Kingdom Come, Deliverance, CASTLE review

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shada versity t-shirts and hoodies they are special available through teespring link in the description greatings i'm chad and welcome to my castle review of Kingdom Come deliverance now one of us awesome things about Kingdom Come to the prince is the amount of castles and in this game so much sorry that I can't review all them there's just too many so I'm going to be mainly focusing on the more prominent castles that you're going to be interacting with and that specifically two castles so two for the price of one but these are the two castles in the fortified city of Rattay there is so much to cover in this castle review that is probably gonna be rather lengthy but I hope you will find it interesting because I feel it's much better to just have a longer video then actually have me cut sections for the sake of brevity now if you are new to my channel or unfamiliar with my castle reviews this is a type of reviewer I'm not you know looking at gameplay or anything like that I am looking at a castle and assessing it for how effectively it is designed but also for its historical authenticity and/or accuracy I am I think that's kind of funny trying to review Kingdom Come deliverance the castles for the historical accuracy and you know I actually do think it's kind of funny as well because there's not much to say about the authenticity and they start using the castle apart from the fact that they are flippin accurate like my goodness easily the best and most authentic castles I have seen in a video game whether it is fantasy fictional of course has to be fictional II can't exactly have a non-fiction game well you could you know what I'm saying but the very best I have ever seen in any video game ever like this is amazing but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are great castles that just means that they are superbly historic accurate and when I say that I mean like seriously Kingdom Come deliverance in terms of the architecture okay the world setting it's amazing I like has gobsmacked me I'm blown away that like you could literally use you know this game as an educational resource for a medieval period now does that mean everything in the game is historically accurate not necessarily in fact the Metatron has made a really good review of the overall historical authenticity of the game which I highly recommend great review and the Metatron is always fun to watch and he is able to point out a couple of mistakes that they have made here and there but in regarding the castles in architecture only The Witcher 3 has come as close as being as accurate as this game Kingdom Come deliverance is I mean have a look at this Chapel and well not even get to the castles you just look at this Chapel see the murals see how everything is whitewashed and painted on the inside and you have these religious you know pictures on the walls and then the timber work and the timber worker so much detail just didn't like and they have the joists underneath the timber work and everything and they have metal with braces holding the wooden doors together and they have the insides lit with candles and not torches I mean all those these are massive points for the accuracy of this medieval Chapel right here just astounding and I love how they have the whitewash but then they have the feature stone arches over the doors and the windows just beautiful roof wooden shingles 100% perfect ah could not get any better so those are my thoughts and comments on the architecture generally and now let's get to the castles themselves and just look at them there is this beautiful realistic simplicity to them which is just perfect what I have noticed in Kingdom Come deliverance is that all the castles follow a very similar architectural Castle style which makes perfect sense because this is all based within a specific geographical location and evil period specifically Bohemia and therefore it makes sense to see the castles built all in a very similar style and why you don't see other castle like styles that were built in other parts of Europe within the medieval period and this style is very blocky all right you don't see any extended battlements overhanging any of the lower portions so unfortunately there is a distinct lack of that doesn't mean they don't necessarily have machicolations cuz look what we have here wooden Michigan Asians on the gatehouse leading into at Hey yes I love it so this simply means if anyone gets too close to the wall they can still drop rocks and shoot arrows down the people trying to souls and interestingly they don't have these hoarding type machicolations on all parts of the walls because you don't necessarily need them on every part of the outer walls you need them on the parts of the walls where the enemies can get too close and that is specifically on the gate houses and any location where you can approach the castle walls just awesome now in regards to the location and positioning over the city of Rattay and its two castles it's a little difficult to be able to see the castles at a distance because unfortunately I have not been how to find any way to do a free camera mode within the game there's no I couldn't find a console I even sent an email to the developers and they got back to me you know good on them today and they let me know unfortunately no there's no integrated console mode at all within the game so that's unfortunate because very hard to comment on the position and location of this city and its parcels but there are some distant shots of Rattay from screenshots and also promotional material released by the game which gives us a decent enough look at this position and the first thing I should note this is a real historical position tinkly Rattay still exists though a very different state to what it was in the medieval period but my goodness you can tell why they play a city on this location now interestingly one of the first things I comment on when reviewing fictional castles or cities is if it's the right size of the city and I've been very critical of the cities in Skyrim for not being big enough or what I love about this is Rattay is at least twice as big as most of the cities within Skyrim and of course it's based on a real medieval city so if I was to try and criticize us for not being the right size I wouldn't really have much credibility there would I because of course it's a slice of medieval city because it was a medieval city interestingly enough regarding medieval cities turns out that it wasn't necessarily the size that determined mating over city to be a city but if it had a city charter but that wasn't necessarily the case for every European medieval kingdom just in some and it just goes to show that what a city was was actually soft sometimes different depending on where you lived within medieval Europe but one of the beautiful things that we see about brajes position is that there are only three places or ways of approach interestingly enough in my opinion there is a bit of a weakness in the entrances to Rattay and that is because the two entrances on this side that you see here there doesn't need to be too like in my opinion would have been more defensible to just have one now of course for convenience it makes sense to have another entrance on the other side of the city so yes keep that but having two on this side no I don't think that's the best choice is this how it was done in the real rassei of history I don't know but considering the amount of research that the developers has done to like fully recreate this medieval city I am going to assume that this that they tried their best to make it exactly like it was built in history and I had two entrances as well and if that is the case it goes to show you that not every historical medieval castle was perfectly designed okay there were crappy lis design castles and what saying Grasse is poorly designed but even on good castles there are still flaws that you can point out now they have two entrances here because one goes into the city and the other entrance goes directly into the castle and in my mind you would want to get rid of the entrance going to the castle completely and only have access to the castle through the entrance of the city so you actually have to go through that wall there and then get entrance into the castle through the city because of people attacking this city really wanted to take the castle well they can go straight along this bridge and try and take the castle I tell you what it'll be difficult because it's not to say the entrance that they have leading to the castle is a cakewalk oh no it's not they got a full drawbridge here and the drawbridge leads off a bridge itself which bottlenecks the enemy and look at the crevice in between the the entrance of the castle through the land nearby you are not going to get a siege tower anywhere close to the walls are there like it's too high up thanks to this mountain at the siege Tower will not be able to reach the height of the walls and so the greatest defensive advantage that you can give to any castle or even fortified city is indeed in elevation and Rattay has that it is brilliant so perhaps that is why they felt they could get away with having a secondary entrance on this side or that the city that leads directly into the castle because they you know could have felt fairly confident that the crevice in between the entrance of the castle till here nearby is so great that it's gonna be suicidal for anyone trying to cross those bridges and attack the castle just look at the cliffside this city is built on my goodness yeah that adds such a defensive advantage to the castles design well it's by virtue of the position but you know the overall design and layout that my goodness it would be so hard to beseech this city interestingly you're regarding the second castle on the other side of the city is that the only entrance into that castle is through the city the way I was explaining it on that castle but we'll just looking at so you know they clearly had that design mentality in mind in regards to the second castle and look at its position as well right on the side of this cliff just beautiful beautiful view of the castle just a lot one of the things that the castle designs in Kingdom Come deliverance really illustrates is the beauty of simplicity oftentimes historical castles were very simple in their layout complex and overly elaborate castle designs is actually something that comes to us from fantasy castles okay like the Disney Castle and things like that and when people started to build castles for more aesthetic reasons over form function and defense ability and so but when you see castles like Piera funds and neuschwanstein you see castles built more for looks over function and fortification but here in Kingdom Come deliverance know these are historical castles so they have this simplicity about them where I keep it's just a box basically a square box with a roof on it or some fortification sometimes but obviously here in medieval bohemia' they more often have wooden tops and roofs and hoardings and such and that's on the top of the capes and the walls but still even with this more simplistic functional design there is this beauty about it there's beauty in simplicity and they also have this look of imposing functionality like this is a military fortress here so most of the walls on Rattay are very difficult to reach okay which renders the need for machicolations on the outsides nowhere near as significant or important yet there is one you know side of the wall where it is much easier to reach than all other sides and that is this entrance here leading up to the other side of right a opposite to where we had looked at previously because you have a main road and the main road kind of hugs the side of the hill and so where we're at right now not nearly is important because getting to the castle wall from here going straight up this side of the cliff very difficult and yeah just be ripped to shreds by the actors atop the walls but when you get close enough alright as you people go up this road they get closer and closer to this wall right here and so this wall here right if people were very very you know I had determined to take this city this is the most probable and likely line of approach because you could get say a siege tower it's possible to roll the siege tower up this road here and then get it closer to the walls that indeed Laderman could rush the walls right here and get a ladder right here have to be a pretty darn high ladder but see see how close I am so right here yes machicolations would be very very useful but what we have noticed here in Keemun come deliverance is that where there are machicolations they are in wooden hoardings and hoardings can be temporary as well and they can be fixed temporarily in the time of a siege and so if someone was at excerpts na i guess very possible that i could just build the hoardings on that wall to increase the defensive valley and indeed adding some more defended hoardings right here on this gate would be very useful because this gain right here my goodness is so much more vulnerable compared to the other entrances to the castle in fact it is so vulnerable that is kind of undermining the defensive value of those entrances because yeah their fortified heaps I got that big crevice they got a bridge they got draw bridges I have machicolations above but people can just go around it let's let's skip that entrance and come right here and here we don't see I could have dug it a ditch in front of it for a moat and then have a gatehouse its own drawbridge but there's no drawbridge no gatehouse is a portcullis thank goodness but it is a much less defended entrance than the other one if you want the other entrances to have true defensive value you need all the entrances to be as fortified now on an equal level otherwise like I said the attackers they can just go around and like see this wall right here this is this is not good isn't that there's more even battlements above where are the critic a why goodness so they rustle like they would need you know shields for taking themselves okay maybe during rain without really with definitive they can even have portable defensive walls they waltz up with they add to this point just walk along here throw up ladders and try and scale walls right here this is not good this is a this is a weakness one kind of advantage is that on the other side of that wall there's no real impact not exactly yeah you'll have a place to walk around they've gotta get down on the other side so it could be that I was intentional they didn't have any crenellations here because there's no ramp are there and if there's no one there to be out of stand on top the wall behind it there's no need to protect those people therefore no need for crenellations but of course the big problem then is that there's no one there to be able to protect that wall at all because there's no rampart no problem but the fact that this entrance has no moat or drawbridge where all the other entrances do like even the entrance to the castle here there's a big ditch which it's a micro cane I have a moat in front of it and then they have a bridge bottlenecking people as they try and approach it and then I draw bridges are brilliant okay and the fact that they don't have it on that entrance they're ridiculous and so you look here all right see this is a beautiful wall right here because it shows that most of the wall actually is acting as a bit of a retaining wall to the raised bar behind it which is brilliant because this is how high the wall is right here and the detail they are up top of the wall wooden Ram Hart that's fine and I actually like how they've done the Crennel here so see how the Crennel is indented this is a little bit further in so that means if you are you know shooting down you can get that bit further in if this is really you snip that little bit further in and then the Crennel is actually angled down so you can angle your burrow further down and get a larger field of fire shooting in between or merlyn's awesome I love it well done so what we have here it's called a bastion so it's not a full Tower okay when you have a half Tower just kind of just hang out sticking it's called a bastion or a wall Bastion I mean right here all Bastion of course they have the indent here to give a provision for this ladder getting up atop the ramparts yes so not much of a gatehouse and I say not much there isn't he gatehouse it's just portcullis but you know hey look at the windlass oh I am this is like very authentic windlass right here well design role my attention to detail I love it and the portcullis is wood as they move more often were brilliant so interestingly there's no rampart on that wall over there either and is that because it wasn't needed well that opposing wall they're certainly very much harder to approach in terms of the attackers on the other side so perhaps not nearly as needed cuz there was you know a sense of practicality as well you didn't need to put defences everywhere if there's no need to fortify a part of the you know walls or castle well you save materials if you just skipped it and now let's have a look at the Bailey inside be a bottom Castle right here sprit like oh just the little bits of detail in this game just makes makes me love it and what the thing right here see all the firewood what people don't really often realize is how important firewood was in the medieval period okay was the main source of heating for your homes and it was important to stock it up especially in the winter because when it's snowing you didn't want to have to go out in the smari to collect more firewood so you need to stock it up in there you know summertime and autumn to fuel your fires through the winter and yeah they have that I love it and I got barrels here just why are you no ready for use and then all the different rooms and such so good storage rooms a detail of this game just blows me away so this here it looks like a counterweight for the drawbridge because there's a lot of wood that's a lot of brick gene Anita raised up and so if you're just trying to lift it all yourself rather difficult so having a counterweight on the other end help that and that's what this appears to be I haven't seen a historical design you know showing it this is how they will milk built in the medieval period and honestly if you can't find any historical representation of how you know drawbridges Willis's were designed and built in the medieval period just got a take artistic license and design it as effectively as you can and that's what I think they might have done here and they've done a really good job a chain coming up to a very functional looking windlass in a situation like the chain coming up here which is a fix yes that's the counterweight to the drawbridge brilliant okay and the fact that they even thought to put on a counterweight look at a detail of this people detail it's just brilliant now remember what I was talking about simplicity in design look at this castle I came essentially it is just you know a Bailey with straightforward walls around it you have a town right there and the tower doesn't even two defensible might be there more for you know lookout purposes an actual are using it to shoot down at enemies attacking walls that's what you would use these crenellations for gosh that field of view right there that's great and then you have the Chairman you have a castle and they Castle design or sorry to keep keeps design very straightforward you basically have a rectangle with another rectangle sticking out and that's about it but that's brilliant it's all you need and gosh going inside they keep like just here see here this is the width of the wall right here that's exactly how is done so this is like a 2 meter thick wall on the castle eating to God all right but or they have a toilet here idea hey I can use it I'm gonna get it oh crap sitting on a toilet don't mind me vehicle going down here this a court seems to lead into that section that other rectangle leading out and this is this is a chapel this looks like an internal chapel within the castle which was exactly how it's done and again see how much this window needs to be offset in through the wall because of also so thick proper castle design the murals again that all the walls are all whitewashed or passed it with murals on them this is easily the most is historically authentic castle I've ever seen in a video game and just the doors look at the you know the steelwork framing embracing on the doors here and I see this indent so big that they have seats right here and then the windows glass like so yes glass existed the medieval period but they couldn't make it in large sheets okay glass was made through glassblowing and they would flatten it out and they've even done what would look like see how warped it is that's exactly what maybe if a glass was like okay they couldn't make it clear and perfectly transparent it'll be very warped and uneven and I got it here and then they have it in this kind of lead or I in the frame this is exactly what medieval windows look like and here a look at the murals and the murals are like it has the flavor and variety that you would see sometimes just a simple pattern but the fluid Elise all right I'm actually not so sure on how prevalent the fleur-de-lys was in medieval bohemia' well it's more of a French thing too - anyway okay something to look up isn't it but I have a little kind of mural here depicting a scene just great oh and fireplaces okay you'd have as many fireplaces in as many of the rooms as possible there's a room or someone is sleeping in you know in you want a fireplace there to eat him up all right got a hearth right here because again fire was the main form of heat windows and the murals and the lighting by candles this is brilliant like seriously if you wanted to show people what you know medieval castles could have been like in the medieval period you could just load up this game and just let me walk through all right because this is just superb really interesting bed it's a very narrow bed all right there's something to look I've see my knowledge beds like especially someone's so you know ornamented impressive this wouldn't ever be so narrow okay but there would always be at least double size especially they're impressive that if I'm wrong I'd love to be corrected on that so I could know I was like but my you know current understanding bed no too narrow and terms the woodworking design on it great window alcove because of the thickness of the castle walls and this is Casa wall is like this is a proper defensible castle wall one thing that's I can't seem to see in this castle and maybe because this could be a floor or they just didn't have time to model it is it doesn't seem to be any access to the floors above all the floors beneath there's no stairwells all right and so if I every door perhaps on this castle I'd be now can I look in and so there's no access to the upper or lower portions of the castle from this level how'd you get up there it's clear there's a lot of castle up there oh wait that looks like a stay low but there's no door leading to it it's just a facade it's fake so unfortunately it seems like they have not modeled the full interior of the castle there's an interesting on here this is the servants quarters okay so you can get access to the lower levels it's the kitchen overlooks our servants quarters and this is actually a good point oh look at this raised half yeah very fancy okay but also you know as a castle nothing wrong with having so fancy raised half then a castles kitchen brilliant and see how big this hearth is how much there the overhang is extending to capture all the smoke that would be coming out of this oven and it's supported by you know stone core balls here awesome very well done so yeah having this lower portion separated from the upper portions kind of makes sense if it is the servants wing of the castle but there does not seem to be any lower level oh yes lower levels right here this could be maybe the bags just to the castle where the soldiers hang out yeah it looks like it is and then access to the lower battlements but there's no real balance you know crenellations and if soldiers you who you know very possibly we shooting down and enemies it's a bit hard to shoot over and of the people are shooting back they don't really have any protection because their creations this is the poster they have a posting on the castle or back entrance if it does if it is this is a person there needs to be a big grade here okay not having a fixed gate on a back entrance in the castle is a massive floor the enemy can just come right over here and this looks like this is a legitimate back entrance posted into the castle oh wait wait is this where the gate is it's a gate I can there's a gate down here they might have been out to save themselves but if not no it's a back entrance with no gates what's going on here people this is a terrible floor now it's not terrible floor in the fact that there's a back entrance I'm saying the fact that this back entrance doesn't have a gate okay because this is the thing persons on castles have been used more than once to spell the downfall of a castle maybe the fact that there's a gate to the door of the castle here is enough to hold people off and there's not it's very much shoot-down like if people try to buy you know knock down this door there's no real way to shoot it then this arrow loop right there doesn't really do it and there's no machicolations on their extension up there so it's very hard to fight people off if they get and try and knock down that door and seriously the Sallyport and posters have been used on many occasions to spell the downfall of the castle not just in Corfe castle but when i've you know looked up some accounts of medieval sieges and yeah okay several I come across yeah that's the post and someone open in the back door and in some cases it was due to a betrayal from the inside with some actually you know wrote down on the outside of one of the outer towers where the enemy climbed up I should also mention that the developers have clearly taken direct inspiration from kind of Castle recreations that have been made in the real world I have a look at these pictures here do you see a bit of a similarity between these rear creations and the castles in Kingdom Come deliverance there's a lot of similarity isn't there done their research so there is access to the lower levels which is great but it doesn't seem like there's access to the upper levels like it seems like there should be a door right here because this looks like the stairwell leading to the upper levels on the castle which is not there unfortunate but you know I there's enough castle there for me to give it a big thumbs up because I tell you what that a lot like in terms of the accessibility of other castles in other video games gee this game keeping coming deliverance has so much more access so much more of the castle is actually modeled and designed then compared to Skyrim and other video games I've looked at so the fact that I couldn't get access to the uppermost levels you know I can forgive them so if you want to get access to the larger castle indeed they're kind of main castle the city of ricey you need to enter through this direction up here alright there is the entrance to the city but then if you want to get access to the castle from the city right through here it's just an archway it's kind of uh oh wait there's doors behind it good good if it wasn't any doors behind it I was gonna have a bit of an issue with it because you are just gonna have an archway with no doors what's the point of having a wall so this means if the outer city is taken and the enemy wants to then take over the main castle they need to go through two barriers to reach it because you have this kind of secondary barrier which kind of forms like a second Bailey this seems to be like a secondary Bailey before you get into the main Bailey the castle so this is an important defensive feature but the problem here is there's no battlements to defend the defenders that are trying to protect this entry point and what makes this doubly odd is that they do have legitimate ramparts behind this section for defenders to stand atop on if he and I ever need to defend this portion of the wall but again no battlements does not compute not making sense oh this is a bit of a flaw right here look an oil lamp what's also interesting about this kind of outer or secondary Bailey is that some of the more important professions are also done here like right here wasn't the falconer or the hunted Huntsman actually this is where he hangs out and does his work because he works for the Lord and so he gets a bit more of a protected position for his home and gets to live closer to the castle and indeed if we go up a bit further we will find the blacksmith and he works here again in a protected portion closer to the Lord that makes sense that's good Castle layouts and also just that convention in the design mentality very well done again just another bit of detail that they paid attention to and maldonado got all this stored timber my goodness so if your walk working a forge so home well you probably wouldn't work at with Timmy you're working with coal but still for fires it's a [ __ ] this stored timber for the winter and stuff absolutely you never don't designing a caste and stuff like that shelters for timber because you don't want the wood D at wet oh yeah shoulders for timber everywhere and the fact that there's so much so so much wood well done because you know who doesn't love a lot of wood in their life and then to get to the main castle we have another gate right here no rear pass no way to defend it but still not least there's another barrier which leads to a bridge which bottlenecks the enemy brilliant love it great and then we have a moat underneath with kind of a Poston sally port right there and does they look to be a gator let's check nope no gate on it but it doesn't really lead into the castle it just leads to the moat kind of section and so if it doesn't really lead into the castle that entrance that archway isn't really a sally port sorry okay look it's the poo chutes that's where the toilet is right hey guys I've got the poo smear on the stonework and so they just be a huge amount of crap maybe is that what I'm sipping it is this not stone is this all just boom right now cuz make this area rather stinky as well maybe that's all just to from the Garda robe up above so yes we've got this beautiful bridge leading to a beautiful drawbridge and look at this is this like a full-blown gatehouse with multiple portcullis there's no doesn't look to be a podcast there and I applaud dears it's no no murder holes what a missed opportunity you got to go through this whole big section here and then they'd be stopped by this portcullis this is a perfect place for murder holes right there but then this leads into this beautiful big Bailey right here and look at this they even have kind of like a training ground right there feel that sword fight or not not the middle of the Bailey I like it I like it a lot have a small stables with hay stored in the loft to feed them I hang there and more storage though gee it would get damp and wet down here this isn't exactly this place to store food you have to raise it off the ground to keep things dry but sure I guess you know if they need room player barracks service entrance storage and of course it's in the lower parts of the castle separated from the Lord libs a well brilliant internal water source for the castle sorry if it gets separated or if they and I'm the besieged they have water because that's essential you need it scored would the winter brilliant big tick as well our holes up here in the Battlement slash hoarding seriously in the detail and the architecture here is just amazing like look at all the timber work right you could take this design out of the game and build it in real life that's how accurate this is okay ah blows me away and you can even see the rafters because this is the roof of that building underneath there sorry the tower is used for housing the soldiers which is known because the garrison here probably gosh maybe 30 soldiers and so I means you need 30 beds and you fit them where they would go probably so in the towns and stuff like that just brilliant and just have a look at the simplicity of this design because this castle is essentially just one big rectangle that's all it needed to be okay yeah all the way there and then it's just divided internally into rooms and they even have internal stone walls as dividing giving more structural support like this wood looks to be great hall ish section for the feasts and such and then this castle is done to the same level of beautiful accuracy as I saw the previous one with their whitewashing on the inside how thick the walls are murals painted on them on top of that this is the toilet we saw on the outside as well sigh gosh I am just geeking out over all this okay I'm sure I'll be spending hours upon hours just having a look through this world this is the greatest kind of feature for me this game is but what they've recreated a maybe evil world and it is just amazing if you want the experience of walking through you know medieval city medieval castle medieval world this is a game to do it it is absolutely brilliant and aah 10 out of 10 like apart from the small little floors I point out but the thing is even those floors I pointed out in my review a sorry minor and they're not floors that to say this is not historically accurate it's just to say the castle design has a bit of a problem here but that's also an accurate thing because castles had flaws in their design historically and so in terms of the accuracy of this city at least and the castles it ten out of ten hundred percent which I don't think I could have ever said of any video game castle ever which is just amazing ah so beautiful so there you go guys this has been my review of a city and I say and it's castles from Kingdom Come deliverance thank you for watching I do hope you have enjoyed and I hope to see you again then until that time farewell oh no I can't cross the river how am I gonna cross the river can I jump alright hey that's a weird name for a castle laughs hey I'm sure you know doesn't sound nearly as bad in its original language but of course in English rats it's like my castle of the rats rats rats I'm stuck I'm stuck mother I'm usually hungry oh you need a costume son something that I can just tear caches me some cashews why catchers see I can't do it I just I don't have a musical bird in my body that's something like you could head banks I make something heavy metal castles castles no looks like we gonna freeze no oh recovered gosh that was all worried [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 653,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castle, castles, fortress, review, kingdom come deliverance, warhorse, studios, kingdom, come, deliverance, medieval, video, game, let's play, analysis, middle ages, sword, swords, armor, amour, weapon, weapons, rattay, city, defences, bohemia, gaming, rpg, roleplaying game, fantasy, dnd, dungeons and dragons, d&d, role, playing, game of thrones, lord of the rings, top ten, samurai, katana, longsword, hema, historical european martial arts, swordfighting, machicolations, crenelations, crenulations, knight, knight's
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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