Kim Walker - A Lifestyle of Worship

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I want you guys to think about something worship is not music worship is not songs those are expressions of worship worship cannot be confined to a box worship is simply our connection to him that's it this one thing the songs the dance the painting the singing all of that are expressions of worship they're expressions that flow out of that place but worship simply put keeping it out of the box is just this connection that we have to God so this is kind of what I want to see happen in the church corporately in worshipers I'm talking about everyone I'm not talking about people playing instrument and sing I am talking about everybody the church the worshipers this is in this Reformation that we are in this progressing revival that we don't want to end we don't want this to be something that ages from now they're going back then in that revival but it's this thing that is constantly growing worship has a place in that and worship has to grow it has to change it has to move forward and progress this is what happens to us we go through a week and we have life we have jobs we have kids we have families we have friends we have our bad days are good days we have school we have lots of things going on and then we come to church on Sunday and we say okay pastor okay worship team get me connected again and the worship team sings there two or three fast pray songs then they sing they're kind of two or three kind of in-between songs and then they do like the more intimate songs and you know we got to start off with this way we got to do it this way because we got to get everyone in and we got to get people reconnected you guys know what I'm talking about okay now I'm not saying that this is a bad thing this is just where we're at right now as a church but I am saying we can't stay here we can't stay in this place imagine what would worship be like if everyone corporately came in already connected ready to go saying I don't need a song to get me connected again I don't need anyone to do anything to conjure something up inside of me because I fought all week long for this connection because it is the most important thing in my life how amazing would worship be how much deeper could we go how what would what would it be like how much of God's presence even more could we consume in these times of corporate gathering it's it blows my mind to think about how that could be I I have a well inside of me we all do we all have this well inside of us it is our job and our responsibility to keep it full fold is not equal to the rim full equals overflowing there's a constant pouring in and a constant pouring out and whatever I got to do to keep that well filled that's what I'm gonna do because we we all feel that like say you you go to a conference and you get revved up you get refreshed you get renewed you get something restored in you something gets jolted awake and you come home and you're like all right things are going to change family we're going to do this and this and this and you just you set out your your goals for your week and this is what happens you start doing it and maybe you get bored or maybe you don't have some crazy encounter and the angel Gabriel didn't come and tell you what to do next year and maybe you know like all these things happen and we we start to detach become disconnected and we pull back further and then here we are we're waiting for Sunday to reconnect or if you don't really enjoy your worship at your church you're just waiting for the next conference which who knows when that is right like we all we all do this all the time like I so many times just even coming into worship and going why why do I feel like I've got a yeah work it up why does it feel that way and I started getting this revelation like oh this connection where is it going in my week what's happening to that what's happening and keeping that connection alive this is what it looks like at any moment I can go to the grocery store and I can be standing in line and I can stop what I'm doing right there and I can worship Jesus with all that is within me with all the passion inside of me right then and there because this connection is alive it is alive it is connected and I don't have to go and try and get any songs or whatever I don't go oh excuse me is there anyone here in the grocery store that can play a song for me right now I just feel a need to worship and I need you to kind of work something up in me like no way like I want this connection alive I I want to see a church where people come and they are like I am connected I'm ready to go and I don't need songs or this or that and I'm not trying to say songs or bad I'm not trying to say we don't we know sing songs I'm just trying to say what would it be like if we come already connected that at the very start BAM we're there we're in his presence because we know how to get there we know how to be in his presence we're familiar with this connection staying there staying connected this is the key having an unoffending heart that is the key right there because this is what we do I will tell you right now there's probably not a day that doesn't go by in my life that this ugly thing dares to pop its head up against me and I have to chop that head off again and keep that thing down this thing that says but why did that stuff happen God where were you you're God and you're so big and these things that happened to me these traumatic things these hurtful things where were you why couldn't you stop those things from happening you got in all your power the creator of all the universe who holds the earth in his hand why did those things happen and when I don't get my answers I go you don't get all of me and I am withholding my heart and withholding my worship and I'm I worship you like this much but you're not really going to get a passionate Alive laying it all out all my worship because I want answers my heart is offended my heart is offended and I can't get to a deep place with God because I'm hurt and I'm offended this thing will eat us alive if we allow it to I deal with this all the time every day in my life I deal with this this is like the Battle of my life dealing with going I mean it is an amazing thing to be able to come to God and say God you know what I don't need the answers because more than I want answers I want you I want you more than I want answers what would our worship be like if we could even get there because how many of us are in that place some of us are there and don't even know it we're going gosh why can't I get deeper with God why can't I have a more connected relationship why don't I feel something maybe there's a place in your heart that's had an offense this pulled back as a natural reaction I got hurt I got burned ouch ouch I pull back but to be able to press through the pain and press through all that stuff and say it is of little importance compared to being with God
Channel: whizzpopping
Views: 488,145
Rating: 4.9378943 out of 5
Keywords: kim, walker, smith, skyler, how, he, loves, we, cry, out, sing, my, love, here, is, song, bethel, church, redding, brian, jenn, johnson, women's, conference, what, worship, connection, with, God, presence, corporate, well, have, an, un-offended, heart
Id: sikZ6PIgvPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2009
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