Kingdom Come, Deliverance: Historical analysis, First Impressions

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the puddle of mustard shirts and hoodies available through teespring link in the description ratings I'm Chad I'm out of many a video game that was based in a medieval period that has come before Kingdom Come deliverance is one that has had far greater anticipation that I've seen specifically in the sword enthusiast medieval enthusiast community and a lot of people are saying that I really do check it out I mean I was gonna going to anyway because I've had my eye on this game for a while one of the great and really intriguing and attractive features of Kingdom Come deliverance is the attention to historical accuracy that that made this game in fact the whole game is based in a historical period now this is quite literally the very first time I've even loaded this game ok and so very much going to be my first impressions now it's not going to be a let's play where I'm going through and showing the whole game and just you know every single thing I doing it I'm going to be taking out kind of the highlights and the observations that I have as I go through these early parts but I cost because it's the first time I've uploaded this game it's not going to be a comprehensive review or something targeted to a specific theme oh I might do something like that later on like a good in-depth castle review so like I said first impressions but still we might be out of find some really cool things to notice as we kick this off so let's get into it and we'll have a bit of fun [Music] dozen holding it rickety food wooden palisade me from our palace there's a luminosity but they have some of the defenses made out of wood that's a very ski benefit it you know impressive attention to detail there and see there's some of the wooden battlements behind the castle and just as [Music] I'm impressed already just the world looks so good the peasants aren't covered in mud and there now if it's a colorful this already is more immersive than movies based in the medieval times [Music] [Music] dialog you will select your characters default characteristics this is important dialogue right here you're not satisfied with them don't worry all characteristics can be further developed without limitations okay okay that's good that's good now one of their kind of a bits of disappointment that I had with this game is I didn't seem like it was gonna be much in depth character creation so be interesting to see how much we have here seems like we're gonna have some control over abilities and stuff and I was a bit disappointed at you couldn't choose even gender though and and then it's even more Linda because I don't even think you're able to choose your facial features here having said that I think as not nearly as detrimental with a first-person game which I do believe this game is and gosh like I usually hate first-person games I love a third-person all the way and so I think it's a testament to my interest in this game that I'm keen to play it even when it's supposed to be a first-person game there might be a setting I don't know I'll see but I don't think you have the option so anyway we were chatting up oh sorry we were chatting in the tavern so that'll give me speech I was dancing shows you see I've done I've done really research of the gameplay so I actually don't know how beneficial these abilities are it was getting on the right foot and I was trying to quite you know getting on the good foot to do the bad thing was it is that the code for Austin Powers yeah it was doing something wink wink which implies vitality I was working the forge strike so working in a forge well something you're not telling me it's connected with that scratch on your hand and then it's a suspicious-looking character with a sword you turned up in town recently psychic could you read my bite why would I be interested in sword fighting and I see because one of the things that I I'm being bit more willing to you know and play first-person game as well is that oh I usually like making a brand new character playing someone different to me creating his assistance I want it to feel like I am the character okay well this is me in a medieval world so I want to base the characters kind of bit on my own interest and I love sword fighting and this guy say what are you just so far that's a sacrilegious statement for my interest right this I know um I was teaching me archery I do for the vitality thing again but I'm having lots and lots of sex and I probably just got the video media monetize because that is like any algorithm can even detect certain words maybe if my accent can mask oh right what does it matter and that's I don't care I don't care yes yeah I'm just gonna be doing a bad accent and it's gonna because I don't give me strength but I want to balance maybe maybe a bit of vanilla tea as well sorry archery hey no it's just stupids a relative term okay go to your father have my friends been here I'm hungry go to the sword fighting lessons he's part angry at me I feel like I need to do this whole thing in an accent but my English I said is really bad look you just wake up yeah we know what he's thinking my friends being old I'm gonna be sleeping in his act at all time right right I'll leave it be mother you'll miss George in them accent my friends aren't drunks I don't want to talk I don't want to talk talking about oh now Bianca she's a clever girl she is actually but he's doing more than hanging on to her break is just old mattias and Fritz specially Fritz and I hear that Fritz like sausages a lot anyway this pot is pointing good I'm done ending the dialogues thank you mother people play this game for that story but hopefully I'm even i internal the house the decorations I mean for the story so let's do look sexy I got hooks for cooking things interesting thing the fire is raised off the ground a bit again having a raised hath like this was actually a bit of an extravagance and from what I've been told it only happened a bit later in about 1800 and so most of the time for half was on the ground because just building it out waste material and you know you just got away what was leaving to be done interested it's not flew above for the fireplace this place to get really smoky in the side I have a fireplace where is the chimney I'm saying okay and [Music] I don't know what MIDI you would see say so the cheese was white did you notice the cheese was white right a random things interesting information history right so watch this video on mister which he's making because it's interesting it says that more often than not cheeses would have been being like historically in fact a common color of cheeses in the modern day they died you know the orange and the yellow and stuff cuz it seems more appetizing where you know especially if it's goat cheese as well think I can't become a cop pick up the powder that's usually where money's money are usually in pouches like that Oh bread roll bread rolls taking the bread rolls don't leavin leaving the room there's a loft it's two lofts and I'm assuming this gap years where you would put the ladder so it's actually in terms of medieval standards it's actually Bitcoin biggest side but I guess if you're a you know your father's blacksmith and stuff this is a decent size this is average size I'm not on the small side I'm sorry I want to say it's all it's on the larger side of average and sorry it's a bit on the live site because you a lot of MIDI for homes your deficit room like that room I just I just got fit is there time indicators this like a server I have to eat food I picked up picked up how do i ace no.8 how did I I picked up all right uh gee this is almost going to be a lesson because I'm just rambling um noise noise source five wooden shingles I like what does she hate they even have gotta like drain okay look it's practical it makes sense I'm assuming that but maybe it may be like it also would that be an extravagance what they just not care even out trying to collect the rainwater running from the roof and yes I'll have a gutter and rain is that this is what you came here for alright Kingdom Come deliverance shads commentary on the gutters of the days I'm sure we'll get dissolved fighting eventually hey there's a forge that must be where pi is working maybe we'll borrow move wouldn't it great grindstone if I decide you discovered alloys a grindstone I see a grinding stone this is like on the most basic level and I actually like the design of how they've done the battlements instead of sticking there the poles in vertically all right they've done and air horizontally all right instead of sticking them all in vertically they've actually done them horizontally and hold up by vertical things that that why haven't I thought of that usually in people do Palisades always the Timbers are just thrown in vertically and stuff like that and look hey have arrow holes I'll call Mario generally I just got food and it's saying is hungry how do we eat the food is there how do I go to the inventory that's a tray hunch hey inventory ins inventory and there's my food I'm gonna eat up I'll eat the cheese and then eat a bread roll and there we go and I'm not hungry anymore I think the attention to detail look hanging the horseshoes just on the you know the beam right there and look see these metal loops here that's four four barrels those loops Gary I'm barrels barrels are very useful main kind of containers used back in the day for holding any number of things from water to grain to just random crap and the tools the tools just calling me sometimes you need powers of persuasion to achieve your goals and talking to people you can infer you can often choose what kind of pressures you want to make on them of your attire and how well-groomed you are together with your reputation can make a big difference on how people respond to you I like that feature I really like a feature so view where if you're looking like a rich guy people are gonna respond to you differently that is that's an awesome little RPG feature and you know shouldn't just be in like a historically accurate you know basically it should be at all RPG games it uses a speech system if you look dangerous people be afraid to cross you and also be more willing to sign the risky tasks to you a little dangerous give me the armor and weapons it's influenced mainly by your strength and I yep I put strength directly weapons equipment but other things if there are blood stains on your clothes you can sometimes rely on money to do the talking that's awesome and you hear that's my kids in the background screaming don't worry they'll heal in special cases you can try Henry's other skills like oh I won't be ordering giving my dad I rely I respected parents it's good ok but I want to test this strength because I'm just doing this because I want to find out well so daddy wait what I love about this is it like just looking at the size of this town this is the size of like a good standard medieval village right here because you also need to remember you know you could expect if these are people's homes that's a family in each one of these homes and I got what I have objectives I have quests but I don't care I'm going on a casa first thing I got a jitters out of course there are no I don't want to hurt people's eardrums by screaming it but look we can't see them there so maybe I should only you know scream but we know I'm gonna say machicolations when they're actually there ok in celebration that they're there of course a lot unhistorical they don't have michigan it's not every castle had bishop you license and also depends on how old they are but by around this is the early 15th century so it's 14 know something oh yeah I do believe that is the period when castle certainly had been now to figure out what machicolations are and the advantages behind them and stuff but this castle doesn't haven't that's not a problem but still looks good look at the see that see the wooden kind of pass above on the top and score our wooden palisade at the back and look what do we have here surcoat right here's a full circuit and good mail that a gambeson underneath and a metal helmet this guy is very well equipped then what we have here are contrary it's the circuit there this guy is wearing at the bar this is what a de baad would look like or you could just call it the chain it's really pins a debarred is generally is not sewn on the science see there it wouldn't be sewing in on the sides but hold that or nut by a belt or just over the top that would be a bard and a tunic would be on certain on the side so what he's wearing kind of a tunic thing and then of course male gambeson I like it like a lot let's talk to him hey fellas oh very polite I like it I like how the religious themes are already tied into the culture oh he's got sass this guy just shut up and give me what I want I'll kick it he looks like someone he looks familiar All Right see you there fellas you codex entry town garrison that's slightly evil flavor and like it nice sheets nice sword Hey doing that job actually blocking me hey I just wanna little guys sure I'm sure I'll get in this family's on a pretty kind of a nice location you know in terms of the town layout behind the first kind of palisade line of defense not in like the Castle Bailey sections boxes so you could actually be the castles main blacksmith old dad and then you got the home there I'll get see yeah see this our wooden structure right here there's a door just open to the air with a ladder would be more interesting the architecture was good wooden shingles I like it and looks functional made and wooden castles castles you know made out of wood either and this is enough you know very early 15th century you know early 1400s and I love that they have wooden defenses in and are there so just it's a small yet it speaks to detail and it doesn't look like it's been done actually it might be done most of the thatched roofs right see how there's like ledges or lays in the thatch okay that's because that's how it looks like when you put it down just in bundles okay yeah I get bundles of fetch laying down on kind of an angle in a roof and that's what it looks like to get the smooth that's where it's all just look like smooth liner thatch you actually have to cut kind of manicure the actual roof and cut off these ridges here to make it all smooth and it's an extravagance and it's not necessary because it doesn't do anything functionally more advanced 8 and potatoes to the actual quality of the roof to my knowledge I'm not an expert but I know a thing or two and it's just for looks and so for the average person know I get a looks pretty cool because has a different effect but see here see how this is all smooth okay generally generally you need to cut off those ridges via the smooth effect though having said that there could be a different way of lying to fetch down on the roost to actually effect so I'm just speaking from a general knowledge that's what I'll say on that shrews there and then we can continue on looking through okay okay I'm actually gonna do a whole video on this style of architecture I check in I'd like to see here classic timber framed and then it's it's what'll and then as what all strips of wood and then they put door door bears a type of dirt mixed with for sometimes feces as well and other things also clay water mixed all together and then they whitewash it and they'll plaster it and then that's classic style of medieval architecture I've give it a whole video on that again I still see it here looks good I like it hello it is interesting here this is this is stone here I can see that this is obviously stone but in this part isn't so again stone buildings and we actually do we see there we see it a little bit on the main castle historically castles and but essentially that generally other stone buildings uh they they oftentimes it castles more common than were not always just left war stone okay they did a pass for a whitewash on the outside to make them look white kind of see how you see the whitewash on that building there so we go back to the castle you can see some of that whitewash just there on the main castle part but doesn't look like I have it on the tower in another you know bit of detail here in this game historically authentic detail looks like I love it looks like every building can actually be entered if that's the case that's like major points okay if they have it that every single building can be entered into like I said major major points because the immersion that I feel like feels like this is a real kind of village I need to get VR I need to play this game in V yeah that's that's how it needs to be done okay Oh can't see what somewhere where I need to walk [Music] I had to he had to he had to come here don't you Spanish ed well just listen and you'll give yourself don't has gone too far Wenceslas is our rightful king Deutsch is an idiot but what can you do I might have an idea don't you deserves to be taught a lesson doesn't me friends oh you the tricks I've written [ __ ] you my mates man these guys tallywags west lager oh gonna die no sword fighting lesson beer where's be all right there they are top of the map I figure these things yeah eventually come on guys so much they get distracted by combat all right here we go let's see there's some of the first first attempts at the combat in this game okay and they say this very historically authentic I had a lot inspired by Hema and some of the stuff is seen in the trailers yeah let's see how good it is it's a difficult balance right because it's rounds between brothers making it feel easy fun to use on this thing while also looking at and reflecting what real sword fighting model is face of someone I don't know he is wearing what looks to be a Brigantine okay which is the more kind of advanced form of the coat of plates and a lot of flex down near the bottom bringing Dean to the Flex like that just so they know while walking and I sword yeah long sword heyday of the long sword I guess soaked in the world a bit right so I'll soak in the outfit second the setting imagine this is great like I'm not saying they shouldn't they I'm not saying they should have fantasy elements in the end they shouldn't this is very stirring from time period based but at the same time it would also be so cool if you had this kind of authenticity in a full-blown fantasy setting which it kinda doesn't you know little with the armor and designs they did a really good job with the look of the world there and so when I say actually the Richard not only kind of guys which it doesn't really do it a lot but I've got issues with The Witcher that I couldn't get into and I talk that then one of my castle are using The Witcher so check my thoughts yes sweet alright moving o position so this is the yangban so this actually switches through different sword stances and historical stances why not try to give me try slashing from different sides so what's stabbing are be okay this is chicken he is clearly mad arms as we stay under stabbing he was he was clearly trying to match my sword position Sade left he goes left if I go right he switches to right low usage is low so he's so is that we how you block you need to match the opponent's position to be you need celestine a bit like for honor but I don't stab it okay I've stabbed in the sweat okay you can change your stripes together start with a new attack as soon as the previous attack ends you can change the attack zone or just chain the strike one after another try to press RT or RB right after your sword hits an approach your opponent's window of every opportunity is between a strike and the opponent into the swing that didn't that didn't feel like chain because it just feels okay said I was chaining so no it's just really just spamming the attack button which is not a bad thing okay okay so clearly it's not gonna get into a full-blown you know character risk deaf combat until you passed this early tutorial section which I do like you know anything about the game you will be tasked to deliver the sword and something bad happens along the way the sword that your father's make them talking about and then it's kind of like a quest for revenge II shitty kind of thing yeah and I could be wrong about that I'm just going off what I've seen in the trailers a lot I remember from the trailers which can be spotty but I'd said the video has gone on a decent length okay so I might leave it there for now because I don't go forever and you guys you know I'm sure you have other things to do but I might be making more videos later on okay more specific things showing some of the more interesting parts of the story Babs or the combat a more in-depth review of a castle and such but for now I think this is a well are good enough to give us that our first impressions and she I love what I'm seeing okay from what the characters NPCs are wearing okay to the weapons that I've seen to the armor and I haven't seen my charmer but the Anna so far looks pretty good and the architecture and not just so you take all that but then it's put in the world in a realistic way with it there's enough you know buildings here to make just feel like a proper real lived in medieval a village and then they have beautiful regard to details and stuff like that by having you know timber palisade here with would have made kind of tower next to the entranceway to the palisade goes around village villages of a decent size but look they even had grass worn down in a track next to the palisade as the main walking section in the village there's small things like that I just phenomenal and if you want a game to feel you know so immersive and stuff like that it's little details like that that do it and look at this going around the grass you got the cows grazing you that guy's walking guard duty and Mail and look at that okay this is just awesome right you know respect detail perfect example right here his sword is hot he's got a sword good and a sword but it's not his primary weapon because swords were not primary weapons in this period specifically they were your sidearm your backup weapon so what's his primary weapon well look at is got a halberd and it's almost billhook actually and that is his primary weapon a good old pole arm because a pole arm is a type of weapon you'll like it's so much more effective against guys wearing armor like this sword less effective but in case if he loses the pole arm it's got a long sword because long swords are easy to carry around or any sword is to carry around at your hip tension that's awesome so my hat it I'm not wearing hat hats hats off to you warhorse studios this is this is kind of what you know I asked medieval enthusiasts I had been wanting for so long and this is pretty done you know but she needs findings and justice way and I'll try to walk into a gate good old MPC pathing right there that you know I have seen some early reviews of the game and they said there are you know some glitches that will be fixed or you also you expect riches to be fixed after the release of the game and of course that's just common sense and but there are a number of glitches present in their fight in their first release it's not game breaking my god cows walking into fences yeah that the fact that you know I'm confident they will be fixed I'm not going to complain about those little glitches too much thanks watching guys hope to see again and there should be a couple more or at least one more we'll see Kingdom Come deliverance videos in the future thanks for watching see you again until that time [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 341,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kingdom, come, deliverance, kingdom come, kingdom come deliverance, warhorse studios, medieval, middle ages, high middle ages, video, game, let's play, first impressions, review, live stream, history, analysis, kickstarter, top ten, for honor, mordhau, accuracy, historical, fantasy, rpg, roleplaying, role playing, bohemia, sword, swords, swordfighting, action, armor, armour, knight, knight's, game of thrones, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, longsword, hema, historical european martial arts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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