Kim Kiyosaki Rich Woman Interviewed By Amanda Jane Clarkson Editor In Chief - Millionairess Magazine

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[Music] okay well welcome to another interview for millionairess magazine and the millionairess movement I'm Amanda Jane Clarkson editor in chief and today I am very much looking forward to interviewing the founder of rich woman Kim Kiyosaki Kim is an internationally renowned speaker author entrepreneur this goes for a long time real estate investor radio show host and educator and Kim has always cultivated her entrepreneurs spirit she started an apparel business in 1989 and has been involved in several businesses since most notably as co-founder of the Rich Dad company nowadays Kim has the freedom to do whatever she wants and you can - she says aside from spending a few weeks in beautiful Hawaii which is one of our favorite spots in the world by the way Kim if we go there every year Kim has developed the rich brand the rich woman brand which includes her books it's rising time Rich Dad rich woman's good deal bad deal how do you find real estate deals that make money and the Businessweek bestseller rich woman in addition to numerous events webinars articles videos games and much more along with her team of advisors and successful women Kim travels around the world teaching empowering teaching and empowering women to be financially independent you can hear or view Kim's interview via television the internet radio in printed publications globally and of course in our upcoming issue of millionairess magazine where Kim graces the cover welcome Kim we so appreciate you being with us today and sharing your incredible wisdom what an introduction it's quite an introduction I think I'm done now I think I can go slide oh come to check the package and I appreciate you having me on and I appreciate the work you're doing to to educate women and to empower women because it's so important work more today than ever I think yeah I couldn't agree more and it's just you know so in me to want to get out there and share you know similar to what you're doing and a different kind of way but I think you know women you know it's time now as you say to rise up and take the lead in our own lives you will not remember but I've actually met you before my husband and I spoke at the National achievers Congress back in 2011 and shared the stage with I think it was Donald Trump and your husband what happened was I had this book here in front of me which is not your book but I'll get to the story because I know this means a lot to you and Robert that in 1999 we read your book my husband and I and that set us on the pathway to buying our first home our first property and then renovating properties and then investing in properties further down the track and we shared that story with Robert and he called you over to meet us and so I just want to say a massive thank you you really did change our home that's so great you know it's like a lot of people are gonna be okay because we have been prepared so congratulations well thank you thank you if it hadn't been for yourself and Robert we wouldn't be probably where we are today you know but going back to the beginning you know we touched a little bit on your story but tell us more about your journey and how you got to where you are today where did it all begin oh that's a big question actually I'm the youngest of three girls in my new and I think that actually had quite an impact because being the youngest mom and dad always and dad not having a son kind of took me on under his wing and and they always said we want you to do whatever you want to do we want you to go for your dreams we want you to be happy we want you to and one of the earliest things my mom told me she said Kim I was about nine years old she said Kim if you don't want to spend life in a kitchen don't learn how to cook okay mom and then she said and this was before computers if you don't want to be a secretary don't learn how to type and basically what she was saying is don't put yourself in this box called female and and have to be a stereotype role that so many women are and this was this goes back many many many years so she kind of laid the groundwork for and then my father was very very very supportive in me doing what it is I wanted to do so that's where it started that's where I started it was out of horn I'm just outside of New Jersey I mean just outside of New York City in New Jersey and when I was 14 we moved to Oregon and that's fine so we went from the East Coast all the way to the west coast discovered there is the world out there and that's kind of got my love of travel so when I was 18 I decided that we took a trip to Hawaii for a family vacation and after one week I decided that the luckiest people in the world lived in Hawaii and that's where I was going to live free Haiti not like I'm going to Hawaii then mom dad said it's okay but you got to go to school and so I went to school in Hawaii started in advertising once I graduated I graduated a business degree started in advertising which was actually a really good place to do it because Hawaii so small that if you have half a brain and a little bit of common sense you can get a lot of responsibility very quickly so I learned the world of advertising very very quickly not not tied to a job but really tied to the industry yeah so that was the that was a great great opportunity for me but then what happened is after when I got my first job in advertising agency I was there for nine months I had a boss she and I hit heads constantly because as I said I wanted to learn the business she wanted me to learn my job she just wanted me at my job and I'm all over looking at you know I want to learn production I want to learn sales I want to learn art piece of it I want to learn all of it counts services all of it I wanted to learn so she couldn't find me a lot of the time and so after nine months fired me and I'm like oh that was really devastating and so I had some other jobs in sales but then the company hired me back and this time it was only six months and they said Kim you're not a fit here and I'm like how can that be I'm not a fit I'm smart and I can do things and I'm capable and then I finally realized I really really had a hard time following rules and following direction and I knew at that point I wanted my own business yeah and I said in my own business by the time by the time I'm 30 I'm gonna have my own business and so that was at 26 26 26 then I met I had my first date with my husband now Robert and on the first date he asked me two very important questions and the first question he said is what do you want to do with your life and I'm like wow that's a big question and I said well given the way things are going I haven't been very good as an employee so I want my own business and he said well I've started several businesses and all of my friends are entrepreneurs and I'm like this is where I need to be right now so it was about two months later I started my first business as you said i embroidered I created a logo embroidered in shirts and jackets and that every business must have a purpose and the purpose of business was to fund for one year fund my travel my hotel my registration fees into business events business conferences all over the US and I'd set up my little booth and I'd have sell my products my shirts and my sweaters and my jackets with this logo and that funded my business education for one year so that's how I started in business there was a second question Robert asked me on my first our first date and first was what do you want to do with your life the second was what's your life's purpose and it wasn't it was probably only about three months earlier I had had this aha moment where I woke up one morning in Hawaii and the palm trees were rustling in the wind it was a beautiful day the Sun was coming through the curtains and I woke up my thought you know every day I get up and go to work I get a paycheck I pay my bills get up go to work I get a paycheck I pay my bills and I'm like there's got to be more to life than this yeah and that's when I started searching that was the search and so when he asked when he said that my my life's purpose maybe that's what I'm looking for maybe I'm looking for a life's purpose so that that really kind of sealed the deal there so that's that's how I started in business I love business I love entrepreneurship started several companies of course the most popular today is is the rich dad company that Robert and I founded back in 1996 but I love I love that world and I love the world of investing yeah you can tell by the way you speak it comes from within and you know we talk about purpose and I believe everybody is here with a purpose or a calling or depending on the word you want to use and we'll get to the mission in a moment and I think that women have a deep understanding around that topic sometimes more than the men do I don't know about your experience but um I certainly understand where you're coming from Thanks yeah yeah I you know right now I when I talk to women the world is pretty messed up right now and we've got this whole COBIT thing going on as well but before that I think Kovac is gonna be blamed on a lot of economic problems but there's a lot of economic problems well before COBIT ever hit yep I think it really is I do think women have a huge role to play because the female energy the female mind the way it works how we cooperate versus compete the women need to step up and we need to take leadership roles and we need to get into places so that we can turn things around and I really think it's up to the women no longer can we sit back on the sidelines no more we need to step up and take a lead and take a role and be that be a role model for other women especially young women today look I love what you just said and this is the whole purpose behind the million arias movement in the magazine is I don't see competition I see women like yourself and us you know we're on a global stage rising together and we say we elevate self-worth net worth and life worth hide behind the torch on yes yes yeah it's great and you know I think it's really lovely that you know we can you're across the other side of the planet and yet we can you know get on a call like this and chat and just share the message and give other people hope where they're probably sometimes just don't feel that there's hope but there always is well there there is and you know my story on on the investing side of things is that I'm somebody that I knew nothing absolutely nothing about investing I didn't know anything about money except you know you get a job and you make money I learned I heard a little bit about a stock market but I didn't know anything about investing at all and it was back in 1989 in Robert I were living in Portland Oregon and he started to teach me what his rich dad had taught him about investing and specifically about real estate and then he said okay go out and find something I'm like what find something so I just you know bumbled and stumbled around and and three blocks from where we were living was this little tiny two-bedroom one-bath house and I found it it was $45,000 I had to come up with $5,000 down payment which we did not have I was scared to death I was so afraid I was gonna lose money I was afraid I was gonna make a mistake I was afraid I was gonna be told I told you so all of these doubts were going through my head but what I've learned is you've got to take that next step and my book it's rising the time I wrote that because I found a lot of women they got excited about doing this and they wanted to start investing they wanted to start handling their money taking charge but they couldn't take that first step and that first step is so important and so at at some point you know for me it was either I do this deal or I don't and I know if I don't do it I quit I quit on myself if I don't do it even if I do it and I make a ton of mistakes which I did and which I do every day at least at least I did it because if you take that step and you and you as you said earlier be uncomfortable sometimes you have to be uncomfortable that's where growth happens that's that's how you grow it's so true and I remember back in 1999 when we actually read the Rich Dad book and my husband at the time was a carpenter and he said well maybe we should buy our own first home didn't think of that before and from that next day he worked seven days a week to save up $14,000 and literally six streets up the block here on the where we live here we bought our first unit which was two-bedroom one-bathroom not too dissimilar to yourself and we were very nervous you know that was everything we had and we really stretched ourselves I think it was about 30,000 more than we could even afford and I remember saying to my husband if not now when we'll find a way let's just do it make the commitment you know the Rich Dad book said it'll work out let's just do it you've got away you just find a way and then from here you women Amanda because so often people say oh when I have the money I'll invest and for me and for Robert the best thing was we did I probably did our first 10 deals we had no money yeah but it made us very creative it made it made us think made us figure it out and so that's the best part so when you say you know you don't have you didn't have the money and yeah you could have lost all that money too but you got it made you smarter in the process I think that's key for so many people oh you know and this leads into our second question you know on this journey of we call it business and life things get really uncomfortable and I know you will agree with that as soon as it gets uncomfortable people often quit as we just agreed what advice would you give to those who fear making the mistakes and fear of you know a failure especially about what other people would think and say about them you know so conditioned I mean we're so conditioned we come out of school okay you go to school and school actually is opposite what they teach you in school is opposite for what it takes to succeed in life number one they don't make mistakes yeah well the only way we learn is by making mistake what if what if there were no mistakes being made in the world you know nothing would get done there'd be no breakthroughs there'd be no accomplishments um think about when you first rode a bicycle you fell off and you made mistakes when you first drove a car you're you know you're on the gas pedal and you're on the brake and you're turning right and you're doing all these crazy things even you know to make I have friends that have wineries and to get to a beautiful bottle of their Pinot Noir they made a lot of mistakes but had they not started there never would be wine so in school they teach you number one don't make mistakes so we come out of school scared to death of making a mistake which is totally opposite of how we grow and learn the other thing they say is do it on your own you have to do it on your own because if you if you if you collaborate with somebody that's called cheating so you got to do by yourself don't ask for help and of course in the real world if you're not cooperating and collaborating with other people you're only going to go so far and the third thing they say this is this is the best one especially for entrepreneurs the for the other thing they say is there's only one right answer okay so we're just you're just saying you know you bought this unit okay there's many different ways you could have done it and there's so many different ways you can run it and manage it and grow it and build it there's no one right answer so I think people come out of school just petrified and paralyzed of making mistakes what are people gonna think about me so the the key for me is I don't like when I make a mistake originally but now I know that a mistake only shows me something I did not know so I make a mistake I step back and I go okay what is it here I'm supposed to learn what didn't we know that we now know that we can take forward with us so mistakes are great if you're not making mistakes you are not growing I will get to you if you're not out there there's a saying that I have in my book rich woman I won't say it exactly right but I think it comes from Emerson and he said if you're not facing something you fear every day you don't understand the secret of life so you've got to put yourself in uncomfortable positions because when you break through that that's where growth happens that's where the learning happens and so everybody some about being safe and being secure and not making mistakes and and not being uncomfortable well then life doesn't have much use for you be honest when the thought is being safe and fewer that's more frightening to me than getting out there in the world and I love Emerson too and I one of his quotes that I often say is no he says we are always getting ready to live but never living and harder being an entrepreneur is living it's exciting there's always opportunities in his ups and downs and highs and lows and everything in between but you know I said rather go to the end of my days knowing then die wondering and yes yes and you know you know right you know every time you don't go for it you know when you don't go for it and everybody knows when they don't everybody knows when they back off everybody knows when that fear wins and every time you're wins you lose every single time so when you let fear stop you then there's no girls gonna happen there's not gonna be any magic there's no magic that happens when you're not going for something and a lot of it is going into the unknown you know people are afraid of the unknown they want everything to be known they want everything to be in order they want everything to plan and go according to their plan but when you push yourself into something you don't know and you you're going into let's say you're doing a project one of the things that has worked for me is I've said yes a lot two things I'm like I don't know how in the world we're gonna do this but I'm gonna say yes to it and you figure it out yeah and what a great feeling when you do figure it out right seriously that's yep especially if your own purpose which I'm going to get to my man I agree with you and it just you just grow in so many ways and that elevates your self-worth I mean people want the money in the bank they want the net worth but it doesn't come without elevating your self-worth which leads to you know we're talking about personal empowerment personal development here you know we have a saying you know it's an 8020 rule a 20% tactic and strategy but 80% is all in here would you agree with that Kimmel what's your take on that oh I would absolutely absolutely you know you even when we hire people it's all about they're not so much just their attitude but how they look at life yeah and as long as they have some skills that are necessary for their job that's great but it's more important or they do they work well where's their ego are they probably the most important thing and I will say this for it for any entrepreneur if you're gonna take on a partner most important thing is are they truly really aligned to your mission are they really aligned to your purpose because we've had partners that say they are they say they are but their behavior doesn't point to that so if you're an entrepreneur and you're thinking of bringing on a partner I say number one number one thing is that partner has got to got to got to be aligned a hundred percent to your mission we got through the same process anyone who comes into our company we've discovered what their personal values are then align their values to the mission of the million Arius movement is similar to yourself which goes into my next question how important is it to believe in your mission or your vision before you see the evidence now when I say evidence a lot of entrepreneurs going to business to make money because we all want the freedom right but if you don't have a vision or a mission or a big reason why the question is how important is it to believe in it so much because the evidence might not appear for a long time yet that's right yes can you speak from experience so as I said earlier the every business must have purpose and every business the purpose number the purpose of a business I believe is to solve a problem so the problem that we saw was that there was no financial education in school globally so we took on the task of bringing financial education to the world that was the mission and the rich that the written mission of the rich dad company is to elevate the financial well-being of humanity yeah and I remember back in 1996 when we said that to people some of them were like well you're kind of full of yourselves yeah how do you think you're gonna do that and you know that's pretty pretty gutsy move there and they you know like like you're full of you know what yeah has always been the mission always and we only started the company for the mission we never started the company for the money and actually when we started the rich dad company Robert and I were financially free and so all the decisions came not what was going to put money in our pocket but what was gonna be best for a company yeah it did take it took some time we were you know Rich Dad Poor Dad was published the first product we created actually was called was the cash flow board game yep that was the first product and the purpose for that product was Robert and I did not want to go traveling all over the world telling everybody how we became financially free they all were asking how did you do it you don't have stocks you don't have a pension you know you don't have a 401k you don't have any of these things how did you retire I was 37 Robert was 47 and so we thought instead of telling everybody how we did it let's create a fun game it teaches money teaches investing and we launched this cashflow game to your point Amanda with no idea how it was going to be marketed how we were going to you know we didn't have this five-year plan we just knew we wanted to get this game out in the process we actually launched Australia was one of the earliest countries that we launched the cashflow game in I've got it good and that's that's the mission we've gone back to and I think Robert was Roberts like well we need to brochure for the game so he started working on this brochure and kept working on and kept working I kept working on next thing you know here's this book Rich Dad Poor Dad yep so and the book takes off and but it was always we've never started anything with the purpose being to make money if the purpose is needed and wanted what you're producing is needed and wanted then the money will follow but money is always the what we call the processional effect it's the effect of you doing good work yeah yeah I'll give you one other example last year last year I took back the company it was going in in not the direction not the mission of the company it was off course was being run by other people they were doing their best they could but they never understood truly what the real mission and purpose of the company was so I without with I was out of the operations for many many years so basically let go of a lot of people they say what we're gonna get back to the mission we're gonna get back to the cash flow game we're gonna get back to the books we're gonna get back to the original messaging and I'll tell you when you say evidence holy mackerel magic started happening like crazy I mean one thing after the things that were totally unexpected and I didn't know how we were gonna do this I just knew it had to be done I knew we had to get back to the mission because it was it was not there anymore I didn't know how we were gonna do it I didn't have a plan I had a great great great small team and all of a sudden all this magic is happening money's coming in people are showing up resources are come or showing up our partners who were battling each other are now cooperating I mean it's amazing but when you get back to really the heart of the mission that's light so you say the evidence then that's where the magic in my opinion that's when the magic starts happening yeah and I you know when we talk about the acai I talked about soulful work and you know I you know when it comes from within it's a whole different style of business but I'm you know one of the things I share with my women is you know people fall in love with their product or service and I say turn that or shift that to fall in love with the people that you serve call it soulful serving and get your focus off the product if you want to help people you want to change people's lives solve problems fill voids the money if you have the right product and service and you care more about the people than the money the money will eventually come if you're in the right market place totally totally agree so one of our mentors I never met him he passed away before the year before I met Robert his name was R Buckminster Fuller yeah and lucky Fuller so he was he invented the geodesic dome they call him the friendly genius he was a visionary a philosopher a futurist he said something that we've now in court we from day one have incorporated into our business exactly along what you're saying Amanda and he always said the more people I serve the more effective I become yep so we always focus on how do we serve more people how do we reach more people and in the age of technology it's so easy now to reach people I mean when Rich Dad Poor Dad came out of you know we're trying to figure out how do we how do we get the names and addresses of people who bought our book because it's a bookstore and you don't have computers and this stuff right so we put a little send us five dollars for postage and handling and we'll send you this audio tape and it's an audio Robert made on I forget what the subject was but that's how we were building our database today you push a button and you reach millions of people all over the world I mean it's it's easier it's it's it's harder because there's so much noise and there's so many people competing for that same space yes but the other hand it's also so much easier to test things to reach people to market to get information so it's it's actually really exciting to see all of this is progressing it is really exciting I mean you know never in a my wildest dreams would are they thought that I'd be sitting here having this incredible conversation with you one of my mentors you know and this has made it possible you know even the moment that we're living in right now has got us or taught us to think differently we don't have to be in America we don't have to fly around anymore and we've done countless seminars like you have for 15 years running and I said to my so if we know how else can we do this how can we elevate lives and you know elevate net worth and life Worth and here we are today having this incredible conversation and thanks to you because you know this is such an integral part of the message that we're trying to get out there alongside women like yourself incredible leaders you know it makes such a difference you know and I really acknowledge you first for starting millionairess I think it's fantastic I just read interesting just the other day I was reading an article that talked about how women especially when it comes to money they do so much better when they're doing it together in a group of like-minded people versus having to do it on their own or just with their spouse or partner so by creating this community of women you're really serving a lot of women and I think you're gonna get more and more women joining you because because of that community like-mindedness that happens thank you and I think women really love connection and you know I have a belief and I would expect it you know you as you do to that there is enough for everyone like I said it's not competition that's rising together and you say it so beautifully in your book so let's say just talk about money a little bit because you know some so many people are a little bit weird about money I have a great relationship with money I think when I was a very young girl I think I was not too dissimilar age to you around about nine or ten I wanted to be a millionaire and I didn't even know what a millionaire was but I wanted freedom so so bad I left home at 16 and left school at 16 and I understand exactly what you said when you want freedom and yet money people are just crazy about money but I've heard you say and from experience of teaching entrepreneurs myself money is the number one argument between couples and the only time that a lot of people talk about money is when there is a problem you know what would you say is the first step that women can take to overcome this issue because it's massive it is massive and like you Amanda when I was growing up and I didn't know why I was doing this but I was of the three girls I was the only one in high school that had a job because I wanted my own money so I went college I figured out how to get free tuition I had a job throughout college so that I didn't depend upon mom and dad for my money and for me it was the same as you its freedom its freedom and when you're dependent if I was dependent on mom and dad I got to follow their rules well if I'm not dependent on them I got to follow anybody's rules I follow my own rules and so for me I wanted that financial freedom because I did not want to be dependent on anybody and money is a very psychotic subject yes very very psychotic then you know that he who he who makes them he who has the gold makes the rules well he or she who has the money makes the rules and so I see a lot of women today I never ever ever want to ever have to justify why I want to buy something I don't want to ever have to ask permission if I want to buy something and that comes with you got to put in the time and you got to put in the effort but the rewards are great I see too many couples too many women in bad relationships because they don't think they can make it on their own financially in jobs they hate because they need that paycheck and so if a woman to me says old money's not that important I said well then quit your job you know if he's not so important leave your horrible marriage but it is a it's money has the power to either enslave you and I see a lot of women who are enslaved either by spouses by family members but it also has the power to set you free and I see when when they take charge of their money and their investing they're seeing that cash flow coming in oh my goodness self-esteem goes through the roof their whole attitude is different their confidence source it's a it's a beautiful thing and I think it's back to your point of you know there there's this this fear this fear of making a mistake this fear of having your partner or friends you know question you oh my god all my life I've had people say what are you doing how come you're doing that what do you mean you're quitting your job what I mean you're starting a business what do you mean you're spending money on this apartment building are you done it all the time so if you want to be comfortable right if you want to be comfortable if you want to be safe and secure then this is not the world for you but if you want the freedom to live the life you want the way you want it on your terms without people telling you what to do every single day then you just got to get started you got to get and I would start number one I would start learning the language of money just start learning there it's actually the reason we created the cash flow game is for two reasons because you said how do you start the conversation if you learn the language of money but more importantly you're playing this game about money and investing and it starts the conversation and you can even go online today and play it for free if you go to rich DICOM you can play it for free you don't even have to buy it but you've got to start learning the language of money and for me the best way I learned is I put a little money down so if you want to learn about the stock market buy a few shares a stock you know and because as soon as you part with that money I guarantee you your interest is gonna go up guarantee you uh-huh I absolutely love what you're sharing here and I say I couldn't agree more I say to women get some money in your purse you don't have to spend it but when you open your purse and you've got $500 or $1,000 you just feel good you have that choice mentally and emotionally that if you wanted to spend it you know you don't have to rely on other people become dependent on other people and you know like you said part with your money and I remember when we bought our first apartment up the road you know you passing check over you go this is it I'm in now and I always say don't love your thoughts on this I say to women your best investment is into your mind if you can invest into your personal development your empowerment then the journey becomes easier because being an entrepreneur is a roller coaster but you know this in your own mind I've had 40 different businesses and I'm still standing but that's very true I mean I would not be where I am today if not for personal development both Robert and I are huge advocates we work a lot on ourselves I mean every more I have a morning ritual every morning most mornings I wake up my coffee that's always first coffee but then I read from one of my spiritual books one of my personal development books you know I have a stack of like five that I go then I circulate through all the time looking for new books then I'll I'll read something else and you watch your mind you got us you got to really be aware and this this really applies to money as well when you're dealing with money and you have a if you can catch those like little negative thoughts you might have or little angst when when maybe your spouse says well what did you spend that money on and where did that go and that angst and you kind of pay attention to that but I usually I'll do some reading the mental journal on whatever my thought is at the time I'll do a little jus I'll just write whatever it is and then sometimes I will do a little meditation but I always that time for me is crucial I also have a mentor who I mentors me on my personal development and when my mind starts to go crazy and when I feel stuck or I'm not moving forward and so she works with me to make those breakthroughs personally in my mind and in my spirit the spirit is the strongest thing you've got and if you can keep that spirit strong then you can you you've got a huge advantage over other people huge advantage and I love what Jim Rhon says you know work harder on yourself than anything else and I think that was when I was in my 30s that was one another turning point of my life when I started to invest in my mindset my whole life changed especially on the entrepreneur on the entrepreneur journey and you know don't wish it was easier wish you were better you know things like that you know all the sayings of course but it's so true and people just think that there's only one side to this they and they often believe the other side is woowoo but you know I say without you're going to be mentally strong emotionally strong spiritually strong physically strong to become financially financially strong one thing I'm doing right now is I had Eckhart Tolle wrote a book called the power of now and he wrote a second book called the new earth a new earth and one day I just had a thought I'm like I'd like to do a neck are totally retreat and so this was about four months ago and I go online and sure enough the next retreat is that a hotel right down the street for me and so I'm like I'm gonna go sign a sign up for and they say I'm sorry wait lists were sold out you've got a wait list I'm like okay well if I'm meant to be there I'll be there and if so five days ago I got an email and said because of Conan 19 we're course can't do this event at the hotel so everybody that's signed up and who works on the waiting list we're gonna do a live seminar on Saturday all day we'll do teachings we'll do meditation we'll do Q&A so again every I'm always looking for how to how to get this out of my way and to tap more into what I call that universal energy because that's where a lot of the magic happens that's where a lot of the answers come from yeah you're sharing pure gold today it's really fabulous thank you like what is just a conversation back and forth we're very aligned on our mission and our message no doubt so many layers I could go into here let's say to change pathway all remember you know Robert talked about doodads right back in the day you know speed your money on doodads because many women go I don't have enough money for that you know I haven't got enough I'm running out of money before the month runs out you know can you share with us you know about doodads what you think about that and how if you stop spending your money on doodads you could really change your financial future a lot of stories on that but one story is when Robert and I were starting yeah and a small we moved from Portland to Phoenix and so what happened is we were buying property up in Portland Oregon this when I started in 1989 and then in 1991 that Portland market took off it has was exploding and the Phoenix market where we were looking to live because we had friends there and we knew the market wasn't very strong that market was was crashing so we sold everything in Portland moved it to Phoenix and at that point we were financially free and so at still at that point we were just we weren't financially free because we had millions of dollars we were financially free because we had $10,000 a month coming in every month from our real estate investments but we only had three thousand in living expenses so at that point we were financially free well our friends who were not financially free we're building the mega mansions and they had all the sports cars and they had the fancy vacations and we kept we had we had a really nice small house in a nice little resort nothing real fancy not the big house nothing McMansion but we were taking the money that we were making in our business and kept investing it in property and then other investments as well but primarily real estate so we kept to that formula and that's the formula we still use today yes we do have the bigger house and we do have the sports cars here's the difference you talk about doodads right doodads so it's the it's the cash flow from our investments that pay for our doodads we don't pay for the doodads it's our tenants who are paying the rent are paying for that for the properties it's the cash flow from our investments that are buying our dudettes so those that money isn't coming out of our pocket it's coming from the investments so we always have a rule that if we want a big doodad at first we must find the investment that's gonna deliver the cash flow that will pay for the doodad so that's always been our formula in that formula today beautiful and it can start right now by just you know the take away lattes and the coffees and the lunches you know that can add up to thirty forty fifty dollars a day it starts something small it's the habit isn't of just getting into the habit training your mind to think differently yes it's totally it is exactly a habit and one of the habits we had and I know you know of this habit one of the habits we had early on when we had more money out then was yet yeah because we were struck we're just building our business Robert and I decided we're gonna have a rule and the rule was with that came into her household didn't matter where it came from every single dollar bill that came into our household we took thirty percent off the top before paying any bills before doing anything and ten percent went into an investment account ten percent went into a savings account for emergencies and ten percent went into a charity hiding account and the hardest thing and it wasn't the amount it wasn't that it was thirty percent it was the habit of doing it every single time now our bookkeeper Betty didn't like that and she looked like Betty the bookkeeper it looked like it would imagine she would go crazy with us because she's like you don't have enough money to pay your bills how can you take thirty percent off the top and then give it to yourself and we're like because that's our financial future if you don't it'll just get spent so it doesn't have to be thirty percent but it needs to be a little bit of a stretch it's got to be something that's got to stretch you just a little bit because if when we took 30% off the top guess what we had to get smarter on how to make more money leave if it was very easy then we'd get lazy with our mind and then we don't get creative and we don't make all that magic happen we love to teach women to pay themselves first and you know a lot of women say well I haven't even got enough for the booze and I say well you'll work it out pay yourself first exactly like what you just said twenty to thirty percent and then find a way to pay the rest of the bills that'll you'll figure out different ways we'll stop spending your money on doodads and things like that is that sort of what you're saying to do as well and just you know and we also talked about having a cushion a financial cushion of you know three to six months in case something happens like it just has now so you don't go into that emotional and mental turmoil what do you think about that you know a lot of people unfortunately this was a huge wake-up call for them they thought they had their safe secure job which now they don't they thought they had enough money say about which they don't yes that was that and that's why we had 10% into a savings account that was for the emergencies that was for the downturns yeah I love cushions I love financial questions every single property since that little 2-bedroom 1-bath every single property I had a reserve cushion with every single property because you never know when a roof roofs gonna leak or a heaters gonna blow up or what's gonna happen yeah so I always always had a reserve account and personally we always had a reserve account we always had a cushion in case of an emergency and there's always emergencies but the difference is most people say as I said earlier when I have the money then I'll invest but they don't do the habit they don't have the habit of putting that money aside they don't have the habit of let's go find it first I always say if you're looking at real estate go go find the property first even if you don't have it go find it first and look at it and see it and imagine yourself owning it and running it imagine the cash flow coming in and then you'll get creative on how to do it ya know it's like in school they give you the theory and you're like yeah really make any sense so until you actually out there looking whether property whether it's a business whether it's paper asset stocks bonds mutual funds whatever it is go find the asset first and then figure out a way to do it that's just what you did right with your first unit that's exactly what you did you found it first and then you're going oh my god how we gonna do it let's let's figure it out we figured it out mistake my husband you can just work harder darling not true not true not true we were both working and renovating prop we did all these renovations and lived in them while we're together you know the whole thing that oh you know I don't even want to think about it but you know we stretched ourselves and I think it was a you know people want to grow and I say you you want to grow like you see actually go and do something that'll make you grow in a heartbeat yes yes yes we talked a lot about this concept of be do have yes yes and people always focus on what I want to have and we're like well why don't you focus on who do you want to be yes what do you want to be and so they're like well what about the do so the purpose of so you've gotta do something every time you do something there's gonna be a feedback you're gonna get feedback every time you do something there's feedback and you got to pay attention to the feedback but every time you do something especially when you stretch yourself that leads to growth and that changes your being so the purpose of doing isn't to have the purpose of doing is to change your being so that you can have so that you can have a lot but if if you've got a small mindset and a poor mindset you're never gonna have what rich people have yeah really it really does start here and it doing is a huge piece of it and not doing the same old thing and not doing something that's easy but doing something that stretches you that pushes you out of your comfort zone that makes you go oh a little little little you know butterflies in the stomach going to I don't know if I can do this and if you're saying I don't know if I can do this then you need to come to it alright you know even this conversation with yourself today people are saying oh my gosh you know you must be so nervous I said I'm just so grateful you know I want to push myself and sit here and do this million arias movement and create this magazine because I have this message for women and I say the greatest gift of going on the entrepreneur journey is not what you get but who we must become to create that life by design and the freedom that we all have a burning desire to have I said that's why I keep pushing myself even in these moments that can feel really uncomfortable but it's so worth it isn't it when you go oh nothing happened I didn't get shot I'm not hurt or anything is like the fast-track of personal development well they right we're facing a problem we're facing something we don't we haven't faced the floor I mean right now with this old coal bed thing we're facing something we've never faced before and how are we over coming in and what are we doing I've seen people get so creative and so smart and so clever it's really healthy I do my best to to get rid of all the negative noise that's out there because there's just so much of it and and I have enough negativity and Doutzen in my own mind that I don't need outside stimulus of any sort like that but I've seen people get very very creative but every day if okay quick story was interviewing was interviewing this woman one day a few years ago and they said what are you thinking about you know what do you want in a job what are you looking for what's interesting to you she goes I just don't want to chat with problems why do we need you if you can't solve problems why do we need you now at the end of the conversation but that is our purpose I think as human beings is to keep solving problems mm-hmm and it goes to the thing on mistakes you can't solve a problem with and I forget who said this but they can't solve a problem with the same mindset and the same information that caused the problem so it's it's that taking that risk being willing to make a mistake in our company we say we want them to make mistakes all day long as long as they're just not making the same mistake over and over but when a mistake is made we get together we're like okay what did we learn what happened done it it know what worked what what was wrong with the system how come that failed that it uh and we and it's a real healthy exciting creative environment because people are not afraid of making a mistake they're not afraid to they're not you know see why hang themselves all day long they're pushing themselves and they know it's okay yeah people are so neat about making mistakes and I've heard you talk about this and in our company we say you know every time don't come to me with a problem you can come in you can come to me with the problem but only if you have three solutions of how you're going to solve the problem and it changes the thinking instead of being stuck in a negative vibration to think okay we've got a problem because this is life this is business but let's think about how we're going to solve it because that makes you better at serving other people would you agree with something like that oh absolutely absolutely so we have in in our company for example with our cash flow game yes so the good news is since every so many people are staying home all over the world people are buying our game like crazy and and that's a good thing because they're using at a time we financially educate themselves I'm thrilled about that real buddies congratulations that is fantastic the problem that created is we sold that a games about three months early yes and so the team okay here's the problem how can we saw the heavens so we got games back in we we got went we did a fast track to get more games and we got more games in they sold out and so now we're like okay so now with this gap and how do we solve this and so now we're and it's very creative we're turning it into a really fun experience for a whole community and we're gonna be learning together but they took something that for a lot of people would be oh my god we ran out of games it's a big problem we're gonna be so done here's the issue and now it's turned into we're gonna make this something great and so you also have to you know one of the key things I've learned to over over many years when it comes to business is the most important thing to me is to trust the people I work with that's number one if there's because I've been I've dealt with people who I haven't trusted or I turned out that I should not have trusted but when you get a team of people that are that you trust to to to take care of the mission and that you trust that will do a fabulous job then it makes my life is easy I mean it's I just I'm just kind of the catalyst and guiding things they're the ones that are like or making things happen and it's so fun it's such a creative environment I go in there now and it's like oh we got this gym and we're talking about our are the winds that we have and it's and we have problems every day and it's you know it's not it's it's a bumpy road just entrepreneurship is just a bumpy road that's the way it is I think I'm very excited talking about this new sort of it what one thing I did there was a study that was done and I thought this was a brilliant study on who should be an entrepreneur and who should not be an entrepreneur and now wasn't why they did the study but I interpreted it that way and it was a study done of centenarians these are people that were lived over a hundred years old and they wanted to find out what the common denominators of these people were and this I then there were three things that they found and I think these three things apply to entrepreneurs number one is every one of them has a purpose whether it was small or big there was a purpose for them to get up every morning and to do whatever they're gonna do number two they were optimistic I think an entrepreneur has got to be optimistic they so much stuff every day that if we get negative and started looking downward we're never gonna rise above to where we need to get to so they were optimistic the third thing and I think this is the most important for an entrepreneur was resiliency yeah oh well they came back from a setback so when a big problem hit did they get back up and figure out how they're gonna solve it or did it keep them down and they kind of just like wiped them out so those were the three things sense of purpose optimistic and resilient I just loved that I heard you say that in a couple of different interviews because I plan on living to at least 125 I've got a lot of work to do out here I just want to ask you a question on that you know we talk about resilience you know I've had many failed businesses and the only businesses that have been incredibly successful for me was when they were sole field businesses actually you know my purpose my life purpose in what I'm doing now which I absolutely love empowering other people to live their dreams how important do you believe it is to surround yourself even you know we've both been on this journey for well since we were kids really because you and I came from one of three girls to and always wanted to have my own business how important do you believe it is to continually surround yourself with mentors but as Robert says and you say it real mentors who actually walk the talk on going even though aware as teachers or educators do I still surround myself with mentors do you do the same thing and what do you think about that subject I think mentors if there's any any shortcut to investing to learning something new the best shortcut if there is such thing is a mentor so I have I have mentor I've had mentors all my life I today I have business mentors so for example we have a group called the rich debt advisors and then these are our advisors taxes law real estate paper assets social capitalists these are our real advisers and just recently since we had this big change in our company I had they all came to me and they said we would like to be your ordinate visors and so we get together four times a year and they and we just put everything on the table here's where we our Rich Dad I open everything up to them and we hashed it out what about this what about this what about this and it's not comfortable because they're also telling me what's not working and what I could be doing a whole lot better but our team could be doing a lot better but it's it's priceless it's priceless and these are bright bright people so I have business advice I have an investor advisor I've several investor advisors I would fitness mentor I have a personal development mentor I'm always looking for people because I'm not smart in most of these areas you know I need people to to work with me to make me better so I think a mentor is crucial in so many areas not just one mentor but mentors to take you to where you want to go in all areas of your life that is priceless advice and so many entrepreneurs and I'm sure you've come across them say I'll figure it out myself I'll just work it out and when I can't do it then I'll invest into one mentor and I say don't do that save yourself 20 years or ten years please don't do that and find the right mentor who has the result that you want who walks the talk he's not a fake teacher as you guys say oh how many mistakes have you made trying to figure it out yourself that's a really good point yes we talk about real teachers and fake teachers and I only want to learn from people who are doing what it is I want to do so my business mentors my fitness mentors they're they do the real thing they're all out there doing this every single day that's who I want to learn from and the other point I wanted to make you would just mention oh oh when people say I'm gonna do it myself right yeah yeah I'm gonna tell you this one thing bit is how come women stay small business how come they they don't grow big businesses and I think for a lot of women what happens is when we start we never have that purpose number one or a big enough goal it might we're gonna start a business because we need a little money on the side you know I want to spend my own money so I'm gonna start a business but then what happens it and we we have a book called the cashflow quadrant then it talks about the employee which is the e the S which is self-employed small business specialist and to get from there to the quadrant which is big business and then the I quadrant is investor what I see happen to so many people and especially women is you get into that s quadrant that the specialist the consultant the store owner the yoga instructor and they do it on their own and they always say nobody can do it better if you want it done right do it by yourself and you are only if you want to stay small no problem then that's the Quadrant for you but just know you're never ever ever I would never ever have the business that we have today if it wasn't for that a team of people around us and team changes over time when we started we didn't have a team it was just me and Robert then we added somebody then we added you know financial people and as the business grew we need smarter and more sophisticated partners and more sophisticated advisors and team members so the team's gonna change all the time but just know starting out it might just be you but to really grow if you really want to grow your business grow your investments you're gonna need a team of people around you to support you need and you know I think it's you know sometimes we've just got to get out of our own way and believe in ourselves and this is why I keep going back to personal development or empowerment you know that is where you get the growth you really you know figure out you know you have the I guess find more courage and you surround yourself with the right mentors and you can really start to grow much faster and stop whole you know we've got to stop holding ourselves back as women we need more leaders out there you do need more leaders out there we definitely do and you know again I'll say we all know when we hold ourselves back we all know when we don't do what we should do you know somebody wants to lose weight you know how to lose weight you exercise and you eat healthier but why don't you do it so if there's something that you really want I think and I of course I talk about this in my book if there's something you know if you're going to take on this journey of financial independence and financial freedom it's it's it's gonna take work and it takes study it's gonna take an eye I agree with you Amanda if you don't handle the personal development side if you don't handle that little voice in your head that's telling you why you can't do something and why you're gonna fail and all of this and why so-and-so was right and that it uh if you've got to have the business sense as well as the personal development so you need the financial education the entrepreneurial education but you also need the personal development education that that's crucial because if you don't have that you just it's just gonna it's going to be so difficult to to move forward and to get out of your own way and to not to you're gonna you're gonna I come all the time I come up to a limit and I hit it and I'm like okay and sometimes I'm like I think I've done enough I don't have to go any farther and then the next problem happens or the next thing occurs and then you find somebody's doing funny things with the business and you got it all so things happen all the time but if I wasn't in motion and doing things as you say nothing would happen so yeah I get it so go ahead keep going sorry hey one of the keys to having that magic happen those moments where you go oh my God look what just happened is because you've got to be in motion moving towards a goal it's one of the reasons I do like having goals is because it puts me in motion and as long as I'm in motion things will start happening around me and swirling around me but if you're not moving if you're not in motion there's no energy nothing's gonna change that is that is just perfectly said there you know I I call it the bird on the shoulder you know the Toxic talk and you just got to punch that bird in the beak some days because it doesn't you know I'm in my 50s now and I've had you know it doesn't stop and you've got to I continually work on myself as you do and it's my ritual of the morning I work an hour on myself before I even look at an email or a computer and I think it is so important to work on your spiritual health your mental and your emotional health especially in business to keep us going and you know the next question I would ask from that I've only got a couple more I promise two more questions if that's okay community who you surround yourself with is that vitally important for you to to you know keep on your mission of what you want to achieve in this life it's it's crucial I did make the decision many years ago to get the negative people out of my life and not an easy thing to do especially if the negative people are people that are close to you that you see on a regular basis I really ended several relationships I purposely chose not to spend time with some people that are in my life but I wanted to be around people who I supported who they support me we push each other to grow one of the reasons Robert and I were so well together was because he would push me to go beyond where I thought I could go he'd say what about this what if you do this and so now I have people around me very positive I cannot be around negative people because there's a I don't know if it's the vibration that just brings me down I've got so much going on I need to be around people not not that are just phony haha you know life is great but who are optimistic and positive about what we can accomplish that's crucial to me I have girlfriends three three women that travel with me we do the rich woman events around the world they're all entrepreneurs investors and we when there's a problem or an issue or sometimes we just get together like we did the other day and it's like let's just connect and what are you doing what are you working on and we're encouraging each other to you know some people or businesses or have changed and what how can you do this how can you do that got another friend who's selling a big piece of property and now she's had a bit of a bump what if we can we talk about this so we we support each other and having their goals and their dreams come true that is something that is like at the top of my list that top my list I only want to be around people who are gonna support me and my dreams and I support them in their dreams and we collaborate together because synergy is so important you know because that's where he has come from and that's where new new ideas come from so that yeah that's there's too many people who live with negative people and they're miserable it's just it's not fun and it kills creativity it kills your spirit I it takes a lot to keep to keep moving forward and to keep that spirit on and to keep that you know staying true to our values and staying true to your purpose and that takes a lot of energy and so I need a lot of positivity around me as much as possible and on that know you know it sounds like you've got your own little mastermind going on there and you know for your mission that you are so clear on and is so important for the work that you're doing out there last question is Kim you know the whole journey that you've taken from where you began to where you are now what is it that you would really love to be remembered for I this might sound kind of silly but when we started the rich debt company which was back in 96 with the cash flow game because we wanted to bring financial education to the world when this last year in August when we reorganized our company and we're like well what are we gonna what do we want to do and I'm like I just wanna focus on the cash flow game we want to reconnect we have all these cash flow clubs all over the world people just spontaneously getting together on a regular basis playing the game teaching one another learning from one another I would just love to see cash flow clubs all over the world as many as possible love to see a lot of women leading these cash flow clubs that to me would make my heart sink it makes my heart sing today I just want to see it on massive massive levels throughout the world because if we can get this game out there where it's fun people are learning people are teaching one another and people are in there are elevating their finance well being then I think truly the world would be in a much better place so that that would be it for me it hasn't changed after all these years I think the world is already a better place because of the work you do along with Robert you know you guys have just you know I know that you know the impact you have but it's still nice to hear the stories I've got friends around the corner who have just started reading your book the other day this book and already they're saying right we're going to say the hundred thousand dollars this year we're going to buy our first investment and the works will goes on and I want to say thank you for being such an integral part of the million Arius movement I so appreciate your time I know how valuable it is but I've just so enjoyed this time with you and I just want to say thank you from my heart it really does mean a lot to our readers and the women here in this conversation today well thank you Amanda thank you for having me here thank you for having me be a part of the millionairess I applaud the work that you're doing keep going keep eating those win keep encouraging them keep educating them more the more women we had out there as role models and leaders that definitely the better this world will be I know that for I know that down to my soul thank you so much and hopefully next time you're in Australia we might catch a catch-up for a cup of tea Oh that'd be wonderful I'd love that Amanda thank you so much for your time okay thank you have a wonderful day in Australia we have a wonderful evening as well thank you so much thank you take care bye for now [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Millionairess Magazine
Views: 2,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kim kiyosaki, rich woman, robert kiyosaki, millionairess magazine, life coach, life coach for women, business coach, business lifestyle coach, small business coach, business consultant, business coaching services, millionairess mentor, amanda jane, millionairess mentor podcast, lifestyle coach, law of attraction, personal development, amanda jane clarkson, self help, motivational video, business advice, spirituality, personal empowerment
Id: 1kt-nzKgnZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 42sec (4242 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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