The Formula For Getting What You Want – Kim Kiyosaki & Anne Marie Smith [ Rich Dad Radio Show]

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this is the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money here's Robert Kiyosaki hello and welcome to the rich dead radio show the good news and the bad news about money I am Kim Kiyosaki and I am your host today Robert is off in another part of the world and we have a very very interesting show today because here's what happens for a lot of people they go through life start they do their thing in their 20s and they get into their 30s and they get into the 40s and all the sudden they're looking back going hey what happened what happened how did I get here and so a lot of times people get confused in terms of where they're going and what they want and today we're gonna talk to a very very very important and unique woman who's gonna talk about basically what she did and what her formula for success was to getting what she wants so if you have ever asked yourself hey what is it I really want in my life what do I want to do in my life where am I going in my life what is it I'm looking for what am i searching for hey this is gonna be your show because our guest today is Ann Marie Smith and she is a 35-year veteran educator and entrepreneur she's a CEO of numerous companies and she is also the contributing author of the book success formula by Jack Canfield she's also a successful real estate investor and I'm just happy to have her on the show so welcome Ann Marie oh thank you so much Kim for having me I'm super excited about this well I'm very excited to have you on the show Emery because you have an interesting story on how you how your life went along on the track that it did and then it kind of got I don't know if the words derailed but you had a major life change in your life can you explain your story and how you kind of got into the role that you're doing now yeah so about 22 years ago I found myself broke and broken I was coming off of a failed marriage I didn't have literally two pennies to rub together and realize that that woman that this was not the life that I wanted and I really needed to change the trajectory of it and that required me thinking differently challenging my belief system and looking to role models that had the life that I wanted so I spent a lot of time at Barnes & Noble on the floor reading book by Jack Canfield reading books Roberts book had just come out Rich Dad Poor Dad and I just thought this life of mine is not what I want and I know that the life I want is possible excellent so let me let me back up just a second so you came off of a failed marriage I just wanted to ask this question because a lot of women find themselves in dire financial straits because of divorce or death of a spouse so was was it that you had why why did you come off with out actually anything to your name what happened can I just ask what happened because I think it's a good lesson for other women absolutely and so I mean it's pretty funny now it wasn't at the time my husband you know I I'm I'm at a place of gratitude now so I'm very thankful for the life lessons I learned in he's a big part of making me the strong woman I am today but literally took my car and sold it back to the dealership so I had no car I left the home that we had purchased so I didn't have a home anymore and really just left with the simple belongings I could pack into a trash bag I was working but I hadn't finished school so you know I had a job that paid maybe ten dollars over minimum wage which was great so I was able to sustain myself but you know I didn't have much money it I lived on the couch at my sister's house for a few months until I could get my life gather and find a place to live and so you you left the marriage with no plan B no safety net you just drank you just took a leap good for you I did good for you yes and for you at that point I just decided you know the marriage just wasn't working and it was it was very toxic to both of us so and it wasn't the life I wanted it really I knew I had so many dreams and so many things to look forward to that it just wasn't a place that was conducive to the life I wanted so you went into teaching and how many years were you were you teaching so I I you know talked about my ordering what I wanted started then I started teaching adults who had disabilities and I didn't need a degree to get that so at the time you know 22 years ago making you know 26 dollars an hour was big so I was able to get into a teaching position working with adults without a degree but I wanted to maintain that amount of money and more so I decided to go back to school and get my teaching like bachelor and master's degree as well as the teaching and administrative services credential and how long were you an educator how many years I was an educator I started off at eighteen as an instructional aide up until I was about let me see I'm turning 54 this weekend though I thank you I stopped working when I was 40 so a few years that's quite yeah yeah and so I did that and so you left so you left teaching and you became an entrepreneur and you have a the title of your chapter of the book success formula by Jack Canfield is called you only get what you order yeah what does that mean so in doing all the reading years ago I realized that the most successful people in the world know what they want and it hit me one day that I I know exactly what I want when I go into a restaurant to eat if I don't want vegetables I can supplement it or substitute it with mashed potatoes or a salad and I can order the exact dressing I want and the exact drink I want and there's never any doubt that I'm going to get what I order I'm not going to go into a McDonald's and get a piece of pizza that's it's not going to happen so it just clicked one day that what if I applied this to my life and I ordered exactly what I wanted to the tape and that's when it all started I realized that it wasn't my job to figure out how it was going to happen but my job was to be very clear about what I wanted and that included every aspect of my life my spiritual life my family life my community life my health everything I needed to be very specific of what it is that I wanted so is at that point on it started mapping out what did I want my life to look like and that's an interesting point because so many people when they say oh I want this they get caught up in how they're gonna do it and if they don't know how they're gonna do it they don't start so you're saying don't look at the hell but look it just focus on what it is you want and and don't worry about though how is exactly so how does some perfect so how do how does somebody who doesn't know what they want I mean so often we come out of you know we go into school we come out of school we've been told not to make mistakes we've been told to study we've been told what to do and so oftentimes we come out of school and then later in life we don't know what we want some happiness how to even start there how does somebody figure out what it is they want if they don't know I started with taking a notebook and I just pretended I was sitting in front of a genie and I just started putting down what I wanted one of the first things was I wanted to make sixty some sixty five thousand dollars a year so I just put $65,000 teaching position and I wanted a house on Montezuma Drive I wanted a black Mercedes I wanted and I just like I was ordering like there was no endless and end to it and I wrote as fast as I could and everything that came to my mind and I didn't let the belief system come in that oh no that's too big oh you can't afford that I just ordered I wanted to be a multi-millionaire by the time I was 40 I wanted to have a net worth of eight figures by the time I was 50 and so I just like crazy I wanted to be a healthy you know hundred and thirty four pounds I wanted a husband that looked like John F Kennedy jr. and I wanted you know so I just quit crazy like you just like there's no endless there's no rule just write it all down okay so let me ask you this as you're writing because often times I'll ask somebody what do they want and they tell me what they don't want it's like yeah well I don't want this do you write down also what you don't want or just what you know what no I never go into the don't want because you know there's a there's a system in your brain called the reticular activating system and if you trigger that it gives you what you want it's like your internal genie in your brain so I always stay away from what I don't want because I don't want my reticular activating system to give me that so I don't even focus on what is a reticulated activating system ras doesn't doesn't hear the word don't right right it doesn't hear the word yes here's what it is and it's gonna give you whatever I don't want to be broke yes what in here once again this is Kim Kiyosaki the Rich Dad radio show the good news and the bad news about money and we are talking to Ann Marie Smith she's contributing author of the book success formula by Jack Canfield and a successful real estate investor she comes from the world of education and she is entrepreneur of several companies as well as her title of her chapter is you only get what you order and so Amory once you figure so you've got this list of all these things that you want then what do you focus on one how do you go from where what you figuring out what you want to wear how you're gonna get there so once I have my list and I've gone crazy and it has to scare you so you have to put things on there that that you don't even believe that are possible to get but you need to put them on there and you have to feel that that fear then I divided into areas so one is personal one is finance the other is spiritual and the other is health and the other is family and community and there's no rule about that it's just what works for me and then I put my I divide up my list into the category so for example the spiritual piece whether you believe in God the universe whoever for me spiritual is whatever nourishes your soul so I have a goal of read three to five books a week and that could be through audible or actually reading so that would go under there as a goal for me finance that would be the exact amount of money I want to make the number of properties that I want to own free and clear so then I divided into those categories and you're a dad and you're very very clear on every item right cuz yeah I remember many many many years ago about back in 2000 1999 98 Rich Dad Poor Dad was out the cash flow game was out and and I wanted to get on Oprah and I wanted I just was crystal clear I wanted to get on Oprah so I put post-its all over the office that we are on Oprah I we reached out to every publicist possible and we just focused again as you said don't focus on the how of your how you're gonna get it but focus on what you want because I had I still to this day we do not know how we got on Oprah back on 2000 we don't know what exactly triggered the phone call from from her to us but we did get on Oprah in 2000 and it changed everything but again what no we didn't know how we were gonna do it but you just start getting into action so so from that point of view again it's the it's the what and getting really clear I mean it's you can't just say oh I you know I want a new car I I want you know I it's got to be in my in my experience it's got to be crystal clear on what you want is that correct exactly yes and and to speak to that you know I was on a mission this year to thank all of the people whose books I read that changed my life you and Robert were on that list and on my vision board and and it's I can't stress enough how important it is not to get stuck on the how yeah but you both were on there because I wanted to thank you because of the rich dad poor dad series it changed my life it just changed the whole trajectory financially and a couple of months ago I'm sitting at an event in Hollywood and Robert comes and sits right beside me there are but I can't stress enough how important it is you've got to be clear about what you want you know I knew I wanted to meet both of you you especially as a successful woman in real estate I was very clear there wasn't any you know doubt I had a picture of both of you on my board I wasn't sure how it was gonna happen but I didn't get stuck on that so that's the point be clear about what you want but not how it's going to happen that's not your job yeah and and also you know a lot of people when I gone through a similar process like this and they'll say oh no because I they want this but oh no what will my family think oh oh no what will my well my stylist think no I can't ask for that because that'll disrupt my family no I can't right they come up with all the reasons why they can't how do you how do you overcome that you know I banishes my first I'm latina my mom's an immigrant it was it was a little difficult when I started going to school you know in the sweetest most humblest manner my mom pulled me aside one day and she says be careful how smart and educated you get because men don't like smart women I know oh my I think my job off the floor yeah I just mom the right man is gonna love me and he is going to have hit the lottery to get me but that came from changing my belief system too because there there is a cultural pool there is a societal pool of what your roles should be and to question that or to defy that you have to be so clear about who you are and what you want that nothing is going to stop you you know I I live a dream life and it was a little difficult because there were some negative things that and some people that tried to sabotage that but I was so clear on who I was and what I wanted that that did deter me yeah excellent excellent so we're talking with Ann Marie Smith contributing author of the book successful formula by Jack Canfield she's comes from the world of education she's an entrepreneur CEO of multiple companies a very successful real estate investor and the title of her chapter in the book is you only get what you order so as you're listening to the show right now we're gonna take a quick break but right now think about one thing and be very specific and clear as you can be of what it is you want one thing that you want what is clear and specific and as specific as possible and then when we come back and Maria's gonna go into her success formula on how to get what it is you want we'll be right back hello hello and welcome back to the Rich Dad radio show the good news and the bad news about money I'm Kim Kiyosaki I'm your host today as Robert is off in some other part of the world you can listen to Rich Dad radio anytime anywhere on iTunes or Android and you can to hear our podcast go to rich dad and our guest today is Ann Marie Smith she is a 35-year veteran educator and entrepreneur she's a CEO of multiple companies and a very successful real estate investor as well as a contributing author of the book success formula by Jack Canfield her title of her book is you only get what you order so Emery let me ask you this we see it all the time a lot of people are in jobs they don't like they hate getting up Monday morning and thinking about the week ahead and they go to work and they just do their thing and they just live for the weekend says the song says they just live for the weekends or they're in marriages that are not working that are not healthy but they stay again you know in a place where they really don't want to be but they're there what what do you say to somebody who's who's living a life that they're just really not happy with and they're not fulfilled and they're just going through the motions to get the paycheck or a lot of women are afraid to leave marriages because of the financial situation so what do you say to somebody who's living a life that they're really not happy with what do they do first about we each have to take 100% responsibility for our life and the choices we make so it's so easy to blame somebody else blame your spouse you can blame your family so much easier it is but it doesn't work so I'm all about you own it it's your life get in the driver's seat and own it so what I would say is let's go back to that analogy of ordering you only get what you order let's say you go through and I'm gonna pick you knows it's a fast-food place that is you know international go through and when the person taking the order says how can I help you what would you like to order and you say I'll just take whatever and they're gonna ask you again well can you be a little more specific and you say it doesn't matter to me you know I'm a simple minded person I'm content with everything all of those little excuses that we hear and you just I'll just take whatever well what are the odds you're going to get what you want I'm going to say zero but a hundred percent you're going to get what the person taking the order wants to give you so let's say just for the fun of it you can't stand liver and onion and black piece but they love it that's what you're going to get so you sit there after you get your order and you complain I can't stand this I don't like it makes me gag I'm going to eat it because I have to and all of the complaining starts well that's what happens in your life if you don't like the job you have you don't like the amount of money you're making you don't like the relationship you're in you don't like the car you're driving it's because you did so whatever you didn't you weren't specific because life is meant to be fun life is meant to be spent it's meant to be enjoyable I wake up every day excited I'm excited about the clothes I'm wearing I'm excited about what's going to happen I'm excited about things that I don't even realize they're gonna happen because I ordered it that way so though people that are saying so you know then you you know when you talked about figuring out what it is you want you make a list of things you got you've got to get rid of the excuses I need the Paycheck I got to pay the bills I got a family to take care of I've got responsibilities that are all the reasons why there's they stay in jobs they don't like they stay in marriages they don't like they stay in situations they don't like so they've got to put those excuses aside you really got to kind of clear your mind yes you do and your expectation you know I recently heard a young couple say marriage is so much work I looked at her and said then you're in the wrong marriage I mean yes we have you know little little differences and you know things yes but we have fun together like we laugh and we enjoy and there has never really been any big argument I'm myself I'm a partner in this relationship he's a partner we don't have mission to go out and buy a car buy a house we just both know that we're in this for the good and the greater good of the family but don't don't buy into that belief system bit of making money's harder having children is hard or now having I have two children and it's been the best journey of my life I'm sixteen year old and a 15 year old now and every bit of it's been fun because I expect it to be fun and I ordered it to be fun perfect perfect so when you say so let's go let's go into here one went back up just one minute because you talked about two when you're making your list you know think kind of think big think of things that maybe scare you a little bit think of things you go oh my god that's I don't know how I'm ever going to do that I went back to when we started the rich dad company and Robert and I came up with the mission statement to elevate the financial well-being of humanity we had people say to us who do you think you are that's awful nervous how are you gonna do that and they were really quite negative but we stuck with it we didn't know how like you said we didn't know how we were gonna do it but we were hell bent on fulfilling that mission and today we are fulfilling that mission and we continue to fulfill that mission but so sometimes you've got to think a lot bigger than just you you got to think outside you do and I mean and we keep going back to that ordering what you want you go to a restaurant and you know you want your favorite dish from that restaurant are you gonna let the person at the next table come in and say I don't think you should have that who are you to order that we'd look at them like you know go back to your own table and leave me alone so but we let people inside we do on why our life especially especially family especially spouse especially kids yes yes oh you're really going to you got to almost be selfish in this list that you're making of things that you want you really got to do what it is you want put you put everybody else aside just be selfish for a little bit and look at what it is you really want so we said to our those who are listening to come up with something that they want in a specific as possible so for those of you who have something you want I'm sure we all do so and then how do we how do we go about going from here's what I want this I know exactly what I want and how do now now what do I do okay so I'll give you an example couple years ago I've always loved Porsches the Carrera has been one of my favorite cars so I put it on my vision board a black twin-turbo 7-speed convertible Porsche and one day my husband said you know you you wanted that car he says why don't you go go get it I said oh you know he's a little like I don't know about that I feel a little and he's like really put your money where your mouth is you ordered it go get it so I call a dealer and I said you know looking for a black on black Porsche Carrera Cabriolet twin-turbo I had that car I told him everything I wanted except the 7-speed I forgot so the dealer says let me give me a few minutes let me see what I have calls me back he goes you'll never believe this somebody special ordered the car that you want the bad news is it's 7-speed I'm like no that's what I wanted I just forgot to tell you um so I was very specific on my order for myself and on my vision board even though I forgot to tell the dealer that's what I was looking for I still got what I ordered so be specific about what you want put it out there you know I I write it down once I put it into my categories then I put a timeline of when I expect it to show up and then I find a picture to match what I want so for me that black Cabriolet Porsche I had a picture on my vision board then once it shows up then I move it from my vision board to my dreams accomplished for it and I have an I speak for things that I've ordered that have come true so my husband my children my house is my cars my pets everything that I that has manifested itself ends up on that board and I do that because I'm always ordering bigger and it's scary so I'm not going to tell you oh it's easy I can order like nothing I'm still scared when I order big but I look at that board of dreams accomplished and I think boy that was scary when I ordered it and look I have it so it gives me the nourishes my face and the process so so let me ask you because I know people are listening right now and they're saying okay so I'm gonna figure out what I want I'm gonna put it I'm gonna write it down be specific I'm gonna put it on my vision board and then poof it's gonna happen isn't there something you got to do where does action come into this I mean I don't want to make it so simplistic and have people yelling at you like I put it all up there and nothing happens you you've got it there's other things that I do I meditate every morning I'm I believe in God so I pray but one of the key pieces is don't get stuck on the house just just order it do the the matching picture put it on your vision board and I pretend as if I already have it we do attend as if so back when my ex-husband took my car my sister lent me a beatable truck and I treated that beautiful truck like it was a Mercedes I washed it like it was a Mercedes I kept it clean like it was a Mercedes and every time I put gas in it I would say dear God thank you for this beautiful Mercedes I Drive I know it sounds crazy so but I just acted as if I didn't get stuck on I don't have two pennies to rub together or two nickels or to dying I just act if I walked around like I had money in my pocket like I I showed up like I was a millionaire I wanted to be so I mentally started preparing myself for the things that I had ordered so what would I sitting so so what you're really talking about is more of a not just a mindset but it's all about the more the mental emotional spiritual side of things versus the doing right right it's a it's a trusting and it's one of the hardest things that we have to unlearn the you know we all say we're faithful and we have faith and we I don't think we do I think we have to learn to really just order it and let it go do you know the activity think about us every day I mean are you like is this on your mind all the time I'm I'm grateful all the time so if I wake up in the middle of the night my first thought is dear God thank you for the abundance you've blessed us with thank you for you know money chasing me thank you for the avalanche of resources thank you for the people that showed up in my life today to purchase if I'm in the mode of more purchasing of real estate thank you for putting the people in my life that are going to make this happen so no I don't sit around thinking like okay I ordered this i ordered it i go on with life but if there's a quiet time or quiet space I go into my gratitude mode and I think I personally thank God for the things that I've ordered and I act as if I already have them great so you talked you just so so what I'm hearing as and and I'm gonna just people can go do this and trust it it really is a trust process but figure out what it is you want write it down be specific find a picture put it on your vision board you got to believe that you're gonna have it but then did you use this process because you've got a lot real estate you've purchased a lot of real estate it was this the same formula you use was this the same order up process that you used to begin your real estate investing it was it was and you know if we had ten hours to spend I would blow you away with how this process has worked successfully in my life but you know my brother-in-law calls me about seven years ago and said I I really would love to come and work for you your sister and I are raising our daughter and I want to have flexibility in my life to take her to school and pick her up I said well I I don't I don't have anything right now like I manage everything but let me see so I did a quick little okay dear God I need enough units to purchase to be able to give him a job I have one hundred and twenty thousand dollars I had cashed out of one of my retirement and I said I you know I have this help me find something that's going to give me the cash flow so I go on to real estate website I find eighteen units I call and the woman says you'll never believe this this just fell out of escrow we are selling it for five hundred and twenty five thousand dollars the investor bought it for four hundred and twenty five thousand and it cash flows about twenty six thousand a month I was like my gosh those numbers work really well for me so I said would you carry the loan really carried along for me I have a hundred and I think there's like one hundred and fifty thousand to give him I need it for a year and carried alone I'll pay interest only he says give me a few minutes she calls me back she goes at yours so that's that's how stuff happen and it happens quickly so the other part is you got to be open to say yes and just do it I called my husband after and said that's what I just bought it he says what did you just buy it and I told him and he laughs he goes it's a if the numbers work I trust you I was unable to give my brother-in-law a job I was able to keep a lot of the tenants in the apartment building and it's if we still own it so one of the things I'm hearing and this is my experience as well when I get crystal clear on what it is I want when I'm crystal clear and I get into the details of it and I know in my heart and soul this is what I want then then magic does happen now now you said something like I just got to go back as you said something important Emery you said you put it out there that you wanted a apartment complex with so much so that you could hire your brother-in-law and then you went looking for it okay point you did go look for it it's not just gonna sometimes it'll just fall in your lap but sometimes once you're clear then it comes to you faster is what I'm saying but you actually went out and you looked for property that was gonna match that but yeah the first step was to get crystal crystal clear on what it is you wanted and why you wanted it and the other piece is your your Y has to be bigger than you so for me giving my brother-in-law and my sister and my niece an opportunity to have flexibility make good money was bigger than me and it was it wasn't about me making more money it was about giving them an opportunity and I have found that things work faster in my life when it isn't about me it's about providing a home for somebody that wouldn't normally be able to live in this neighborhood or subsidizing rents for people I find that that that just makes it all work so much faster when you do for others yes so it's it's what you want and the why you wanted is as important as the what you want and you you do you do practice what you preach because you are what we would call a social capitalist especially when it comes to real estate because you are a generous entrepreneur you love giving back is that one of your why's can you just explain what you do with your real estate because I think that's very important for people to understand yeah absolutely I you know I'm blessed that I think I've been born with a generous heart and my purpose in life is to make things better so as we started investing in real estate and learned the tools of how to do that being able to make communities a better place for people to live and safer is just at the forefront of what we do so we owned properties in diverse communities some very affluent communities and to be able to rent or lease these properties out to families who wouldn't normally be able to live in these communities is big for me to see to move families out of a drug-infested or crime-infested community into a beautiful multi-million dollar neighborhood and once the children thrive just warms my heart and you know my accountant would tell me I'm trappin crazy but I told her that's why I have a master's degree in social change and not accounting because it it we have found some amazing deals in real estate so that we can subsidize these rents and you know you where you make money on one you know you maybe you lose on the other but the impact that you have on families and lives is much more important to me than the amount of money in my bank account and that and that goes back to a very generous why and I'm sure that helps accelerate your success yeah well thank you Thank You Emery it's been wonderful having you on the program and you know my big takeaway is is is really getting crystal clear on what it is you want and also crystal clear on why you want it the real the real deep reason why you want it because once you can tap into that at your core level if why you really want something not just because it's money not just because you're gonna feel good but there's a deeper reason for that then I think that accelerates the entire process absolutely well thank you for your wisdom your knowledge I wish you the very very best with the book success formula and the ann-marie you've been a joy to talk with thank you so much and everybody go out there and get what'd you get what'd you get what'd you order so order up order up big time thank you thank you for the work you do and what you do to change lives I'm a direct result of that so thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you that means a lot to to me and to Robert I'll pass that on Thank You Maurice okay have a great day thank you you too bye bye bye I went again thank our guests Ann Marie Smith she's a contributing author of the book success formula by Jack Canfield and her tie her chapter is titled do you only get what you order so it's all about attitude it's all about getting crystal clear on what you want and my experience is when I get crystal clear on what I want and I can see it and visualize it and and get into the detail of it then you naturally it naturally puts you into action to go get it so for example when I mentioned the Oprah Show Oprah Winfrey Show I had these idea was crystal clear I wanted Robert on the show I wanted it to be about rich dad and I had post-its and I had it visualized and I had a vision board I had all of that but it also naturally led me to action so we had PR it with our PR person was contacting the producers we were trying to find different angles to get into Oprah we didn't know how we were gonna do it but it naturally put us into action so one other story is when Robert and I were doing our real estate investing we basically had bought a bunch of property up in Portland Oregon where we lived at the time and we were moving to Phoenix Arizona because the Portland market had taken off and the Phoenix market had crashed so we thought this is a great opportunity so we sold everything we had up in Portland Oregon and we were going to move it into a property in Phoenix Arizona and we had identified two properties but we could only afford one and as I was going through the numbers I knew exactly what we needed financially and cash flow wise to become financially free and I'm looking at it and looking at it and I'm got this this vision of what it's going to take I know the numbers I kind of have a vision of how many properties it would take and finally as I'm looking through this I'm going one we can only afford one we can only afford one and the question became how could we afford both because if we could afford both then that goal and that vision of being financially free happens so I wanted to be financially free right that was the goal of Robert and I to be financially free we didn't know how we were gonna do it but then we asked the question what if we owned both properties and so we got naturally got put in the action of how could we figure this out how can we make this happen and lo and behold we bought both properties and that was the moment we became financially free so you get really really crystal clear on your on your goal and what it is you want and it will I will guarantee you once you see it and feel it and you can smell it and touch it you will naturally get into action and start figuring out how to make it happen so again thank you Anne Marie Smith and for all of you listening you only get what you order so order big order well and have the life you want thank you very much
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 102,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, motivational speakers for success in life, success formula, ann marie smith, jack canfield, kim kiyosaki, rich dad channel, financial education, kim kiyosaki interview, financial freedom, kim kiyosaki rich woman, robert kiyosaki, rich dad, rich dad radio show, the rich dad channel, financial literacy, how to become a millionaire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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