Kingdom Unity - Rick Joyner (2018)

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[Music] but how many you just have been blessed so far it's been such a great time together and we've heard some wonderful testimonies of what God's doing and I just feel so encouraged that Rick is here with us and and the message that God has been releasing in in through him to us I think is so important and so we are very very blessed to have him with us speaking this morning so why don't we just give him let's stand and let's give him a warm warm welcome as he comes thank you okay thank you appreciate that I appreciate that offering the entire offering you just gave is going to go to needy children mind I'm just saying but I appreciate your generosity and they will appreciate it but I've got three more shots at you and then I'm out of here including the lunch but I've got a lot of still want to download I feel like I want to be sure I shared the whole Council of God that I've got in part during this time I you know did have a I didn't have a dream I did have dreams last night but they weren't about here but when I woke up I had two visions about Canada and so I'm gonna try to share those this evening and maybe I'm gonna wait and share because usually I get more and sometimes I think we share things prematurely and it doesn't have the impact that if we wait until it's we've got the whole or all that he wants us to give but anyway you know last I are kind of finished with what felt like was the most important anointing if we could have is that Eliezer anointing to cause the bride to fall so in love with the Lord that she makes herself ready and you know in Revelation 21 is John's right he says na saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God made ready as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice in the from the throne saying behold the tabernacle of God is among men and he will dwell among them and they shall be his people and God Himself will be among them and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will no longer be any death there will no longer be any mourning or crying or banging the first things have passed away thank you you know we've been given the greatest hope that the world has ever ever heard or ever will hear there is no other religion no other philosophy that has the hope for the future that we've been given and gospel means good news not bad news and we have the greatest hope and it's not just a hope it's a reality the Lord is we see in Isaiah 11 and other places he's going to restore the earth to the Paradise it was originally created to be the Lions gonna lie down with the lamb the children play with cobras you know that nobody's gonna hurt anybody else anywhere on the earth all the pain will be done away with all of this and but I believe anything that God wants to bring he has us here to live in first and to help bring it by living in it we help build that Highway God's higher way you know for his kingdom but the a way that we come to I think understand and identify with what is in his heart and lets you know I always want to be straightforward but you know if as I listened to messages and and read and you know I get a lot of messages sent to me and almost all of them are about us you know and you know I appreciate you know you know the need for us to learn generosity and things like that and it's fundamental to our priesthood that Melchizedek Priesthood to be givers and things like that but it seems like mostly offerings I'm glad I don't have to say this after this has been done here but it's about give so that you get you know and these are all true these scriptures are true you sow you reap God will repay you all that's true but I think it reveals our immaturity when it's all about us and what we get instead of we just want to be a part of what God's doing we want to sow and we get we have this opportunity to sow into what God is doing and it's because he deserves it you know and he is worthy but you know the bride is never going to become what she is called to be by looking at herself we're changed by beholding his glory and then we must behold it with an unveiled face we must have our veils removed but I just want to share a little bit about about the bride which is also called many different things the church is called many different things in the New Testament were called his field his building his temple his priesthood a holy nation an army we're calling all kinds of in we're all of these we are all of these we're called to be all of these things and I think there are aspects of most of them that we've grump into but you know as a you know I've always had trouble as a man identifying with being the Bride of Christ I mean it's just okay I'll I'll do it but you know I mean what is this and uh listen if men have to be a part of the bride then women get to be a part of the leadership in a part of the army that were called to be and women get to be sons of God believe it or not so everywhere that refers to the sons of God he's not he's talking best sons and his daughters and all and I don't want to in any way you know obscure the clear distinctions God has made between male and female and things like that I think we got a real problem with that in these times but God made a male and female guess what I'm sorry but in Scripture there's only two genders and I'm just saying and bless their hearts in a and but truly I mean people going through confusion about a lot of things and God wants everybody safe to come to the knowledge of the truth you know and but I think his brides sometimes has an identity issue I think men and women in the body have identity issues I was you know I was recently met went to Jerusalem for the first time Lord had prohibited me from going to Israel for since I've been a Christian I wanted to go I planned about 14 trips and Lord said no every time I got invited to speak to the Knesset by the Prime Minister and and Lord said no years ago and finally I got to go west year and and I'm sitting there for the Mount of Olives first looked down on Jerusalem I'll tell you what my thought was and it may not have been a good one I'm just saying bless my heart my first thought is so this is why we need a new one it's a mess and I so appreciate those are laboring so hard they're to me they have one of the most difficult callings and ministries I certainly want to honor them and everything else but yeah I went into the Palestinian areas and and stuff and man they're they just need some help they really need some help and it is a mess but it's kind of reflection of humanity I believe Israel's intended to be a barometer of humanity in general and it's kind of where we are but I'm putting my hope in the New Jerusalem not the old one appreciate the vision the purpose and God's purpose and prophesies for what he's gonna do in Jerusalem the natural Jerusalem but my real hope is in the the new one do we see a city you know Abraham didn't see the old Jerusalem when he had his vision of God's city it wasn't that that caused him to want to be willing to leave everything he'd ever known living in one of the great countries and cultures in history obviously a member of the aristocracy of that great culture and he left it all because of a dream he saw a city and the the vision of being a part of that city a city that God is building not men and I believe that is still the vision that compels the truth sojourners to this day do we see his city his city that is building who is today laying aside everything to be a part of what God is building not men we can build a lot of great stuff and I appreciate the things that men built I love airplanes they have just made my life richer I've gone all kinds but I couldn't come here if it weren't for airplanes I am so thankful for everybody had a part in developing airplanes I appreciate computers I don't know how the Apostles did it without one of these you know it's just all this stuff I and I think that is a way that we also honor God because he put that creativity in us in his people and even though they don't know him may not acknowledge him you know nobody did any of this without the grace of God you know there are four types of grace in Scripture the first one is common grace which he gives to all men it says he causes rain to fall upon the just and the unjust his son to shop on the righteous and the unrighteous that's common grace every natural talent that anyone has was given to them from God how many of you would like to have a a spirit filled with you had to have brain surgery a spirit filled intern to do your brain surgery would you have rather have one of the best doctors in the world who was a heathen I'm just saying yeah trusting the Holy Spirit but in the area of common grace give me the guy who knows what he's doing it's done this before and all these things and and you know I appreciate all of Gulf plague off by the way I hope you guys had a healing service for all the golfers yesterday healing of the memories and forgiveness and all the other stuff they need but uh but you know I've had friends that are professional golfers and I appreciate what they're trying to do when they say you know they're being interviewed at the end that was an incredible shot you made back there on this old they're going that wasn't me that was God I said where'd they go I mean I'm thinking wait a minute did God makes that double bogey back there on that you know uh you know you appreciate they're trying to honor God but come on that wouldn't have been a birdie that would have been a hole-in-one if it was God I mean and uh as a brand new Christian this really happened to me I've heard a lot of people use the story but this really happened to me I had this girl that was kind of instrumental in leading me to the Lord but we're brand-new Christians and we heard this apostles come into town and no idea what was an apostle was but they said you're gonna really want to go to this meeting and everything I said okay I'm gonna go so we went hit a great message great ministry and afterwards this girl and I just went up to tell him how much we appreciated as I Street and he was trying to amigos sister that was not me speaking that was the Lord she looks she goes it wasn't that good how many of you know if Jesus were sitting here right now would be a better service I trust he gets through some but you know that's but also thank him that he's been willing to give us let us do this I mean think I could have kind of understand Peter saying Lord don't leave us you know and you know think about on the day of Pentecost all these peoples all sudden there's 3,000 new believers and they look up there at their leaders and they go wait a minute aren't these the guys had just denied the Lord fled winning needed his friends the most that they deserted him they look at our leaders I don't think their trust was in those leaders I don't think he could be you know when the Lord said I'm out of here when one guy gets it you're the Christ you some guy he's so okay I'm out of here you can handle it and they're going what now he said you're good you're good you can handle it now how much better would it have been if Jesus had stayed here I don't think there'd be a single division in the church I don't think all the messes we made they wouldn't been made but you know Jesus's trust was not in those apostles it was in the Holy Spirit and he still lets us do this James have we all stumble in many ways you know we still tend to shoot our wounded someone makes a mistake and we kill them but you know it says the righteous fall seven times and rise yet again and even the righteous are gonna make mistakes even the righteous are gonna follow what the Lord said to me one time he says you're falling does not displease me as much as you're getting back up and fighting on pleases me that's faith even takes more faith once you've fallen once you've stumbled made a mistake and you know nobody passes God's test with a perfect score that's a religious spirit that tries to impose on us you've messed up whatever we may have done better than anyone else has ever done that the enemy is going to try to convince you you failed nobody's gonna do it perfectly the only one who would ever do it perfectly he's done it nobody else is gonna do this perfectly but you have to resolve yes you're gonna trip up you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna follow it down but you're gonna get back up they used to teach us in football when you fall fall forward you'll gain an extra fifty yards you know I'm gonna play this game without going down but fall in the right direction keep getting up now I'm not encouraging it follow and do all that but you know we're in this here I want to encourage you with something I know I've shared this with you before but do you realize that the two most powerful beings in the universe are both trying to kill you that's my whole marriage counseling and people come to me for marriage counseling I try to make it as clear as I can right now begin I said I want you to know this relationship is ordained in heaven from the foundation of the world you were called into this relationship one another so that God could kill you and you're gonna die and you are so diluted right now because of all these endorphins and everything you don't believe a word I'm saying and you would not fall into this trap if it weren't for all those endorphins that was a divine strategy and a divine trap to trap you into a relationship that is gonna kill you you're not gonna get out of this without dying I'm just saying well I wonder why nobody asked me to do their weddings anymore [Laughter] but no you know I think one of the most devastating attacks on marriage Lord shared this showed this to me in the early 1970s when I was about to get married I said I've read every book on marriage I could get my hands on I want to have the best marriage I wanted to be the best husband and Lord told me stop reading those things I said Lord why I want to be the best husband I can possibly be when I have best marriage and family he said quit reading those books they'll destroy your marriage he said nobody can measure up to the idealism that has been shared in those books when you read what a husband's supposed to be there isn't one I promise you and every wife that reads what their husband's supposed to be saying hey you better shape up buddy you're not even close and the men are saying the same thing this is destroy a lot and you know what every single one that wrote one of those books you check this out they're divorced didn't work human idealism is one of the greatest most deadly enemies of the truth it's a religious spirit that once you did trust make you to measure up to something you cannot measure up to you know I cannot be all things to my wife I'm not supposed to be and the books that tried to teach me I was supposed to be all things they really they would have messed me up I didn't let them I hate shopping not going shopping if I can ever help it shopping you know by the way I've been taken to heaven a number of times now different parts of heaven and I say this and T you know I just hate shopping I can go in if I've got to get something else walk straight to the rack pick it out I met the thing I literally had this happen one time it was in Canada somewhere where I'd forgotten my shoes and I had stopped out Shoe Store was that here I don't know but was it Calgary and I told the guys drive by shoe store let me out go to the in the street and turn around picked me up and they said you're gonna buy shoes that fast I said yeah they didn't believe me I'm with me immediately so she these are good enough I'm not gonna spend two hours I'm not gonna spend two minutes that one's good enough here's my size given to me I'm out of I was outside waiting for them when they turned the car around to pick me up that shopping I don't like fishing I like catching fish get on my hook right now there's uh I'm just saying I am thankful though I have a wife that loves to shop so split she literally spent two hours one time deciding between two belts drove her sister's crazy and drugged me I said how much were they I sue she told me I said why didn't you buy ten of them ten each who cares you know I mean the money's not worth what you're wasting your time [Laughter] but you know God made men and women different and he made men different from me he made every one of us different he makes every snowflake different he loves diversity made us unique we all have our own gifts up and I tell you I'm not gonna become ever become one with my wife I trying to make her into a man or her trying to make me into a woman I think you have to just come to this is your part this is my part and there are some things that you know I would my wife doesn't she hates honey she doesn't even like fishing because she thinks it hurts the fish I said I'm going to do this to hurt them I'm gonna put them in a frying pan when I'm finished and the Lord said arise kill and eat I'm gonna go through this I'm gonna bathe the Lord he made us different we've got to get along with our differences I think he makes every church different that's one of the things he showed me about you last night right here in this region I think it was for Alberta I saw you as a field and the Lord Himself was very carefully planting the seed and it was some of the most rich soil you can imagine I don't know anything about your soil up here this was incredible SOI but this is what really shocked me you would think you know this field is gonna be corn and this what he was plant planting different kinds of seed right next to each other and and very carefully doing it and we've got to recognize how those who are different from us are needed by us you know when it says he made man in His image that should have been I think translated mankind it takes all of the diversity together to reveal how he really is who is that's why this movement on you know I I got a clear word about this in 2014 when the Lord said patriotism is gonna win he wouldn't just talk about our next president being a patriot which he is and he was but he was on ease and patriotism is gonna win worldwide he said you know there's scriptures where the Lord says the Lord gave the nations and read the curses that would come upon anybody who would remove or move the ancient boundaries now why is that so important to the Lord he made the nation's and gave them boundaries why is that so important to him because he loves diversity he doesn't want us our unity with one another is never going to come in uniformity or by uniformity God unity is not a unity of uniformity it's a unity in diversity as soon as you recognize as a young couple that you've got to let your wife be a woman and you've got to be a man you you know it's not you don't have to become like her in some ways to have unity no you start respecting and honoring the uniqueness that God gave us we need to do that in a body of Christ a lot of people's vision of the unity of the body of Christ Worker all be the same all believe the same doctrines everything you know it is not gonna be that way just like he made Israel out of different tribes he has different tribes in the body of Christ every tribe had its own vision they had their own destiny and purpose and they needed to stay focused on that but they also needed to realize how they were all a part of one nation we need to be able to do both we shouldn't want other churches to take on our vision we want them to fulfill their vision their purpose and then we want to know ours and be able to them we shouldn't be intimidated by each other we should be complimenting each other you know Israel was only required to be unified around two things worship and warfare two things Lord gave them the way he wanted to be worship where he wanted to be worship this is how you do it and then if any one of the tribes were attacked all the other tribes were to mobilize to defend the brothers what would happen if any church in our city got attacked all the other churches would rise up and defend their brothers and sisters what would that look like to the world isn't it gonna be the unity of the body price is gonna cause the world to say that Jesus was sent by the father as he said in John 17 what's a unity of diversity we've got to respect and honor the differences and the uniqueness and you know one of our staff counted the number of different people we had in our pulpit one year there were over 300 different speakers in our pulpit in one year now we have students do 10-minute serves way at all he counted all those but it what did I didn't even wouldn't even think about this but one thing it did in our congregation whenever they saw someone new that got up they didn't get hesitant they got excited I'm gonna learn something new I'm gonna learn something different there was an openness and an expectancy whenever they ran to someone new and I think we should have the same in the body of Christ what does the city look like that he's building you know city is made up of different communities unique communities unique businesses and all this one of the things and he did this to judge me it was the judgment of God that came upon me the Lord showed me that in some ways his city was like a shopping mall then I got caught up to heaven one time is the best part of heaven I've ever experienced I was there for literally eight hours of earth time eight hours best part I have ever experienced every part of heaven I've ever been to has been different from every other part heaven is far more diverse than the earth is there more species I heard Sean talk about all the different creatures enough around the throne but listen there are more species in heaven than there are on the earth way more diverse it is way better listen the whole physical universe that is what now 14 1/2 to 15 billion light-years across they say is just but a shadow of the heavenly realm has less sup as this about the same substance compared to the spiritual realm that your shadow does for you think about that that's how much more there is to the spiritual realm when you experience it it is so you you just can't handle the diverse but we are gonna be perpetually forever fascinated in awe I mean I'd do that with the earth I mean the earth is so incredible if you watch those programs planet Earth I mean how can you not worship when you're watching those look at all this stuff God made that's just this one little speck of dust floating around the universe and but I got caught up into heaven the best part of all you know where it was it was a shopping mall here's the one who's been declaring how much he hates shopping but it was the best part of heaven I've ever experienced I didn't shop for anything maybe that helped but there was a Kino near there there was a fellowship there with everybody and it was you know um I mean I don't think they're words to describe the fellowship that we're gonna have in heaven that we're supposed to be starting here but then right at the end of the experience he the Lord said now I'm gonna let you experience this by yourself and immediately I'm in the same place all by myself and it became like hell I'm wanted out of there right away he was showing me how much Keenan eeeh is the oxygen of heaven and you know in all of Scripture there's only one scripture that tells us why Christians are weak or sick or die prematurely it's for not having kena Neal you know Keenan E is in the south it's Koinonia but the Greek is Keenan iya and you know it you know it's interesting that you know almost every book written about the church that I've read building the church it's about ecclesia you know CLE Zia is the structure the government the organization of the church and that's most of what I think most of the present church has been built on is ecclesia I think we've made a mistake I think we've gotten the cart in front of the horse I'm just saying as I see the scriptures it started with Kenan II in every case then they would come along and add ecclesia as needed and it seemed to have been different in almost every place very unique some needed more of this structure and some others whatever but that was just this ecclesia was just the scaffolding for the building it wasn't a building and it's needed we need to understand these things I think we need to understand the different ministries and how they function how they're used for the equipping and we need all of that I don't think it's gonna do any good without Kenan Neal I don't think it's gonna hold together at last Quintanilla is a bonding together so strong that if you separate the parts both would die that's what he's talking about there in first Corinthians 11 you don't discern the body this is why many are weak or sick and a number even sleep he talks about for taking of communion in an unworthy manner and bringing judgment upon ourselves how do you protect a Muni inand worthy manner I think you partake of a rich of the ritual of communion thinking that by / taking of the ritual you've fulfilled the reality it's meant to represent and it's displaced the reality it's prett a Knopf communion we're taking up some bread and wine thinking you're having communion when you don't really have communion or common union with his body or with the head thinking that taking this ritual is good enough that'll take care of navigate communion today now that'll bring judgment upon you we partake of it in a worthy manner when we take of it celebrating this these rituals are important they're crucial to remind us of what we've made a commitment to be and to do to have common union you know we're says in first John 1:7 if we abide in the light as he is in the light we have keen Ania doesn't say we have ecclesia if we're abiding in the light as he is in the light we have a bonding together and a relationship together a fellowship together that is stronger than any mere human family could ever be now listen I we love our human families and you know I've got five kids I remember one time I had to keep all five kids for a whole day I learned right away instantly I've never doubted since women are superior beings no doubt about it absolutely I had zero doubt my kids know that too and by about five o'clock that evening every single one of my kids had asked me if they could go spend the night with a friend I was just me and my dog Jackson a golden retriever and I hadn't even seen him all day where's he been and this friend on the mountain and a round tree he may have read some of Anna's books Anna calls me this is Kim Jackson spend the night with us tonight she loved Jackson she even had her own bed for him I said and you know my whole family's deserted me but I don't know how to do this thing you know it's I'm just saying there's some men that are just they could they could do that they could be house husbands or whatever I'm fine with that but I can't do that and then one day I was lamenting all my kids are doing incredible things professionally they all really super achievers feeling great not doing near what I would hope they would do in the Lord I was just complaining one day I'd not you know just repentance of Lord I was a terrible husband a terrible father look at my kids you know what he said to me if you looked at mine lately I merely said I'm a great father goodnight my kids are awesome you know you can be the most perfect father and your kids are still gonna have the gut free will like it or not I can still look at look at his kids he's the best father that will ever be can anybody even come here look at his kids you can be the best husband and your wife mess up you can be the best wife and your husband mess up you can both be the best and still mess up you can both leave messes there are all kinds of combinations in between people listen they're only two brothers on the whole earth and one of them basically said the world isn't big enough for both of those two brothers and they couldn't get along we have problems there but listen a great miracles going to happen his city is made up of people it's his bride she's gonna be a more perfect unity than any human body could ever be before the end he is gonna have the most perfect body we're gonna all know our part we're gonna all be functioning in that part says it takes the proper function of each individual part for this to work but I think it's got to start with where the heart says doesn't say I want to be like the lungs so the lungs say I want to be like the art I mean if you know if your lungs start trying to do what your arts doing you're gonna have problems we've got to respect and honor the uniqueness and the distinctions this is fundamental and this is why when the ultimate evils you know the harvest is the maturing and reaping of every seed that has been sown both the good and the evil suavely we have darkness covering the earth and deep darkness the people at the same time his glow Cory is arising his glorious appearing upon his people both at the same time it's the great end the terrible day of the Lord it's both and you know we've got to see and we've got to be a part of the seeds that have been some that would rise up to be what he is building to be a part of what he is building you know lesson we're gonna have died to ourselves to be a part of it we're gonna have to rub together you know you're not gonna make it without all the irritations and frustrations that come with local church life we're not gonna mature into be your people all the time say well when the church gets its act together I'll come back I said no you won't you'll never find it it'll be so far down the road you'll never catch up and if you did you would mess up everything because they've worked together they've come together in this thing in your way out of whack he said if we're walking in the light as he is in the light we will have Keenan Eve check out what Keenan he is the bonding together that is that strong where if one part would be separating that's what he talks about there you'll become weak what happens if your hand got cut off it would get weak and sick and die really fast I mean now they can reattach them you get to them fast enough they could reattach it they'll be good but anytime someone severed from the body they get they start getting weak they start getting sick they may not even know it but they're gonna die prematurely it's the only word in Scripture that's addressed why I hear people all the time saying well I'm getting closer to the Lord I just don't like its people well the word itself His Word says you can't do that so you can't love the Lord to him you haven't seen and I love those people you do see this is evident love and his people as evidence of we love in the Lord because guess what wouldn't how many of us are very lovable skin we'd takes help takes the Holy Spirit two brothers couldn't get along it takes a miracle it takes a miracle but in the very things that would drive us away or to cause us to want to quit those are the things we probably need the most in our life and we run from them like say you never failed one of God's tests you just keep you better believe you're gonna run into that same test again it'll probably be much harder the second time around I had that experience and in a number of ways but anyway let's consider this one thing about the city Isaac and Jacob had the same vision and because it says that Abraham Isaac and Jacob dwelt in tents and you know they were so wealthy they made Kings jealous I think they could have probably built the nicest palace or palaces probably on the planet at the time they could certainly built some really nice ones they didn't need that they had a higher vision than what they could build here for this temporary life that is but a vapor this tents fine good to live in a temporary dwelling because this life is temporary I've got a bigger vision Alex I've got a mansion in the heavens nothing I can build here would ever come bare with and I think some of us need a bigger vision I tell you this stuff and and you can base it on scripture but it has us using our energy using our life resources and one of the most valuable ones called time to build things that are gonna pass away fast really fast and you're probably not going to enjoy them anyway you know I don't know if you read that book came out about probably 20 years ago now about happiness was a scientific study on happiness you know what they found your possessions have zero to do with your happiness zero I said what a minute my Harley has at least 10% to do with my mother way Harley is the only biblical motorcycle David son any other bike is but a training bike I'm just saying but I'm saying the wait a minute my motorcycle means something my golf clubs me there I get some but they their conclusion was no it really has nothing they said the happiest people on earth and they had scoured the earth studying beep the happiest people on earth were some of the poorest people on earth and anyway I was on a round-the-world trip that I did every summer back then just for a couple of summers anyway that anyway I ended up in South Africa and my family my wife and three daughters came to meet me there in South Africa and I was meeting them in Johannesburg and anyway and my plane was late I was like getting there so they got to the hotel checked in and they got a taxi to take them to see Nelson Mandela's house where he grew up in this Township and they at the time they shouldn't have gone is very dangerous for white people to do that and but anyway they get there and they're looking at it's a little shack dirt floor it's where Nelson Mandela grew and one of my daughter's comments all this is unbelievable such a great man would had to grow up in something like this in the taxi driver said what are you talking about I grew up in something just like this we had a happy family we loved our life I still have a happy family it's not a better stuff and the conclusion of this study was the happiness is really dependent on relationships I mean I've known some of the most successful people on the planet I've known many that would have unbelievable financial success and would trade every bit of it to get their families back listen I've talked to many Christians really successful and they're miserable far to me Christians are miserable Quintanilla is key to our happiness believe it or not and uh I talked to him all the time really successful I said well you know uh why are you living here it's because you wanted to live here it's nots where the best job was I said well there's the key that's what led you to such a miserable life and professionally they're at the top so what do you mean I said scripture says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else will be added and I think most Christians are still out there not even in the geographic will of God much less than the right congregation inevitably these will say I can't find a church here that I can fit into I said well you're in the wrong place it's not the church's fault it's your fault why are you here well it's where the best job was or the best geography they like to her family or whatever I said you made one of the most important decisions in your life based on what you wanted instead of seeking the kingdom first you're not gonna end up in the will of God like this okay your job is doing great has your family has everything else in your life they're miserable we need to make every major decision based on God's purpose and if you're in the right place you there will be a church where you fit into as a part of his body you were designed to be there you'll find Keenan either it's not gonna be perfect a whole lot of Keenan Nia is fighting with each other I have some my best fellowship on my Harley I can pray better on my motorcycle anywhere else could be because I'm so close to death all the time but I just have the best fellowship with the Lord on my motorcycle and one time I was riding up in the mountains and he said I'm gonna show you a church that is in perfect unity now I said Lord I didn't know any Church today come into perfect unity he said yes there in perfect unity and he led me and directed me up through these little roads up in the mountains right up to a Baptist Church I said Lord no not the Baptist he said not here next door the cemetery all of those Christians are in perfect unity right now he said and if you want your church to be in the unity your vision of unity they're gonna be as dead as that they are in that cemetery he said they fight because they care they care enough to fight how about the Lord now I think Jesus was the best leader there's ever gonna be no question about it after three and a half years of living with the greatest leader there ever was on the night before he stood survive there fighting who's the greatest listen I know the Lord knew what he was doing when he choose chose these guys I believe he did the best job that could have ever been done getting them ready these are the leaders the leaders of the whole body of Christ they're fighting over who's the greatest now my opinion Jesus did not even rebuke him I don't think he rebuked him there I think he just told him how to do it he won't be the greatest okay here's out become a servant become the servant of all you're gonna become the greatest it's not about you when you learn it's about something bigger than you and what you get you'll be the greatest I'm just saying yeah yeah you stoned horses and I don't know if I've seen a lot of I've been on safaris seen lions and all kinds of stuff nothing has ever intimidated me like a stallion they can be the most fierce animal you can I mean just looking them in the eye sometimes is scary and Lord spoke to me one time he says if you want peace in order like you want it you're gonna have all Gilbey's cast aliens fight they fight for position they fight over all stallions fight like crazy all the time and that's he had called 12 stallions and you can have more peace but you can't have reproduction what are we building in the body of Christ today where's the reproduction where the ministries that are reproducing themselves I think we've esteemed geldings over those who really had the goods I'm just saying the bride makes herself ready you know Don Potter one dime told me he's doing weddings all the time if you know Don Potter was one of our worship leaders for you and he started doing weddings and he's a good guy to do him but he said he sees a miracle at most of them one of the most incredible miracles he's ever seen he said inevitably he'll go back to see the bride about five minutes before the ceremony starts she is a disaster he sank in two hours before this thing starts but something happens and in five minutes she comes out perfect he said it's the greatest miracle he's ever seen I Emil he said that's what's gonna happen with us the whole world's gonna think we're a disaster we're a mess this marriage it's not gonna take long to get it right I think at the end a lot of stuff is gonna happen fast I mentioned yesterday as some of you had spend 30 or 40 years hadn't really grown much now walking much more may have a whole lot more knowledge but what are you walking in I tell you he can make up the years that the locust of Eden I don't care how much time you've wasted in whatever it can be made up really fast first it's gonna start with you're gonna we have to make a decision we're gonna make every major decision on seeking first his kingdom and his purpose we're gonna get in our place we're gonna stay we're not gonna run from problems we're not gonna run from people we're gonna do whatever it takes to fashion us into what we've called to be and to have that quintanilla and you know the people after I think I've had some taste of kinky Narnia but in some things I think I've really experienced it a little bit there I'm not saying we have it that great at where we are yet either we're doing everything to move toward have some of it is starting to happen with us but you know where I've had the greatest fellowship bonding what I would call quintanilla has always come with people I didn't even like when I first met him mother you know I I don't even want to tell you what I think about some of them but I sure did wanna and somehow they turned into the most important people in my life and that happens you know you know I met my wife as a young pastor pastor and all these college students and she came to me for counseling I told her I was the answer to all of her problems [Laughter] started with deception now she would tell you I am her problem I am most of her problems I always but like said those endorphins make you go crazy and but you know there's you know marriage is tough it really is it's worth it it's definitely worth it it's a good killing you're gonna die some is will die for something important and marriage is important in church you're gonna die you're gonna have to die to self you we're gonna all have to learn to forgive we're gonna absolutely I mean this is beyond most people's vision or comprehension we're gonna actually have to love each other think of that Christians love in each other and then they have that kind of Bonnie I remember one place where I think they had found true quintanilla his little Church as a young Christian young believer but as traveling with a guy that was at the time considered an apostle and probably was but he asked me to travel with him in and went to this one church and the entire church was moving to California we go why would you do that I mean they had this great place in the hills of North Carolina and and they said well this want one brother one single young man in their church had a a word from the Lord he was supposed to move to California and the only way they could process that said if he's supposed to move we're all supposed to me this is no way we can be separated they were that bonded together and they were seriously planning to move to California I've got a little bit more I want to share with you on these things tonight I've got a few more things I'll share now and but listen the form the ecclesia that most have morphed in today isn't gonna work for what's coming there's a whole different way of doing Church I think one of the things I heard Shawn say this morning about how worship comes from seeing the Lord that's true true worship does not come in order to see the Lord it comes from seeing him but I just in the basic water of most services why is the worship first it's like we're trying to work people up so then the preacher can come and take this anointing run with it but would it shouldn't it be the worship last what we're drawing to the Lord and you can't help but to worship I've only been in a few services were messages I love preaching I love teaching huh I spend some I listen I love Christian television I don't watch it very much because I've got so much to do but I would watch it all the times I could I look I hear people all the time - I disagree with 75% of what they're saying but always get that fight because I always get something that was really good you know I've learned to eat the meat for the bones out and I think one reason is I listen not looking for the bad but for the good it says try all things holding fast that which is good I'm looking for the good yeah if they were under my authority in some way I would be concerned about these things and I would address the things I disagree with but because they're not I'm just I'm gonna get something good from everybody I listen to and I get edified I tell you we can have a the richest experience and meal and even the driest meetings if we're connected to Lord right we should have a well of living waters flowing up through us we're an even the driest meetings we're just having a feast and I think we will and I think we could I think most churches are if they are really dry or the leaders are dried the teachers of preachers it's probably because the church is criticizing them instead of interceding for and they're just having to fight through all kinds of stuff just to speak how different would it be if our criticisms were turned into intercession it's two ministries administer constantly before the throne the Lord ministry of accusation says he accuses the Saints day and night before the throne of the Lord how does he do that he was kicked out of heaven you know he does it he does it by using those who have access us the accuser and then there's another ministry goes on Canaan says he ever lives to intercede a you know criticism is one of the most devastating things we could ever do doesn't say he resists the proud but gives grace to the humble you know criticisms is one of the most the highest forms of pride think about it we criticize somebody else we're saying right away we're better than they are you may be right but it's still a very arrogant thing to do listen how if you're a parent how well are you gonna take it somebody's criticizing your children you know what we're doing we criticize other churches and other members of the body of Christ we're saying Lord your workmanship is bad is terrible I don't like your workmanship I could do better it's not what we're saying I remember one time I was walking around London and all sudden Lord spoke and said what would you say to the Queen if you met her oh no I'm about to run into the Queen I don't I thought about her I don't know what to do do a curtsy do a bow I don't know she's a queen I'd try to give her respect try to treat her with respect even though I may not know what I'm doing he said don't you ever forget that the church is my queen she may need correction she may need for you to correct her but you better do it with the utmost respect with regard knowing who you're talking to so but God resists the proud it'd be better to have all the demons in Hell resisting you than to have God resisting you how many of us are not struggling so much because God is resisting us it's not the devil he gives his grace to the humble yeah I think the humble can see what is wrong just as easy as the prideful get it's how we treat that information do we do it redemptive Lee this person's got a problem how can I help them isn't that the nature of the holy spirit he doesn't condemn how can we help this how can we help this other Church and I remember was it when I first moved to Charlotte I became part of this small Pentecostal Church I loved it so Assembly of God known as a Church of God Church great pastor great teacher great people there but I couldn't come very often because I traveled so much but I was so looking forward to being there one Sunday morning when I was home and I get there and there's a sign on the door the whole church had picked up and gone to visit another church I didn't know where the other church was so I couldn't go but that week I was having lunch with the pastor I said what happened would you do lesson he said well we heard about this church over in this other little town that was having really terrible problems and we really felt like we need to go over there and support them and he said we knew about their financial problems I told all of our people let's take our tithes and offerings and give it to them next Sunday they shut their church down and all went over to this other church they didn't know what that other church the meetings start all set and all kinds of people are pouring in and they'd had a major church split they were down to almost nothing of a sudden they're full of people his biggest offering they'd ever had took care of their problems and they got their feedback on the ground they're a great church again but you know most of the city passes we have pastors meetings for our city several big one had been going on for a long time and we have a lot of interchange with almost all the pastors when they heard about the problems they were having they were saying they deserve it they've got this presumptious doctrine then and they deserve what they're getting the criticized our pastor he said when I first thing he heard I think he heard by the Holy Spirit his first thought how do we help them and listen when that happened it sent shockwaves through the church in our old city almost every pastor was convicted isn't that the way the Lord would do it what would happen if we start reacting that way in the body because cuz if one member you know the Lord looks down city he only has one church we're all members of one another it we're different parts of the body and everything else but we're all members of one another if one is hurting we're crazy if we don't go try to help get a meal to do whatever we could what would happen if we started living that way I think we'd be all be more filled with people and we could send because people are desperate to see the church become what she's called to be now then maybe a lot of changes come in structurally and all but the biggest changes to be in the year our heart and the criticisms that scorn it what would happen if we turned our criticisms into intercession think about how much more anointed our pastor might be if we started praying for him instead of criticizing him or her or whatever how about our governments how bad you know all the other things that affect our lives how bad our children our parents it says honor your fathers and mothers that it may go well with you how many of you would like for it to go well that's how we do honor them guess what you didn't say you honored the perfect ones well we couldn't there's a there aren't any didn't even say honor the good ones honor the ones that we have I think you get more martyr points if you had really bad parents and you still find the way down it's a better greater opportunity even if they're dead even if they're gone even if you never knew them you can start thanking the Lord don't we enter his gates with Thanksgiving he didn't let you have those parents to punish you he gave you those parents to help prepare you I don't care how bad they were you know Bobby Conner he was talking about his mother that was one tough woman he's told me about one down Bobby is sir Bubba he is one of the ultimate rednecks I've ever met one time he and his brother were in the backyards with 22 rifles shooting cigarettes out of each other's mouths you know his mother did she came running out back she's you boys stop that you're just wasting those shells she was a great mother though and listened but but there's something but I think honoring our spiritual parents you know there's something of this has to be recovered and honoring one another and these are God's kids why we talk about his jewel we're talking about him he says that as you do unto the least of my little ones you're doing it to me so what would happen if we all said this is God's kid I don't know what kind of a messy he's in she's in I'm gonna help and I've shared a lot of this before I always get redone they're purposely um I think I shared with you the dream I had about one of my kids have been fallen into a sewage ditch he couldn't get out couldn't get up and a crowd formed around my child and started just laughing and slandering and you know saying all kinds of terrible things just criticizing and mocking my child you know in the stream you don't know you think of that see him one of your kids and they said you can't imagine what does to a father and in my dream this man came up got my child up got him cleaned up and back on their way and in the dream I said I would give everything I own to that man that helped my kid and I heard the voice of the Lord say Jim Baker is my kid will you help him he had just gone to prison and he was probably not only the most hated man in the body of Christ he'd may have been the most hated man on planet Earth you cannot believe the hate mail he was getting from Christians the things they would write him in prison and say they hoped happen to him in prison you can't imagine and you know Lord I mean he Lord seem I can look at my kid and he can't get up and everybody's mocking him nobody's helping him will you help my kid listen I help Jim Baker out of selfishness I said there is probably no way that I could ever gain the favor of God like helping one of his kids nobody else once Dale I had experienced that in my dream when I said I would give everything I own to this person who help my kid I said you want the favor of God everybody wants to be friends with us successful no go make friends of them when they're down it's an investment it's a financial investment in the most important financial principle it buy low sell high invest in people when they're down you'll make the best friends you ever had you'll you're a but more than that you get the favor of God I don't think there's anything else we can do that would gain us more the favor of God than helping those nobody else once Dale I don't care what they did people I mean I lost so many friends over helping todd Bentley you can't believe number of friends really close friends yeah guess what I got so much of the favor of God you can it was worth it I'd do it again in a heartbeat I would do it anyway I've already learned no you this is an opportunity but I'd re I've known Todd for a long time alone I wasn't gonna let a friend fall and stay down by himself I'm gonna do what I can to help him I don't care what he's done I say he's one of God's kids I'm gonna help the guy I'm just sayin Jim Baker he spent about 75 million building that property heritage we bought it from 1.6 million unbelievable miracle it's made an unbelievable base for us so way better than anything I would have ever built or even thought of building for ourselves and then the Lord spoke to me one day he said you know why I gave you this it's know why he says because you helped Jim you helped the father Jim's the father of that property he built it you honored him you helped him and that was just one thing that came you want the favor God learned to follow the Holy Spirit who's the helper who's always looking down I'm just saying bless your hearts I'm gonna beat up on you some more tonight but I really love being here with you I don't know if I get to come back this may be my last trip I'm really serious Lord show me I may not be able to leave the country again we needed this thing with my day wouldn't heal it no he said he could either put me in prison like he did Paul so I do the writing and that I'm supposed to do or I'm gonna pin you down with something you go traveling anymore I'm okay you know I've I love trying to love being with God's people I don't know that I'll get to be back maybe there will but he's been downloaded on me more revelation that I've been able to process and get out and my main job is to write but I I tell you I this is one of my favorite places to go and the Lord has shown me some more things about Canada last night listen I am so thankful I had this opportunity to invest in what's going on here and what you're called to do what I think you're gonna be doing so anyway I will try to share some more of that with you tonight but I really appreciate you you guys staying awake and and staying so focus not people at home listen thank you Plaza Young Christian we learned to paint eyeballs on our eyelids that suckers you guys actually stay awake that means a lot to me thank you so much [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 5,794
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Joyner, Frontline Worship Centre, Christian Conference, Prophetic, Kingdom Unity, Prophecy, Morningstar
Id: O8EymANj3zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 4sec (4684 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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