Kingdom of Heaven (2005) MOVIE REACTION! FIRST TIME WATCHING!! | Arab Muslim Brothers Reaction

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hello guys we the Habibi Brothers today we're going to watch Kingdom of Heaven this is a very recommended the most recommended yeah I think the most recommended yeah I it's good let's go let's go I'm excited for this friend [Music] 118 they're digging what rotten apple with maggots I am buried at the center of a Crossroads the Devil is a practical man I have ears father though one is notched shut up you dig want to steal it of course desperate time [Music] they look tough it's scary yeah this is for the burial from my Lord she was your brother's wife she was a suicide cut off her head what turn the axe What the fu why but why he did now you know this place my Lord I know all of it your brother why is it so you spoken to him brother is as responsible for his wife's sin as I am yet you did not mutilate the person it can go too far I ask myself it is so much done in Christendom of which Christ my my brother is possessed by the devil and must be without your brother I cannot finish my church let him out wow everything is business yeah tell [Music] him no shot oh this is the girl who died her cross you sure no they all were in Cross no I think this is her he was remembering her on your feet this is not heaven it's the world and there's troubles in it I agree do yourself no injury and what of Jerusalem as always we have stood there against the call them have now Unified s Salin salad Sal Salah yeah you do not drink mon a monk brother not both I may be old fashioned but as for the cup a blacksmith which son of the blacksmith of my time his wife fell into a melanchon she would not listen to reason been 6 and 20 years since my brother took the cross with no air then I think the stars for my uncle W you want to kill him maybe maybe yeah her grave was here was it there I'm afraid I can't tell you the exact location have reason could he just shut the fudge up let him grieve huh he don't want to smoke man that is a sin oh his son with gone with her baby yeah was suicide I think she was pregnant yeah she was I think she's suicide that that brother is crazy we shall work why is the [Music] block that is the man that is the man you're an armorer you have my sympathy and my blessing you're dead wife and says yes he has made war machines that cast the largest Stones he would be one of the few on your journey Worth More Alive than dead shut up oh my God deserve though have you been with his on horse there's better a game now the B is proportion is I've been telling him that [Music] he still live here yeah he said my brother you still advise what you advised upon the road what man is a man who does not make the world better God has some say Jerusalem is the very center of the world for asking forgiveness but did not I know Christians like consider Jerusalem a holy Place yeah I did not know that I thought they only they do yeah Jesus was sended from there I know but I thought like u u like part of Christianity it looks like us our skin maybe yeah I knew your namesake you want to recruit him I don't know looks like it I knew interesting oh he know I was the Lord's brother and she had no choice I did not force her she's father I have forgiveness to ask of you his son maybe forgiveness that's it he left them pay me or something I am Godfrey the baron of ium if you will come with me we have my thanks there it is my place is here one made it your place is now dead that's harsh if you want anything of me take it now I am sorry for your troubles God protect you man wipe your nose man why he's bugging me forever why when the bishop is dead it is certain and you take my property the church you I swear to you you will have no peace so long as you stay here what the hell this is the devil imagine your sin and pain erased I will burn it down and go yeah for sure I'll do that we not take my property you may relieve your wife's position in hell though what she does there without a head he's right above the head but God damn place what the freaking heard what he said if you fight no no no he did not hear oh my God he separated her head okay okay you got to got to rewind yeah oh what she does there without a head what wow that's crazy that's ignorance God cannot put you together now yeah that's crazy okay playing with religion yeah this is H close Thief I know it I know it no shot I knew [Music] it he has the gun now he's going around now he killed the priest they will never let him go and he burn it like the whole place down I know he's going going to get him I know it there so hot that blade yeah it burn right through him he deserved it man who not like that who is here to say who go I burn you're right I will hit him and burn hit him for sure but uh yeah kill too much kill him too much you're right yeah you come to kill me what in these days it is not easy is it true that in Jerusalem I can raise my sins we can find out together so you do what the fud you want to go to Jerusalem What the fu is this concept A Beautiful concept unbelievable easiest concept encouraging people to the same he murder and go to Jus true that's why they like Jerusalem that's crazy the hell is that logic I don't agree with that all of course man I'm saying to the viewers you dumb ass he's dead the CR used to anyone not Christian I think so no I'm not sure but I think soort two days with an arrow through my testicle what the hell he's good you can fight never use a low guard AR is crazy Italians call it losta Falcone the guard the it's like boxing yeah this is much dangerous yeah you get cut bend your knees sword ster you need the best soers here sword it's heavy this dude is buff that is that AR pay attention oh my God he's rips oh my God St to the face what's this you have with you a man ban I'm charged both my father and the Lord Bishop to bring him back I say it's innocent of the chart my German friend is a close student of the law just Uncle he's a murderer whoever dies here today what just happened you left him cuz his ankle his ankle what the hell is that Arrow nothing oh my God crosss oh my God oh my God they have crossbows oh BS yeah too fast he's a fast learner wow are V oh my how how that's crazy how you breathing oh my the whole team is or is the black guy dies first man what what happened what's that oh he friend wow accuracy w a th000 thanks my brother oh my God he died of course I'm talking about the the king brother Mas over one guy and he was a murderer I am the son of w take your helmet off while a blessing me I am the son of what so they're like ransome but we do not care that was insane oh my God that was CR oh my God [ __ ] no anesthesia here man well you broke the arrow in which case you'll take a fever and die you're in the hands of God they die from infection yeah it was not that they had no right to take you they had the right to take me so do I must kill an Infidel the pope has said is not murder holy [ __ ] the path of Heaven what the [ __ ] man anybody is not Christian this believer you can care him wow extremist no way that was chaos be to Heaven if you man you should say if they ask you are Christian wow you have to say yes this Lam you can tell the tell them the message if you don't believe they don't believe it's up to the people CRA I don't know how to kill them What the fu is it forces forces this is forcing religion foring religion to Heaven back to Heaven propaganda wow I cannot believe it still my mind where do you go to Jerusalem brother oh fever need some antibiotics man he's dying I think I don't think so hopeful no I like this guy soon be beyond my concern who is this my son but I had fought you making bastards I knew your mother when she was making hers wow best combo that's crazy fortunately he old [Music] he's D he's going to die for sure no he said either you die from fever you pull out you know what lies in the Holy Land a man who in France had not a house he who was the master of the city begs in the cutter they Trea him it like like USA like paradise man your sins forgiven new word What the fu this pop was saying man this is a new view of this I did not know the PO did the number on them man the pope yeah this is all the PO say poops popes Poes yeah the world you are not what you were born but whatever your position you are of my house a kingdom of conscience a kingdom of heaven he's going to die Kingdom of Heaven or between Salah he said it right yeah my son you are all that survives me when we took the Holy Land we took the Saron trading ports and Italy becomes rich as the Savior intended who are those men Muslims Muslims yeah and they are allowed their prayers if they pay the tax sub sounds like oppress oppress sounds like who opas uh operas go back go back praise be to God sounds like opas Opera Opera what the hell 1100 I don't think they existed good this good is the best ever seen he's not used to it when the king is dead or traitors to Christendom I div losing remember that name I know no they they were in the p in Jerusalem they live they Liv by side by side Muslims and Christians and Jews it's a long history there yeah I think history was born there and me my Lord how will you ride if you have no stick to beat the horse he will be king in Jerusalem one day oh my God don't makeing man stop but he came to him he came to him say man he came he hat his follow what's up he's dead oh my God no way what is that why the parade going I can go no further I what I could go no further okay be his ear you want to give it like the he's my ear oh or no maybe like the sword thing make him a may be Mak him a l in the face of your enemies speak the truth always the helpless and do no wrong I like this guy he said what say what always even if it leads to your death okay this is good line thir one a second one God the helpless and do no wrong save God the helpless save the helpless save the helpless do WR that is your oath wow this is the best oath I like it it's similar in this what the [ __ ] you remember it what the [ __ ] why he's sping for so you remember this and Baron of elyn what he died after defend the king protect the people wow this is cool so cool are you sorry for all your sins said all but one miss his son they all respect him Jerusalem as your father wished I'll follow within the week if God has purpose for you there he'll keep you safe in his hands [Music] what the hell [Music] wow I did not know lightning can strike a ship oh my God they just died they drowned all of them wow wow that's crazy he was on it no I don't think so was on the other one he survived oh my god wow lightning strike how random is that [Music] man all the people [Music] died she's the only Survivor I think so this didn't he some story man even the horses what the [ __ ] just one just one for him wow he did him dirty who's waiting to run what is he desert oh which desert he's speaking Arabic man I a desert hey which desert desert I think it's um sa no I think Egypt or Lebanon oh is here get here where you going boy oh my God what are those hisan is's talking Arabic yeah he said my horse why would it be his horse because it is on his [Music] land wow we're going to fight I have no desire to fight no F man this is buling man this is hard and I am the baron of iin he says the baron of iin is old he's still fighting [Music] him what the hell yeah I agree like that you have taken it very well that I have killed your master it was the end of his time no finish this he's going to do it I don't think so he needs him take me to [Music] Jerusalem where's the other horse man this Iraq could be either could be anyone any country they all look same man [Applause] [Music] take the horse be about your I your prisoner your slave should I will never keep one nor suffer any to be care maybe the man you killed was a very great Cavalier among the Muslims your quality will be known among your enemies Dam I pray for him is crazy yeah he's a good person man oh where is it that Christ was you don't believe in this you believe he descended God descended yeah yeah Muslims don't believe that yeah he will come back ascended not descended [Music] yeah God what is it you the silver ah like her [Music] grave you know is the sword yeah looks good that s must be I don't think so they recognize him those the Christian ruled by Christians in this time I don't know look the gods are Christians yeah yeah I think [Music] so since you carry godre sword you must have known him a man my size and green eyes blue a come with us damn I knew it but how did he remember man his father oh his father okay I did not know the name theong give me the tow give me the tow give me him the tow man he doesn't want to do it naked yeah of course man what the hell is that Arabian slap him dumb ass what the hell is going on here what is that Islam man you want to see him naked the fu is wrong with [Music] you you understood him he know Arabic no he was persistent understand the G [Music] hunting dogs this woman yes where's your master give me some water okay she's beautiful if you happen to see Bim the son of Godfrey hi whoan so how find do you Jerusalem I am outside God's grace I have not heard that by the word religion I've seen the lunacy of Fanatics of every denomination courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves and here I want you decide to do every day the King has made a peace with saladine these past these men are Templars they killed [Applause] Arabs they treat with them this way so a lot of Arabs is there holy God and Me R sh when you are not protected by your title those Templars have been hung for a raid that I know you commanded Defiance I trade to make money not to offend God by associating with Christians of course my Lord You're your Father's son he was my friend I'm Yours wow I like this was shouted in the streets that you kill the great Lord of Syria what know you Salah that he is King of the sarens he has 200,000 men H wow daily given cause for War by Fanatics newly from Europe but Salah hadine and the King between them what did your father tell you of your I pray the world and Jerusalem have you dined the princess Silla of Jerusalem and her husband I thought she's Arab yeah me too a she's still in her chest she's not so how many Knights did you find in Fr I thought she's wearing hijab yeah me too is it not the king's table is it I have not seen a king at it for some years the hell is along with him he's dead you AR I spoke without knowing who you were I knew who you were and I should love you okay it's weird and yes no one is I am unpredictable there what the hell he's doing meeting the king I thought he's following her what no he was one of my greatest teachers he wept when he gave my father the news I am a leper looking dope that I'm not going to lie he is his God's Vengeance against the vanity of our kingdom you play no the whole world is in chess to be buried 100 yards from where I was born when I was 16 I won a great Victory or what hand will guide us there remember that howsoever you are played or by whom your soul is in your keeping alone his eyes red red he's sick well that virtue was not convenient you disapprove how would you improve it without being exposed to fire from another part strategic very good his father is so important protect the wise words yeah H this [Music] toy his son maybe King son King son maybe what do you think I'm referring to the guy yeah there my Lord iin he said what place I don't know iin something welcome home to your home but such as we are you will be beautiful fields pal trees looks dope your father was important his lands were said you have Christians Jews Muslims what we do not have he's helping call him in my master wow or sir you can say Sir say it they found [Music] y we working together yeah building walls I love it he's [Music] Muslims I think so they are dressed differently from the Crusaders where Jesus change water to wine in France a few yards of silk can make a nobleman is given is Happy husband think about this I know f his life flipped around yeah the climate here is better than he yeah cold the hell is going on just going to clean him I think so but this isn't adultery Wasing but if it were adultery were the others I said to wait until the master returned my cook will prepare something the [ __ ] man that's crazy not us who are you that's crazy he's clean what the hell man his makeup on what it seems years since I've seen a woman I was watching you today you will build a new Jerusalem here who would I be if I did not try to make it better morning player one morality they're not praying feet to feet I don't know what the hell they do did you decide on ghe I first husband died before her son was born I've met your son you will Mar in y yep in Britain in head they will getting getting married at 6 that's crazy yeah because there is no there was sickness that they they would die in they were dying from the wars from yeah six was the age [Music] yeah simple times this is their entertainment [Music] wow wow it changed it the Thailand she's still here how months how many months the next year the next day man like maybe like one on semester yeah two or three months what is our husband he's fighting could stay here forever this house is yours what is her husband please what's going on he hates him he's going to kill him he's going to hait him more I'm not here with you because I'm I'm bored or because in the East between one person and another no no shot is death reason some Bush it's for Wicked he's going to kill him this Caravan is armed R go after them Rider is I prefer not to be hanged before my wife who but Ral they'll say you're a dangerous man how long can the leper last God wi it broken the treaty they kill them all maybe they hate Muslims this group so this group is they hate Muslim yeah too loud I cannot hear you what I told you this group hates Muslim yeah Crusaders yeah but not of them not all of them no the the one who wears white and red wow what the [ __ ] is this sword oh no in people yeah I've never been there this to remind us of death I put the ass here it war was an Army headed foral Salah about salah's intentions I would rather live with men is certainly why you are alive must not go to war with Salah they killed them because they think the infid can kill them to the paradise this is so they use this verse to kill Muslims understand yeah yeah but this this this sect yeah yeah I told you the the Crusaders yeah but but all the their name is Crusaders uh they're not all Crusaders no may not win it blasphemy God it [Applause] what is that hand sah of course he's going to retardate has crossed the Jordan with 200,000 oh my God you will make first for kak and renal the shaton he sent a message 200,000 in they are coming we must meet him assemble the army they broke the treaty yep oh I did not know that I did not know that all the world always decides word God he said God Work Lord wounded Muslim I think no my Lord the king is Maring these people are not safe outside the walls so do we not heard those no yes I don't know what the hell they saying they told him lies about us enough they they told them they eat humans they told them [Music] yes you're going to face 200,000 it's crazy you know [Music] he's H over he's drunk my Lord B thank you but no if we do these people the king arrives he's Brave and leave what do you look at a knight are you with me who just fight I I think they're going to win this one oh like 50 how money what the hell doesn't it look like 2,000 200,000 maybe it's not I don't think this is the main no no he's planning something salad holy yeah too much I think this is losing Buton yes surrounded now my God it was cruel Dying by the sword is crazy the winning [Music] [Applause] D oh my God killing Muslims man killing me they got him of course he lose after they they knew who's the commander now your quality will be known among your enemies oh the slave this is no this is a slave no he was my servant oh my God that was Salah I have no idea I think so he's wearing the best armor What Becomes of us as you deserve you have heard of this no what a coincidence they gave him his sword back man what the hell he's going to do my master is here oh his master is Salah Master my master Sal is there a cross yes the Jerusalem has come Allah Allah Allah you see it you can't miss it [Music] wow huge numbers big armies man oh they're going to clash they fight they're going to be you see I saw my name in the background you saw it how many actors man maybe CG CGI maybe wait this is him yeah this is him looks like horse man all blood what beautiful horse yeah I think so he looks like him I pray you pull back your Cavalry and leave this matter to me rald of shaton will be punished withdrawal we will all die here do we have terms we have terms he's sick I will send you my Physicians wow wow [Music] I don't know how he's going to punish him though they choose peace over World I'll choose peace everywh every day yeah of course man the prophets tell tell us to always to choose peace he's going to kill him he can I think so he's he's the king but I think he's protected by the church stuff like that this Orange going to kill him on your knees M Jerusalem I am Jerusalem give me the kiss of Peace look at his hands wow that's it oh no what are you looking at a dead man dra arrested and condemn he calling for him wow he's going everybody will notice him now I shall have to find a use for you God does not know me God does not know me what oh my God what does he mean that's crazy but this say in like Christian all powerful or knowing or knowing wow that's crazy maybe he means I'm like sinner okay hopefully makes no sense they all met the red white guys yeah Crusades Crusaders I think so I need you I am Jerusalem that was cold stopped the wall this was cold he stopped it oh oh no I got you I think she he's going to punish her kill him Mission it's a long ass movie man only the middle yeah make sure guys to like And subscribe to continue [Music] [Music] support why did we retire God Alone determines the results of buts but also by preparation I agree one cannot maintain a Siege with the enemy behind before God determined that I should come if you think that way you shall not be king for long W when I'm not King I quck for Islam thank you for your visit he's wise King not King not got face man he wise you promised to return Jerusalem don't forget he will that that part of the history I know yeah but how if I do deliver War I have no peace you need they know them yeah they know the inside the king is stopping all the wars he did not punish them man he punished the guy only who gave the order they see by hitting him they were just following orders no I think they killed him they killed him him I think so did you kill him I don't know I don't know what they is I think they did this man is extremist I think they philosophy is Extreme I am this going crazy that is why to the D there is no comp prepare your people for the coronation of my nephew I shall confess to God when I see him w t what's up yeah yes I like this guy confess no to no man yes he's so close to Islam yeah he's everywhere he like a devil his wife yeah she lives here no it's her no you sometimes dream you are my wife I think they're going to fight for sure they're going to fight of course man the king would die yeah like they said crazy he said said to him going to send you my Physicians he did send him he did I think so the guy was woring yeah yeah maybe yeah but Jerusalem got a lot of Muslims here you never know one day I will be the husband I was commissioned to be your lover has 100 nights and and the support of the Templars he knows Templars not Crusaders sorry but as for your love then we must come to an understanding you need my Knights the time has come to conclude my Affair will take power through my sister and make war on the Muslims ah his sister his sister will you defend my nephew when he I will no hear it all before you you answer free of gal luor I think he's got this I cannot be the cause of that whatever you ask a king may move a man you said what the hell is going on I didn't understand understand nothing I think we go back tell me get something when he's king would you marry my sister Silla were she free of gal he will be executed ah in G I got it oh okay you can turn off this subat as now I got it what oh he wants peace I would have say yes sorry may move a man you yes I did why did you protect me but for the Salvation of this Kingdom will it be so hard so he said no he said no it is a kingdom of conscience she's making no we you to refuse again he isn't dead at you say so my brother I am what I am he doesn't want blood yes I did do you think I'm like G there principles man un like him for when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good no no no no I would have done it I'm not going to cap hunt you for life killing somebody yeah but he's he's not a yeah this guy yeah he killed a lot of people so so yeah it's not innocent man they don't have they don't have proof yeah what he starving here Fe him now eat the poison is or not oh my God he's good do you really think the king wants you ahead of the army I have a problem ah yes ban you must beware of popular man oh look Devils he's a good guy kind of trying to be good who the main character Richard and his father Good's trying trying to be good yeah trying his best yeah I agree I like him must be king here the king will see you doesn't mean I don't love him go M he's dying maybe touch touch let's trying Stu oh it doesn't feel pain like his Uncle maybe oh my God don't say that think this is true true story I don't know maybe it could be they are sharing the dark side so maybe could be probably but his illness oh maybe yeah why would they lie about this hello I was dreaming or I defeated Salah hadin you were a beautiful boy my beautiful sister I'm sorry you going how to move the M I think so he's dying maybe now yeah he's dying no meant right [Music] now if my son has your [Music] nights transaction cuz he said no yeah you got to do what's best for her man he's dead they all out [Music] [Applause] can't believe they not showing his face to the end maybe she win no she will come on not show us please show come on Wow deformed eat him alive disease wow what is that disease what the hell is that he's the king the K the kid she's the queen now [Music] wow his Dead's going to live the king in prosperity this ridiculous this is ridiculous a kid ring all of this [ __ ] I hate it wow do a kid doesn't know [ __ ] man 40 and more maybe I stare into the light until one becomes the light what the hell there's your religion the career so Bush there's your Moses it does not mean that there is no God do you not relig atheist is it swinging with atheist k for the people of the city he know he know he knows nothing but I go to pray for the strength to endure what is to come for what was done 100 years before wow yo turn that off please he did not cause that just got get burned from the sun no I think he C no second one is too far it's caught fire what the hell he's saying I don't think so look look I don't care it's too far come on yeah so doesn't mean [ __ ] too hot caught fire yes the son did it not him okay I thought he when he throw the rock he did it he could be yeah like the spark my lady letter trade allow to let him Wonder we keep my brother's peace wow this is ridiculous he wants War yeah of course doesn't feed pain I told you they noticed SI she saw it and he saw it what is deadly he going to die checking oh my God no way pain she got it same condition he's going to eat him Al too he's not going to leave now genetics there is a rumor call it treason what how long before he was a m deserve it this is God no kingdom is worth my son alive in hell I'll go to hell instead oh they they assume cuz he is the king curse like a curse it's a disease though yeah wow is it taking time for me remember why you call all the gods the F she said all the gods I think so yeah god what the hell is going on what is that she going to kill him no man she's not what the hell she put in his ear we going to find out now I think so she's crying What The Hell she's evil oh my God I don't think I don't think so please man don't be like that put in his air man maybe kill him nothing nothing comes to mind other than [Music] poison temp CL [Music] cowards oh my God fight give me the sword this damn he's a fighter what the [ __ ] with the helmet oh my God my God Bute headed him with the with the Iron Man crazy correct his SC he's a fighter yes oh she K me his mother has more back after the templers kill Baum yes this that poison from the ear I do give me a war yeah they plotting she killed her on son the man who's been my husband she's evil that's crazy he's oh my God what why man oh my God he's coming salad is coming man the fud why man Salah hadin sister sister I know holy sh oh he's going to kill them oh my sister I know he's going to K Stitch speak with him he's a king acting like that the return of his sister's body and the surrender of Jerusalem he kill he's going to oh no he GNA K him oh [Applause] no Insanity killing the messenger he said the animals wow I am it's like killing the ambass Ambassador he said I am Jerusalem assemble the army [Music] his sister and the messenger he wants a war that's crazy now this assembly of Barons there are those among you who made it is war is what say this Council this Army cannot move away from water this Army will be destroyed to advise me in War I will tell he's right man should have been done we should meet the enemies of God they not listening stupid without my night they will all die they are so divided how they going to win against 200,000 I think they are two they are like like this the Muslim were reunited in the those times now we are the liberus when salahadin has finished with ghee he will come the boy is dead the boy was Leos like his Uncle she let him go give him ease my ass along with him she killed her old son she's crazy she didn't want him to suffer man no I understand what you saying S I shall tell your father what I seen you become that's crazy a coward no not coward oh him tell him go to fight no I didn't tell him that like a good man you become oh than oh know tell him not to go you going to get killed okay damn didn't being patient with them they caused this what the [ __ ] I can't believe they kill his sister killing his sister is crazy and killing like the Ambassador what do you the messenger yeah like Ambassador this time in these times yeah when didn't comes I [Music] will what's going no wow it's too hot they were in metal and stuff they dying what they didn't even reach fight [Music] they're leaving him wow what are they going to do to him they used to heit yes they are this is their land it is that vortex in the middle man I don't understand that for the doors to go up maybe scar them maybe maybe how many flags they all got flags Americans it messenger oh my all of them oh my God no one returned yeah they were they were like they shot theel the foot from the beginning they set themselves for Massacre they were exhausted yeah they should not left the city he told them the other King was cool yeah this one needs to go they are working for it the Muslims what them ice ice they got ice damn that's FX how the hell they got ice the king giving it to the king one that's cool I drink water for what it is they think it's poison oh disrespect I did not give the C to you I told you this is disrespect just going to kill him for this why I understand why he knows I understand why why I think they don't H give you the both of the hardships The Thirst and the death if you are thirsty they not kill you I think they do that okay they don't combine you that when he drank he condemned himself to death I think okay I think the king knew this that's why he gave him the glass okay what is that we finish him yes he knows he killed his sister maybe he knows for sure yeah eye for an eye [Music] man oh oh my go he's happy with a king does not kill a king to learn by his example oh maybe I was wrong you are dead wrong I did not understand him a king doesn't not kill kill the king okay and then I did not understand him subtitle time a king does not kill a king don't PA don't what what are you not close enough to a great king to learn by his examples yeah okay his English is thicker than mine that's why he give you the water what the hell oh vultures eating their bodies oh my God hey casually kill them all he's head first I thought we I should go to Cyprus will you come with me no they have to surrender now w oh he wanted to go to Cyprus saladine must move his army from water to water acknowledge it man yeah they will not fight Salah I think he will yeah and he's crazy with what army is there this this trap they marking oh Markus I think this is trap trap what trap I don't know I think you are wrong 400 400 mines maybe what what what mines no maybe holes with with the Spears in them I don't know what the hell they doing they're here wow there's only one man no no no there it's not they're behind wow what the waa City once they begin to bombard the walls when they cease firing we fire and Just Surrender the fastest horses from a lesser gate which is unfortunate about the people but it is God's will wow you going to save himself only they think they're going to kill them all Revenge the The Villages he's not going to do that it's Haram to kill the it has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem none of us took this city from Muslims when this city was lost over an offense we did not give that's a good motivation he gave them those who were not alive to your holy places the Muslim places of worship lie over yours the Seiler all have claim but the people living within these walls give them a purpose this is not your land yeah she did a lot of damage putting him King dumbass the dumbass what the hell is she going to do I don't think she had much to do man we have no Knights he one of my servants is he you were born a servant he's going to make him a knight okay or capable of bearing them on your knees they like praying for him need for him and upright that God may love thee even if it leads to your death this his father God the helpless what the fudge and that is so you remember the bo a knight Master Gravedigger this is losing who do you think you are making a man a knight make him a better fighter she has like super hearing how she can hear this so far [Music] away man you can't win this put up a fight though I think but they they caused it oh he's not going to surrender Jerusalem that easy alar if you survive you are master of eelin I confirm it it is a poor and dusty place messenger goate but they kill the [Music] messenger when will it begin tomorrow no I think right now oh my God my God what is that arrows no rocks no shot they have that oh my God wow damn holy [ __ ] how many Rockets oh my God what the [ __ ] they said then I think this is too much no wow meters meters meters meters meters [Music] W he's going to destroy the wall they wait they have those twoo wow my God Hell Fire surrender man Just Surrender epic what the hell they will never surrender anything a lot of people going to die for nothing do you never harm them would you surrender they don't know them well would you surrender yeah they know them they think they are I don't care would you surrender no cow no I will surrender killing all these people for nothing too many people too many soldiers too much man yeah it's not B me oh my [Applause] God they're like [Applause] us that was only the first day there may be 100 more he's so merciful we must hold out their safety and freedom oh okay that's good they would take him slaves no man I think salad is better though I think it's not like the like the many otoman but Salah is good man but they don't know that they used to people the Empire is corrupted yeah not just the abas Empire everyone corrupted mother fathers like our leaders man of course they cannot surrender they will be they will fear to get slave and lose everything they don't know what's coming you will get killed maybe they what is this they are praying have pray have guard but what is that long thing yeah they were throwing about this no yeah okay how many flags they got no cannons in this era I think so no I cannot the king oh the king you want to K me oh still coming forward what is that I want to know this is not what he saying maybe to B the doors no I think I think climb to climb oh they mark them oh not Salah was marking they were marking he was marking uh he said 400 they mark this not not Salah yeah they know where they are I thought Salah was marking this no they will shoot them yeah with arrows not get let they will never let him go that close yeah good t I think this is they are well trained yes yes yes going to climb up now what is that water I don't [Music] know oh my god there waiting patiently they're praying oh wow they in [Music] fire my God going they're going to tactics yeah sh what's waiting for them oh my God the first way we get killed for sure oh my [Music] God oh my God defense wrey nearly killed me in the Lebanon it was his son at kak you regret not killing him maybe perhaps I should have had a different teacher talking about him yeah he's giving them problems they do to take it by now yeah he's good just one man you think this is true Maybe [Music] they change the [Music] strategy what the [ __ ] that's crazy nless you never stop they coming closer though yeah [Music] flag oh my God they they took one [Music] yeah it didn't cut it how [Applause] fire what is that Harpoon oh my God [Applause] lot of people of course think the one are going to be [Music] easy he's smiling he admires him he's wounded though you and not a sister that oh they don't know her here I would say that I'm sorry queen of Jerusalem queen of Jerusalem he knows he got [Music] him oh he's got can need to be stitched mus are stuck yeah oh love when a body is burnt if we do not burn these bodies we will all be dead of disease and if he does oh they burn cannot he is not God oh this smell is crazy they have to kill them you can't bury them just bury them where the Christopher gate used to be has been weaker or stronger it is weaker Rashid has seen it they hard it they know they got it this is where we will make us stand damn he's good Rashid is good they're both good God has sent you this day this you see what he's saying you take no prisoners oh no this [ __ ] extremist yeah I told you there's a lot of extremist man yeah is not like but they not applying all they they don't all apply Islam man yeah yeah you're right [Music] they [Music] br no we broke it same Target I think it broke no when this wall comes down yeah your families will die what yeah they don't yeah they not show you Mercy he means yeah this Army here let them come he's a good leader yeah motivation [Applause] speaker so I say let them come it's going to be mess you can just keep throwing stuff kill them all yeah they could just keep throwing yeah [Applause] they Chuck Point who's that a this is this is hard one war is crazy yeah do not get worse than this what is that oh my God who's [Music] that arrows everywhere you don't know what the hell is coming it's chaos I don't think war is dead like this what the hell is this you can see anything this is too epic man you should have fired more to the wall yeah L Cas like this who won don't tell me this is over come on wead Wow the oh the died wow that's crazy but another wave of Muslims going to come right now they all dead this side to of what the hell I think this a 300 of course this I to the king the guy is alive how how did he survive everyone died he's the only one breathing wow he's still alive it's great ass fighter man K or not I don't think I don't think he's in the front rows though they need him as a tactician he was in the front man what the hell you talking about the white flag they will ask for terms convert to Islam repent later you don't have to go you've taught me a lot about religion they Li convert Isam that's great have to will you yield the city I don't understand his accent man oh yeah that's a good move subtitles will you yield the city city give it up before I lose it I will burn it to the ground every last thing in Jerusalem that drives men mad you will destroy it every stone you will destroy your army here and never raise another I swear to God your city is full of women and children you offer terms I ask none Every Soul the women and your queen and what God will make of him I am Salah damn Sal say it right man he's a great Muslim I Surrender Jerusalem what is Jerusalem worth nothing what what everything what the heck does that mean he could have done this from the beginning but they will not give them their freedom yeah I understand he was [Music] afraid I have surrendered Jerusalem all will be safely escorted to the Sea let God do with it as he okay [Music] they happy of course they happy they knew they will never win it's going to kill herself for sure think so your brother's Kingdom that Kingdom can never be surrendered she's going to kill herself she has the and I will come to you we never married she's the queen of all of those places no she said what I oh yeah all of those places and in France also okay the perfect night is that what you think you are is it oh my God he's here now want to fight least you give him w w w he's still good two swords come on man this unfair how is he still keeping up that broken you've been fighting for days damn damn Three Bs is crazy they both good D fud him this [ __ ] did oh damage kill him I don't think so no he not K rise a night I don't think he's going to be satisfied with that result we come for him now yeah no W he's crazy wow he's going to raise it this is church yeah yeah it's a good man if a church you cannot touch anything yeah yeah CL of worship worship Jewish too I'm surprised they didn't lie but his yeah history this horse thank you and if God does not love you how could you have done all the things that you have done okay this is Uncle Tom if I ever seen one you killed your brothers man how you doing you want to invite him to Islam okay yeah true a lot of great Muslims killed a lot of Muslims before and I'm tripping yeah c instead of the [Music] Cross what the the queen maybe his grave oh he didn't step on the grave [Music] cross this is the mask this is the prophecy of the the prophets yeah this is the mask this is it I think so he's praying so man yes it is this is one Jesus and all prophets meet prophets yeah Muhammad please be on they pray together in this where's the queen though she's here how did he spot her the goat he saw D he good he in the story he told them to stay they they didn't want to what he told them you w come to stay did he yes they didn't want to yeah they want to go didn't trust it yeah and yet you are walking we never married this woman why she killed her son Prophet said anyone kill his son is's crazy man yeah cannot kill you daughter he return to friends for sure no he will get killed no I think so this is friend this is his home yeah this is his they did not retaliate yes oh my God how is's the bar or something you forget about it they never and he killed his son who son King's son not the king the he call the best no no when they ride after them they they were looking for him yeah yeah they don't know it's him they think his father did this not him I think I think they know man what the hell you saying they come Fort him of course you go to where the men speak Italian defender of Jerusalem and I am the king of England they com they going for Jerusalem yeah of course they want to take it back wow wow constant War constant War till now that's crazy they didn't take it for him though sheia of course Queen it's not the [Music] Queen full circle yeah he's a good man trying to be tring doing his best he's the ex-wife and his wife yeah yeah he's going where he's not staying to the holiday [Music] peace the kingdom remains elusive 1,000 yeah wow yeah damn man what the hell is this movie it's a good movie coming up with the effects that's crazy that's it I think so yeah they did not Bash man they they show the truth first time they didn't B us Salah did a lot of good things good things they didn't show they didn't show everything yeah he's a fracture he did a lot of good things yeah he's a good man man 1,000 years after him after him all in peace yeah that's awesome they don't they didn't know Islam the the pope they were they were lying carnibal yeah lot propa like now like now exactly the same terrorist same the same the same it's all the same all people B yeah because it's truth that's the truth yeah okay guys really enjoy this movie make sure to like And subscribe and see you guys in the next one see you
Views: 64,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie reaction, movie reaction first time watching, movie reaction mashup, first time watching, just trust ash reaction, popcorn in bed reaction
Id: wsY7eBDqd4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 39sec (5439 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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