Pet Fox Had Babies !!

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[Music] so viewers day two for my pond and stuff didn't go as planned I'm hoping today the third day I'll be able to get it but I wanted to induce you guys to somebody this is pika our red fox me my husband about ten years ago got pika up in Indiana at an auction I was bidding on a fox well not a fox I was bidding on a skunk because we already had a pet skunk and at the end we end up finding out we were getting a fox so this is our old girl this is pika and um she's super sweet and very friendly we're gonna be wanting to do the video on her and her cage we got the male Fox in here but he's hiding in his den right now but this is pika she's our sweet little girl and pika I think is pregnant again this year so I got to go get her some hay and some bedding for her to have her kits here in the spring and we'll also do videos of that ain't that right picked up no she that's her ears being scratched you can see her belly was all bulged out like a big ol fat biggy girl yeah I'm pretty sure she's got a couple of kits that are gonna be in there she's all tired and out of it it's pretty hot here today in Florida and so two thousand years later hello YouTube viewers today our female Fox here pika is having her babies right now she is in labor and she does have one hit so far one box kids afford we don't know so we're gonna leave her be and we'll check on her okay guys I don't know if you can see but it's been about an hour now and she has three kits so far she's not done quite yet but they're all trying to nurse on her foot gorgeous she is I'm not going in the cage I think she's pushing I'm not gonna go in the cage right now because mr. Fox who's the dad is doing an absolute amazing job right now doing what he needs to do which is protect the mommy and protect his babies so I don't want to go in there and you know stress him out and stress her out if she's totally fine with me looking right here if you guys can see she's doing such an amazing job look at them crawling everywhere I'm gonna try to zoom in a little bit more hang on it's starting to get dark out but that's okay [Music] pika pika you static mama [Music] she's so calm get them all cleaned up okay we'll leave her be and I'll check on her in a few minutes again the next day good morning viewers I just got into the cage here I'm gonna check on pika and see how she's doing hi we have all your babies last night I [Music] can see someone they're nursing Anya [Music] my turn the light on so agency them okay let's take a girl such a good mama I'm gonna put the phone here so we can see here baby is okay [Music] I'll get you some food [Music] he is such a good mom [Music] so guys I took account and all she had was three just so good I don't know if they're boys or girls how many boys and girls in our if they're all boys or if they're all girls but we'll determine that later papica [Music] and let me see if I can look at all she [Music] another boy and the last one is game you had three boys you did so good pika three boys good job hello viewers so I grabbed one of the box kits here just to try to check on them see how they're all doing and they are doing absolutely fantastic their bellies are nice and full they're strong and healthy but I'm gonna go ahead and give them back to pika and check on the others I'm bringing the Fox get back here's Pete just taking it back in there good job pika good girl so the cats are now two days old and they are looking fantastic you did so good pika I'm so proud of you are you ready for breakfast they go get your breakfast yeah you're such like a mama picker and so patio so I can pick up some food I'm gonna check on the rest of them [Music] it's hard to crawl in here you're all looking really good nice and healthy this one right here's the smaller so mr. right yeah they're looking really good [Music]
Channel: Matson's Outdoors
Views: 71,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lizards, reptiles, wildlife, animals, pool pond, bass, bass fishing, tilapia, gar, funny pet videos, education, pet, home video, outdoors, matsons, Miami, funny animals, wild, funny video, instructional, feeding, animal planet, florida, snake, nature, exploring, sharks, turtles, finatic, monster mike fishing, xrp, bitcoin, Iguana, ducks, Subscribe, gator, peacock bass, parks, family, vines, gaming, surf, dinosaurs, epic, fails, trump, 2020, chiclid, mrbeast, aquarium, gamer, catfish, trap, hunt, hike, fox, redfox, kits
Id: 3PaAPtY7tE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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