the ceiling so what it does is it's first of all gonna be much easier to dust right so you don't have to worry about dust getting on the top of those cabinets which is nice huge bonus as well as it makes your space feel a lot taller it makes it feel a lot more luxurious to have one cabinet that is seamless right the way all the way to ceiling as opposed to cropped cabinets which generally for me look a little bit more builder grade they look they're a lot cheaper because they just are they're just kind of a standard box they're not going to necessarily feel really premium and tailored to the space it's not going to feel really built in instead it's going to look cropped it's going to look like it's sort of floating in space but it's not going to have that connection right to the ceiling it is going to also make your ceiling look a lot shorter it's going to make it look a little bit more Stumpy and so I would recommend if you can and you're doing something like a renovation go all the way to the ceiling now if you're not doing a renovation you have no plans on it you're like but Nick I still like this look you can if you are a DIY or you could hire a contractor to do it as well is you can just basically build a box and continue your Cabinetry to the ceiling and just box them in you can do that paint your cabinets the same color and you can create the illusion that your cabinets go right to the ceiling now is it efficient space wise no because you're basically creating a false box over top of that space to close it in it's going to look more luxurious for sure but it's not functional I mean you can you can build drawers up there but now you're basically reaching your Cabinetry so that's a whole other thing but if you just kind of want a bit more of a DIY friendly solution find ways to use MDF to basically enclose in those areas and paint them the same color and if you're able to make that work then that's another solution that gives you the illusion of boxes to the ceiling which again is going to probably be custom millwork but instead you can sort of create a look that sort of just kind of makes it enclosed so it looks more premium from the outside even if that drawer space isn't necessarily functional but again you save on the dusting so that's good okay so next on my list is going to be to consider adding color to make your kitchen look more expensive okay so you don't necessarily have to add color I do think that neutrals are beautiful I think neutrals can be really important in design you don't have to you can have big bold colorful crazy spaces if you want but neutrals generally for most people are going to feel really calming and soothing and relaxing and they oftentimes really go together and they're very popular in contemporary design but the reason I will say to consider adding color to make your kitchen look more expensive is automatically for me when someone takes a risk and they put in color it is going to look more designer and it's going to look a little bit more beautiful than just always going for playing and the reason for that is because you know gray white maybe black but probably not but let's be honest great white maybe beige those are going to be colors that Builders will use and it feels very stock and it feels very basic and that's because Builders obviously are not going to take huge risks they're not going to put probably blue or green or red or you know different colored crazy kooky sort of Cabinetry in their spaces because they're going to try to appeal to a very wide audience so using something like white cabinets or gray cabinets or something like that is going to feel really basic and it's going to feel really generic and that is therefore going to suit the maximum number of buyers because you know there's no one to offend with a white kitchen right like no one gets really offended no one's oftentimes really inspired by a gray kitchen but no one's really ever completely turned off by one let's be honest but if you did something like some beautiful really cool red wine Cabinetry that's really funky and something we're gonna love it and some people are gonna shy away from it because let's be honest most people that's not their first choice so I would say that if you're doing something a little bit more custom if you're doing something that you're going to live in for many many years this is maybe a home that you plan on living in for at least five years you don't care about resale as much you're looking for something that really reflects you something that's more interesting to you that you're really passionate about that you really love that reflects who you are and your family color can be a really great way to make a space feel really special something that makes the space feel really uniquely your own because you're not doing the white gray beige right so you're not doing those colors you're doing something a little bit more interesting and a little bit more bold and I think that makes the space feel a lot more interesting it feels like it's got a lot more personality and therefore to me feels a lot more expensive now you don't have to do it with your Cabinetry going for different types of stone can be really interesting there's lots of really cool natural stones that come in lots of different colors you can also really play around with backsplashes you can do a really cool funky like vertical stack tile and green or something that's really interesting and cool and you can still balance these with neutrals right so if you really like a neutral space but you just want little pops of color and you're feeling a little bit bold and brave then I would say consider adding in some color especially even in some of those fixed elements now it's a bit of a risk because taking risks with fixed elements is always in here currently going to be riskier than doing with symptom core pieces but I would consider adding in some color here and there if you can in those fixed elements now if you're not feeling so brave but you still want some color throw it in with some accents you know those lamps those towels maybe some of those appliances things like that you can start to get a little bit more creative with color without necessarily committing to those fixed elements because let's be honest most people don't sub those out for maybe about 10 15 years they might do a renovation that's going to be a safer choice but still at the end of the day consider color because it really will make your space feel a lot more interesting and reflective of who you are and your own personality okay next up is going to be paddled appliances you all know how much I love panel appliances I can't not talk about panel appliances every time I do a video even remotely talking about kitchens I love them now the Europeans hi hello I don't forget about you I love you I see you in the audience you're not the majority of the people that are here I typically speak to an American Canadian audience but hello Europeans you always find this funny because you're like panel appliances we've had those for years yes of course you have and they're beautiful and they're wonderful but to the Americans and the Canadians in the audience hi uh welcome we oftentimes are slow to this game and really we shouldn't be a lot of the European Brands like Mila and whatever they have been doing paneled appliances for decades this is sort of the standard in Europe honestly for me I'll be honest they're just better I just like them more now they are more expensive they're going to be more complicated because you're going to have to buy panel ready appliances you're going to have the mill worker or your cabinet maker whatever you're gonna have to make sure that you have ones that are going to fit onto your appliances but at the end of the day they are going to look beautiful they will look integrated into the space you will not have these big chunks of stainless necessarily all over your kitchen because for me that is always going to look a little bit less expensive a little bit less premium I think that paneled appliances always make a space feel inherently really cohesive looks really gorgeous they always look really high-end I would panel anything if I could usually things that get paneled are dishwashers your fridge oftentimes is panels you usually can't panel on My Grave and you can't panel a stove but other than that if you can panel it I would that just really always makes the space feel really expensive really premium and just a little bit more designer I'm sorry now again it is going to be a lot more expensive than just going with sort of your regular appliances that you would buy there's nothing necessarily wrong with those but that's not what this video is about this video is what making our space look more expensive so what do you want me to say get paneled appliances if you want your space to be a little bit more expensive in my personal opinion okay next up on my list is going to be to Anchor your items I talked about vignettes before in a previous video talking about a space feel really expensive and it just really works and this is kind of the same idea of what we're talking about here in the kitchen find cutting boards trays right things that you can have that really sort of make your space feel a little bit more put together by taking some of those things that tend to just sort of like bubble up in the kitchen all the time right those little pieces that can just float in space on the countertop if you can somehow bring those together in a nice beautiful tray and sort of Corral them in one space it's going to make your space feel a lot more intentional and it's going to feel a little bit like a little just a little bit more put together than having everything so haphazard and spread around your space so this is something I've been trying to do finding areas of my kitchen where functionally I'm going to use the same pieces over and over again so your kitchen utensils maybe your little squeezy bottles maybe your butter dish right maybe some of the things that you have frequently laid out on your countertop because functionally you use them every day and that's fine try to maybe put them in sort of some areas where you can kind of Corral them around and maybe have like a nice tray or something like that on the bottom or a cutting board something like that to sort of contain some of those little weird pieces that can float around in space if we're not too careful in the kitchen so Corral it together pick some beautiful pieces that really make sense to sort of anchor your space and then work from there and start to kind of add in so it doesn't feel inherently as cluttered as it would be if it just sort of floats around your kitchen I hope that makes sense okay next up how to make your kitchen look expensive this one is gonna be real quick just keep your place clean clutter free as clutter free as possible I mentioned this in every expensive video and everyone's like but why do you mention it because honestly nothing will torpedo your kitchen quite like a cluttered hot mess you can get the most gorgeous quartzite countertops which you can imagine you can have Walnut solid wood Walnut freaking Cabinetry and it would be oh so amazing Maybe beautiful but then if your space is overloaded with dirty dishes and just so much clutter and you got the fruit flies roll around the place honest to God it is not it's not gonna save yeah it's not going to save you no no amount of beautiful countertops are going to save you if you have a cluttered kitchen so clean your kitchen put stuff away if you don't use it on a regular daily basis I would consider for me this is what I do is I would just go do I have this every single day if the ants answer is yes then fine find a space Corral it hide it put it and organize it right but if I don't use it every day then put it in cabinets put it away put it away because then you just don't have to really worry about and it's just going to make that space feel a bit more clutter free and honestly you're gonna want to be in the kitchen a little bit more than you might think because there's nothing that makes me want to cook less than walking into a cluttered kitchen that is maybe even dirty you know what I mean like no one wants to cook in a dirty kitchen so I would put your stuff away that you don't use every day and neatly organize the stuff that you do okay next I'm on my list is going to be considered things like an appliance garage or extra plugs and different things just little fun details that are very functional inside your Cabinetry so I gotta say tick tock's horrible for Society for a lot of reasons but one thing that's really cool is seeing the weird quirky fun things that people do in their kitchen like things that they do with their little olive oil things or their little spice racks or those little integrated recycling or organic bins I mean how cool are those Appliance garages like these things are so cool just little Innovative touches is that honestly if you're doing a renovation and you're thinking about it these things can go a long way to make your space feel more expensive they're usually functional and that they help you hide some of those things like we just talked about those clutter things so hiding them inside your cupboards inside all your different Cabinetry under the sink whatever those things can make your space feel a lot more functional but also more beautiful because you're able to actually hide some of those pieces that are maybe not super attractive but also make it more functional because you actually enjoy using your kitchen so you still have access to those appliances or you know the bins or the whatever all that stuff you still have access to it but it's done in a way that is also beautiful and aesthetically pleasing as well I love an appliance garage if you don't know what it is it's usually just one of those little garages that you tuck in sort of your blender maybe your toaster those little tiny things that you don't necessarily use all day every day but you might use once a day maybe once every few days you can kind of just tuck them away and then you just open the garage up when you need it maybe you slide it out it's already plugged in so you've already wired your electrical in there and then you can use those little devices and when you're done with them shove them away close the drawer and your space is beautiful again I love these little touches I'm seeing them all over tick tock talking Instagram and things and they're so much fun I'm going to show some here some of my favorites and maybe you can get inspired for your own kitchen renovation but honestly these things can really make a space look more beautiful because you're hiding things but also more functional too and I think that's great okay and then next up on my list how to make your kitchen look more expensive I would say explore art art in the kitchen is underutilized it is something that people have never really done it is a trend that I'm seeing more and more of and I think it's really great because it's an opportunity for people to show more of their personality because here's the thing we do that a lot in the living room we may even do that a lot in the bedroom but the kitchen is a space that feels very function first as it should be but also we tend to ignore that it is a space that we can still show our personality we can still show things that are really interesting and I'm not just talking about you know The Farmhouse tea towel I'm being like look at that look I'm interesting no I'm not talking about that I'm talking about just really interesting art that reflects who you are and not necessarily just some stuff you picked up on Home Goods but like some interesting art that you really really love I think so often we preserve some of those Decor pieces myself included for the living room or for other rooms in the house and we sort of neglect the kitchen because it is so fixed element heavy we tend just to kind of stick to the appliances and the functional tools that we're going to use in the kitchen as well as those fixed elements like the backsplash the kitchen countertops and the Cabinetry and things like that but we forget that there is an opportunity to add in Decor an opportunity to add in art you know that tray that we talked about we can Corral all those items that's an opportunity not just to go with something functional but to go with something beautiful too and something that maybe reflects who you are there's some really cool things that are out there that you can sort of play around with so you know if you've got some you know repurpose from other areas of your home if you're like you know I've got some extra Decor that's maybe kicking around the living room and maybe I've got too much of it think of how you can incorporate that into the kitchen because the kitchen is still an opportunity to show your personality rather than just going always for the sort of functional pieces that you could actually need for cooking so consider that too it goes a long way to show some personality and I think that's one of the keys that makes your kitchen look more expensive personally to me so thanks y'all I hope you enjoyed this video I'm going to link here on how to make your living room look more expensive I think if you liked this kitchen video you'll like that one too go check it out I will see you all in the next video thanks a lot bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 429,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MmKI06ei3vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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