Is Kingdom Come: Deliverance REALLY That Good?!

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accept your new name and wear it with honor welcome [Music] brother hello I know a lot of you have been wondering where Maddie is in these videos we post on Friday so I thought I'd open up this video with a bit of a clarification madd's gone he's never coming back or he'll be back next week don't worry so who the hell am I well I'm lock and up until two weeks ago I edited every video on this channel until one day Maddie called me and well I recorded it listen to this Maddie what's up I heard someone younger better than you you're done okay uh I I guess I understand I I can go edit for somebody else I guess no hard feelings no no no you're going to keep working for me [ __ ] you're going to make videos on old games nobody cares about and clicks on and I'm going to put titles on them like his Fallout really that bad so they'll get extra mad at you all right well that's pretty mean I can I can I make a video about Kingdom Come Deliverance at least hello Maddie in the 14 Century the kingdom of bohemia which these days is called the Czech Republic was flourishing under the rule of King Charles IV who was also the Holy Roman Emperor see even in those days people had to work multiple jobs to get by his subjects were happy and through his Rule the Kingdom itself is going through a golden age of wealth and prosperity sadly King Charles died in 1378 and his eldest son WN class the 4th wasn't exactly as good at the job as his dad fat lazy and drunk is how people described me at him he was so lazy he didn't even show up for his own coronation now a large portion of the Bohemian Nobles didn't like that they didn't like that at all not one bit so they rebelled against their King and called in the aid of his half brother sigismund the king of Hungary sigismund kidnapped and imprisoned King wiac Claus and started pillaging the Bohemian Countryside punishing every Ally wi CLA still had and then nothing happened for 600 years nothing at all Europe was totally fine a time of love and peace for everyone all over the continent Good Times really all around until in 1997 illusion softworks was founded if you're a PC player and you're not as young anymore you'll probably remember them from the Fantastic 1999 tactical shooter hidden and dangerous one of the graphic designers on this game was a Charming young man called Daniel V now Daniel had had big ideas and even larger Ambitions he began writing a script about a fictional city in the US called Lost Heaven set in a Prohibition era of the 1930s this is where we meet Tommy Angelo a taxi driver who becomes one of the most important members of the solary crime family throughout the game appropriately called Mafia the city of L Heaven see they even put the city in the title we follow Tommy's rise and fall now at this point you might ask what the hell are you doing what's up with the history lesson where's Kingdom Come Deliverance get on with it but it'll start making sense right now you see young Danny boy had a vision for lost heaven and that Vision was realism the whole city needed to feel as real as it could be realistic 30 Zera cars with realistic speedometers and realistic cops that would pull you over if you cross them the city of lost Heaven needed to feel real to its core with a realistic layout and realistic NPCs that would run away if they saw violence instead of indulging it like in other open world games now did Young Danny succeed in his strive for realism yes yes he did Mafia was a huge success on PC and critics applauded it for its sense of realism and fantastic storytelling there was also a console Port but let's just uh moving on Daniel began working on a sequel appropriately called Mafia 2 and this time he would take realism to the next level Mafia 2 had seasonal weather effects in a city called Empire Bay that you you could see change over the course of the many years the story took place in going from the 40s to the ' 50s there were realistic cars and realistic fashion with realistic buildings to the era we were in however during developments illusion softworks got bought by 2K interactive who renamed the studio 2K check they restructured the studio and Danny did not like this not one B they even started meddling with the story of Mafia 2 and if you've played it you know the ending is kind of weird right they even rejected Daniel's story for Mafia 3 and that's when he had enough he left the studio in 2009 one year before Mafia 2 even released and disappeared forever until he reappeared in 2011 when he founded War horror Studios Young Daniel had gotten older wiser better faster and he had written a new script for a realistic open world RPG set in 15th century Bohemia dungeons but no dragons War horor Studios put up a Kickstarter campaign to fund this project which became such a huge success that they almost got four times as much as they initially asked for Kingdom Come Deliverance was [Music] born set in the year 1403 we play as Henry a poor blacksmith's son who grows up in a small silver mining town of scallet during the admittedly very long introduction we get accustomed to the various systems in the game through a couple of chores we get to beat up the local drunk or more likely get our ass kicked throw [ __ ] at a lovely house beat up some more people or again get our ass kicked run away and get our first look at the dice gambling mini game called faral we meet a couple of interesting and unique characters with a lot of personal straight off the bat who will also return later in the game however as soon as Henry returns with the items his dad asked him to get and they Forge a nice looking sword for sir radik the Lord of scallet their little town gets attacked sigman's Army is there to ransack the place and is being L by a bold guy with a mustache which is how we know he's the bad guy well he also kills Henry's parents I guess but it it it's pretty emotional when you play it Henry escapes and comes across Teresa who's also in a bit of trouble Henry flees to the nearby town of tomberg now at this point you might think the introduction is over the game has started hell yeah but nope not yet it's here where he meets sir divish and Captain robard who take him in that evening they found out sir redik who also managed to escape and he tells them he's heading for the city called rate the next morning the bald guy returns but sir divish manages to convince him that there's nothing to see in tomberg Henry's pissed and wants to go bury his parents but gets told no by basically everyone and this is where the game's most interesting mechanic comes into play because there's definitely a certain way the developers want you to complete a quest but you can do whatever the hell you want and often times it works for instance right here we find out from a guard that he's willing to let Henry Escape if he looks like someone he'd open the gate for so we have to buy a lockpick steal a guard uniform equip all the necessary weapons and armor passes a speech check and then the gate opens up and we can leave now the other way to do it is this [ __ ] that fool from scallet has gone and jumped in the moat bye ra the alarm he's trying to escape and that's what kingdom come Deliverance is all about choices not in the way the story plays out but how you tackle quests so Henry escapes goes back to scallet gets the [ __ ] beaten out of him once again his sword stolen and this is where the game finally begins Henry wakes up just outside of ratate where Thea the girl we saved earlier has been taking care of us for the past couple of weeks and here we go the world is our oyster avenge our parents get our sword back do our thing so what is Kingdom Come Deliverance really we have a question about this from one of our patrons because straw head ninja asks I have this game and I've always intended to play it what games would you compare compare it to it's Oblivion for adults I'm not just saying that look at the menus and the way they're designed it's Skyrim for masochist it's a beautiful immersive expensive open world firstperson RPG that Brides itself on realism when we finally get to start the game Henry sucks at everything don't get me wrong he's an amazing character but he can fight he can run very far he has to consistently eat and sleep to keep his energy up but don't eat too much or you'll get sleepy again the various Sim life systems and symbols that are really in place to keep Henry alive tell you everything you need to know the start of the game is extremely hard because we have to train Henry from zero we'll have to take combat lessons to actually improve our skills we have to run jump and shoot arrows to get better stronger faster and the leveling just like in Oblivion or more like Skyrim maybe happens organically the more you use a skill or perk the better you get at it and the more you can specialize in it looking at the skill tree in quotation marks there's only a couple of main ones to pick from but you can get really deep into them and they each offer different perks to enhance Henry's abilities they even give you new skills to play with now as we mentioned before there are speech checks in the game and a whole reputation system based around them level up your speech and you can lie to people convince them not to fight you or solve quests in a different way Henry is a peasant and he can't read so if you want to specialize in alchemy you better learn how to read first again realism and immersion these are the pillars of Kingdom Come Deliverance level up your stealth go unnoticed and learn how to pick pocket low on money which is called Grans here wait for Nightfall and break into one of the many stores in the game find a fence which are usually the Millers and sell them the items you stole to do that however you need to level up your lock picking skill and oh boy you know how in every game lockpicking is ridiculously easy and you never really need to get the harder lockpicking skills because you can open every heart lock basically right away if you've ever played a game before welcome to Kingdom Come Deliverance this is one of the easiest practice locks in the game I know it probably doesn't translate well on screen or maybe you just think I'm a bad gamer but these locks are hard man especially if you're playing with a controller to be fair they added an option for easier lock picking but it's still so different from most other RPGs where these elements are completely neglectable in Kingdom Come Deliverance you have to learn them hone your skills and in return you actually feel Henry getting better which is such an incredibly satisfying reward system the game is hard and that includes the save system you don't just have endless saves you can use but you actually need an item called savior snaps for that you drink this and then you can save now after launch they also added the option to save when you quit but it's still pretty intuitive and could make you lose lots of progress if you're not careful there's also fast travel and the map looks gorgeous by by the way absolutely beautiful one of the best maps I've ever seen in the game but when you fast travel time also continues so sometimes you'll travel from one side of the map to the other but when you get to your destination you desperately need to eat or sleep before you pass out you can also get stopped or ambushed on the way there and could easily lose the little Health you have left by now it should be clear that Kingdom Come Deliverance is not for the faint harded this includes the combat and we have a question over on our patreon from our good friend mebo he says greetings from Arizona lock I remember playing this game and initially being really irritated with the unique combat I turned on God mode with console commands on PC and had a lot more fun just playing through the story what do you think of the combat I get it the combat is hard but I also love it the whole game including the combat is played in first person at its core it holds the same rock paper scissors system that most games have in play but there are so many permutations here that not only makes combat an exhilarating experience but it also creates more realism and again immersion the wheel in the center of the screen has five angles which are basically the angles you hold your sword at and slash with the center of the circle makes you stab you can chain attacks which is based on Rhythm and animation you really have to pay attention to your opponent and what angle he's swinging from the same goes for blocking or dodging which works in a similar manner you can even faint attacks and make opponents block from the wrong angle once you get the hang of it the combat system is easy to use but like everything in Kingdom Come Deliverance very hard to master at the start of the game if you go up to two or more enemies you're basically done for they'll kick you backstab you and you'll have very little chance of getting out of there alive again hone your skills get better get better skills and you'll be able to defeat more of them at once there's also archery you can specialize in and there's no dot in the center of the screen to make things easier for you again practice makes perfect there are different weapon types and armor throughout the game but the most important thing will always be your skills and honing them as you could probably tell the game looks absolutely beautiful even to today's standards we have a question about this over on our patreon where GJ asks this game has the best Forest I've ever seen in a game that's not really a question but he's right it runs on the cry engine 3 un that's the most gorgeous forest and Landscapes I've ever seen in a game I mean look at this look at it you don't see that in Skyrim well unless you install like 700 mods that turn your character in a big booby anime mess but you know what I mean at the start of the game you'll see a lot of these Forest fields and Farms because you'll be traversing most of them on foot a little bit later in the game you'll get your own horse but again nothing is as simple as it seems horses are not just fast traversal methods to get to your destination but they can also carry more weights that's right everyone's favorite gameplay mechanic is back weight wait so depending on what horse you use speed or carry weight differ and one could be more important than the other towns feel alive with NPCs that are on a schedule who need to eat sleep T to their stores or get drunk they remember what happens what you did and who you are if you look like a bum with dirt on your face they'll tell you and you might want to wash up so you'll look more presentable and can more easily pass their speech checks they'll haggle with you play dice with you and some of them might even join you combat the music is atmospheric and the Beautiful medieval teams and flutes will stick with you long after the game is over I know you're probably wondering about the story itself but I don't want to spoil you too much you'll meet a handful of very well-developed characters like Henry himself who change and warm up to you over the course of the game my favorite one has to be the Arrogant sir Hans Capon the nephew of Sir Hanish the Lord of rate the first time you meet him he'll challenge you to an archery contest and when you win he'll also challenge you to some sword fighting win this and slowly earn his respect and the other Lords of rat this town basically serves as your base and where you'll find most of the main characters you'll enter the service of sir radik and even though your main objective will always be to avenge your parents and reclaim your father's sword the game is filled with brilliant side quests which you can tackle in various ways like we've shown before you'll become part of the town's guard you'll solve a murderer hunt a serial killer give a sermon while you're drunk hell at some point you'll even find a coven of witches out in the woods who make for some pretty entertaining scenes there's one Quest I want to highlight because it also showcases the other mode we haven't talked about yet you see Kingdom Come Deliverance also has a hardcore mode there's no more Compass or health bar the map doesn't show you where you are and only shows points of interest when you're close to them combat is way harder since there's no more Circle and there are negative perks like nightmares or brittle bones but my favorite one is s ulence i I hope I pronounced that right this is a wild card perk that causes you to sleepwalk so at random moments in the game when you go to sleep there's a chance you wake up somewhere completely different and have to find your way back on a map that doesn't show you where you are now I was playing on Hardcore and was on this quest with h Capon where we were hunting in the forest at some point he runs off gets kidnapped and you have to save him there but you also have to spend the night in the forests he tells you to go to sleep so I did and when I woke up I was somewhere else as you can see I frantically had to find my way back to the forest we were in before Hans would wake up and take off without me probably making me feel the quests so I coordinated Myself by using landmarks I found a stable stole a horse went South past the shrine which made me realize where I was on the map and somehow found my way back just in time for Hans to wake up asking me where the hell I was what are you waiting for I'll never forget that that moment what an exhilarating fun and original way to implement negative skills I love it now I've been kind of raving about Kingdom Come Deliverance but I have to be honest at launch it was basically unplayable bugs everywhere and not just from a technical standpoint quests would break NPCs would disappear cutcenes were interrupted or straight up didn't play you got stuck in the game and couldn't progress anymore it was completely borked and it took a few years to get it to the brilliant state is in right now now and this is coming from someone who adored it even back then with all the bugs this definitely turned a lot of people off when it launched and explains the mid reviews it got especially on consoles frame rates were all over the place and are still not all that great in heavy populated areas but now that most of those things are fixed I got to say I adore this game I also have a big personal connection to it you see 2018 when the game came out was the worst year of my entire life 2 years prior my dad who was a great man and an even better father had a horrible accident which left him with severe brain damage physically he was sort of fine but mentally he was a different person after his accident he was in a coma for 3 months and when he woke up he didn't remember who he was and became very aggressive sadly this condition never went away and at a certain point the hospital or other institutions couldn't deal with the aggression and the unprovoked violence anymore they didn't really know what to do and neither did we but since he obviously couldn't take care of himself anymore I moved in with him he had a few Lucid moments here and there but most of the time my dad either slept watched TV or was just furiously angry which was the exact opposite of the social and lovable man he was before the accident it wasn't his fault brain damage is a terrible terrible thing you can compare it with having late stage dementia accompanied by being a mean drunk because of his condition friends and family slowly disappeared over the months and soon it was just him and me I took care of him during the day we went for walks or I tried to get him to remember me or his life prior to the accident but at night he sat on the couch and watched TV while he fell asleep and during these hours I escaped into Kingdom Come Deliverance the game kept me sane for a full year it was such a deep immersive rewarding experience that I think it quite literally saved my life bugs and technical issues aside the story of Henry coming into his own avenging his parents and honing his skills was highly personal to me and I adored every second of it they also added various DLCs to the game over the years like a short segment where you get to see the point of view of Theresa or you get to rebuild your own little town you even get your own dog these DLCs were truly the cherry on top and make an already great game after the Box were ironed out even better so as we come to the end of this video you've probably seen the announcement warhorse Studio was made we're getting a sequel and we're getting it this year unless they B the launch again or it gets delayed I already know what my game of the year is going to be I doubt it'll come out anytime soon before the end of the year so if you have a couple of months to spare and are looking for a deep immersive hard gorgeous character-driven game I highly recommend Kingdom Come Deliverance in its current state anyway if you like Bethesda games there's an incredibly High chance you will like Kingdom come deliverance and it might even become your favorite next week I won't be here Maddie will be so I'll see you again in 2 weeks but if you decide to try out Kingdom Come Deliverance in that time let me know I'm interested to hear what you think of it other than that have a great day my friends
Channel: Retro Rebound
Views: 75,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kingdom come deliverance, kingdom come deliverance review, kingdom come deliverance 2024, is kingdom come deliverance really that good, is kingdom come deliverance worth it, kingdom come deliverance review 2024, kingdom come deliverance gameplay, retro rebound, retro rebound kingdom come deliverance
Id: hwxby3W0fFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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