Batman Violates The Justice League

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it's a bright sunny day in Gotham City but amidst the springtime hustle and bustle a cloud of gas spreads menacingly across the city streets daytime news coordinates quickly I repeat someone appears to have launched a chemical attack against Midtown Gotham the scene has been pandemonium as the police work to clear the area helicopters roam the skies trying to get a clear view of the goings-on inside the gas cloud a gas attack with harmless gasp one reporter noted it's almost like someone wanted to clear the area looking at the perimeter it's tightly circumscribed like a stadium or an arena in the center of the cloud a giant hulking titanium suit of armor stands tall amidst the buildings in abandoned streets the gargantuan Mech wears and grows its high-tech Machinery processing data at tremendous speeds within the chest of the mech a bat symbol plain for all to see announces the iconic owner of the suit come on Batman calls from inside his Mech armor it's just you you and me down you think you can take me here in my city then step into the ring welcome to Gotham 30 minutes later Bruce Wayne is having horrible Visions he dreams of Doomsday scenarios terrible alien attacks with one Central moment always the same his own demise Alfred wakes Bruce from his troubled Slumber I'm sorry Alfred this injection should put an end to the Visions Alfred carefully puts the needle to Bruce's skin giving him what they hope will be the cure to Batman's most recent run-in with Jonathan Crane's fear toxin holed up in his newest high-tech Hideout Batman has Alfred's daughter Julia scanning the entire city for ongoing crimes Alfred and Bruce take a moment to reminisce as they stare out across the Gotham Skyline look at it Alfred says the city will outlive us all it gets younger we get older Bruce murk's at his old friend you get older I get better I'm in my Prime Alfred ribs back sorry sir I couldn't hear you through all the bandages just remember you're not a god Master Bruce you you but the two men's friendly conversation is interrupted when Julia spots something approaching at high speed what the hell is that she has no time to wonder aloud raw screams Wonder Woman as she carens through the reinforced bulletproof window sending shards of glass scattering across the room she mercilessly collides with a bandaged and still bruised Bruce taking him by the collar and pummeling him into the concrete floor ripping him up in her Ironclad grasped Wonder Woman quickly and roughly flies him out of the safe house and into the Gotham Skies Bruce coughs weekly Diana he starts to say quiet Bruce Diana responds currently I'm not going to listen to you anyway but Bruce Wayne has never been one caught without a trick up his sleeve reaching into his utility belt even as the wind whips around him Bruce removes two small patches definitely placing them on Wonder Woman's temples violent Sonic vibrations sound deep in Diana's ear canals she loses Focus From the instant pain and loses her grip on Bruce as she flies Batman tumbles out of the sky into Gotham Park where Mom months later Diana lands to finish what she started you're only prolonging the inevitable Bruce she tells him without a hint of the usual Mercy in her voice damn it will you just talk to me Bruce begs her what the hell is going on Wonder Woman stands over Bruce who struggles to stand after such an impact it's simple Bruce the league is here to do something we've wanted to do for a long time kill you she says lifting her sword above her head to execute her teammate and friend Bruce Dives out of the way desperately trying to create distance between him and the oncoming demigod Julia Bruce yells into his Communicator you and Alfred have to enact plan fenrir Alfred signals back are you sure can you get down to the suit Bruce yells into his earpiece just do it release the damn gas cutting back to the present Bruce nail stands before Diana in his full Fender armor she's not pulling her punches Bruce realizes as he and Wonder Woman Clash her fist denting his armor with each powerful swing so you can't either seeing his opening Batman throws all his strength into one solid roundabout the power of the feng rear Mech sends Diana flying through a nearby building have to fight through whatever this is please tell me who did this to you Bruce calls to her praying that he can get through to Wonder Woman before the battle escalates any further maybe no one did this to me Bruce maybe I just hate you maybe we all do and this is simply the end Diana stares back at him through dead unfeeling eyes Bruce can sense something is wrong but can't quite put his finger on what Wonder Woman charges back at Batman at speeds no man could muster there isn't any armor in existence I haven't cut through she says between swings as she chops and Glides her sword between the notches and weaknesses in Bruce's armor eventually Diana stands above her victim as Batman lays bleeding on the ground Just Let It Go Dark Bruce Let It Go dark she Whispers as he dies in reality however Wonder Woman stands above no one staring down at A Dying body that isn't there utilizing a rare magical threat called the bind of veils Bruce was able to subject Diana to a vision of Victory allowing him to escape unnoticed and unfollowed Wonder Woman Stands Tall confident her prey has been dispatched while elsewhere in the city Bruce's fenrirmer remains fully intact and operational but not sooner does Bruce manage to get out from under Wonder Woman's blade that a whirling Sizzle of red lightning streaks by him with each pass the Scarlet Speedster makes more and more of Bruce's armor is deconstructed The Flash is literally taking him apart bit by bit run red Batman screams as quickly as he can instantly his armor begins processing the Flash's trajectory ass flash speeds towards the armor a cannon on Bruce's shoulder shoots out a frictionless coating on the street below Flash's feet then as the fastest man alive begins losing speed defend your armor takes over and smashes The Flash with a punch that would crush an elephant the whole thing is over before I even know it Bruce thinks to himself looking at the aftermath of his Armor's takedown enough tricks and gadgets a domineering voice calls from the sky Aquaman floats down his legendary Trident pointed directly at Bruce's heart now turn and face me like you have some damn honor and will but Arthur's Call to Arms would be cut short without hesitation Bruce fires another cannon from his suit's artillery systems a pink gel-like substance strikes Aquaman squarely in the chest and Begins encasing the Atlantean in hardened unbreakable foam that's the thing Arthur Bruce's voice hums from inside the mech as Aquaman Falls helpless to the street there's no Julia's voice comes over Bruce's comms as he leans over Arthur to get some answers we're picking up some movement something big coming at you I'm staying here Bruce tells her it's the only safe place to to fight them though he projects confidence to Julian Alfred inside Bruce is worried about who might be coming for his head next please please let him still be off Planet Bruce starts to pray but it's too late a deafening boom Echoes inside the fenrir mack as Batman is hurtling through a nearby wall into a Grand Theater the rubble shifts and threatens to swallow the mech entirely as Bruce struggles to regain control of his armor he looks up to the sky staring out of the gaping hole that the impact left in the side of the theater Superman in all his wonder and Glory flies easily down to the floor hello Bruce he says sorry about your little Justice Buster suit again Batman tries to reason with his attacker Clark Superman hovers above the floor as defend your armor finally writes itself Clark nearly laughs who well Bruce it's actually sort of funny Clark says all across the city the members of the Justice League begin to chuckle finally it Dawns on Bruce who he's been dealing with the entire time no no not him Batman shouts staring at Clark as his face begins to twist in a grotesque cackle oh yes Bruce Clark says and no one's going to save you this time within moments Batman was in the fight of his life Superman brought down the full force of a boulder on the fender armor causing Bruce to be shot down into the lower levels of the theater hi Bruce Clark cackled like a madman as he followed his friend down into the depths of the basement all he sees is a Target Batman no see no sign of his old teammate behind Clark's eyes not the slightest Flinch just Glee understanding that this could very well be his last stand Batman powered up the fenrir Armor's anti-cryptonian capabilities bathing the pitch black basement in Grim red light one seismic blow sent the Man of Steel to the ground as Batman desperately fought for his life you like the knuckle Bruce said referring to the pinpoint red energy cells located on the fenrir's fist each pod contains microscopic red Suns collected from dead solar systems I call them my red giants again and again Batman struck Superman the red light of his armor greatly weakening the Kryptonian and leveling the playing field between the two an uppercut sent Superman crashing through the streets above and back out into the sunlight laughing maniacally supes Unleashed his heat vision hoping to sear through Bruce's armor and Pierce the man inside the fenrus deflector Shields came up just in time to reflect the heat vision harmlessly into the atmosphere however and Bruce lived to throw another punch but the jokerized Superman wasn't playing Fair his next heat vision strike was launched towards the nearest building melting the supports and toppling the entire building down onto Batman with the fenra armor crushed and useless car cut through the metal exoskeleton with ease yanking the entire Mech out of the rubble and launching them both into the sky where are you Bruce Clark tried it as he ripped through the layers of protection with his bare hands looking for the operator inside Clark listen to me Bruce called as the last of his protective armor was stripped from Clark please this isn't you it's him Clark looked down at Bruce with nothing but disdain in his gaze Superman paused for a moment and then said he says big that Man's eyes turned to Steel he stared at Clark in the face both knowing that Batman would never beg for his life no matter the cost Bruce batting Clark's eye but it wasn't purely disrespectful Alfred calls it Kryptonite gum he thought the small wad of chewable rubber made contact with Clark's skin causing Superman to double over in pain Clark dropped Batman almost instantly falling unconscious midair together Superman and Batman plummeted towards Gotham Harbor impacting with a splash and allowing Bruce to escape the Justice League's clutches back in the safety of one of his caves Bruce Alfred and Julius as the Joker's new strain of toxin having collected and sedated the Justice League Bruce was able to ensure Joker wouldn't have any super powered Sidekicks to do his dirty work for him he's planning something big Bruce said which is why I have to catch him and why you need to get somewhere safe both of you Alfred's anger came out at Bruce's suggestion to go into hiding no he told Bruce when he attacks you he attacks us all this family but Alfred's Brave words were undercut by a sudden coughing fit betraying his Frailty in old age Bruce knelt before his caretaker you want to stay Alfred I'm not going to fight you but at least rest Alfred stared Bruce dead in the eyes I'll be fine sir now if you'll pardon my language go get that bastard Batman made his way to Arkham Asylum under cover of darkness in the entire city of Gotham this is the place I hate the most he thinks to himself as he traverses the halls and sells that he knows so well slowly and silently he makes his way to the Joker cell the one reserved for the clown when he's locked up walking inside emotion and anger overtake Bruce he rips the chains Off the Wall tears the meager bunk to shreds in Rage after the commotion a Meek voice sounds out in the silence Batman are you all right in orderly he asks I'm fine Mr border Batman tells him currently continuing on with his investigation of the cell the orderly keeps monologuing as Batman stands inside the cell when I first arrived in Gotham I did want to help it's all I wanted to do I wanted to help you most of all but then I saw that there wasn't any help in you then the man's tone changed drastically because you don't see a helping hand even when it's right in front of your face Batman whipped around what did you but it was too late the cell doors clang shut behind him trapping Batman in the very cell he'd sent Joker to so many times before Batman stared out of the bars helpless you really don't recognize me do you Porter said Batman struggled against the bars that held him orders a homophone for border which is an obsolete word for Batman finally put the pieces together Jester my God he whispered as he watched the orderly wipe the makeup from his face suddenly gas began seeping from the floor and the walls creeping towards Batman the Joker was staring back at him his Sinister grin and cold shark eyes shook Bruce's Soul as three words escape the Clown's smiling lips you miss me the oxygen in the cell was dwindling and Batman was beginning to collapse Joker screamed the guest getting to you it's a little paralytic I cooked up here I know you immunize yourself to so many so it's something special Batman slumped against the bars you he moaned unable to speak Joker responded gleefully it's really me bats I've come to see you one last time you won't be able to move when it all starts Joker told Batman as he slowly slipped from Consciousness desperately trying to hold on you'll be aware of course the first infection the second and third the party growing you'll see it happening but I'm afraid you won't be able to do anything at all as he spoke images of what would soon befall Gotham played in Batman's mind a city-wide infection with no cure or hope of stopping the toxin from spreading sounds dreamy eh Joker screeched as he looked in at Batman through the cell door sea bats this time no more games no more jokes I I'm just here to close up shop slowly as Bruce watched Joker took a long pistol with his iconic bang joke flag hanging off the barrel from his coat pocket then I promise you one thing Joker said when you come out of it everyone in Gotham the whole city will be laughing at you with that Joker's finger squeeze the trigger and a horrible bang ripped through the walls of Arkham Asylum Batman stared paralyzed at the screens in front of him he was back in the bat cave Joker wasn't going to let him off that easily after all even though he couldn't move the rage was plain as day on Bruce's face you're better than this Bruce thought to himself you're not 32 in strapped to a chair poisoned paralyzed he's just another criminal and this is just another case you're bigger than your feelings bigger than your body as Batman's eyes stayed glued to the screeny blip of the map of Gotham appeared biohazard it read Joker's game had begun Bruce began to sweat as his brain struggled to make his body move again then eventually Bruce yelled as he regained control over the Poison's effects the second Bruce was back to himself he snapped into action Gotham had already collapsed before his very eyes as the Joker talks and spread and Bruce wasn't about to let it go any further a virus that spreads like laughter he said as Alfred and Julia clued him into the test they had run on the sample already I've created nearly a hundred cures for Joker toxins over the years Bruce told Alfred confidently how many have you tested so far Alfred looked down trodden Bruce he started but Julie interrupted him we tested all of them the father and daughter had Tracked Down patience zero to Gotham hospital and even before he was sure his body was his own Bruce set off into the night on his way to the hospital Bruce called his other oldest Ally in the city tell me you have a cure Commissioner Gordon said the second he picked up his phone not we don't find a cure in the next few hours they're quarantining the city they're bringing in walls Gordon told Batman I'm on route to find the source of the infection I get what I'm looking for I can send a formula for a proper cure directly to the console stay alert Batman ordered Jim but as Batman descended into the city he looked down the streets and saw a ride of infected jokerized citizens fighting his eyes grew wide as he looked down at what the city has become finally Batman reached the hospital he crashed through the window with the infected waiting to greet him they cackled out as they watched him with hateful eyes Batman out he told Jim bats the infected murmured as they swarmed towards Batman you fought them off being careful not to use his full force on innocent civilians every door Batman made it through safely more and more jokerized gothamites waited to attack him meanwhile Jim Gordon was going through old photos of the Gotham hospital he come through disaster reports until his eyes fixed on something horrifying his Cigarette fell from his mouth as he saw the unmistakable face of the Joker staring back at him from a newspaper clipping nearly a hundred years prior again 50 years later during a horrific disaster at the hospital Gordon found Joker's face staring at him from the newspapers of the past suddenly as he kept searching Gordon heard a creek Echo out from inside the apartment who's there Jim yelled standing in Hefty in his pistol he crept through his house but when he approached the closet a giant boxing glove on a sprained sucker punched him sending him to the ground as he fell beside the bed two dark eyes lit up from underneath his mattress knock knock the Clown's voice said meanwhile Batman had finally made it to the room of patience zero when he walked into the containment unit however he saw a face he never expected to see it can't be Batman whispered as he looked at the smiling face of Joe Chill staring back at him the man who murdered his parents when Batman turned his world had suddenly become more colorful and dynamic watch as a young boy named Duke Thomas and his family played out the exact night Bruce had lost his parents no Batman screamed as he was helpless to save the boy Gordon screamed as Joker began crawling out from beneath his bed oh come on now Jimbo Joker toyed with him as he crept closer Joker snaps his fingers and the curtains in Jim's apartment went up in Flames he laughed maniacally as Jim scrambled for safety Joe Chill stepped out from a dark alleyway and began leveling his gun at Thomas's family Batman began panicking not again abject fear was painted across Duke's face as he watched the mugger grow closer and closer moving I'll cut you down Joker Gordon yelled finally getting his hands on his gun no more politics no more dotted photos of gags Joker laughed at him walking still closer as he spoke you know maybe all right Commish maybe this one time it's not a joke at all Joker grabbed an Ax from the corner of the room and turn to smile at Jim with fire still raging behind him Batman smashed through the glass that was holding him back from saving the Thomases while a Crosstown Joker took a swing at Gordon at the same time both Joe Chill and the commissioner unloaded their weapons Batman dove in front of the bullet meant for Duke's father while Joker took Gordon's bullet head-on Batman and Joker both fell to the floor Batman Rose having saved Duke Thomas from the same fate he suffered but the whole Batman left in the glass was enough for more infected to follow look Duke called pointing to the army of jokerized doctors and nurses fast approaching Duke's parents were lost to the virus as the crowd overtook them but Batman grabbed the boy and shoved him out of the room keep going Batman yelled at the boy as the two ran Batman's Communicator lit up Batman he's gone Gordon yelled relieved into his phone he's gone Batman flesh and blood dead Gordon told Batman as he stared down at Joker's body Batman and Duke raced through the hospital as Gordon kept talking but behind him as he took his attention off of Joker's body the clown Rose from the fires and silently stared at Gordon Batman swerved and drove out a nearby window to protect Duke from the hordes of Joker zombies closing in on them heard over the phone from Gordon Jim Jim are you there Batman yelled into his earpiece a sickening cold all too familiar voice answered him hello Bruce Joker said protecting Gotham requires Great sacrifice find out what happens when Batman tries to save an entire universe
Channel: Plot Armor Comics
Views: 1,177,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, batman endgame comic, dc comics, superman joker, joker superman, bruce wayne, batman vs superman, batman endgame, batman full story, plot armor comics, plot armor comics batman, joker, batman vs joker
Id: PZjhmOAqOp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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