Kind fox adopts babies who lost mom

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four foxes from different places different sad stories are making each other happy helping each other heal it's the most beautiful thing I'm Jane Newhouse with new house wildlife rescue and this is Hope's story for geopets I'm a director of new house wildlife rescue of Chelmsford Massachusetts we take care of injured and orphan Wildlife Hope was bound by the road and brought to us by Animal Control she was in a really rough State you're a handful baby girl she ended up developing something called canine vestibular disease we noticed that she was off balance but she's been with us for about six months now and it's gotten so much better but she's been alone the whole time she's been here that we received three Fox kits all from different mothers all orphans all different situations and we were trying to raise them separately which is very difficult it's difficult to teach baby foxes how to Fox without an adult what happened if they're too used to people we release them they're going to be approaching people and scaring people after everyone finished quarantine we put the three babies together but their enclosure was beside hopes and I didn't even intend to introduce them because she could very easily hurt them if she decided to show aggression I was like I'm not even going to attempt it's too risk me but I noticed that hope who never tried to dig out of her enclosure before was attempting to dig towards the kids and the kids were trying to dig towards hope they were trying desperately to get to each other and I watched that for about a week I eventually decided to do it I actually put a muzzle on hope during the initial introduction this could be so beautiful but it's so scary there was no growling there was no fear and all the kids immediately were excited she was so lonely she'd been here by herself for six months she craved company she craved something to focus on and all these babies were without a mother at a time when a mother is very important to their growth for the first few days I only had them together whilst one of us was observing and now they're together all the time hope seems so much happier I could tell she had been a mom before the kids within three days became very fearful of us now when we walk outside towards the enclosure they used to be hide which is awesome it's very hard when you're caring for them to get them to fear you but with a mother figure there who instinctively fears humans they want to be just like here she's telling them these guys aren't cool which is exactly what we wanted she's such a good mom she will wait to eat often until they've eaten when they're sleeping she will sleep right beside the igloo that they go into they'll call on her face and pull on her ears and she's just so patient it could have been the wrong decision but looking at it in hindsight it was so worth it I feel very good about the future for all of them my hope is that these four foxes can all be released together all of them have their second chance at life together foreign [Music]
Channel: GeoBeats Animals
Views: 212,721
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Id: u8_fQ0U2UUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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